[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
# clrpick.tcl --
#	Color selection dialog for platforms that do not support a
#	standard color selection dialog.
# Copyright (c) 1996 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# ToDo:
#	(1): Find out how many free colors are left in the colormap and
#	     don't allocate too many colors.
#	(2): Implement HSV color selection. 

# Make sure namespaces exist
namespace eval ::tk {}
namespace eval ::tk::dialog {}
namespace eval ::tk::dialog::color {
    namespace import ::tk::msgcat::*

# ::tk::dialog::color:: --
#	Create a color dialog and let the user choose a color. This function
#	should not be called directly. It is called by the tk_chooseColor
#	function when a native color selector widget does not exist
proc ::tk::dialog::color:: {args} {
    variable ::tk::Priv
    set dataName __tk__color
    upvar ::tk::dialog::color::$dataName data
    set w .$dataName

    # The lines variables track the start and end indices of the line
    # elements in the colorbar canvases.
    set data(lines,red,start)   0
    set data(lines,red,last)   -1
    set data(lines,green,start) 0
    set data(lines,green,last) -1
    set data(lines,blue,start)  0
    set data(lines,blue,last)  -1

    # This is the actual number of lines that are drawn in each color strip.
    # Note that the bars may be of any width.
    # However, NUM_COLORBARS must be a number that evenly divides 256.
    # Such as 256, 128, 64, etc.
    set data(NUM_COLORBARS) 16

    # BARS_WIDTH is the number of pixels wide the color bar portion of the
    # canvas is. This number must be a multiple of NUM_COLORBARS
    set data(BARS_WIDTH) 160

    # PLGN_WIDTH is the number of pixels wide of the triangular selection
    # polygon. This also results in the definition of the padding on the 
    # left and right sides which is half of PLGN_WIDTH. Make this number even.
    set data(PLGN_HEIGHT) 10

    # PLGN_HEIGHT is the height of the selection polygon and the height of the 
    # selection rectangle at the bottom of the color bar. No restrictions.
    set data(PLGN_WIDTH) 10

    Config $dataName $args
    InitValues $dataName

    set sc [winfo screen $data(-parent)]
    set winExists [winfo exists $w]
    if {!$winExists || $sc ne [winfo screen $w]} {
	if {$winExists} {
	    destroy $w
	toplevel $w -class TkColorDialog -screen $sc
	if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "x11"} {wm attributes $w -type dialog}
	BuildDialog $w

    # Dialog boxes should be transient with respect to their parent,
    # so that they will always stay on top of their parent window.  However,
    # some window managers will create the window as withdrawn if the parent
    # window is withdrawn or iconified.  Combined with the grab we put on the
    # window, this can hang the entire application.  Therefore we only make
    # the dialog transient if the parent is viewable.

    if {[winfo viewable [winfo toplevel $data(-parent)]] } {
	wm transient $w $data(-parent)

    # 5. Withdraw the window, then update all the geometry information
    # so we know how big it wants to be, then center the window in the
    # display (Motif style) and de-iconify it.

    ::tk::PlaceWindow $w widget $data(-parent)
    wm title $w $data(-title)

    # 6. Set a grab and claim the focus too.

    ::tk::SetFocusGrab $w $data(okBtn)

    # 7. Wait for the user to respond, then restore the focus and
    # return the index of the selected button.  Restore the focus
    # before deleting the window, since otherwise the window manager
    # may take the focus away so we can't redirect it.  Finally,
    # restore any grab that was in effect.

    vwait ::tk::Priv(selectColor)
    set result $Priv(selectColor)
    ::tk::RestoreFocusGrab $w $data(okBtn)
    unset data

    return $result

# ::tk::dialog::color::InitValues --
#	Get called during initialization or when user resets NUM_COLORBARS
proc ::tk::dialog::color::InitValues {dataName} {
    upvar ::tk::dialog::color::$dataName data

    # IntensityIncr is the difference in color intensity between a colorbar
    # and its neighbors.
    set data(intensityIncr) [expr {256 / $data(NUM_COLORBARS)}]

    # ColorbarWidth is the width of each colorbar
    set data(colorbarWidth) [expr {$data(BARS_WIDTH) / $data(NUM_COLORBARS)}]

    # Indent is the width of the space at the left and right side of the
    # colorbar. It is always half the selector polygon width, because the
    # polygon extends into the space.
    set data(indent) [expr {$data(PLGN_WIDTH) / 2}]

    set data(colorPad) 2
    set data(selPad)   [expr {$data(PLGN_WIDTH) / 2}]

    # minX is the x coordinate of the first colorbar
    set data(minX) $data(indent)

    # maxX is the x coordinate of the last colorbar
    set data(maxX) [expr {$data(BARS_WIDTH) + $data(indent)-1}]

    # canvasWidth is the width of the entire canvas, including the indents
    set data(canvasWidth) [expr {$data(BARS_WIDTH) + $data(PLGN_WIDTH)}]

    # Set the initial color, specified by -initialcolor, or the
    # color chosen by the user the last time.
    set data(selection) $data(-initialcolor)
    set data(finalColor)  $data(-initialcolor)
    set rgb [winfo rgb . $data(selection)]

    set data(red,intensity)   [expr {[lindex $rgb 0]/0x100}]
    set data(green,intensity) [expr {[lindex $rgb 1]/0x100}]
    set data(blue,intensity)  [expr {[lindex $rgb 2]/0x100}]

# ::tk::dialog::color::Config  --
#	Parses the command line arguments to tk_chooseColor
proc ::tk::dialog::color::Config {dataName argList} {
    variable ::tk::Priv
    upvar ::tk::dialog::color::$dataName data

    # 1: the configuration specs
    if {[info exists Priv(selectColor)] && $Priv(selectColor) ne ""} {
	set defaultColor $Priv(selectColor)
    } else {
	set defaultColor [. cget -background]

    set specs [list \
	    [list -initialcolor "" "" $defaultColor] \
	    [list -parent "" "" "."] \
	    [list -title "" "" [mc "Color"]] \

    # 2: parse the arguments
    tclParseConfigSpec ::tk::dialog::color::$dataName $specs "" $argList

    if {$data(-title) eq ""} {
	set data(-title) " "
    if {[catch {winfo rgb . $data(-initialcolor)} err]} {
	error $err

    if {![winfo exists $data(-parent)]} {
	error "bad window path name \"$data(-parent)\""

# ::tk::dialog::color::BuildDialog --
#	Build the dialog.
proc ::tk::dialog::color::BuildDialog {w} {
    upvar ::tk::dialog::color::[winfo name $w] data

    # TopFrame contains the color strips and the color selection
    set topFrame [frame $w.top -relief raised -bd 1]

    # StripsFrame contains the colorstrips and the individual RGB entries
    set stripsFrame [frame $topFrame.colorStrip]

    set maxWidth [::tk::mcmaxamp &Red &Green &Blue]
    set maxWidth [expr {$maxWidth<6 ? 6 : $maxWidth}]
    set colorList {
	red   "&Red"
	green "&Green"
	blue  "&Blue"
    foreach {color l} $colorList {
	# each f frame contains an [R|G|B] entry and the equiv. color strip.
	set f [frame $stripsFrame.$color]

	# The box frame contains the label and entry widget for an [R|G|B]
	set box [frame $f.box]

	::tk::AmpWidget label $box.label -text "[mc $l]:" \
		-width $maxWidth -anchor ne
	bind $box.label <<AltUnderlined>> [list focus $box.entry]

	entry $box.entry -textvariable \
		::tk::dialog::color::[winfo name $w]($color,intensity) \
		-width 4
	pack $box.label -side left -fill y -padx 2 -pady 3
	pack $box.entry -side left -anchor n -pady 0
	pack $box -side left -fill both

	set height [expr {
	    [winfo reqheight $box.entry] -
	    2*([$box.entry cget -highlightthickness] + [$box.entry cget -bd])

	canvas $f.color -height $height \
		-width $data(BARS_WIDTH) -relief sunken -bd 2
	canvas $f.sel -height $data(PLGN_HEIGHT) \
		-width $data(canvasWidth) -highlightthickness 0
	pack $f.color -expand yes -fill both
	pack $f.sel -expand yes -fill both

	pack $f -side top -fill x -padx 0 -pady 2

	set data($color,entry) $box.entry
	set data($color,col) $f.color
	set data($color,sel) $f.sel

	bind $data($color,col) <Configure> \
		[list tk::dialog::color::DrawColorScale $w $color 1]
	bind $data($color,col) <Enter> \
		[list tk::dialog::color::EnterColorBar $w $color]
	bind $data($color,col) <Leave> \
		[list tk::dialog::color::LeaveColorBar $w $color]

	bind $data($color,sel) <Enter> \
		[list tk::dialog::color::EnterColorBar $w $color]
	bind $data($color,sel) <Leave> \
		[list tk::dialog::color::LeaveColorBar $w $color]

	bind $box.entry <Return> [list tk::dialog::color::HandleRGBEntry $w]

    pack $stripsFrame -side left -fill both -padx 4 -pady 10

    # The selFrame contains a frame that demonstrates the currently
    # selected color
    set selFrame [frame $topFrame.sel]
    set lab [::tk::AmpWidget label $selFrame.lab \
	    -text [mc "&Selection:"] -anchor sw]
    set ent [entry $selFrame.ent \
	    -textvariable ::tk::dialog::color::[winfo name $w](selection) \
	    -width 16]
    set f1  [frame $selFrame.f1 -relief sunken -bd 2]
    set data(finalCanvas) [frame $f1.demo -bd 0 -width 100 -height 70]

    pack $lab $ent -side top -fill x -padx 4 -pady 2
    pack $f1 -expand yes -anchor nw -fill both -padx 6 -pady 10
    pack $data(finalCanvas) -expand yes -fill both

    bind $ent <Return> [list tk::dialog::color::HandleSelEntry $w]

    pack $selFrame -side left -fill none -anchor nw
    pack $topFrame -side top -expand yes -fill both -anchor nw

    # the botFrame frame contains the buttons
    set botFrame [frame $w.bot -relief raised -bd 1]

    ::tk::AmpWidget button $botFrame.ok     -text [mc "&OK"]		\
	    -command [list tk::dialog::color::OkCmd $w]
    ::tk::AmpWidget button $botFrame.cancel -text [mc "&Cancel"]	\
	    -command [list tk::dialog::color::CancelCmd $w]

    set data(okBtn)      $botFrame.ok
    set data(cancelBtn)  $botFrame.cancel

    grid x $botFrame.ok x $botFrame.cancel x -sticky ew
    grid configure $botFrame.ok $botFrame.cancel -padx 10 -pady 10
    grid columnconfigure $botFrame {0 4} -weight 1 -uniform space
    grid columnconfigure $botFrame {1 3} -weight 1 -uniform button
    grid columnconfigure $botFrame 2 -weight 2 -uniform space
    pack $botFrame -side bottom -fill x

    # Accelerator bindings
    bind $lab <<AltUnderlined>> [list focus $ent]
    bind $w <KeyPress-Escape> [list tk::ButtonInvoke $data(cancelBtn)]
    bind $w <Alt-Key> [list tk::AltKeyInDialog $w %A]

    wm protocol $w WM_DELETE_WINDOW [list tk::dialog::color::CancelCmd $w]
    bind $lab <Destroy> [list tk::dialog::color::CancelCmd $w]

# ::tk::dialog::color::SetRGBValue --
#	Sets the current selection of the dialog box
proc ::tk::dialog::color::SetRGBValue {w color} {
    upvar ::tk::dialog::color::[winfo name $w] data 

    set data(red,intensity)   [lindex $color 0]
    set data(green,intensity) [lindex $color 1]
    set data(blue,intensity)  [lindex $color 2]

    RedrawColorBars $w all

    # Now compute the new x value of each colorbars pointer polygon
    foreach color {red green blue} {
	set x [RgbToX $w $data($color,intensity)]
	MoveSelector $w $data($color,sel) $color $x 0

# ::tk::dialog::color::XToRgb --
#	Converts a screen coordinate to intensity
proc ::tk::dialog::color::XToRgb {w x} {
    upvar ::tk::dialog::color::[winfo name $w] data

    set x [expr {($x * $data(intensityIncr))/ $data(colorbarWidth)}]
    if {$x > 255} {
	set x 255
    return $x

# ::tk::dialog::color::RgbToX
#	Converts an intensity to screen coordinate.
proc ::tk::dialog::color::RgbToX {w color} {
    upvar ::tk::dialog::color::[winfo name $w] data

    return [expr {($color * $data(colorbarWidth)/ $data(intensityIncr))}]

# ::tk::dialog::color::DrawColorScale --
#	Draw color scale is called whenever the size of one of the color
#	scale canvases is changed.
proc ::tk::dialog::color::DrawColorScale {w c {create 0}} {
    upvar ::tk::dialog::color::[winfo name $w] data

    # col: color bar canvas
    # sel: selector canvas
    set col $data($c,col)
    set sel $data($c,sel)

    # First handle the case that we are creating everything for the first time.
    if {$create} {
	# First remove all the lines that already exist.
	if { $data(lines,$c,last) > $data(lines,$c,start)} {
	    for {set i $data(lines,$c,start)} \
		    {$i <= $data(lines,$c,last)} {incr i} {
		$sel delete $i
	# Delete the selector if it exists
	if {[info exists data($c,index)]} {
	    $sel delete $data($c,index)

	# Draw the selection polygons
	CreateSelector $w $sel $c
	$sel bind $data($c,index) <ButtonPress-1> \
		[list tk::dialog::color::StartMove $w $sel $c %x $data(selPad) 1]
	$sel bind $data($c,index) <B1-Motion> \
		[list tk::dialog::color::MoveSelector $w $sel $c %x $data(selPad)]
	$sel bind $data($c,index) <ButtonRelease-1> \
		[list tk::dialog::color::ReleaseMouse $w $sel $c %x $data(selPad)]

	set height [winfo height $col]
	# Create an invisible region under the colorstrip to catch mouse clicks
	# that aren't on the selector.
	set data($c,clickRegion) [$sel create rectangle 0 0 \
		$data(canvasWidth) $height -fill {} -outline {}]

	bind $col <ButtonPress-1> \
		[list tk::dialog::color::StartMove $w $sel $c %x $data(colorPad)]
	bind $col <B1-Motion> \
		[list tk::dialog::color::MoveSelector $w $sel $c %x $data(colorPad)]
	bind $col <ButtonRelease-1> \
		[list tk::dialog::color::ReleaseMouse $w $sel $c %x $data(colorPad)]

	$sel bind $data($c,clickRegion) <ButtonPress-1> \
		[list tk::dialog::color::StartMove $w $sel $c %x $data(selPad)]
	$sel bind $data($c,clickRegion) <B1-Motion> \
		[list tk::dialog::color::MoveSelector $w $sel $c %x $data(selPad)]
	$sel bind $data($c,clickRegion) <ButtonRelease-1> \
		[list tk::dialog::color::ReleaseMouse $w $sel $c %x $data(selPad)]
    } else {
	# l is the canvas index of the first colorbar.
	set l $data(lines,$c,start)

    # Draw the color bars.
    set highlightW [expr {[$col cget -highlightthickness] + [$col cget -bd]}]
    for {set i 0} { $i < $data(NUM_COLORBARS)} { incr i} {
	set intensity [expr {$i * $data(intensityIncr)}]
	set startx [expr {$i * $data(colorbarWidth) + $highlightW}]
	if {$c eq "red"} {
	    set color [format "#%02x%02x%02x" \
		    $intensity $data(green,intensity) $data(blue,intensity)]
	} elseif {$c eq "green"} {
	    set color [format "#%02x%02x%02x" \
		    $data(red,intensity) $intensity $data(blue,intensity)]
	} else {
	    set color [format "#%02x%02x%02x" \
		    $data(red,intensity) $data(green,intensity) $intensity]

	if {$create} {
	    set index [$col create rect $startx $highlightW \
		    [expr {$startx +$data(colorbarWidth)}] \
		    [expr {[winfo height $col] + $highlightW}] \
		    -fill $color -outline $color]
	} else {
	    $col itemconfigure $l -fill $color -outline $color
	    incr l
    $sel raise $data($c,index)

    if {$create} {
	set data(lines,$c,last) $index
	set data(lines,$c,start) [expr {$index - $data(NUM_COLORBARS) + 1}]

    RedrawFinalColor $w

# ::tk::dialog::color::CreateSelector --
#	Creates and draws the selector polygon at the position
#	$data($c,intensity).
proc ::tk::dialog::color::CreateSelector {w sel c } {
    upvar ::tk::dialog::color::[winfo name $w] data
    set data($c,index) [$sel create polygon \
	    0 $data(PLGN_HEIGHT) \
	    $data(PLGN_WIDTH) $data(PLGN_HEIGHT) \
	    $data(indent) 0]
    set data($c,x) [RgbToX $w $data($c,intensity)]
    $sel move $data($c,index) $data($c,x) 0

# ::tk::dialog::color::RedrawFinalColor
#	Combines the intensities of the three colors into the final color
proc ::tk::dialog::color::RedrawFinalColor {w} {
    upvar ::tk::dialog::color::[winfo name $w] data

    set color [format "#%02x%02x%02x" $data(red,intensity) \
	    $data(green,intensity) $data(blue,intensity)]

    $data(finalCanvas) configure -bg $color
    set data(finalColor) $color
    set data(selection) $color
    set data(finalRGB) [list \
	    $data(red,intensity) \
	    $data(green,intensity) \

# ::tk::dialog::color::RedrawColorBars --
# Only redraws the colors on the color strips that were not manipulated.
# Params: color of colorstrip that changed. If color is not [red|green|blue]
#         Then all colorstrips will be updated
proc ::tk::dialog::color::RedrawColorBars {w colorChanged} {
    upvar ::tk::dialog::color::[winfo name $w] data

    switch $colorChanged {
	red { 
	    DrawColorScale $w green
	    DrawColorScale $w blue
	green {
	    DrawColorScale $w red
	    DrawColorScale $w blue
	blue {
	    DrawColorScale $w red
	    DrawColorScale $w green
	default {
	    DrawColorScale $w red
	    DrawColorScale $w green
	    DrawColorScale $w blue
    RedrawFinalColor $w

#			Event handlers

# ::tk::dialog::color::StartMove --
#	Handles a mousedown button event over the selector polygon.
#	Adds the bindings for moving the mouse while the button is
#	pressed.  Sets the binding for the button-release event.
# Params: sel is the selector canvas window, color is the color of the strip.
proc ::tk::dialog::color::StartMove {w sel color x delta {dontMove 0}} {
    upvar ::tk::dialog::color::[winfo name $w] data

    if {!$dontMove} {
	MoveSelector $w $sel $color $x $delta

# ::tk::dialog::color::MoveSelector --
# Moves the polygon selector so that its middle point has the same
# x value as the specified x. If x is outside the bounds [0,255],
# the selector is set to the closest endpoint.
# Params: sel is the selector canvas, c is [red|green|blue]
#         x is a x-coordinate.
proc ::tk::dialog::color::MoveSelector {w sel color x delta} {
    upvar ::tk::dialog::color::[winfo name $w] data

    incr x -$delta

    if { $x < 0 } {
	set x 0
    } elseif { $x > $data(BARS_WIDTH)} {
	set x $data(BARS_WIDTH)
    set diff [expr {$x - $data($color,x)}]
    $sel move $data($color,index) $diff 0
    set data($color,x) [expr {$data($color,x) + $diff}]

    # Return the x value that it was actually set at
    return $x

# ::tk::dialog::color::ReleaseMouse
# Removes mouse tracking bindings, updates the colorbars.
# Params: sel is the selector canvas, color is the color of the strip,
#         x is the x-coord of the mouse.
proc ::tk::dialog::color::ReleaseMouse {w sel color x delta} {
    upvar ::tk::dialog::color::[winfo name $w] data 

    set x [MoveSelector $w $sel $color $x $delta]

    # Determine exactly what color we are looking at.
    set data($color,intensity) [XToRgb $w $x]

    RedrawColorBars $w $color

# ::tk::dialog::color::ResizeColorbars --
#	Completely redraws the colorbars, including resizing the
#	colorstrips
proc ::tk::dialog::color::ResizeColorBars {w} {
    upvar ::tk::dialog::color::[winfo name $w] data

    if {
	($data(BARS_WIDTH) < $data(NUM_COLORBARS)) || 
	(($data(BARS_WIDTH) % $data(NUM_COLORBARS)) != 0)
    } then {
	set data(BARS_WIDTH) $data(NUM_COLORBARS)
    InitValues [winfo name $w]
    foreach color {red green blue} {
	$data($color,col) configure -width $data(canvasWidth)
	DrawColorScale $w $color 1

# ::tk::dialog::color::HandleSelEntry --
#	Handles the return keypress event in the "Selection:" entry
proc ::tk::dialog::color::HandleSelEntry {w} {
    upvar ::tk::dialog::color::[winfo name $w] data

    set text [string trim $data(selection)]
    # Check to make sure that the color is valid
    if {[catch {set color [winfo rgb . $text]} ]} {
	set data(selection) $data(finalColor)

    set R [expr {[lindex $color 0]/0x100}]
    set G [expr {[lindex $color 1]/0x100}]
    set B [expr {[lindex $color 2]/0x100}]

    SetRGBValue $w "$R $G $B"
    set data(selection) $text

# ::tk::dialog::color::HandleRGBEntry --
#	Handles the return keypress event in the R, G or B entry
proc ::tk::dialog::color::HandleRGBEntry {w} {
    upvar ::tk::dialog::color::[winfo name $w] data

    foreach c {red green blue} {
	if {[catch {
	    set data($c,intensity) [expr {int($data($c,intensity))}]
	}]} {
	    set data($c,intensity) 0

	if {$data($c,intensity) < 0} {
	    set data($c,intensity) 0
	if {$data($c,intensity) > 255} {
	    set data($c,intensity) 255

    SetRGBValue $w "$data(red,intensity) \
	$data(green,intensity) $data(blue,intensity)"

# mouse cursor enters a color bar
proc ::tk::dialog::color::EnterColorBar {w color} {
    upvar ::tk::dialog::color::[winfo name $w] data

    $data($color,sel) itemconfigure $data($color,index) -fill red

# mouse leaves enters a color bar
proc ::tk::dialog::color::LeaveColorBar {w color} {
    upvar ::tk::dialog::color::[winfo name $w] data

    $data($color,sel) itemconfigure $data($color,index) -fill black

# user hits OK button
proc ::tk::dialog::color::OkCmd {w} {
    variable ::tk::Priv
    upvar ::tk::dialog::color::[winfo name $w] data

    set Priv(selectColor) $data(finalColor)

# user hits Cancel button or destroys window
proc ::tk::dialog::color::CancelCmd {w} {
    variable ::tk::Priv
    set Priv(selectColor) ""


Name Type Size Permission Actions
demos Folder 0755
images Folder 0755
msgs Folder 0755
ttk Folder 0755
bgerror.tcl File 7.93 KB 0644
button.tcl File 19.5 KB 0644
choosedir.tcl File 9.42 KB 0644
clrpick.tcl File 20.8 KB 0644
comdlg.tcl File 7.54 KB 0644
console.tcl File 28.94 KB 0644
dialog.tcl File 5.87 KB 0644
entry.tcl File 16.55 KB 0644
focus.tcl File 4.74 KB 0644
listbox.tcl File 13.65 KB 0644
menu.tcl File 36.86 KB 0644
mkpsenc.tcl File 26.56 KB 0644
msgbox.tcl File 16.64 KB 0644
obsolete.tcl File 5.46 KB 0644
optMenu.tcl File 1.55 KB 0644
palette.tcl File 7.68 KB 0644
panedwindow.tcl File 5.05 KB 0644
safetk.tcl File 7.09 KB 0644
scale.tcl File 7.43 KB 0644
scrlbar.tcl File 11.72 KB 0644
spinbox.tcl File 14.73 KB 0644
tclIndex File 21.77 KB 0644
tearoff.tcl File 5.02 KB 0644
text.tcl File 31.72 KB 0644
tk.tcl File 17.66 KB 0644
tkfbox.tcl File 52.78 KB 0644
unsupported.tcl File 11.12 KB 0644
xmfbox.tcl File 25.37 KB 0644