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hmhc3928@ ~ $
" Vim indent file
" Language: Falcon
" Maintainer: Steven Oliver <oliver.steven@gmail.com>
" Website: https://steveno@github.com/steveno/falconpl-vim.git
" Credits: This is, to a great extent, a copy n' paste of ruby.vim.

" 1. Setup {{{1
" ============

" Only load this indent file when no other was loaded.
if exists("b:did_indent")
let b:did_indent = 1

setlocal nosmartindent

" Setup indent function and when to use it
setlocal indentexpr=FalconGetIndent(v:lnum)
setlocal indentkeys=0{,0},0),0],!^F,o,O,e
setlocal indentkeys+==~case,=~catch,=~default,=~elif,=~else,=~end,=~\"

" Define the appropriate indent function but only once
if exists("*FalconGetIndent")

let s:cpo_save = &cpo
set cpo&vim

" 2. Variables {{{1
" ============

" Regex of syntax group names that are strings AND comments
let s:syng_strcom = '\<falcon\%(String\|StringEscape\|Comment\)\>'

" Regex of syntax group names that are strings
let s:syng_string = '\<falcon\%(String\|StringEscape\)\>'

" Regex that defines blocks.
" Note that there's a slight problem with this regex and s:continuation_regex.
" Code like this will be matched by both:
"   method_call do |(a, b)|
" The reason is that the pipe matches a hanging "|" operator.
let s:block_regex =
      \ '\%(\<do:\@!\>\|%\@<!{\)\s*\%(|\s*(*\s*\%([*@&]\=\h\w*,\=\s*\)\%(,\s*(*\s*[*@&]\=\h\w*\s*)*\s*\)*|\)\=\s*\%(#.*\)\=$'

let s:block_continuation_regex = '^\s*[^])}\t ].*'.s:block_regex

" Regex that defines continuation lines.
" TODO: this needs to deal with if ...: and so on
let s:continuation_regex =
      \ '\%(%\@<![({[\\.,:*/%+]\|\<and\|\<or\|\%(<%\)\@<![=-]\|\W[|&?]\|||\|&&\)\s*\%(#.*\)\=$'

" Regex that defines bracket continuations
let s:bracket_continuation_regex = '%\@<!\%([({[]\)\s*\%(#.*\)\=$'

" Regex that defines continuation lines, not including (, {, or [.
let s:non_bracket_continuation_regex = '\%([\\.,:*/%+]\|\<and\|\<or\|\%(<%\)\@<![=-]\|\W[|&?]\|||\|&&\)\s*\%(#.*\)\=$'

" Keywords to indent on
let s:falcon_indent_keywords = '^\s*\(case\|catch\|class\|enum\|default\|elif\|else' .
    \ '\|for\|function\|if.*"[^"]*:.*"\|if \(\(:\)\@!.\)*$\|loop\|object\|select' .
    \ '\|switch\|try\|while\|\w*\s*=\s*\w*([$\)'

" Keywords to deindent on
let s:falcon_deindent_keywords = '^\s*\(case\|catch\|default\|elif\|else\|end\)'

" 3. Functions {{{1
" ============

" Check if the character at lnum:col is inside a string, comment, or is ascii.
function s:IsInStringOrComment(lnum, col)
    return synIDattr(synID(a:lnum, a:col, 1), 'name') =~ s:syng_strcom

" Check if the character at lnum:col is inside a string.
function s:IsInString(lnum, col)
    return synIDattr(synID(a:lnum, a:col, 1), 'name') =~ s:syng_string

" Check if the character at lnum:col is inside a string delimiter
function s:IsInStringDelimiter(lnum, col)
    return synIDattr(synID(a:lnum, a:col, 1), 'name') == 'falconStringDelimiter'

" Find line above 'lnum' that isn't empty, in a comment, or in a string.
function s:PrevNonBlankNonString(lnum)
    let in_block = 0
    let lnum = prevnonblank(a:lnum)
    while lnum > 0
	" Go in and out of blocks comments as necessary.
	" If the line isn't empty (with opt. comment) or in a string, end search.
	let line = getline(lnum)
	if line =~ '^=begin'
	    if in_block
		let in_block = 0
	elseif !in_block && line =~ '^=end'
	    let in_block = 1
	elseif !in_block && line !~ '^\s*#.*$' && !(s:IsInStringOrComment(lnum, 1)
		    \ && s:IsInStringOrComment(lnum, strlen(line)))
	let lnum = prevnonblank(lnum - 1)
    return lnum

" Find line above 'lnum' that started the continuation 'lnum' may be part of.
function s:GetMSL(lnum)
    " Start on the line we're at and use its indent.
    let msl = a:lnum
    let msl_body = getline(msl)
    let lnum = s:PrevNonBlankNonString(a:lnum - 1)
    while lnum > 0
	" If we have a continuation line, or we're in a string, use line as MSL.
	" Otherwise, terminate search as we have found our MSL already.
	let line = getline(lnum)
	if s:Match(line, s:non_bracket_continuation_regex) &&
          	\ s:Match(msl, s:non_bracket_continuation_regex)
	    " If the current line is a non-bracket continuation and so is the
	    " previous one, keep its indent and continue looking for an MSL.
	    " Example:
	    "   method_call one,
	    "       two,
	    "           three
	    let msl = lnum
	elseif s:Match(lnum, s:non_bracket_continuation_regex) &&
		    \ (s:Match(msl, s:bracket_continuation_regex) || s:Match(msl, s:block_continuation_regex))
	    " If the current line is a bracket continuation or a block-starter, but
	    " the previous is a non-bracket one, respect the previous' indentation,
	    " and stop here.
	    " Example:
	    "   method_call one,
	    "       two {
	    "           three
	    return lnum
	elseif s:Match(lnum, s:bracket_continuation_regex) &&
		    \ (s:Match(msl, s:bracket_continuation_regex) || s:Match(msl, s:block_continuation_regex))
	    " If both lines are bracket continuations (the current may also be a
	    " block-starter), use the current one's and stop here
	    " Example:
	    "   method_call(
	    "       other_method_call(
	    "             foo
	    return msl
	elseif s:Match(lnum, s:block_regex) &&
		    \ !s:Match(msl, s:continuation_regex) &&
		    \ !s:Match(msl, s:block_continuation_regex)
	    " If the previous line is a block-starter and the current one is
	    " mostly ordinary, use the current one as the MSL.
	    " Example:
	    "   method_call do
	    "       something
	    "           something_else
	    return msl
	    let col = match(line, s:continuation_regex) + 1
	    if (col > 0 && !s:IsInStringOrComment(lnum, col))
			\ || s:IsInString(lnum, strlen(line))
		let msl = lnum
	let msl_body = getline(msl)
	let lnum = s:PrevNonBlankNonString(lnum - 1)
    return msl

" Check if line 'lnum' has more opening brackets than closing ones.
function s:ExtraBrackets(lnum)
    let opening = {'parentheses': [], 'braces': [], 'brackets': []}
    let closing = {'parentheses': [], 'braces': [], 'brackets': []}

    let line = getline(a:lnum)
    let pos  = match(line, '[][(){}]', 0)

    " Save any encountered opening brackets, and remove them once a matching
    " closing one has been found. If a closing bracket shows up that doesn't
    " close anything, save it for later.
    while pos != -1
	if !s:IsInStringOrComment(a:lnum, pos + 1)
	    if line[pos] == '('
		call add(opening.parentheses, {'type': '(', 'pos': pos})
	    elseif line[pos] == ')'
		if empty(opening.parentheses)
		    call add(closing.parentheses, {'type': ')', 'pos': pos})
		    let opening.parentheses = opening.parentheses[0:-2]
	    elseif line[pos] == '{'
		call add(opening.braces, {'type': '{', 'pos': pos})
	    elseif line[pos] == '}'
		if empty(opening.braces)
		    call add(closing.braces, {'type': '}', 'pos': pos})
		    let opening.braces = opening.braces[0:-2]
	    elseif line[pos] == '['
		call add(opening.brackets, {'type': '[', 'pos': pos})
	    elseif line[pos] == ']'
		if empty(opening.brackets)
		    call add(closing.brackets, {'type': ']', 'pos': pos})
		    let opening.brackets = opening.brackets[0:-2]
	let pos = match(line, '[][(){}]', pos + 1)

    " Find the rightmost brackets, since they're the ones that are important in
    " both opening and closing cases
    let rightmost_opening = {'type': '(', 'pos': -1}
    let rightmost_closing = {'type': ')', 'pos': -1}

    for opening in opening.parentheses + opening.braces + opening.brackets
	if opening.pos > rightmost_opening.pos
	    let rightmost_opening = opening

    for closing in closing.parentheses + closing.braces + closing.brackets
	if closing.pos > rightmost_closing.pos
	    let rightmost_closing = closing

    return [rightmost_opening, rightmost_closing]

function s:Match(lnum, regex)
    let col = match(getline(a:lnum), '\C'.a:regex) + 1
    return col > 0 && !s:IsInStringOrComment(a:lnum, col) ? col : 0

function s:MatchLast(lnum, regex)
    let line = getline(a:lnum)
    let col = match(line, '.*\zs' . a:regex)
    while col != -1 && s:IsInStringOrComment(a:lnum, col)
	let line = strpart(line, 0, col)
	let col = match(line, '.*' . a:regex)
    return col + 1

" 4. FalconGetIndent Routine {{{1
" ============

function FalconGetIndent(...)
    " For the current line, use the first argument if given, else v:lnum
    let clnum = a:0 ? a:1 : v:lnum

    " Use zero indent at the top of the file
    if clnum == 0
        return 0

    let line = getline(clnum)
    let ind = -1

    " If we got a closing bracket on an empty line, find its match and indent
    " according to it.  For parentheses we indent to its column - 1, for the
    " others we indent to the containing line's MSL's level.  Return -1 if fail.
    let col = matchend(line, '^\s*[]})]')
    if col > 0 && !s:IsInStringOrComment(clnum, col)
	call cursor(clnum, col)
	let bs = strpart('(){}[]', stridx(')}]', line[col - 1]) * 2, 2)
	if searchpair(escape(bs[0], '\['), '', bs[1], 'bW', s:skip_expr) > 0
	    if line[col-1]==')' && col('.') != col('$') - 1
		let ind = virtcol('.') - 1
		let ind = indent(s:GetMSL(line('.')))
	return ind

    " If we have a deindenting keyword, find its match and indent to its level.
    " TODO: this is messy
    if s:Match(clnum, s:falcon_deindent_keywords)
	call cursor(clnum, 1)
	if searchpair(s:end_start_regex, s:end_middle_regex, s:end_end_regex, 'bW',
		    \ s:end_skip_expr) > 0
	    let msl  = s:GetMSL(line('.'))
	    let line = getline(line('.'))

	    if strpart(line, 0, col('.') - 1) =~ '=\s*$' &&
			\ strpart(line, col('.') - 1, 2) !~ 'do'
		let ind = virtcol('.') - 1
	    elseif getline(msl) =~ '=\s*\(#.*\)\=$'
		let ind = indent(line('.'))
		let ind = indent(msl)
	return ind

    " If we are in a multi-line string or line-comment, don't do anything to it.
    if s:IsInString(clnum, matchend(line, '^\s*') + 1)
	return indent('.')

    " Find a non-blank, non-multi-line string line above the current line.
    let lnum = s:PrevNonBlankNonString(clnum - 1)

    " If the line is empty and inside a string, use the previous line.
    if line =~ '^\s*$' && lnum != prevnonblank(clnum - 1)
	return indent(prevnonblank(clnum))

    " At the start of the file use zero indent.
    if lnum == 0
	return 0

    " Set up variables for the previous line.
    let line = getline(lnum)
    let ind = indent(lnum)

    " If the previous line ended with a block opening, add a level of indent.
    if s:Match(lnum, s:block_regex)
	return indent(s:GetMSL(lnum)) + &sw

    " If it contained hanging closing brackets, find the rightmost one, find its
    " match and indent according to that.
    if line =~ '[[({]' || line =~ '[])}]\s*\%(#.*\)\=$'
	let [opening, closing] = s:ExtraBrackets(lnum)

	if opening.pos != -1
	    if opening.type == '(' && searchpair('(', '', ')', 'bW', s:skip_expr) > 0
		if col('.') + 1 == col('$')
		    return ind + &sw
		    return virtcol('.')
		let nonspace = matchend(line, '\S', opening.pos + 1) - 1
		return nonspace > 0 ? nonspace : ind + &sw
	elseif closing.pos != -1
	    call cursor(lnum, closing.pos + 1)
	    normal! %

	    if s:Match(line('.'), s:falcon_indent_keywords)
		return indent('.') + &sw
		return indent('.')
	    call cursor(clnum, vcol)

    " If the previous line ended with an "end", match that "end"s beginning's
    " indent.
    let col = s:Match(lnum, '\%(^\|[^.:@$]\)\<end\>\s*\%(#.*\)\=$')
    if col > 0
	call cursor(lnum, col)
	if searchpair(s:end_start_regex, '', s:end_end_regex, 'bW',
		    \ s:end_skip_expr) > 0
	    let n = line('.')
	    let ind = indent('.')
	    let msl = s:GetMSL(n)
	    if msl != n
		let ind = indent(msl)
	    return ind

    let col = s:Match(lnum, s:falcon_indent_keywords)
    if col > 0
	call cursor(lnum, col)
	let ind = virtcol('.') - 1 + &sw
	" TODO: make this better (we need to count them) (or, if a searchpair
	" fails, we know that something is lacking an end and thus we indent a
	" level
	if s:Match(lnum, s:end_end_regex)
	    let ind = indent('.')
	return ind

    " Set up variables to use and search for MSL to the previous line.
    let p_lnum = lnum
    let lnum = s:GetMSL(lnum)

    " If the previous line wasn't a MSL and is continuation return its indent.
    " TODO: the || s:IsInString() thing worries me a bit.
    if p_lnum != lnum
	if s:Match(p_lnum, s:non_bracket_continuation_regex) || s:IsInString(p_lnum,strlen(line))
	    return ind

    " Set up more variables, now that we know we wasn't continuation bound.
    let line = getline(lnum)
    let msl_ind = indent(lnum)

    " If the MSL line had an indenting keyword in it, add a level of indent.
    " TODO: this does not take into account contrived things such as
    " module Foo; class Bar; end
    if s:Match(lnum, s:falcon_indent_keywords)
	let ind = msl_ind + &sw
	if s:Match(lnum, s:end_end_regex)
	    let ind = ind - &sw
	return ind

    " If the previous line ended with [*+/.,-=], but wasn't a block ending or a
    " closing bracket, indent one extra level.
    if s:Match(lnum, s:non_bracket_continuation_regex) && !s:Match(lnum, '^\s*\([\])}]\|end\)')
	if lnum == p_lnum
	    let ind = msl_ind + &sw
	    let ind = msl_ind
	return ind

  return ind

" }}}1

let &cpo = s:cpo_save
unlet s:cpo_save

" vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et tw=80 :


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