" Vim syntax file " Language: Informix 4GL " Maintainer: Rafal M. Sulejman <rms@poczta.onet.pl> " Update: 26 Sep 2002 " Changes: " - Dynamic 4GL/FourJs/4GL 7.30 pseudo comment directives (Julian Bridle) " - Conditionally allow case insensitive keywords (Julian Bridle) " " For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items " For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded if version < 600 syntax clear elseif exists("b:current_syntax") finish endif if exists("fgl_ignore_case") syntax case ignore else syntax case match endif syn keyword fglKeyword ABORT ABS ABSOLUTE ACCEPT ACCESS ACOS ADD AFTER ALL syn keyword fglKeyword ALLOCATE ALTER AND ANSI ANY APPEND ARG_VAL ARRAY ARR_COUNT syn keyword fglKeyword ARR_CURR AS ASC ASCENDING ASCII ASIN AT ATAN ATAN2 ATTACH syn keyword fglKeyword ATTRIBUTE ATTRIBUTES AUDIT AUTHORIZATION AUTO AUTONEXT AVERAGE AVG syn keyword fglKeyword BEFORE BEGIN BETWEEN BLACK BLINK BLUE BOLD BORDER BOTH BOTTOM syn keyword fglKeyword BREAK BUFFERED BY BYTE syn keyword fglKeyword CALL CASCADE CASE CHAR CHARACTER CHARACTER_LENGTH CHAR_LENGTH syn keyword fglKeyword CHECK CLASS_ORIGIN CLEAR CLIPPED CLOSE CLUSTER COLOR syn keyword fglKeyword COLUMN COLUMNS COMMAND COMMENT COMMENTS COMMIT COMMITTED syn keyword fglKeyword COMPOSITES COMPRESS CONCURRENT CONNECT CONNECTION syn keyword fglKeyword CONNECTION_ALIAS CONSTRAINED CONSTRAINT CONSTRAINTS CONSTRUCT syn keyword fglKeyword CONTINUE CONTROL COS COUNT CREATE CURRENT CURSOR CYAN syn keyword fglKeyword DATA DATABASE DATASKIP DATE DATETIME DAY DBA DBINFO DBSERVERNAME syn keyword fglKeyword DEALLOCATE DEBUG DEC DECIMAL DECLARE DEFAULT DEFAULTS DEFER syn keyword fglKeyword DEFERRED DEFINE DELETE DELIMITER DELIMITERS DESC DESCENDING syn keyword fglKeyword DESCRIBE DESCRIPTOR DETACH DIAGNOSTICS DIM DIRTY DISABLED syn keyword fglKeyword DISCONNECT DISPLAY DISTINCT DISTRIBUTIONS DO DORMANT DOUBLE syn keyword fglKeyword DOWN DOWNSHIFT DROP syn keyword fglKeyword EACH ELIF ELSE ENABLED END ENTRY ERROR ERRORLOG ERR_GET syn keyword fglKeyword ERR_PRINT ERR_QUIT ESC ESCAPE EVERY EXCEPTION EXCLUSIVE syn keyword fglKeyword EXEC EXECUTE EXISTS EXIT EXP EXPLAIN EXPRESSION EXTEND EXTENT syn keyword fglKeyword EXTERN EXTERNAL syn keyword fglKeyword F1 F10 F11 F12 F13 F14 F15 F16 F17 F18 F19 F2 F20 F21 F22 F23 syn keyword fglKeyword F24 F25 F26 F27 F28 F29 F3 F30 F31 F32 F33 F34 F35 F36 F37 F38 syn keyword fglKeyword F39 F4 F40 F41 F42 F43 F44 F45 F46 F47 F48 F49 F5 F50 F51 F52 syn keyword fglKeyword F53 F54 F55 F56 F57 F58 F59 F6 F60 F61 F62 F63 F64 F7 F8 F9 syn keyword fglKeyword FALSE FETCH FGL_GETENV FGL_KEYVAL FGL_LASTKEY FIELD FIELD_TOUCHED syn keyword fglKeyword FILE FILLFACTOR FILTERING FINISH FIRST FLOAT FLUSH FOR syn keyword fglKeyword FOREACH FOREIGN FORM FORMAT FORMONLY FORTRAN FOUND FRACTION syn keyword fglKeyword FRAGMENT FREE FROM FUNCTION GET_FLDBUF GLOBAL GLOBALS GO GOTO syn keyword fglKeyword GRANT GREEN GROUP HAVING HEADER HELP HEX HIDE HIGH HOLD HOUR syn keyword fglKeyword IDATA IF ILENGTH IMMEDIATE IN INCLUDE INDEX INDEXES INDICATOR syn keyword fglKeyword INFIELD INIT INITIALIZE INPUT INSERT INSTRUCTIONS INT INTEGER syn keyword fglKeyword INTERRUPT INTERVAL INTO INT_FLAG INVISIBLE IS ISAM ISOLATION syn keyword fglKeyword ITYPE syn keyword fglKeyword KEY LABEL syn keyword fglKeyword LANGUAGE LAST LEADING LEFT LENGTH LET LIKE LINE syn keyword fglKeyword LINENO LINES LOAD LOCATE LOCK LOG LOG10 LOGN LONG LOW syn keyword fglKeyword MAGENTA MAIN MARGIN MATCHES MAX MDY MEDIUM MEMORY MENU MESSAGE syn keyword fglKeyword MESSAGE_LENGTH MESSAGE_TEXT MIN MINUTE MOD MODE MODIFY MODULE syn keyword fglKeyword MONEY MONTH MORE syn keyword fglKeyword NAME NCHAR NEED NEW NEXT NEXTPAGE NO NOCR NOENTRY NONE NORMAL syn keyword fglKeyword NOT NOTFOUND NULL NULLABLE NUMBER NUMERIC NUM_ARGS NVARCHAR syn keyword fglKeyword OCTET_LENGTH OF OFF OLD ON ONLY OPEN OPTIMIZATION OPTION OPTIONS syn keyword fglKeyword OR ORDER OTHERWISE OUTER OUTPUT syn keyword fglKeyword PAGE PAGENO PAUSE PDQPRIORITY PERCENT PICTURE PIPE POW PRECISION syn keyword fglKeyword PREPARE PREVIOUS PREVPAGE PRIMARY PRINT PRINTER PRIOR PRIVATE syn keyword fglKeyword PRIVILEGES PROCEDURE PROGRAM PROMPT PUBLIC PUT syn keyword fglKeyword QUIT QUIT_FLAG syn keyword fglKeyword RAISE RANGE READ READONLY REAL RECORD RECOVER RED REFERENCES syn keyword fglKeyword REFERENCING REGISTER RELATIVE REMAINDER REMOVE RENAME REOPTIMIZATION syn keyword fglKeyword REPEATABLE REPORT REQUIRED RESOLUTION RESOURCE RESTRICT syn keyword fglKeyword RESUME RETURN RETURNED_SQLSTATE RETURNING REVERSE REVOKE RIGHT syn keyword fglKeyword ROBIN ROLE ROLLBACK ROLLFORWARD ROOT ROUND ROW ROWID ROWIDS syn keyword fglKeyword ROWS ROW_COUNT RUN syn keyword fglKeyword SCALE SCHEMA SCREEN SCROLL SCR_LINE SECOND SECTION SELECT syn keyword fglKeyword SERIAL SERIALIZABLE SERVER_NAME SESSION SET SET_COUNT SHARE syn keyword fglKeyword SHORT SHOW SITENAME SIZE SIZEOF SKIP SLEEP SMALLFLOAT SMALLINT syn keyword fglKeyword SOME SPACE SPACES SQL SQLAWARN SQLCA SQLCODE SQLERRD SQLERRM syn keyword fglKeyword SQLERROR SQLERRP SQLSTATE SQLWARNING SQRT STABILITY START syn keyword fglKeyword STARTLOG STATIC STATISTICS STATUS STDEV STEP STOP STRING STRUCT syn keyword fglKeyword SUBCLASS_ORIGIN SUM SWITCH SYNONYM SYSTEM syn keyword fglKeyword SysBlobs SysChecks SysColAuth SysColDepend SysColumns syn keyword fglKeyword SysConstraints SysDefaults SysDepend SysDistrib SysFragAuth syn keyword fglKeyword SysFragments SysIndexes SysObjState SysOpClstr SysProcAuth syn keyword fglKeyword SysProcBody SysProcPlan SysProcedures SysReferences SysRoleAuth syn keyword fglKeyword SysSynTable SysSynonyms SysTabAuth SysTables SysTrigBody syn keyword fglKeyword SysTriggers SysUsers SysViews SysViolations syn keyword fglKeyword TAB TABLE TABLES TAN TEMP TEXT THEN THROUGH THRU TIME TO syn keyword fglKeyword TODAY TOP TOTAL TRACE TRAILER TRAILING TRANSACTION TRIGGER syn keyword fglKeyword TRIGGERS TRIM TRUE TRUNC TYPE TYPEDEF syn keyword fglKeyword UNCOMMITTED UNCONSTRAINED UNDERLINE UNION UNIQUE UNITS UNLOAD syn keyword fglKeyword UNLOCK UNSIGNED UP UPDATE UPSHIFT USER USING syn keyword fglKeyword VALIDATE VALUE VALUES VARCHAR VARIABLES VARIANCE VARYING syn keyword fglKeyword VERIFY VIEW VIOLATIONS syn keyword fglKeyword WAIT WAITING WARNING WEEKDAY WHEN WHENEVER WHERE WHILE WHITE syn keyword fglKeyword WINDOW WITH WITHOUT WORDWRAP WORK WRAP WRITE syn keyword fglKeyword YEAR YELLOW syn keyword fglKeyword ZEROFILL " Strings and characters: syn region fglString start=+"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+ syn region fglString start=+'+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+'+ " Numbers: syn match fglNumber "-\=\<[0-9]*\.\=[0-9_]\>" " Comments: syn region fglComment start="{" end="}" syn match fglComment "--.*" syn match fglComment "#.*" " Not a comment even though it looks like one (Dynamic 4GL/FourJs directive) syn match fglSpecial "--#" syn match fglSpecial "--@" syn sync ccomment fglComment " Define the default highlighting. " For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already " For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet if version >= 508 || !exists("did_fgl_syntax_inits") if version < 508 let did_fgl_syntax_inits = 1 command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args> else command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args> endif HiLink fglComment Comment "HiLink fglKeyword fglSpecial HiLink fglKeyword fglStatement HiLink fglNumber Number HiLink fglOperator fglStatement HiLink fglSpecial Special HiLink fglStatement Statement HiLink fglString String HiLink fglType Type delcommand HiLink endif let b:current_syntax = "fgl" " vim: ts=8
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