" Vim syntax file " Language: InstallShield Script " Maintainer: Robert M. Cortopassi <cortopar@mindspring.com> " Last Change: 2001 May 09 " For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items " For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded if version < 600 syntax clear elseif exists("b:current_syntax") finish endif syn keyword ishdStatement abort begin case default downto else end syn keyword ishdStatement endif endfor endwhile endswitch endprogram exit elseif syn keyword ishdStatement error for function goto if syn keyword ishdStatement program prototype return repeat string step switch syn keyword ishdStatement struct then to typedef until while syn keyword ishdType BOOL BYREF CHAR GDI HWND INT KERNEL LIST LONG syn keyword ishdType NUMBER POINTER SHORT STRING USER syn keyword ishdConstant _MAX_LENGTH _MAX_STRING syn keyword ishdConstant AFTER ALLCONTENTS ALLCONTROLS APPEND ASKDESTPATH syn keyword ishdConstant ASKOPTIONS ASKPATH ASKTEXT BATCH_INSTALL BACK syn keyword ishdConstant BACKBUTTON BACKGROUND BACKGROUNDCAPTION BADPATH syn keyword ishdConstant BADTAGFILE BASEMEMORY BEFORE BILLBOARD BINARY syn keyword ishdConstant BITMAP256COLORS BITMAPFADE BITMAPICON BK_BLUE BK_GREEN syn keyword ishdConstant BK_MAGENTA BK_MAGENTA1 BK_ORANGE BK_PINK BK_RED syn keyword ishdConstant BK_SMOOTH BK_SOLIDBLACK BK_SOLIDBLUE BK_SOLIDGREEN syn keyword ishdConstant BK_SOLIDMAGENTA BK_SOLIDORANGE BK_SOLIDPINK BK_SOLIDRED syn keyword ishdConstant BK_SOLIDWHITE BK_SOLIDYELLOW BK_YELLOW BLACK BLUE syn keyword ishdConstant BOOTUPDRIVE BUTTON_CHECKED BUTTON_ENTER BUTTON_UNCHECKED syn keyword ishdConstant BUTTON_UNKNOWN CMDLINE COMMONFILES CANCEL CANCELBUTTON syn keyword ishdConstant CC_ERR_FILEFORMATERROR CC_ERR_FILEREADERROR syn keyword ishdConstant CC_ERR_NOCOMPONENTLIST CC_ERR_OUTOFMEMORY CDROM syn keyword ishdConstant CDROM_DRIVE CENTERED CHANGEDIR CHECKBOX CHECKBOX95 syn keyword ishdConstant CHECKLINE CHECKMARK CMD_CLOSE CMD_MAXIMIZE CMD_MINIMIZE syn keyword ishdConstant CMD_PUSHDOWN CMD_RESTORE COLORMODE256 COLORS syn keyword ishdConstant COMBOBOX_ENTER COMBOBOX_SELECT COMMAND COMMANDEX syn keyword ishdConstant COMMON COMP_DONE COMP_ERR_CREATEDIR syn keyword ishdConstant COMP_ERR_DESTCONFLICT COMP_ERR_FILENOTINLIB syn keyword ishdConstant COMP_ERR_FILESIZE COMP_ERR_FILETOOLARGE syn keyword ishdConstant COMP_ERR_HEADER COMP_ERR_INCOMPATIBLE syn keyword ishdConstant COMP_ERR_INTPUTNOTCOMPRESSED COMP_ERR_INVALIDLIST syn keyword ishdConstant COMP_ERR_LAUNCHSERVER COMP_ERR_MEMORY syn keyword ishdConstant COMP_ERR_NODISKSPACE COMP_ERR_OPENINPUT syn keyword ishdConstant COMP_ERR_OPENOUTPUT COMP_ERR_OPTIONS syn keyword ishdConstant COMP_ERR_OUTPUTNOTCOMPRESSED COMP_ERR_SPLIT syn keyword ishdConstant COMP_ERR_TARGET COMP_ERR_TARGETREADONLY COMP_ERR_WRITE syn keyword ishdConstant COMP_INFO_ATTRIBUTE COMP_INFO_COMPSIZE COMP_INFO_DATE syn keyword ishdConstant COMP_INFO_INVALIDATEPASSWORD COMP_INFO_ORIGSIZE syn keyword ishdConstant COMP_INFO_SETPASSWORD COMP_INFO_TIME syn keyword ishdConstant COMP_INFO_VERSIONLS COMP_INFO_VERSIONMS COMP_NORMAL syn keyword ishdConstant COMP_UPDATE_DATE COMP_UPDATE_DATE_NEWER syn keyword ishdConstant COMP_UPDATE_SAME COMP_UPDATE_VERSION COMPACT syn keyword ishdConstant COMPARE_DATE COMPARE_SIZE COMPARE_VERSION syn keyword ishdConstant COMPONENT_FIELD_CDROM_FOLDER syn keyword ishdConstant COMPONENT_FIELD_DESCRIPTION COMPONENT_FIELD_DESTINATION syn keyword ishdConstant COMPONENT_FIELD_DISPLAYNAME COMPONENT_FIELD_FILENEED syn keyword ishdConstant COMPONENT_FIELD_FTPLOCATION syn keyword ishdConstant COMPONENT_FIELD_HTTPLOCATION COMPONENT_FIELD_MISC syn keyword ishdConstant COMPONENT_FIELD_OVERWRITE COMPONENT_FIELD_PASSWORD syn keyword ishdConstant COMPONENT_FIELD_SELECTED COMPONENT_FIELD_SIZE syn keyword ishdConstant COMPONENT_FIELD_STATUS COMPONENT_FIELD_VISIBLE syn keyword ishdConstant COMPONENT_FILEINFO_COMPRESSED syn keyword ishdConstant COMPONENT_FILEINFO_COMPRESSENGINE syn keyword ishdConstant COMPONENT_FILEINFO_LANGUAGECOMPONENT_FILEINFO_OS syn keyword ishdConstant COMPONENT_FILEINFO_POTENTIALLYLOCKED syn keyword ishdConstant COMPONENT_FILEINFO_SELFREGISTERING syn keyword ishdConstant COMPONENT_FILEINFO_SHARED COMPONENT_INFO_ATTRIBUTE syn keyword ishdConstant COMPONENT_INFO_COMPSIZE COMPONENT_INFO_DATE syn keyword ishdConstant COMPONENT_INFO_DATE_EX_EX COMPONENT_INFO_LANGUAGE syn keyword ishdConstant COMPONENT_INFO_ORIGSIZE COMPONENT_INFO_OS syn keyword ishdConstant COMPONENT_INFO_TIME COMPONENT_INFO_VERSIONLS syn keyword ishdConstant COMPONENT_INFO_VERSIONMS COMPONENT_INFO_VERSIONSTR syn keyword ishdConstant COMPONENT_VALUE_ALWAYSOVERWRITE syn keyword ishdConstant COMPONENT_VALUE_CRITICAL syn keyword ishdConstant COMPONENT_VALUE_HIGHLYRECOMMENDED syn keyword ishdConstant COMPONENT_FILEINFO_LANGUAGE COMPONENT_FILEINFO_OS syn keyword ishdConstant COMPONENT_VALUE_NEVEROVERWRITE syn keyword ishdConstant COMPONENT_VALUE_NEWERDATE COMPONENT_VALUE_NEWERVERSION syn keyword ishdConstant COMPONENT_VALUE_OLDERDATE COMPONENT_VALUE_OLDERVERSION syn keyword ishdConstant COMPONENT_VALUE_SAMEORNEWDATE syn keyword ishdConstant COMPONENT_VALUE_SAMEORNEWERVERSION syn keyword ishdConstant COMPONENT_VALUE_STANDARD COMPONENT_VIEW_CHANGE syn keyword ishdConstant COMPONENT_INFO_DATE_EX COMPONENT_VIEW_CHILDVIEW syn keyword ishdConstant COMPONENT_VIEW_COMPONENT COMPONENT_VIEW_DESCRIPTION syn keyword ishdConstant COMPONENT_VIEW_MEDIA COMPONENT_VIEW_PARENTVIEW syn keyword ishdConstant COMPONENT_VIEW_SIZEAVAIL COMPONENT_VIEW_SIZETOTAL syn keyword ishdConstant COMPONENT_VIEW_TARGETLOCATION COMPRESSHIGH COMPRESSLOW syn keyword ishdConstant COMPRESSMED COMPRESSNONE CONTIGUOUS CONTINUE syn keyword ishdConstant COPY_ERR_CREATEDIR COPY_ERR_NODISKSPACE syn keyword ishdConstant COPY_ERR_OPENINPUT COPY_ERR_OPENOUTPUT syn keyword ishdConstant COPY_ERR_TARGETREADONLY COPY_ERR_MEMORY syn keyword ishdConstant CORECOMPONENTHANDLING CPU CUSTOM DATA_COMPONENT syn keyword ishdConstant DATA_LIST DATA_NUMBER DATA_STRING DATE DEFAULT syn keyword ishdConstant DEFWINDOWMODE DELETE_EOF DIALOG DIALOGCACHE syn keyword ishdConstant DIALOGTHINFONT DIR_WRITEABLE DIRECTORY DISABLE DISK syn keyword ishdConstant DISK_FREESPACE DISK_TOTALSPACE DISKID DLG_ASK_OPTIONS syn keyword ishdConstant DLG_ASK_PATH DLG_ASK_TEXT DLG_ASK_YESNO DLG_CANCEL syn keyword ishdConstant DLG_CDIR DLG_CDIR_MSG DLG_CENTERED DLG_CLOSE syn keyword ishdConstant DLG_DIR_DIRECTORY DLG_DIR_FILE DLG_ENTER_DISK DLG_ERR syn keyword ishdConstant DLG_ERR_ALREADY_EXISTS DLG_ERR_ENDDLG DLG_INFO_ALTIMAGE syn keyword ishdConstant DLG_INFO_CHECKMETHOD DLG_INFO_CHECKSELECTION syn keyword ishdConstant DLG_INFO_ENABLEIMAGE DLG_INFO_KUNITS syn keyword ishdConstant DLG_INFO_USEDECIMAL DLG_INIT DLG_MSG_ALL syn keyword ishdConstant DLG_MSG_INFORMATION DLG_MSG_NOT_HAND DLG_MSG_SEVERE syn keyword ishdConstant DLG_MSG_STANDARD DLG_MSG_WARNING DLG_OK DLG_STATUS syn keyword ishdConstant DLG_USER_CAPTION DRIVE DRIVEOPEN DLG_DIR_DRIVE syn keyword ishdConstant EDITBOX_CHANGE EFF_BOXSTRIPE EFF_FADE EFF_HORZREVEAL syn keyword ishdConstant EFF_HORZSTRIPE EFF_NONE EFF_REVEAL EFF_VERTSTRIPE syn keyword ishdConstant ENABLE END_OF_FILE END_OF_LIST ENHANCED ENTERDISK syn keyword ishdConstant ENTERDISK_ERRMSG ENTERDISKBEEP ENVSPACE EQUALS syn keyword ishdConstant ERR_BADPATH ERR_BADTAGFILE ERR_BOX_BADPATH syn keyword ishdConstant ERR_BOX_BADTAGFILE ERR_BOX_DISKID ERR_BOX_DRIVEOPEN syn keyword ishdConstant ERR_BOX_EXIT ERR_BOX_HELP ERR_BOX_NOSPACE ERR_BOX_PAUSE syn keyword ishdConstant ERR_BOX_READONLY ERR_DISKID ERR_DRIVEOPEN syn keyword ishdConstant EXCLUDE_SUBDIR EXCLUSIVE EXISTS EXIT EXTENDEDMEMORY syn keyword ishdConstant EXTENSION_ONLY ERRORFILENAME FADE_IN FADE_OUT syn keyword ishdConstant FAILIFEXISTS FALSE FDRIVE_NUM FEEDBACK FEEDBACK_FULL syn keyword ishdConstant FEEDBACK_OPERATION FEEDBACK_SPACE FILE_ATTR_ARCHIVED syn keyword ishdConstant FILE_ATTR_DIRECTORY FILE_ATTR_HIDDEN FILE_ATTR_NORMAL syn keyword ishdConstant FILE_ATTR_READONLY FILE_ATTR_SYSTEM FILE_ATTRIBUTE syn keyword ishdConstant FILE_BIN_CUR FILE_BIN_END FILE_BIN_START FILE_DATE syn keyword ishdConstant FILE_EXISTS FILE_INSTALLED FILE_INVALID FILE_IS_LOCKED syn keyword ishdConstant FILE_LINE_LENGTH FILE_LOCKED FILE_MODE_APPEND syn keyword ishdConstant FILE_MODE_BINARY FILE_MODE_BINARYREADONLY syn keyword ishdConstant FILE_MODE_NORMAL FILE_NO_VERSION FILE_NOT_FOUND syn keyword ishdConstant FILE_RD_ONLY FILE_SIZE FILE_SRC_EQUAL FILE_SRC_OLD syn keyword ishdConstant FILE_TIME FILE_WRITEABLE FILENAME FILENAME_ONLY syn keyword ishdConstant FINISHBUTTON FIXED_DRIVE FONT_TITLE FREEENVSPACE syn keyword ishdConstant FS_CREATEDIR FS_DISKONEREQUIRED FS_DONE FS_FILENOTINLIB syn keyword ishdConstant FS_GENERROR FS_INCORRECTDISK FS_LAUNCHPROCESS syn keyword ishdConstant FS_OPERROR FS_OUTOFSPACE FS_PACKAGING FS_RESETREQUIRED syn keyword ishdConstant FS_TARGETREADONLY FS_TONEXTDISK FULL FULLSCREEN syn keyword ishdConstant FULLSCREENSIZE FULLWINDOWMODE FOLDER_DESKTOP syn keyword ishdConstant FOLDER_PROGRAMS FOLDER_STARTMENU FOLDER_STARTUP syn keyword ishdConstant GREATER_THAN GREEN HELP HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT syn keyword ishdConstant HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG HKEY_CURRENT_USER HKEY_DYN_DATA syn keyword ishdConstant HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA HKEY_USERS syn keyword ishdConstant HOURGLASS HWND_DESKTOP HWND_INSTALL IGNORE_READONLY syn keyword ishdConstant INCLUDE_SUBDIR INDVFILESTATUS INFO INFO_DESCRIPTION syn keyword ishdConstant INFO_IMAGE INFO_MISC INFO_SIZE INFO_SUBCOMPONENT syn keyword ishdConstant INFO_VISIBLE INFORMATION INVALID_LIST IS_186 IS_286 syn keyword ishdConstant IS_386 IS_486 IS_8514A IS_86 IS_ALPHA IS_CDROM IS_CGA syn keyword ishdConstant IS_DOS IS_EGA IS_FIXED IS_FOLDER IS_ITEM ISLANG_ALL syn keyword ishdConstant ISLANG_ARABIC ISLANG_ARABIC_SAUDIARABIA syn keyword ishdConstant ISLANG_ARABIC_IRAQ ISLANG_ARABIC_EGYPT syn keyword ishdConstant ISLANG_ARABIC_LIBYA ISLANG_ARABIC_ALGERIA syn keyword ishdConstant ISLANG_ARABIC_MOROCCO ISLANG_ARABIC_TUNISIA syn keyword ishdConstant ISLANG_ARABIC_OMAN ISLANG_ARABIC_YEMEN syn keyword ishdConstant ISLANG_ARABIC_SYRIA ISLANG_ARABIC_JORDAN syn keyword ishdConstant ISLANG_ARABIC_LEBANON ISLANG_ARABIC_KUWAIT syn keyword ishdConstant ISLANG_ARABIC_UAE ISLANG_ARABIC_BAHRAIN syn keyword ishdConstant ISLANG_ARABIC_QATAR ISLANG_AFRIKAANS syn keyword ishdConstant ISLANG_AFRIKAANS_STANDARD ISLANG_ALBANIAN syn keyword ishdConstant ISLANG_ENGLISH_TRINIDAD ISLANG_ALBANIAN_STANDARD syn keyword ishdConstant ISLANG_BASQUE ISLANG_BASQUE_STANDARD ISLANG_BULGARIAN syn keyword ishdConstant ISLANG_BULGARIAN_STANDARD ISLANG_BELARUSIAN syn keyword ishdConstant ISLANG_BELARUSIAN_STANDARD ISLANG_CATALAN syn keyword ishdConstant ISLANG_CATALAN_STANDARD ISLANG_CHINESE syn keyword ishdConstant ISLANG_CHINESE_TAIWAN ISLANG_CHINESE_PRC syn keyword ishdConstant ISLANG_SPANISH_PUERTORICO ISLANG_CHINESE_HONGKONG syn keyword ishdConstant ISLANG_CHINESE_SINGAPORE ISLANG_CROATIAN syn keyword ishdConstant ISLANG_CROATIAN_STANDARD ISLANG_CZECH syn keyword ishdConstant ISLANG_CZECH_STANDARD ISLANG_DANISH syn keyword ishdConstant ISLANG_DANISH_STANDARD ISLANG_DUTCH syn keyword ishdConstant ISLANG_DUTCH_STANDARD ISLANG_DUTCH_BELGIAN syn keyword ishdConstant ISLANG_ENGLISH ISLANG_ENGLISH_BELIZE syn keyword ishdConstant ISLANG_ENGLISH_UNITEDSTATES syn keyword ishdConstant ISLANG_ENGLISH_UNITEDKINGDOM ISLANG_ENGLISH_AUSTRALIAN syn keyword ishdConstant ISLANG_ENGLISH_CANADIAN ISLANG_ENGLISH_NEWZEALAND syn keyword ishdConstant ISLANG_ENGLISH_IRELAND ISLANG_ENGLISH_SOUTHAFRICA syn keyword ishdConstant ISLANG_ENGLISH_JAMAICA ISLANG_ENGLISH_CARIBBEAN syn keyword ishdConstant ISLANG_ESTONIAN ISLANG_ESTONIAN_STANDARD syn keyword ishdConstant ISLANG_FAEROESE ISLANG_FAEROESE_STANDARD ISLANG_FARSI syn keyword ishdConstant ISLANG_FINNISH ISLANG_FINNISH_STANDARD ISLANG_FRENCH syn keyword ishdConstant ISLANG_FRENCH_STANDARD ISLANG_FRENCH_BELGIAN syn keyword ishdConstant ISLANG_FRENCH_CANADIAN ISLANG_FRENCH_SWISS syn keyword ishdConstant ISLANG_FRENCH_LUXEMBOURG ISLANG_FARSI_STANDARD syn keyword ishdConstant ISLANG_GERMAN ISLANG_GERMAN_STANDARD syn keyword ishdConstant ISLANG_GERMAN_SWISS ISLANG_GERMAN_AUSTRIAN syn keyword ishdConstant ISLANG_GERMAN_LUXEMBOURG ISLANG_GERMAN_LIECHTENSTEIN syn keyword ishdConstant ISLANG_GREEK ISLANG_GREEK_STANDARD ISLANG_HEBREW syn keyword ishdConstant ISLANG_HEBREW_STANDARD ISLANG_HUNGARIAN syn keyword ishdConstant ISLANG_HUNGARIAN_STANDARD ISLANG_ICELANDIC syn keyword ishdConstant ISLANG_ICELANDIC_STANDARD ISLANG_INDONESIAN syn keyword ishdConstant ISLANG_INDONESIAN_STANDARD ISLANG_ITALIAN syn keyword ishdConstant ISLANG_ITALIAN_STANDARD ISLANG_ITALIAN_SWISS syn keyword ishdConstant ISLANG_JAPANESE ISLANG_JAPANESE_STANDARD ISLANG_KOREAN syn keyword ishdConstant ISLANG_KOREAN_STANDARD ISLANG_KOREAN_JOHAB syn keyword ishdConstant ISLANG_LATVIAN ISLANG_LATVIAN_STANDARD syn keyword ishdConstant ISLANG_LITHUANIAN ISLANG_LITHUANIAN_STANDARD syn keyword ishdConstant ISLANG_NORWEGIAN ISLANG_NORWEGIAN_BOKMAL syn keyword ishdConstant ISLANG_NORWEGIAN_NYNORSK ISLANG_POLISH syn keyword ishdConstant ISLANG_POLISH_STANDARD ISLANG_PORTUGUESE syn keyword ishdConstant ISLANG_PORTUGUESE_BRAZILIAN ISLANG_PORTUGUESE_STANDARD syn keyword ishdConstant ISLANG_ROMANIAN ISLANG_ROMANIAN_STANDARD ISLANG_RUSSIAN syn keyword ishdConstant ISLANG_RUSSIAN_STANDARD ISLANG_SLOVAK syn keyword ishdConstant ISLANG_SLOVAK_STANDARD ISLANG_SLOVENIAN syn keyword ishdConstant ISLANG_SLOVENIAN_STANDARD ISLANG_SERBIAN syn keyword ishdConstant ISLANG_SERBIAN_LATIN ISLANG_SERBIAN_CYRILLIC syn keyword ishdConstant ISLANG_SPANISH ISLANG_SPANISH_ARGENTINA syn keyword ishdConstant ISLANG_SPANISH_BOLIVIA ISLANG_SPANISH_CHILE syn keyword ishdConstant ISLANG_SPANISH_COLOMBIA ISLANG_SPANISH_COSTARICA syn keyword ishdConstant ISLANG_SPANISH_DOMINICANREPUBLIC ISLANG_SPANISH_ECUADOR syn keyword ishdConstant ISLANG_SPANISH_ELSALVADOR ISLANG_SPANISH_GUATEMALA syn keyword ishdConstant ISLANG_SPANISH_HONDURAS ISLANG_SPANISH_MEXICAN syn keyword ishdConstant ISLANG_THAI_STANDARD ISLANG_SPANISH_MODERNSORT syn keyword ishdConstant ISLANG_SPANISH_NICARAGUA ISLANG_SPANISH_PANAMA syn keyword ishdConstant ISLANG_SPANISH_PARAGUAY ISLANG_SPANISH_PERU syn keyword ishdConstant IISLANG_SPANISH_PUERTORICO syn keyword ishdConstant ISLANG_SPANISH_TRADITIONALSORT ISLANG_SPANISH_VENEZUELA syn keyword ishdConstant ISLANG_SPANISH_URUGUAY ISLANG_SWEDISH syn keyword ishdConstant ISLANG_SWEDISH_FINLAND ISLANG_SWEDISH_STANDARD syn keyword ishdConstant ISLANG_THAI ISLANG_THA_STANDARDI ISLANG_TURKISH syn keyword ishdConstant ISLANG_TURKISH_STANDARD ISLANG_UKRAINIAN syn keyword ishdConstant ISLANG_UKRAINIAN_STANDARD ISLANG_VIETNAMESE syn keyword ishdConstant ISLANG_VIETNAMESE_STANDARD IS_MIPS IS_MONO IS_OS2 syn keyword ishdConstant ISOSL_ALL ISOSL_WIN31 ISOSL_WIN95 ISOSL_NT351 syn keyword ishdConstant ISOSL_NT351_ALPHA ISOSL_NT351_MIPS ISOSL_NT351_PPC syn keyword ishdConstant ISOSL_NT40 ISOSL_NT40_ALPHA ISOSL_NT40_MIPS syn keyword ishdConstant ISOSL_NT40_PPC IS_PENTIUM IS_POWERPC IS_RAMDRIVE syn keyword ishdConstant IS_REMOTE IS_REMOVABLE IS_SVGA IS_UNKNOWN IS_UVGA syn keyword ishdConstant IS_VALID_PATH IS_VGA IS_WIN32S IS_WINDOWS IS_WINDOWS95 syn keyword ishdConstant IS_WINDOWSNT IS_WINOS2 IS_XVGA ISTYPE INFOFILENAME syn keyword ishdConstant ISRES ISUSER ISVERSION LANGUAGE LANGUAGE_DRV LESS_THAN syn keyword ishdConstant LINE_NUMBER LISTBOX_ENTER LISTBOX_SELECT LISTFIRST syn keyword ishdConstant LISTLAST LISTNEXT LISTPREV LOCKEDFILE LOGGING syn keyword ishdConstant LOWER_LEFT LOWER_RIGHT LIST_NULL MAGENTA MAINCAPTION syn keyword ishdConstant MATH_COPROCESSOR MAX_STRING MENU METAFILE MMEDIA_AVI syn keyword ishdConstant MMEDIA_MIDI MMEDIA_PLAYASYNCH MMEDIA_PLAYCONTINUOUS syn keyword ishdConstant MMEDIA_PLAYSYNCH MMEDIA_STOP MMEDIA_WAVE MOUSE syn keyword ishdConstant MOUSE_DRV MEDIA MODE NETWORK NETWORK_DRV NEXT syn keyword ishdConstant NEXTBUTTON NO NO_SUBDIR NO_WRITE_ACCESS NONCONTIGUOUS syn keyword ishdConstant NONEXCLUSIVE NORMAL NORMALMODE NOSET NOTEXISTS NOTRESET syn keyword ishdConstant NOWAIT NULL NUMBERLIST OFF OK ON ONLYDIR OS OSMAJOR syn keyword ishdConstant OSMINOR OTHER_FAILURE OUT_OF_DISK_SPACE PARALLEL syn keyword ishdConstant PARTIAL PATH PATH_EXISTS PAUSE PERSONAL PROFSTRING syn keyword ishdConstant PROGMAN PROGRAMFILES RAM_DRIVE REAL RECORDMODE RED syn keyword ishdConstant REGDB_APPPATH REGDB_APPPATH_DEFAULT REGDB_BINARY syn keyword ishdConstant REGDB_ERR_CONNECTIONEXISTS REGDB_ERR_CORRUPTEDREGISTRY syn keyword ishdConstant REGDB_ERR_FILECLOSE REGDB_ERR_FILENOTFOUND syn keyword ishdConstant REGDB_ERR_FILEOPEN REGDB_ERR_FILEREAD syn keyword ishdConstant REGDB_ERR_INITIALIZATION REGDB_ERR_INVALIDFORMAT syn keyword ishdConstant REGDB_ERR_INVALIDHANDLE REGDB_ERR_INVALIDNAME syn keyword ishdConstant REGDB_ERR_INVALIDPLATFORM REGDB_ERR_OUTOFMEMORY syn keyword ishdConstant REGDB_ERR_REGISTRY REGDB_KEYS REGDB_NAMES REGDB_NUMBER syn keyword ishdConstant REGDB_STRING REGDB_STRING_EXPAND REGDB_STRING_MULTI syn keyword ishdConstant REGDB_UNINSTALL_NAME REGKEY_CLASSES_ROOT syn keyword ishdConstant REGKEY_CURRENT_USER REGKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE REGKEY_USERS syn keyword ishdConstant REMOTE_DRIVE REMOVE REMOVEABLE_DRIVE REPLACE syn keyword ishdConstant REPLACE_ITEM RESET RESTART ROOT ROTATE RUN_MAXIMIZED syn keyword ishdConstant RUN_MINIMIZED RUN_SEPARATEMEMORY SELECTFOLDER syn keyword ishdConstant SELFREGISTER SELFREGISTERBATCH SELFREGISTRATIONPROCESS syn keyword ishdConstant SERIAL SET SETUPTYPE SETUPTYPE_INFO_DESCRIPTION syn keyword ishdConstant SETUPTYPE_INFO_DISPLAYNAME SEVERE SHARE SHAREDFILE syn keyword ishdConstant SHELL_OBJECT_FOLDER SILENTMODE SPLITCOMPRESS SPLITCOPY syn keyword ishdConstant SRCTARGETDIR STANDARD STATUS STATUS95 STATUSBAR syn keyword ishdConstant STATUSDLG STATUSEX STATUSOLD STRINGLIST STYLE_BOLD syn keyword ishdConstant STYLE_ITALIC STYLE_NORMAL STYLE_SHADOW STYLE_UNDERLINE syn keyword ishdConstant SW_HIDE SW_MAXIMIZE SW_MINIMIZE SW_NORMAL SW_RESTORE syn keyword ishdConstant SW_SHOW SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED SW_SHOWMINIMIZED syn keyword ishdConstant SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE SW_SHOWNA SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE syn keyword ishdConstant SW_SHOWNORMAL SYS_BOOTMACHINE SYS_BOOTWIN syn keyword ishdConstant SYS_BOOTWIN_INSTALL SYS_RESTART SYS_SHUTDOWN SYS_TODOS syn keyword ishdConstant SELECTED_LANGUAGE SHELL_OBJECT_LANGUAGE SRCDIR SRCDISK syn keyword ishdConstant SUPPORTDIR TEXT TILED TIME TRUE TYPICAL TARGETDIR syn keyword ishdConstant TARGETDISK UPPER_LEFT UPPER_RIGHT USER_ADMINISTRATOR syn keyword ishdConstant UNINST VALID_PATH VARIABLE_LEFT VARIABLE_UNDEFINED syn keyword ishdConstant VER_DLL_NOT_FOUND VER_UPDATE_ALWAYS VER_UPDATE_COND syn keyword ishdConstant VERSION VIDEO VOLUMELABEL WAIT WARNING WELCOME WHITE syn keyword ishdConstant WIN32SINSTALLED WIN32SMAJOR WIN32SMINOR WINDOWS_SHARED syn keyword ishdConstant WINMAJOR WINMINOR WINDIR WINDISK WINSYSDIR WINSYSDISK syn keyword ishdConstant XCOPY_DATETIME YELLOW YES syn keyword ishdFunction AskDestPath AskOptions AskPath AskText AskYesNo syn keyword ishdFunction AppCommand AddProfString AddFolderIcon BatchAdd syn keyword ishdFunction BatchDeleteEx BatchFileLoad BatchFileSave BatchFind syn keyword ishdFunction BatchGetFileName BatchMoveEx BatchSetFileName syn keyword ishdFunction ComponentDialog ComponentAddItem syn keyword ishdFunction ComponentCompareSizeRequired ComponentDialog syn keyword ishdFunction ComponentError ComponentFileEnum ComponentFileInfo syn keyword ishdFunction ComponentFilterLanguage ComponentFilterOS syn keyword ishdFunction ComponentGetData ComponentGetItemSize syn keyword ishdFunction ComponentInitialize ComponentIsItemSelected syn keyword ishdFunction ComponentListItems ComponentMoveData syn keyword ishdFunction ComponentSelectItem ComponentSetData ComponentSetTarget syn keyword ishdFunction ComponentSetupTypeEnum ComponentSetupTypeGetData syn keyword ishdFunction ComponentSetupTypeSet ComponentTotalSize syn keyword ishdFunction ComponentValidate ConfigAdd ConfigDelete ConfigFileLoad syn keyword ishdFunction ConfigFileSave ConfigFind ConfigGetFileName syn keyword ishdFunction ConfigGetInt ConfigMove ConfigSetFileName ConfigSetInt syn keyword ishdFunction CmdGetHwndDlg CtrlClear CtrlDir CtrlGetCurSel syn keyword ishdFunction CtrlGetMLEText CtrlGetMultCurSel CtrlGetState syn keyword ishdFunction CtrlGetSubCommand CtrlGetText CtrlPGroups syn keyword ishdFunction CtrlSelectText CtrlSetCurSel CtrlSetFont CtrlSetList syn keyword ishdFunction CtrlSetMLEText CtrlSetMultCurSel CtrlSetState syn keyword ishdFunction CtrlSetText CallDLLFx ChangeDirectory CloseFile syn keyword ishdFunction CopyFile CreateDir CreateFile CreateRegistrySet syn keyword ishdFunction CommitSharedFiles CreateProgramFolder syn keyword ishdFunction CreateShellObjects CopyBytes DefineDialog Delay syn keyword ishdFunction DeleteDir DeleteFile Do DoInstall DeinstallSetReference syn keyword ishdFunction DeinstallStart DialogSetInfo DeleteFolderIcon syn keyword ishdFunction DeleteProgramFolder Disable EzBatchAddPath syn keyword ishdFunction EzBatchAddString ExBatchReplace EnterDisk syn keyword ishdFunction EzConfigAddDriver EzConfigAddString EzConfigGetValue syn keyword ishdFunction EzConfigSetValue EndDialog EzDefineDialog ExistsDir syn keyword ishdFunction ExistsDisk ExitProgMan Enable EzBatchReplace syn keyword ishdFunction FileCompare FileDeleteLine FileGrep FileInsertLine syn keyword ishdFunction FindAllDirs FindAllFiles FindFile FindWindow syn keyword ishdFunction GetFileInfo GetLine GetFont GetDiskSpace GetEnvVar syn keyword ishdFunction GetExtents GetMemFree GetMode GetSystemInfo syn keyword ishdFunction GetValidDrivesList GetWindowHandle GetProfInt syn keyword ishdFunction GetProfString GetFolderNameList GetGroupNameList syn keyword ishdFunction GetItemNameList GetDir GetDisk HIWORD Handler Is syn keyword ishdFunction ISCompareServicePack InstallationInfo LOWORD LaunchApp syn keyword ishdFunction LaunchAppAndWait ListAddItem ListAddString ListCount syn keyword ishdFunction ListCreate ListCurrentItem ListCurrentString syn keyword ishdFunction ListDeleteItem ListDeleteString ListDestroy syn keyword ishdFunction ListFindItem ListFindString ListGetFirstItem syn keyword ishdFunction ListGetFirstString ListGetNextItem ListGetNextString syn keyword ishdFunction ListReadFromFile ListSetCurrentItem syn keyword ishdFunction ListSetCurrentString ListSetIndex ListWriteToFile syn keyword ishdFunction LongPathFromShortPath LongPathToQuote syn keyword ishdFunction LongPathToShortPath MessageBox MessageBeep NumToStr syn keyword ishdFunction OpenFile OpenFileMode PathAdd PathDelete PathFind syn keyword ishdFunction PathGet PathMove PathSet ProgDefGroupType ParsePath syn keyword ishdFunction PlaceBitmap PlaceWindow PlayMMedia QueryProgGroup syn keyword ishdFunction QueryProgItem QueryShellMgr RebootDialog ReleaseDialog syn keyword ishdFunction ReadBytes RenameFile ReplaceProfString ReloadProgGroup syn keyword ishdFunction ReplaceFolderIcon RGB RegDBConnectRegistry syn keyword ishdFunction RegDBCreateKeyEx RegDBDeleteKey RegDBDeleteValue syn keyword ishdFunction RegDBDisConnectRegistry RegDBGetAppInfo RegDBGetItem syn keyword ishdFunction RegDBGetKeyValueEx RegDBKeyExist RegDBQueryKey syn keyword ishdFunction RegDBSetAppInfo RegDBSetDefaultRoot RegDBSetItem syn keyword ishdFunction RegDBSetKeyValueEx SeekBytes SelectDir SetFileInfo syn keyword ishdFunction SelectDir SelectFolder SetupType SprintfBox SdSetupType syn keyword ishdFunction SdSetupTypeEx SdMakeName SilentReadData SilentWriteData syn keyword ishdFunction SendMessage Sprintf System SdAskDestPath SdAskOptions syn keyword ishdFunction SdAskOptionsList SdBitmap SdComponentDialog syn keyword ishdFunction SdComponentDialog2 SdComponentDialogAdv SdComponentMult syn keyword ishdFunction SdConfirmNewDir SdConfirmRegistration SdDisplayTopics syn keyword ishdFunction SdFinish SdFinishReboot SdInit SdLicense SdMakeName syn keyword ishdFunction SdOptionsButtons SdProductName SdRegisterUser syn keyword ishdFunction SdRegisterUserEx SdSelectFolder SdSetupType syn keyword ishdFunction SdSetupTypeEx SdShowAnyDialog SdShowDlgEdit1 syn keyword ishdFunction SdShowDlgEdit2 SdShowDlgEdit3 SdShowFileMods syn keyword ishdFunction SdShowInfoList SdShowMsg SdStartCopy SdWelcome syn keyword ishdFunction SelectFolder ShowGroup ShowProgamFolder SetColor syn keyword ishdFunction SetDialogTitle SetDisplayEffect SetErrorMsg syn keyword ishdFunction SetErrorTitle SetFont SetStatusWindow SetTitle syn keyword ishdFunction SizeWindow StatusUpdate StrCompare StrFind StrGetTokens syn keyword ishdFunction StrLength StrRemoveLastSlash StrSub StrToLower StrToNum syn keyword ishdFunction StrToUpper ShowProgramFolder UnUseDLL UseDLL VarRestore syn keyword ishdFunction VarSave VerUpdateFile VerCompare VerFindFileVersion syn keyword ishdFunction VerGetFileVersion VerSearchAndUpdateFile VerUpdateFile syn keyword ishdFunction Welcome WaitOnDialog WriteBytes WriteLine syn keyword ishdFunction WriteProfString XCopyFile syn keyword ishdTodo contained TODO "integer number, or floating point number without a dot. syn match ishdNumber "\<\d\+\>" "floating point number, with dot syn match ishdNumber "\<\d\+\.\d*\>" "floating point number, starting with a dot syn match ishdNumber "\.\d\+\>" " String constants syn region ishdString start=+"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+ syn region ishdComment start="//" end="$" contains=ishdTodo syn region ishdComment start="/\*" end="\*/" contains=ishdTodo " Pre-processor commands syn region ishdPreCondit start="^\s*#\s*\(if\>\|ifdef\>\|ifndef\>\|elif\>\|else\>\|endif\>\)" skip="\\$" end="$" contains=ishdComment,ishdString if !exists("ishd_no_if0") syn region ishdHashIf0 start="^\s*#\s*if\s\+0\>" end=".\|$" contains=ishdHashIf0End syn region ishdHashIf0End contained start="0" end="^\s*#\s*\(endif\>\|else\>\|elif\>\)" contains=ishdHashIf0Skip syn region ishdHashIf0Skip contained start="^\s*#\s*\(if\>\|ifdef\>\|ifndef\>\)" skip="\\$" end="^\s*#\s*endif\>" contains=ishdHashIf0Skip endif syn region ishdIncluded contained start=+"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+ syn match ishdInclude +^\s*#\s*include\>\s*"+ contains=ishdIncluded syn cluster ishdPreProcGroup contains=ishdPreCondit,ishdIncluded,ishdInclude,ishdDefine,ishdHashIf0,ishdHashIf0End,ishdHashIf0Skip,ishdNumber syn region ishdDefine start="^\s*#\s*\(define\|undef\)\>" end="$" contains=ALLBUT,@ishdPreProcGroup " Define the default highlighting. " For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already " For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet if version >= 508 || !exists("did_is_syntax_inits") if version < 508 let did_is_syntax_inits = 1 command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args> else command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args> endif HiLink ishdNumber Number HiLink ishdError Error HiLink ishdStatement Statement HiLink ishdString String HiLink ishdComment Comment HiLink ishdTodo Todo HiLink ishdFunction Identifier HiLink ishdConstant PreProc HiLink ishdType Type HiLink ishdInclude Include HiLink ishdDefine Macro HiLink ishdIncluded String HiLink ishdPreCondit PreCondit HiLink ishdHashIf0Skip ishdHashIf0 HiLink ishdHashIf0End ishdHashIf0 HiLink ishdHashIf0 Comment delcommand HiLink endif let b:current_syntax = "ishd" " vim: ts=8
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rexx.vim | File | 15.23 KB | 0644 |
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rib.vim | File | 2.38 KB | 0644 |
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rst.vim | File | 8.06 KB | 0644 |
rtf.vim | File | 2.68 KB | 0644 |
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