" Vim syntax file " Language: Microsoft Macro Assembler (80x86) " Orig Author: Rob Brady <robb@datatone.com> " Maintainer: Wu Yongwei <wuyongwei@gmail.com> " Last Change: $Date: 2012/02/04 12:45:39 $ " $Revision: 1.46 $ " For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items " For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded if version < 600 syntax clear elseif exists("b:current_syntax") finish endif let s:cpo_save = &cpo set cpo&vim syn case ignore syn match masmIdentifier "[@a-z_$?][@a-z0-9_$?]*" syn match masmLabel "^\s*[@a-z_$?][@a-z0-9_$?]*:"he=e-1 syn match masmDecimal "[-+]\?\d\+[dt]\?" syn match masmBinary "[-+]\?[0-1]\+[by]" "put this before hex or 0bfh dies! syn match masmOctal "[-+]\?[0-7]\+[oq]" syn match masmHexadecimal "[-+]\?[0-9]\x*h" syn match masmFloatRaw "[-+]\?[0-9]\x*r" syn match masmFloat "[-+]\?\d\+\.\(\d*\(E[-+]\?\d\+\)\?\)\?" syn match masmComment ";.*" contains=@Spell syn region masmComment start=+COMMENT\s*\z(\S\)+ end=+\z1.*+ contains=@Spell syn region masmString start=+'+ end=+'+ oneline contains=@Spell syn region masmString start=+"+ end=+"+ oneline contains=@Spell syn region masmTitleArea start=+\<TITLE\s+lc=5 start=+\<SUBTITLE\s+lc=8 start=+\<SUBTTL\s+lc=6 end=+$+ end=+;+me=e-1 contains=masmTitle syn region masmTextArea start=+\<NAME\s+lc=4 start=+\<INCLUDE\s+lc=7 start=+\<INCLUDELIB\s+lc=10 end=+$+ end=+;+me=e-1 contains=masmText syn match masmTitle "[^\t ;]\([^;]*[^\t ;]\)\?" contained contains=@Spell syn match masmText "[^\t ;]\([^;]*[^\t ;]\)\?" contained syn region masmOptionOpt start=+\<OPTION\s+lc=6 end=+$+ end=+;+me=e-1 contains=masmOption syn region masmContextOpt start=+\<PUSHCONTEXT\s+lc=11 start=+\<POPCONTEXT\s+lc=10 end=+$+ end=+;+me=e-1 contains=masmOption syn region masmModelOpt start=+\.MODEL\s+lc=6 end=+$+ end=+;+me=e-1 contains=masmOption,masmType syn region masmSegmentOpt start=+\<SEGMENT\s+lc=7 end=+$+ end=+;+me=e-1 contains=masmOption,masmString syn region masmProcOpt start=+\<PROC\s+lc=4 end=+$+ end=+;+me=e-1 contains=masmOption,masmType,masmRegister,masmIdentifier syn region masmAssumeOpt start=+\<ASSUME\s+lc=6 end=+$+ end=+;+me=e-1 contains=masmOption,masmOperator,masmType,masmRegister,masmIdentifier syn region masmExpression start=+\.IF\s+lc=3 start=+\.WHILE\s+lc=6 start=+\.UNTIL\s+lc=6 start=+\<IF\s+lc=2 start=+\<IF2\s+lc=3 start=+\<ELSEIF\s+lc=6 start=+\<ELSEIF2\s+lc=7 start=+\<REPEAT\s+lc=6 start=+\<WHILE\s+lc=5 end=+$+ end=+;+me=e-1 contains=masmType,masmOperator,masmRegister,masmIdentifier,masmDecimal,masmBinary,masmHexadecimal,masmFloatRaw,masmString syn keyword masmOption TINY SMALL COMPACT MEDIUM LARGE HUGE contained syn keyword masmOption NEARSTACK FARSTACK contained syn keyword masmOption PUBLIC PRIVATE STACK COMMON MEMORY AT contained syn keyword masmOption BYTE WORD DWORD PARA PAGE contained syn keyword masmOption USE16 USE32 FLAT contained syn keyword masmOption INFO READ WRITE EXECUTE SHARED contained syn keyword masmOption NOPAGE NOCACHE DISCARD contained syn keyword masmOption READONLY USES FRAME contained syn keyword masmOption CASEMAP DOTNAME NODOTNAME EMULATOR contained syn keyword masmOption NOEMULATOR EPILOGUE EXPR16 EXPR32 contained syn keyword masmOption LANGUAGE LJMP NOLJMP M510 NOM510 contained syn keyword masmOption NOKEYWORD NOSIGNEXTEND OFFSET contained syn keyword masmOption OLDMACROS NOOLDMACROS OLDSTRUCTS contained syn keyword masmOption NOOLDSTRUCTS PROC PROLOGUE READONLY contained syn keyword masmOption NOREADONLY SCOPED NOSCOPED SEGMENT contained syn keyword masmOption SETIF2 contained syn keyword masmOption ABS ALL ASSUMES CPU ERROR EXPORT contained syn keyword masmOption FORCEFRAME LISTING LOADDS NONE contained syn keyword masmOption NONUNIQUE NOTHING OS_DOS RADIX REQ contained syn keyword masmType STDCALL SYSCALL C BASIC FORTRAN PASCAL syn keyword masmType PTR NEAR FAR NEAR16 FAR16 NEAR32 FAR32 syn keyword masmType REAL4 REAL8 REAL10 BYTE SBYTE TBYTE syn keyword masmType WORD DWORD QWORD FWORD SWORD SDWORD syn keyword masmOperator AND NOT OR SHL SHR XOR MOD DUP syn keyword masmOperator EQ GE GT LE LT NE syn keyword masmOperator LROFFSET SEG LENGTH LENGTHOF SIZE SIZEOF syn keyword masmOperator CODEPTR DATAPTR FAR NEAR SHORT THIS TYPE syn keyword masmOperator HIGH HIGHWORD LOW LOWWORD OPATTR MASK WIDTH syn match masmOperator "OFFSET\(\sFLAT:\)\?" syn match masmOperator ".TYPE\>" syn match masmOperator "CARRY?" syn match masmOperator "OVERFLOW?" syn match masmOperator "PARITY?" syn match masmOperator "SIGN?" syn match masmOperator "ZERO?" syn keyword masmDirective ALIAS ASSUME CATSTR COMM DB DD DF DOSSEG DQ DT syn keyword masmDirective DW ECHO ELSE ELSEIF ELSEIF1 ELSEIF2 ELSEIFB syn keyword masmDirective ELSEIFDEF ELSEIFDIF ELSEIFDIFI ELSEIFE syn keyword masmDirective ELSEIFIDN ELSEIFIDNI ELSEIFNB ELSEIFNDEF END syn keyword masmDirective ENDIF ENDM ENDP ENDS EQU EVEN EXITM EXTERN syn keyword masmDirective EXTERNDEF EXTRN FOR FORC GOTO GROUP IF IF1 IF2 syn keyword masmDirective IFB IFDEF IFDIF IFDIFI IFE IFIDN IFIDNI IFNB syn keyword masmDirective IFNDEF INCLUDE INCLUDELIB INSTR INVOKE IRP syn keyword masmDirective IRPC LABEL LOCAL MACRO NAME OPTION ORG PAGE syn keyword masmDirective POPCONTEXT PROC PROTO PUBLIC PURGE PUSHCONTEXT syn keyword masmDirective RECORD REPEAT REPT SEGMENT SIZESTR STRUC syn keyword masmDirective STRUCT SUBSTR SUBTITLE SUBTTL TEXTEQU TITLE syn keyword masmDirective TYPEDEF UNION WHILE syn match masmDirective "\.8086\>" syn match masmDirective "\.8087\>" syn match masmDirective "\.NO87\>" syn match masmDirective "\.186\>" syn match masmDirective "\.286\>" syn match masmDirective "\.286C\>" syn match masmDirective "\.286P\>" syn match masmDirective "\.287\>" syn match masmDirective "\.386\>" syn match masmDirective "\.386C\>" syn match masmDirective "\.386P\>" syn match masmDirective "\.387\>" syn match masmDirective "\.486\>" syn match masmDirective "\.486P\>" syn match masmDirective "\.586\>" syn match masmDirective "\.586P\>" syn match masmDirective "\.686\>" syn match masmDirective "\.686P\>" syn match masmDirective "\.K3D\>" syn match masmDirective "\.MMX\>" syn match masmDirective "\.XMM\>" syn match masmDirective "\.ALPHA\>" syn match masmDirective "\.DOSSEG\>" syn match masmDirective "\.SEQ\>" syn match masmDirective "\.CODE\>" syn match masmDirective "\.CONST\>" syn match masmDirective "\.DATA\>" syn match masmDirective "\.DATA?" syn match masmDirective "\.EXIT\>" syn match masmDirective "\.FARDATA\>" syn match masmDirective "\.FARDATA?" syn match masmDirective "\.MODEL\>" syn match masmDirective "\.STACK\>" syn match masmDirective "\.STARTUP\>" syn match masmDirective "\.IF\>" syn match masmDirective "\.ELSE\>" syn match masmDirective "\.ELSEIF\>" syn match masmDirective "\.ENDIF\>" syn match masmDirective "\.REPEAT\>" syn match masmDirective "\.UNTIL\>" syn match masmDirective "\.UNTILCXZ\>" syn match masmDirective "\.WHILE\>" syn match masmDirective "\.ENDW\>" syn match masmDirective "\.BREAK\>" syn match masmDirective "\.CONTINUE\>" syn match masmDirective "\.ERR\>" syn match masmDirective "\.ERR1\>" syn match masmDirective "\.ERR2\>" syn match masmDirective "\.ERRB\>" syn match masmDirective "\.ERRDEF\>" syn match masmDirective "\.ERRDIF\>" syn match masmDirective "\.ERRDIFI\>" syn match masmDirective "\.ERRE\>" syn match masmDirective "\.ERRIDN\>" syn match masmDirective "\.ERRIDNI\>" syn match masmDirective "\.ERRNB\>" syn match masmDirective "\.ERRNDEF\>" syn match masmDirective "\.ERRNZ\>" syn match masmDirective "\.LALL\>" syn match masmDirective "\.SALL\>" syn match masmDirective "\.XALL\>" syn match masmDirective "\.LFCOND\>" syn match masmDirective "\.SFCOND\>" syn match masmDirective "\.TFCOND\>" syn match masmDirective "\.CREF\>" syn match masmDirective "\.NOCREF\>" syn match masmDirective "\.XCREF\>" syn match masmDirective "\.LIST\>" syn match masmDirective "\.NOLIST\>" syn match masmDirective "\.XLIST\>" syn match masmDirective "\.LISTALL\>" syn match masmDirective "\.LISTIF\>" syn match masmDirective "\.NOLISTIF\>" syn match masmDirective "\.LISTMACRO\>" syn match masmDirective "\.NOLISTMACRO\>" syn match masmDirective "\.LISTMACROALL\>" syn match masmDirective "\.FPO\>" syn match masmDirective "\.RADIX\>" syn match masmDirective "\.SAFESEH\>" syn match masmDirective "%OUT\>" syn match masmDirective "ALIGN\>" syn match masmOption "ALIGN([0-9]\+)" syn keyword masmRegister AX BX CX DX SI DI BP SP syn keyword masmRegister CS DS SS ES FS GS syn keyword masmRegister AH BH CH DH AL BL CL DL syn keyword masmRegister EAX EBX ECX EDX ESI EDI EBP ESP syn keyword masmRegister CR0 CR2 CR3 CR4 syn keyword masmRegister DR0 DR1 DR2 DR3 DR6 DR7 syn keyword masmRegister TR3 TR4 TR5 TR6 TR7 syn match masmRegister "ST([0-7])" " x86-64 registers syn keyword masmRegister RAX RBX RCX RDX RSI RDI RBP RSP syn keyword masmRegister R8 R9 R10 R11 R12 R13 R14 R15 syn keyword masmRegister R8D R9D R10D R11D R12D R13D R14D R15D syn keyword masmRegister R8W R9W R10W R11W R12W R13W R14W R15W syn keyword masmRegister R8B R9B R10B R11B R12B R13B R14B R15B " Instruction prefixes syn keyword masmOpcode LOCK REP REPE REPNE REPNZ REPZ " 8086/8088 opcodes syn keyword masmOpcode AAA AAD AAM AAS ADC ADD AND CALL CBW CLC CLD syn keyword masmOpcode CLI CMC CMP CMPS CMPSB CMPSW CWD DAA DAS DEC syn keyword masmOpcode DIV ESC HLT IDIV IMUL IN INC INT INTO IRET syn keyword masmOpcode JCXZ JMP LAHF LDS LEA LES LODS LODSB LODSW syn keyword masmOpcode LOOP LOOPE LOOPEW LOOPNE LOOPNEW LOOPNZ syn keyword masmOpcode LOOPNZW LOOPW LOOPZ LOOPZW MOV MOVS MOVSB syn keyword masmOpcode MOVSW MUL NEG NOP NOT OR OUT POP POPF PUSH syn keyword masmOpcode PUSHF RCL RCR RET RETF RETN ROL ROR SAHF SAL syn keyword masmOpcode SAR SBB SCAS SCASB SCASW SHL SHR STC STD STI syn keyword masmOpcode STOS STOSB STOSW SUB TEST WAIT XCHG XLAT XLATB syn keyword masmOpcode XOR syn match masmOpcode "J\(P[EO]\|\(N\?\([ABGL]E\?\|[CEOPSZ]\)\)\)\>" " 80186 opcodes syn keyword masmOpcode BOUND ENTER INS INSB INSW LEAVE OUTS OUTSB syn keyword masmOpcode OUTSW POPA PUSHA PUSHW " 80286 opcodes syn keyword masmOpcode ARPL LAR LSL SGDT SIDT SLDT SMSW STR VERR VERW " 80286/80386 privileged opcodes syn keyword masmOpcode CLTS LGDT LIDT LLDT LMSW LTR " 80386 opcodes syn keyword masmOpcode BSF BSR BT BTC BTR BTS CDQ CMPSD CWDE INSD syn keyword masmOpcode IRETD IRETDF IRETF JECXZ LFS LGS LODSD LOOPD syn keyword masmOpcode LOOPED LOOPNED LOOPNZD LOOPZD LSS MOVSD MOVSX syn keyword masmOpcode MOVZX OUTSD POPAD POPFD PUSHAD PUSHD PUSHFD syn keyword masmOpcode SCASD SHLD SHRD STOSD syn match masmOpcode "SET\(P[EO]\|\(N\?\([ABGL]E\?\|[CEOPSZ]\)\)\)\>" " 80486 opcodes syn keyword masmOpcode BSWAP CMPXCHG INVD INVLPG WBINVD XADD " Floating-point opcodes as of 487 syn keyword masmOpFloat F2XM1 FABS FADD FADDP FBLD FBSTP FCHS FCLEX syn keyword masmOpFloat FNCLEX FCOM FCOMP FCOMPP FCOS FDECSTP FDISI syn keyword masmOpFloat FNDISI FDIV FDIVP FDIVR FDIVRP FENI FNENI syn keyword masmOpFloat FFREE FIADD FICOM FICOMP FIDIV FIDIVR FILD syn keyword masmOpFloat FIMUL FINCSTP FINIT FNINIT FIST FISTP FISUB syn keyword masmOpFloat FISUBR FLD FLDCW FLDENV FLDLG2 FLDLN2 FLDL2E syn keyword masmOpFloat FLDL2T FLDPI FLDZ FLD1 FMUL FMULP FNOP FPATAN syn keyword masmOpFloat FPREM FPREM1 FPTAN FRNDINT FRSTOR FSAVE FNSAVE syn keyword masmOpFloat FSCALE FSETPM FSIN FSINCOS FSQRT FST FSTCW syn keyword masmOpFloat FNSTCW FSTENV FNSTENV FSTP FSTSW FNSTSW FSUB syn keyword masmOpFloat FSUBP FSUBR FSUBRP FTST FUCOM FUCOMP FUCOMPP syn keyword masmOpFloat FWAIT FXAM FXCH FXTRACT FYL2X FYL2XP1 " Floating-point opcodes in Pentium and later processors syn keyword masmOpFloat FCMOVE FCMOVNE FCMOVB FCMOVBE FCMOVNB FCMOVNBE syn keyword masmOpFloat FCMOVU FCMOVNU FCOMI FUCOMI FCOMIP FUCOMIP syn keyword masmOpFloat FXSAVE FXRSTOR " MMX opcodes (Pentium w/ MMX, Pentium II, and later) syn keyword masmOpcode MOVD MOVQ PACKSSWB PACKSSDW PACKUSWB syn keyword masmOpcode PUNPCKHBW PUNPCKHWD PUNPCKHDQ syn keyword masmOpcode PUNPCKLBW PUNPCKLWD PUNPCKLDQ syn keyword masmOpcode PADDB PADDW PADDD PADDSB PADDSW PADDUSB PADDUSW syn keyword masmOpcode PSUBB PSUBW PSUBD PSUBSB PSUBSW PSUBUSB PSUBUSW syn keyword masmOpcode PMULHW PMULLW PMADDWD syn keyword masmOpcode PCMPEQB PCMPEQW PCMPEQD PCMPGTB PCMPGTW PCMPGTD syn keyword masmOpcode PAND PANDN POR PXOR syn keyword masmOpcode PSLLW PSLLD PSLLQ PSRLW PSRLD PSRLQ PSRAW PSRAD syn keyword masmOpcode EMMS " SSE opcodes (Pentium III and later) syn keyword masmOpcode MOVAPS MOVUPS MOVHPS MOVHLPS MOVLPS MOVLHPS syn keyword masmOpcode MOVMSKPS MOVSS syn keyword masmOpcode ADDPS ADDSS SUBPS SUBSS MULPS MULSS DIVPS DIVSS syn keyword masmOpcode RCPPS RCPSS SQRTPS SQRTSS RSQRTPS RSQRTSS syn keyword masmOpcode MAXPS MAXSS MINPS MINSS syn keyword masmOpcode CMPPS CMPSS COMISS UCOMISS syn keyword masmOpcode ANDPS ANDNPS ORPS XORPS syn keyword masmOpcode SHUFPS UNPCKHPS UNPCKLPS syn keyword masmOpcode CVTPI2PS CVTSI2SS CVTPS2PI CVTTPS2PI syn keyword masmOpcode CVTSS2SI CVTTSS2SI syn keyword masmOpcode LDMXCSR STMXCSR syn keyword masmOpcode PAVGB PAVGW PEXTRW PINSRW PMAXUB PMAXSW syn keyword masmOpcode PMINUB PMINSW PMOVMSKB PMULHUW PSADBW PSHUFW syn keyword masmOpcode MASKMOVQ MOVNTQ MOVNTPS SFENCE syn keyword masmOpcode PREFETCHT0 PREFETCHT1 PREFETCHT2 PREFETCHNTA " SSE2 opcodes (Pentium 4 and later) syn keyword masmOpcode MOVAPD MOVUPD MOVHPD MOVLPD MOVMSKPD MOVSD syn keyword masmOpcode ADDPD ADDSD SUBPD SUBSD MULPD MULSD DIVPD DIVSD syn keyword masmOpcode SQRTPD SQRTSD MAXPD MAXSD MINPD MINSD syn keyword masmOpcode ANDPD ANDNPD ORPD XORPD syn keyword masmOpcode CMPPD CMPSD COMISD UCOMISD syn keyword masmOpcode SHUFPD UNPCKHPD UNPCKLPD syn keyword masmOpcode CVTPD2PI CVTTPD2PI CVTPI2PD CVTPD2DQ syn keyword masmOpcode CVTTPD2DQ CVTDQ2PD CVTPS2PD CVTPD2PS syn keyword masmOpcode CVTSS2SD CVTSD2SS CVTSD2SI CVTTSD2SI CVTSI2SD syn keyword masmOpcode CVTDQ2PS CVTPS2DQ CVTTPS2DQ syn keyword masmOpcode MOVDQA MOVDQU MOVQ2DQ MOVDQ2Q PMULUDQ syn keyword masmOpcode PADDQ PSUBQ PSHUFLW PSHUFHW PSHUFD syn keyword masmOpcode PSLLDQ PSRLDQ PUNPCKHQDQ PUNPCKLQDQ syn keyword masmOpcode CLFLUSH LFENCE MFENCE PAUSE MASKMOVDQU syn keyword masmOpcode MOVNTPD MOVNTDQ MOVNTI " SSE3 opcodes (Pentium 4 w/ Hyper-Threading and later) syn keyword masmOpcode FISTTP LDDQU ADDSUBPS ADDSUBPD syn keyword masmOpcode HADDPS HSUBPS HADDPD HSUBPD syn keyword masmOpcode MOVSHDUP MOVSLDUP MOVDDUP MONITOR MWAIT " Other opcodes in Pentium and later processors syn keyword masmOpcode CMPXCHG8B CPUID UD2 syn keyword masmOpcode RSM RDMSR WRMSR RDPMC RDTSC SYSENTER SYSEXIT syn match masmOpcode "CMOV\(P[EO]\|\(N\?\([ABGL]E\?\|[CEOPSZ]\)\)\)\>" " Define the default highlighting. " For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already " For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet if version >= 508 || !exists("did_masm_syntax_inits") if version < 508 let did_masm_syntax_inits = 1 command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args> else command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args> endif " The default methods for highlighting. Can be overridden later HiLink masmLabel PreProc HiLink masmComment Comment HiLink masmDirective Statement HiLink masmType Type HiLink masmOperator Type HiLink masmOption Special HiLink masmRegister Special HiLink masmString String HiLink masmText String HiLink masmTitle Title HiLink masmOpcode Statement HiLink masmOpFloat Statement HiLink masmHexadecimal Number HiLink masmDecimal Number HiLink masmOctal Number HiLink masmBinary Number HiLink masmFloatRaw Number HiLink masmFloat Number HiLink masmIdentifier Identifier syntax sync minlines=50 delcommand HiLink endif let b:current_syntax = "masm" let &cpo = s:cpo_save unlet s:cpo_save " vim: ts=8
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