" Vim syntax file " Language: Oracle Procedureal SQL (PL/SQL) " Maintainer: Jeff Lanzarotta (jefflanzarotta at yahoo dot com) " Original Maintainer: C. Laurence Gonsalves (clgonsal@kami.com) " URL: http://lanzarotta.tripod.com/vim/syntax/plsql.vim.zip " Last Change: September 18, 2002 " History: Geoff Evans & Bill Pribyl (bill at plnet dot org) " Added 9i keywords. " Austin Ziegler (austin at halostatue dot ca) " Added 8i+ features. " " For version 5.x, clear all syntax items. " For version 6.x, quit when a syntax file was already loaded. if version < 600 syntax clear elseif exists("b:current_syntax") finish endif " Todo. syn keyword plsqlTodo TODO FIXME XXX DEBUG NOTE syn cluster plsqlCommentGroup contains=plsqlTodo syn case ignore syn match plsqlGarbage "[^ \t()]" syn match plsqlIdentifier "[a-z][a-z0-9$_#]*" syn match plsqlHostIdentifier ":[a-z][a-z0-9$_#]*" " When wanted, highlight the trailing whitespace. if exists("c_space_errors") if !exists("c_no_trail_space_error") syn match plsqlSpaceError "\s\+$" endif if !exists("c_no_tab_space_error") syn match plsqlSpaceError " \+\t"me=e-1 endif endif " Symbols. syn match plsqlSymbol "\(;\|,\|\.\)" " Operators. syn match plsqlOperator "\(+\|-\|\*\|/\|=\|<\|>\|@\|\*\*\|!=\|\~=\)" syn match plsqlOperator "\(^=\|<=\|>=\|:=\|=>\|\.\.\|||\|<<\|>>\|\"\)" " Some of Oracle's SQL keywords. syn keyword plsqlSQLKeyword ABORT ACCESS ACCESSED ADD AFTER ALL ALTER AND ANY syn keyword plsqlSQLKeyword AS ASC ATTRIBUTE AUDIT AUTHORIZATION AVG BASE_TABLE syn keyword plsqlSQLKeyword BEFORE BETWEEN BY CASCADE CAST CHECK CLUSTER syn keyword plsqlSQLKeyword CLUSTERS COLAUTH COLUMN COMMENT COMPRESS CONNECT syn keyword plsqlSQLKeyword CONSTRAINT CRASH CREATE CURRENT DATA DATABASE syn keyword plsqlSQLKeyword DATA_BASE DBA DEFAULT DELAY DELETE DESC DISTINCT syn keyword plsqlSQLKeyword DROP DUAL ELSE EXCLUSIVE EXISTS EXTENDS EXTRACT syn keyword plsqlSQLKeyword FILE FORCE FOREIGN FROM GRANT GROUP HAVING HEAP syn keyword plsqlSQLKeyword IDENTIFIED IDENTIFIER IMMEDIATE IN INCLUDING syn keyword plsqlSQLKeyword INCREMENT INDEX INDEXES INITIAL INSERT INSTEAD syn keyword plsqlSQLKeyword INTERSECT INTO INVALIDATE IS ISOLATION KEY LIBRARY syn keyword plsqlSQLKeyword LIKE LOCK MAXEXTENTS MINUS MODE MODIFY MULTISET syn keyword plsqlSQLKeyword NESTED NOAUDIT NOCOMPRESS NOT NOWAIT OF OFF OFFLINE syn keyword plsqlSQLKeyword ON ONLINE OPERATOR OPTION OR ORDER ORGANIZATION syn keyword plsqlSQLKeyword PCTFREE PRIMARY PRIOR PRIVATE PRIVILEGES PUBLIC syn keyword plsqlSQLKeyword QUOTA RELEASE RENAME REPLACE RESOURCE REVOKE ROLLBACK syn keyword plsqlSQLKeyword ROW ROWLABEL ROWS SCHEMA SELECT SEPARATE SESSION SET syn keyword plsqlSQLKeyword SHARE SIZE SPACE START STORE SUCCESSFUL SYNONYM syn keyword plsqlSQLKeyword SYSDATE TABLE TABLES TABLESPACE TEMPORARY TO TREAT syn keyword plsqlSQLKeyword TRIGGER TRUNCATE UID UNION UNIQUE UNLIMITED UPDATE syn keyword plsqlSQLKeyword USE USER VALIDATE VALUES VIEW WHENEVER WHERE WITH " PL/SQL's own keywords. syn keyword plsqlKeyword AGENT AND ANY ARRAY ASSIGN AS AT AUTHID BEGIN BODY BY syn keyword plsqlKeyword BULK C CASE CHAR_BASE CHARSETFORM CHARSETID CLOSE syn keyword plsqlKeyword COLLECT CONSTANT CONSTRUCTOR CONTEXT CURRVAL DECLARE syn keyword plsqlKeyword DVOID EXCEPTION EXCEPTION_INIT EXECUTE EXIT FETCH syn keyword plsqlKeyword FINAL FUNCTION GOTO HASH IMMEDIATE IN INDICATOR syn keyword plsqlKeyword INSTANTIABLE IS JAVA LANGUAGE LIBRARY MAP MAXLEN syn keyword plsqlKeyword MEMBER NAME NEW NOCOPY NUMBER_BASE OBJECT OCICOLL syn keyword plsqlKeyword OCIDATE OCIDATETIME OCILOBLOCATOR OCINUMBER OCIRAW syn keyword plsqlKeyword OCISTRING OF OPAQUE OPEN OR ORDER OTHERS OUT syn keyword plsqlKeyword OVERRIDING PACKAGE PARALLEL_ENABLE PARAMETERS syn keyword plsqlKeyword PARTITION PIPELINED PRAGMA PROCEDURE RAISE RANGE REF syn keyword plsqlKeyword RESULT RETURN REVERSE ROWTYPE SB1 SELF SHORT SIZE_T syn keyword plsqlKeyword SQL SQLCODE SQLERRM STATIC STRUCT SUBTYPE TDO THEN syn keyword plsqlKeyword TABLE TIMEZONE_ABBR TIMEZONE_HOUR TIMEZONE_MINUTE syn keyword plsqlKeyword TIMEZONE_REGION TYPE UNDER UNSIGNED USING VARIANCE syn keyword plsqlKeyword VARRAY VARYING WHEN WRITE syn match plsqlKeyword "\<END\>" syn match plsqlKeyword "\.COUNT\>"hs=s+1 syn match plsqlKeyword "\.EXISTS\>"hs=s+1 syn match plsqlKeyword "\.FIRST\>"hs=s+1 syn match plsqlKeyword "\.LAST\>"hs=s+1 syn match plsqlKeyword "\.DELETE\>"hs=s+1 syn match plsqlKeyword "\.PREV\>"hs=s+1 syn match plsqlKeyword "\.NEXT\>"hs=s+1 " PL/SQL functions. syn keyword plsqlFunction ABS ACOS ADD_MONTHS ASCII ASCIISTR ASIN ATAN ATAN2 syn keyword plsqlFunction BFILENAME BITAND CEIL CHARTOROWID CHR COALESCE syn keyword plsqlFunction COMMIT COMMIT_CM COMPOSE CONCAT CONVERT COS COSH syn keyword plsqlFunction COUNT CUBE CURRENT_DATE CURRENT_TIME CURRENT_TIMESTAMP syn keyword plsqlFunction DBTIMEZONE DECODE DECOMPOSE DEREF DUMP EMPTY_BLOB syn keyword plsqlFunction EMPTY_CLOB EXISTS EXP FLOOR FROM_TZ GETBND GLB syn keyword plsqlFunction GREATEST GREATEST_LB GROUPING HEXTORAW INITCAP syn keyword plsqlFunction INSTR INSTR2 INSTR4 INSTRB INSTRC ISNCHAR LAST_DAY syn keyword plsqlFunction LEAST LEAST_UB LENGTH LENGTH2 LENGTH4 LENGTHB LENGTHC syn keyword plsqlFunction LN LOCALTIME LOCALTIMESTAMP LOG LOWER LPAD syn keyword plsqlFunction LTRIM LUB MAKE_REF MAX MIN MOD MONTHS_BETWEEN syn keyword plsqlFunction NCHARTOROWID NCHR NEW_TIME NEXT_DAY NHEXTORAW syn keyword plsqlFunction NLS_CHARSET_DECL_LEN NLS_CHARSET_ID NLS_CHARSET_NAME syn keyword plsqlFunction NLS_INITCAP NLS_LOWER NLSSORT NLS_UPPER NULLFN NULLIF syn keyword plsqlFunction NUMTODSINTERVAL NUMTOYMINTERVAL NVL POWER syn keyword plsqlFunction RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR RAWTOHEX RAWTONHEX REF syn keyword plsqlFunction REFTOHEX REPLACE ROLLBACK_NR ROLLBACK_SV ROLLUP ROUND syn keyword plsqlFunction ROWIDTOCHAR ROWIDTONCHAR ROWLABEL RPAD RTRIM syn keyword plsqlFunction SAVEPOINT SESSIONTIMEZONE SETBND SET_TRANSACTION_USE syn keyword plsqlFunction SIGN SIN SINH SOUNDEX SQLCODE SQLERRM SQRT STDDEV syn keyword plsqlFunction SUBSTR SUBSTR2 SUBSTR4 SUBSTRB SUBSTRC SUM syn keyword plsqlFunction SYS_AT_TIME_ZONE SYS_CONTEXT SYSDATE SYS_EXTRACT_UTC syn keyword plsqlFunction SYS_GUID SYS_LITERALTODATE SYS_LITERALTODSINTERVAL syn keyword plsqlFunction SYS_LITERALTOTIME SYS_LITERALTOTIMESTAMP syn keyword plsqlFunction SYS_LITERALTOTZTIME SYS_LITERALTOTZTIMESTAMP syn keyword plsqlFunction SYS_LITERALTOYMINTERVAL SYS_OVER__DD SYS_OVER__DI syn keyword plsqlFunction SYS_OVER__ID SYS_OVER_IID SYS_OVER_IIT syn keyword plsqlFunction SYS_OVER__IT SYS_OVER__TI SYS_OVER__TT syn keyword plsqlFunction SYSTIMESTAMP TAN TANH TO_ANYLOB TO_BLOB TO_CHAR syn keyword plsqlFunction TO_CLOB TO_DATE TO_DSINTERVAL TO_LABEL TO_MULTI_BYTE syn keyword plsqlFunction TO_NCHAR TO_NCLOB TO_NUMBER TO_RAW TO_SINGLE_BYTE syn keyword plsqlFunction TO_TIME TO_TIMESTAMP TO_TIMESTAMP_TZ TO_TIME_TZ syn keyword plsqlFunction TO_YMINTERVAL TRANSLATE TREAT TRIM TRUNC TZ_OFFSET UID syn keyword plsqlFunction UNISTR UPPER UROWID USER USERENV VALUE VARIANCE syn keyword plsqlFunction VSIZE WORK XOR syn match plsqlFunction "\<SYS\$LOB_REPLICATION\>" " PL/SQL Exceptions syn keyword plsqlException ACCESS_INTO_NULL CASE_NOT_FOUND COLLECTION_IS_NULL syn keyword plsqlException CURSOR_ALREADY_OPEN DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX INVALID_CURSOR syn keyword plsqlException INVALID_NUMBER LOGIN_DENIED NO_DATA_FOUND syn keyword plsqlException NOT_LOGGED_ON PROGRAM_ERROR ROWTYPE_MISMATCH syn keyword plsqlException SELF_IS_NULL STORAGE_ERROR SUBSCRIPT_BEYOND_COUNT syn keyword plsqlException SUBSCRIPT_OUTSIDE_LIMIT SYS_INVALID_ROWID syn keyword plsqlException TIMEOUT_ON_RESOURCE TOO_MANY_ROWS VALUE_ERROR syn keyword plsqlException ZERO_DIVIDE " Oracle Pseudo Colums. syn keyword plsqlPseudo CURRVAL LEVEL NEXTVAL ROWID ROWNUM if exists("plsql_highlight_triggers") syn keyword plsqlTrigger INSERTING UPDATING DELETING endif " Conditionals. syn keyword plsqlConditional ELSIF ELSE IF syn match plsqlConditional "\<END\s\+IF\>" " Loops. syn keyword plsqlRepeat FOR LOOP WHILE FORALL syn match plsqlRepeat "\<END\s\+LOOP\>" " Various types of comments. if exists("c_comment_strings") syntax match plsqlCommentSkip contained "^\s*\*\($\|\s\+\)" syntax region plsqlCommentString contained start=+L\="+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+ end=+\*/+me=s-1 contains=plsqlCommentSkip syntax region plsqlComment2String contained start=+L\="+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+ end="$" syntax region plsqlCommentL start="--" skip="\\$" end="$" keepend contains=@plsqlCommentGroup,plsqlComment2String,plsqlCharLiteral,plsqlBooleanLiteral,plsqlNumbersCom,plsqlSpaceError syntax region plsqlComment start="/\*" end="\*/" contains=@plsqlCommentGroup,plsqlComment2String,plsqlCharLiteral,plsqlBooleanLiteral,plsqlNumbersCom,plsqlSpaceError else syntax region plsqlCommentL start="--" skip="\\$" end="$" keepend contains=@plsqlCommentGroup,plsqlSpaceError syntax region plsqlComment start="/\*" end="\*/" contains=@plsqlCommentGroup,plsqlSpaceError endif syn sync ccomment plsqlComment syn sync ccomment plsqlCommentL " To catch unterminated string literals. syn match plsqlStringError "'.*$" " Various types of literals. syn match plsqlNumbers transparent "\<[+-]\=\d\|[+-]\=\.\d" contains=plsqlIntLiteral,plsqlFloatLiteral syn match plsqlNumbersCom contained transparent "\<[+-]\=\d\|[+-]\=\.\d" contains=plsqlIntLiteral,plsqlFloatLiteral syn match plsqlIntLiteral contained "[+-]\=\d\+" syn match plsqlFloatLiteral contained "[+-]\=\d\+\.\d*" syn match plsqlFloatLiteral contained "[+-]\=\d*\.\d*" syn match plsqlCharLiteral "'[^']'" syn match plsqlStringLiteral "'\([^']\|''\)*'" syn keyword plsqlBooleanLiteral TRUE FALSE NULL " The built-in types. syn keyword plsqlStorage ANYDATA ANYTYPE BFILE BINARY_INTEGER BLOB BOOLEAN syn keyword plsqlStorage BYTE CHAR CHARACTER CLOB CURSOR DATE DAY DEC DECIMAL syn keyword plsqlStorage DOUBLE DSINTERVAL_UNCONSTRAINED FLOAT HOUR syn keyword plsqlStorage INT INTEGER INTERVAL LOB LONG MINUTE syn keyword plsqlStorage MLSLABEL MONTH NATURAL NATURALN NCHAR NCHAR_CS NCLOB syn keyword plsqlStorage NUMBER NUMERIC NVARCHAR PLS_INT PLS_INTEGER syn keyword plsqlStorage POSITIVE POSITIVEN PRECISION RAW REAL RECORD syn keyword plsqlStorage SECOND SIGNTYPE SMALLINT STRING SYS_REFCURSOR TABLE TIME syn keyword plsqlStorage TIMESTAMP TIMESTAMP_UNCONSTRAINED syn keyword plsqlStorage TIMESTAMP_TZ_UNCONSTRAINED syn keyword plsqlStorage TIMESTAMP_LTZ_UNCONSTRAINED UROWID VARCHAR syn keyword plsqlStorage VARCHAR2 YEAR YMINTERVAL_UNCONSTRAINED ZONE " A type-attribute is really a type. syn match plsqlTypeAttribute "%\(TYPE\|ROWTYPE\)\>" " All other attributes. syn match plsqlAttribute "%\(BULK_EXCEPTIONS\|BULK_ROWCOUNT\|ISOPEN\|FOUND\|NOTFOUND\|ROWCOUNT\)\>" " This'll catch mis-matched close-parens. syn cluster plsqlParenGroup contains=plsqlParenError,@plsqlCommentGroup,plsqlCommentSkip,plsqlIntLiteral,plsqlFloatLiteral,plsqlNumbersCom if exists("c_no_bracket_error") syn region plsqlParen transparent start='(' end=')' contains=ALLBUT,@plsqlParenGroup syn match plsqlParenError ")" syn match plsqlErrInParen contained "[{}]" else syn region plsqlParen transparent start='(' end=')' contains=ALLBUT,@plsqlParenGroup,plsqlErrInBracket syn match plsqlParenError "[\])]" syn match plsqlErrInParen contained "[{}]" syn region plsqlBracket transparent start='\[' end=']' contains=ALLBUT,@plsqlParenGroup,plsqlErrInParen syn match plsqlErrInBracket contained "[);{}]" endif " Syntax Synchronizing syn sync minlines=10 maxlines=100 " Define the default highlighting. " For version 5.x and earlier, only when not done already. " For version 5.8 and later, only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet. if version >= 508 || !exists("did_plsql_syn_inits") if version < 508 let did_plsql_syn_inits = 1 command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args> else command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args> endif HiLink plsqlAttribute Macro HiLink plsqlBlockError Error HiLink plsqlBooleanLiteral Boolean HiLink plsqlCharLiteral Character HiLink plsqlComment Comment HiLink plsqlCommentL Comment HiLink plsqlConditional Conditional HiLink plsqlError Error HiLink plsqlErrInBracket Error HiLink plsqlErrInBlock Error HiLink plsqlErrInParen Error HiLink plsqlException Function HiLink plsqlFloatLiteral Float HiLink plsqlFunction Function HiLink plsqlGarbage Error HiLink plsqlHostIdentifier Label HiLink plsqlIdentifier Normal HiLink plsqlIntLiteral Number HiLink plsqlOperator Operator HiLink plsqlParen Normal HiLink plsqlParenError Error HiLink plsqlSpaceError Error HiLink plsqlPseudo PreProc HiLink plsqlKeyword Keyword HiLink plsqlRepeat Repeat HiLink plsqlStorage StorageClass HiLink plsqlSQLKeyword Function HiLink plsqlStringError Error HiLink plsqlStringLiteral String HiLink plsqlCommentString String HiLink plsqlComment2String String HiLink plsqlSymbol Normal HiLink plsqlTrigger Function HiLink plsqlTypeAttribute StorageClass HiLink plsqlTodo Todo delcommand HiLink endif let b:current_syntax = "plsql" " vim: ts=8 sw=2
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