" Vim syntax file " Language: SQL, SAP HANA In Memory Database " Maintainer: David Fishburn <dfishburn dot vim at gmail dot com> " Last Change: 2012 Oct 23 " Version: SP4 b (Q2 2012) " Homepage: http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=4275 " Description: Updated to SAP HANA SP4 " " For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items " For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded if version < 600 syntax clear elseif exists("b:current_syntax") finish endif syn case ignore " The SQL reserved words, defined as keywords. " These were pulled from the following SQL reference: " http://help.sap.com/hana/hana_sql_en.pdf " An easy approach is to copy all text from the PDF " into a Vim buffer. The keywords are in UPPER case, " so you can run the following commands to be left with " mainly the UPPER case words: " 1. Delete all words that do not begin with a Capital " %s/\(\<[^A-Z]\w*\>\)//g " 2. Remove all words where the 2nd letter is not a Capital " %s/\(\<[A-Z][^A-Z]\w*\>\)//g " 3. Remove all non-word (or space) characters " %s/[^0-9A-Za-z_ ]*//g " 4. Remove some known words " %s/\<\(SAP\|HANA\|OK\|AG\|IBM\|DB2\|AIX\|POWER\d\+\|UNIX\)\>//g " 5. Remove blank lines and trailing spaces " %s/\s\+$//g " %s/^\s\+//g " %s/^$\n//g " 6. Convert spaces to newlines remove single character " %s/[ ]\+/\r/g " %g/^\w$/d " 7. Sort and remove duplicates " :sort " :Uniq " 8. Use the WhatsMissing plugin against the sqlhana.vim file. " 9. Generated a file of all UPPER cased words which should not " be in the syntax file. These items should be removed " from the list in step 7. You can use WhatsNotMissing " between step 7 and this new file to weed out the words " we know are not syntax related. " 10. Use the WhatsMissingRemoveMatches to remove the words " from step 9. syn keyword sqlSpecial false null true " Supported Functions for Date/Time types syn keyword sqlFunction ADD_DAYS ADD_MONTHS ADD_SECONDS ADD_YEARS COALESCE syn keyword sqlFunction CURRENT_DATE CURRENT_TIME CURRENT_TIMESTAMP CURRENT_UTCDATE syn keyword sqlFunction CURRENT_UTCTIME CURRENT_UTCTIMESTAMP syn keyword sqlFunction DAYNAME DAYOFMONTH DAYOFYEAR DAYS_BETWEEN EXTRACT syn keyword sqlFunction GREATEST HOUR IFNULL ISOWEEK LAST_DAY LEAST LOCALTOUTC syn keyword sqlFunction MINUTE MONTH MONTHNAME NEXT_DAY NOW QUARTER SECOND syn keyword sqlFunction SECONDS_BETWEEN UTCTOLOCAL WEEK WEEKDAY YEAR syn keyword sqlFunction TO_CHAR TO_DATE TO_DATS TO_NCHAR TO_TIME TO_TIMESTAMP UTCTOLOCAL " Aggregate syn keyword sqlFunction COUNT MIN MAX SUM AVG STDDEV VAR " Datatype conversion syn keyword sqlFunction CAST TO_ALPHANUM TO_BIGINT TO_BINARY TO_BLOB TO_CHAR TO_CLOB syn keyword sqlFunction TO_DATE TO_DATS TO_DECIMAL TO_DOUBLE TO_INT TO_INTEGER TO_NCHAR syn keyword sqlFunction TO_NCLOB TO_NVARCHAR TO_REAL TO_SECONDDATE TO_SMALLDECIMAL syn keyword sqlFunction TO_SMALLINT TO_TIME TO_TIMESTAMP TO_TINYINT TO_VARCHAR TO_VARBINARY " Number functions syn keyword sqlFunction ABS ACOS ASIN ATAN ATAN2 BINTOHEX BITAND CEIL COS COSH COT syn keyword sqlFunction EXP FLOOR GREATEST HEXTOBIN LEAST LN LOG MOD POWER ROUND syn keyword sqlFunction SIGN SIN SINH SQRT TAN TANH UMINUS " String functions syn keyword sqlFunction ASCII CHAR CONCAT LCASE LENGTH LOCATE LOWER LPAD LTRIM syn keyword sqlFunction NCHAR REPLACE RPAD RTRIM SUBSTR_AFTER SUBSTR_BEFORE syn keyword sqlFunction SUBSTRING TRIM UCASE UNICODE UPPER " Miscellaneous functions syn keyword sqlFunction COALESCE CURRENT_CONNECTION CURRENT_SCHEMA CURRENT_USER syn keyword sqlFunction GROUPING_ID IFNULL MAP NULLIF SESSION_CONTEXT SESSION_USER SYSUUIDSQL syn keyword sqlFunction GET_NUM_SERVERS " sp_ procedures " syn keyword sqlFunction sp_addalias " Reserved keywords syn keyword sqlkeyword ALL AS AT BEFORE syn keyword sqlkeyword BEGIN BOTH BY syn keyword sqlkeyword CONDITION syn keyword sqlkeyword CURRVAL CURSOR DECLARE syn keyword sqlkeyword DISTINCT DO ELSE ELSEIF ELSIF syn keyword sqlkeyword END EXCEPTION EXEC syn keyword sqlkeyword FOR FROM GROUP syn keyword sqlkeyword HAVING IN syn keyword sqlkeyword INOUT INTO IS syn keyword sqlkeyword LEADING syn keyword sqlkeyword LOOP MINUS NATURAL NEXTVAL syn keyword sqlkeyword OF ON ORDER OUT syn keyword sqlkeyword PRIOR RETURN RETURNS REVERSE syn keyword sqlkeyword ROWID SELECT syn keyword sqlkeyword SQL START STOP SYSDATE syn keyword sqlkeyword SYSTIME SYSTIMESTAMP SYSUUID syn keyword sqlkeyword TRAILING USING UTCDATE syn keyword sqlkeyword UTCTIME UTCTIMESTAMP VALUES syn keyword sqlkeyword WHILE syn keyword sqlkeyword ANY SOME EXISTS ESCAPE " IF keywords syn keyword sqlkeyword IF " CASE keywords syn keyword sqlKeyword WHEN THEN " Syntax rules common to TEXT and SHORTTEXT keywords syn keyword sqlKeyword LANGUAGE DETECTION LINGUISTIC syn keyword sqlkeyword MIME TYPE syn keyword sqlkeyword EXACT WEIGHT FUZZY FUZZINESSTHRESHOLD SEARCH syn keyword sqlkeyword PHRASE INDEX RATIO REBUILD syn keyword sqlkeyword CONFIGURATION syn keyword sqlkeyword SEARCH ONLY syn keyword sqlkeyword FAST PREPROCESS syn keyword sqlkeyword SYNC SYNCHRONOUS ASYNC ASYNCHRONOUS FLUSH QUEUE syn keyword sqlkeyword EVERY AFTER MINUTES DOCUMENTS SUSPEND " Statement keywords (i.e. after ALTER or CREATE) syn keyword sqlkeyword AUDIT POLICY syn keyword sqlkeyword FULLTEXT syn keyword sqlkeyword SEQUENCE RESTART syn keyword sqlkeyword TABLE syn keyword sqlkeyword PROCEDURE STATISTICS syn keyword sqlkeyword SCHEMA syn keyword sqlkeyword SYNONYM syn keyword sqlkeyword VIEW syn keyword sqlkeyword COLUMN syn keyword sqlkeyword SYSTEM LICENSE syn keyword sqlkeyword SESSION syn keyword sqlkeyword CANCEL WORK syn keyword sqlkeyword PLAN CACHE syn keyword sqlkeyword LOGGING NOLOGGING RETENTION syn keyword sqlkeyword RECONFIGURE SERVICE syn keyword sqlkeyword RESET MONITORING syn keyword sqlkeyword SAVE DURATION PERFTRACE FUNCTION_PROFILER syn keyword sqlkeyword SAVEPOINT syn keyword sqlkeyword USER syn keyword sqlkeyword ROLE syn keyword sqlkeyword ASC DESC syn keyword sqlkeyword OWNED syn keyword sqlkeyword DEPENDENCIES SCRAMBLE " Create sequence syn keyword sqlkeyword INCREMENT MAXVALUE MINVALUE CYCLE " Create table syn keyword sqlkeyword HISTORY GLOBAL LOCAL TEMPORARY " Create trigger syn keyword sqlkeyword TRIGGER REFERENCING EACH DEFAULT syn keyword sqlkeyword SIGNAL RESIGNAL MESSAGE_TEXT OLD NEW syn keyword sqlkeyword EXIT HANDLER SQL_ERROR_CODE syn keyword sqlkeyword TARGET CONDITION SIGNAL " Alter table syn keyword sqlkeyword ADD DROP MODIFY GENERATED ALWAYS syn keyword sqlkeyword UNIQUE BTREE CPBTREE PRIMARY KEY syn keyword sqlkeyword CONSTRAINT PRELOAD NONE syn keyword sqlkeyword ROW THREADS BATCH syn keyword sqlkeyword MOVE PARTITION TO LOCATION PHYSICAL OTHERS syn keyword sqlkeyword ROUNDROBIN PARTITIONS HASH RANGE VALUE syn keyword sqlkeyword PERSISTENT DELTA AUTO AUTOMERGE " Create audit policy syn keyword sqlkeyword AUDITING SUCCESSFUL UNSUCCESSFUL syn keyword sqlkeyword PRIVILEGE STRUCTURED CHANGE LEVEL syn keyword sqlkeyword EMERGENCY ALERT CRITICAL WARNING INFO " Privileges syn keyword sqlkeyword DEBUG EXECUTE " Schema syn keyword sqlkeyword CASCADE RESTRICT PARAMETERS SCAN " Traces syn keyword sqlkeyword CLIENT CRASHDUMP EMERGENCYDUMP syn keyword sqlkeyword INDEXSERVER NAMESERVER DAEMON syn keyword sqlkeyword CLEAR REMOVE TRACES " Reclaim syn keyword sqlkeyword RECLAIM DATA VOLUME VERSION SPACE DEFRAGMENT SPARSIFY " Join syn keyword sqlkeyword INNER OUTER LEFT RIGHT FULL CROSS JOIN syn keyword sqlkeyword GROUPING SETS ROLLUP CUBE syn keyword sqlkeyword BEST LIMIT OFFSET syn keyword sqlkeyword WITH SUBTOTAL BALANCE TOTAL syn keyword sqlkeyword TEXT_FILTER FILL UP SORT MATCHES TOP syn keyword sqlkeyword RESULT OVERVIEW PREFIX MULTIPLE RESULTSETS " Lock syn keyword sqlkeyword EXCLUSIVE MODE NOWAIT " Transaction syn keyword sqlkeyword TRANSACTION ISOLATION READ COMMITTED syn keyword sqlkeyword REPEATABLE SERIALIZABLE WRITE " Saml syn keyword sqlkeyword SAML ASSERTION PROVIDER SUBJECT ISSUER " User syn keyword sqlkeyword PASSWORD IDENTIFIED EXTERNALLY ATTEMPTS ATTEMPTS syn keyword sqlkeyword ENABLE DISABLE OFF LIFETIME FORCE DEACTIVATE syn keyword sqlkeyword ACTIVATE IDENTITY KERBEROS " Grant syn keyword sqlkeyword ADMIN BACKUP CATALOG SCENARIO INIFILE MONITOR syn keyword sqlkeyword OPTIMIZER OPTION syn keyword sqlkeyword RESOURCE STRUCTUREDPRIVILEGE TRACE " Import syn keyword sqlkeyword CSV FILE CONTROL NO CHECK SKIP FIRST LIST syn keyword sqlkeyword RECORD DELIMITED FIELD OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED FORMAT " Roles syn keyword sqlkeyword PUBLIC CONTENT_ADMIN MODELING MONITORING " Miscellaneous syn keyword sqlkeyword APPLICATION BINARY IMMEDIATE COREFILE SECURITY DEFINER syn keyword sqlkeyword DUMMY INVOKER MATERIALIZED MESSEGE_TEXT PARAMETER PARAMETERS syn keyword sqlkeyword PART syn keyword sqlkeyword CONSTANT SQLEXCEPTION SQLWARNING syn keyword sqlOperator WHERE BETWEEN LIKE NULL CONTAINS syn keyword sqlOperator AND OR NOT CASE syn keyword sqlOperator UNION INTERSECT EXCEPT syn keyword sqlStatement ALTER CALL CALLS CREATE DROP RENAME TRUNCATE syn keyword sqlStatement DELETE INSERT UPDATE EXPLAIN syn keyword sqlStatement MERGE REPLACE UPSERT SELECT syn keyword sqlStatement SET UNSET LOAD UNLOAD syn keyword sqlStatement CONNECT DISCONNECT COMMIT LOCK ROLLBACK syn keyword sqlStatement GRANT REVOKE syn keyword sqlStatement EXPORT IMPORT syn keyword sqlType DATE TIME SECONDDATE TIMESTAMP TINYINT SMALLINT syn keyword sqlType INT INTEGER BIGINT SMALLDECIMAL DECIMAL syn keyword sqlType REAL DOUBLE FLOAT syn keyword sqlType VARCHAR NVARCHAR ALPHANUM SHORTTEXT VARBINARY syn keyword sqlType BLOB CLOB NCLOB TEXT DAYDATE syn keyword sqlOption Webservice_namespace_host " Strings and characters: syn region sqlString start=+"+ end=+"+ contains=@Spell syn region sqlString start=+'+ end=+'+ contains=@Spell " Numbers: syn match sqlNumber "-\=\<\d*\.\=[0-9_]\>" " Comments: syn region sqlDashComment start=/--/ end=/$/ contains=@Spell syn region sqlSlashComment start=/\/\// end=/$/ contains=@Spell syn region sqlMultiComment start="/\*" end="\*/" contains=sqlMultiComment,@Spell syn cluster sqlComment contains=sqlDashComment,sqlSlashComment,sqlMultiComment,@Spell syn sync ccomment sqlComment syn sync ccomment sqlDashComment syn sync ccomment sqlSlashComment hi def link sqlDashComment Comment hi def link sqlSlashComment Comment hi def link sqlMultiComment Comment hi def link sqlNumber Number hi def link sqlOperator Operator hi def link sqlSpecial Special hi def link sqlKeyword Keyword hi def link sqlStatement Statement hi def link sqlString String hi def link sqlType Type hi def link sqlFunction Function hi def link sqlOption PreProc let b:current_syntax = "sqlhana" " vim:sw=4:
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sl.vim | File | 4.32 KB | 0644 |
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