[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
#!/usr/bin/python -t
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Library General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

"""Various utility functions, and a utility class."""

import os
import sys
import time
import exceptions

import yum
from cli import *
from yum import Errors
from yum import _
from yum.i18n import utf8_width, exception2msg
from yum import logginglevels
from optparse import OptionGroup

import yum.plugins as plugins
from urlgrabber.progress import format_number

    _USER_HZ = os.sysconf(os.sysconf_names['SC_CLK_TCK'])
except (AttributeError, KeyError):
    # Huh, non-Unix platform? Or just really old?
    _USER_HZ = 100

def suppress_keyboard_interrupt_message():
    """Change settings so that nothing will be printed to the
    terminal after an uncaught :class:`exceptions.KeyboardInterrupt`.
    old_excepthook = sys.excepthook

    def new_hook(type, value, traceback):
        if type != exceptions.KeyboardInterrupt:
            old_excepthook(type, value, traceback)

    sys.excepthook = new_hook

def jiffies_to_seconds(jiffies):
    """Convert a number of jiffies to seconds. How many jiffies are in a second
    is system-dependent, e.g. 100 jiffies = 1 second is common.

    :param jiffies: a number of jiffies
    :return: the equivalent number of seconds
    return int(jiffies) / _USER_HZ

def seconds_to_ui_time(seconds):
    """Return a human-readable string representation of the length of
    a time interval given in seconds.

    :param seconds: the length of the time interval in seconds
    :return: a human-readable string representation of the length of
    the time interval
    if seconds >= 60 * 60 * 24:
        return "%d day(s) %d:%02d:%02d" % (seconds / (60 * 60 * 24),
                                           (seconds / (60 * 60)) % 24,
                                           (seconds / 60) % 60,
                                           seconds % 60)
    if seconds >= 60 * 60:
        return "%d:%02d:%02d" % (seconds / (60 * 60), (seconds / 60) % 60,
                                 (seconds % 60))
    return "%02d:%02d" % ((seconds / 60), seconds % 60)

def get_process_info(pid):
    """Return information about a process taken from
    /proc/*pid*/status, /proc/stat/, and /proc/*pid*/stat.

    :param pid: the process id number
    :return: a dictionary containing information about the process
    if not pid:

        pid = int(pid)
    except ValueError, e:
    ps = {}
    for line in open("/proc/%d/status" % pid):
        if line[-1] != '\n':
        data = line[:-1].split(':\t', 1)
        if len(data) < 2:
        if data[1].endswith(' kB'):
            data[1] = data[1][:-3]
        ps[data[0].strip().lower()] = data[1].strip()
    if 'vmrss' not in ps:
    if 'vmsize' not in ps:
    boot_time = get_boot_time()
    if boot_time is None:
    ps.update(get_process_time(pid, boot_time))
    return ps

def get_boot_time():
    for line in open("/proc/stat"):
        if line.startswith("btime "):
            return int(line[len("btime "):-1])

def get_process_time(pid, boot_time):
    ps = {}
    ps_stat = open("/proc/%d/stat" % pid).read().strip()
    # Filename of the executable might contain spaces, so we throw it away
    ps_stat = ps_stat[ps_stat.rfind(')') + 2:].split()
    ps['utime'] = jiffies_to_seconds(ps_stat[11])
    ps['stime'] = jiffies_to_seconds(ps_stat[12])
    ps['cutime'] = jiffies_to_seconds(ps_stat[13])
    ps['cstime'] = jiffies_to_seconds(ps_stat[14])
    ps['start_time'] = boot_time + jiffies_to_seconds(ps_stat[19])
    ps['state'] = {'R' : _('Running'),
                   'S' : _('Sleeping'),
                   'D' : _('Uninterruptible'),
                   'Z' : _('Zombie'),
                   'T' : _('Traced/Stopped')
                   }.get(ps_stat[0], _('Unknown'))
    return ps

def show_lock_owner(pid, logger):
    """Output information about another process that is holding the
    yum lock.

    :param pid: the process id number of the process holding the yum
    :param logger: the logger to output the information to
    :return: a dictionary containing information about the process.
       This is the same as the dictionary returned by
        ps = get_process_info(pid)
    except IOError, e:
        logger.critical("%s", exception2msg(e))
        ps = None
    if not ps:
        return None

    # This yumBackend isn't very friendly, so...
    if ps['name'] == 'yumBackend.py':
        nmsg = _("  The other application is: PackageKit")
        nmsg = _("  The other application is: %s") % ps['name']

    logger.critical("%s", nmsg)
    logger.critical(_("    Memory : %5s RSS (%5sB VSZ)") %
                    (format_number(int(ps['vmrss']) * 1024),
                     format_number(int(ps['vmsize']) * 1024)))
    ago = seconds_to_ui_time(int(time.time()) - ps['start_time'])
    logger.critical(_("    Started: %s - %s ago") %
                    (time.ctime(ps['start_time']), ago))
    logger.critical(_("    State  : %s, pid: %d") % (ps['state'], pid))

    return ps

class YumUtilBase(YumBaseCli):
    """A class to extend the yum cli for utilities."""
    def __init__(self,name,ver,usage):
        self._parser = YumOptionParser(base=self,utils=True,usage=usage)
        self._usage = usage
        self._utilName = name
        self._utilVer = ver
        self._option_group = OptionGroup(self._parser, "%s options" % self._utilName,"")
        logger = logging.getLogger("yum.util")
        verbose_logger = logging.getLogger("yum.verbose.util")
        # Add yum-utils version to history records.
        if hasattr(self, 'run_with_package_names'):

    def exUserCancel(self):
        """Output a message stating that the operation was cancelled
        by the user.

        :return: the exit code
        self.logger.critical(_('\n\nExiting on user cancel'))
        if self.unlock(): return 200
        return 1

    def exIOError(self, e):
        """Output a message stating that the program is exiting due to
        an IO exception.

        :param e: the IO exception
        :return: the exit code
        if e.errno == 32:
            self.logger.critical(_('\n\nExiting on Broken Pipe'))
            self.logger.critical(_('\n\n%s') % exception2msg(e))
        if self.unlock(): return 200
        return 1

    def exPluginExit(self, e):
        """Called when a plugin raises
           :class:`yum.plugins.PluginYumExit`.  Log the plugin's exit
           message if one was supplied.

        :param e: the exception
        :return: the exit code
        """ # ' xemacs hack
        exitmsg = exception2msg(e)
        if exitmsg:
            self.logger.warn('\n\n%s', exitmsg)
        if self.unlock(): return 200
        return 1

    def exFatal(self, e):
        """Output a message stating that a fatal error has occurred.

        :param e: the exception
        :return: the exit code
        self.logger.critical('\n\n%s', exception2msg(e))
        if self.unlock(): return 200
        return 1
    def unlock(self):
        """Release the yum lock.

        :return: the exit code
        except Errors.LockError, e:
            return 200
        return 0
    def getOptionParser(self):
        """Return the :class:`cli.YumOptionParser` for this object.

        :return: the :class:`cli.YumOptionParser` for this object
        return self._parser        

    def getOptionGroup(self):
        """Return an option group to add non inherited options.

        :return: a :class:`optparse.OptionGroup` for adding options
           that are not inherited from :class:`YumBaseCli`.
        return self._option_group    
    def _printUtilVersion(self):
        print "%s - %s (yum - %s)" % (self._utilName,self._utilVer,yum.__version__)
    def doUtilConfigSetup(self,args = sys.argv[1:],pluginsTypes=(plugins.TYPE_CORE,)):
        """Parse command line options, and perform configuration.

        :param args: list of arguments to use for configuration
        :param pluginsTypes: a sequence specifying the types of
           plugins to load
        :return: a dictionary containing the values of command line options
        # Parse only command line options that affect basic yum setup
        opts = self._parser.firstParse(args)

        # go through all the setopts and set the global ones

        if self.main_setopts:
            for opt in self.main_setopts.items:
                setattr(opts, opt, getattr(self.main_setopts, opt))

        # Just print out the version if that's what the user wanted
        if opts.version:
        # get the install root to use
        root = self._parser.getRoot(opts)
        if opts.quiet:
            opts.debuglevel = 0
        if opts.verbose:
            opts.debuglevel = opts.errorlevel = 6
        # Read up configuration options and initialise plugins
            pc = self.preconf
            pc.fn = opts.conffile
            pc.root = root
            pc.init_plugins = not opts.noplugins
            pc.plugin_types = pluginsTypes
            pc.optparser = self._parser
            pc.debuglevel = opts.debuglevel
            pc.errorlevel = opts.errorlevel
            if hasattr(opts, "disableplugins"):
                pc.disabled_plugins =self._parser._splitArg(opts.disableplugins)
            if hasattr(opts, "enableplugins"):
                pc.enabled_plugins = self._parser._splitArg(opts.enableplugins)
            if hasattr(opts, "releasever"):
                pc.releasever = opts.releasever

            # now set  all the non-first-start opts from main from our setopts
            if self.main_setopts:
                for opt in self.main_setopts.items:
                    setattr(self.conf, opt, getattr(self.main_setopts, opt))

        except Errors.ConfigError, e:
            self.logger.critical(_('Config Error: %s'), exception2msg(e))
        except ValueError, e:
            self.logger.critical(_('Options Error: %s'), exception2msg(e))
        except plugins.PluginYumExit, e:
            self.logger.critical(_('PluginExit Error: %s'), exception2msg(e))
        except Errors.YumBaseError, e:
            self.logger.critical(_('Yum Error: %s'), exception2msg(e))
        # update usage in case plugins have added commands
        # Now parse the command line for real and 
        # apply some of the options to self.conf
        (opts, self.cmds) = self._parser.setupYumConfig()
        if self.cmds:
            self.basecmd = self.cmds[0] # our base command
            self.basecmd = None
        self.extcmds = self.cmds[1:] # out extended arguments/commands

        return opts

    def doUtilYumSetup(self):
        """Do a default setup for all the normal or necessary yum components;
           this method is mostly just a used for testing.
        # FIXME - we need another way to do this, I think.
            self._getRepos(doSetup = True)
        except Errors.YumBaseError, msg:

    def doUtilBuildTransaction(self, unfinished_transactions_check=True):
        """Build the transaction.

        :param unfinished_transactions_check: whether to check if an
           unfinished transaction has been saved
            (result, resultmsgs) = self.buildTransaction(unfinished_transactions_check = unfinished_transactions_check)
        except plugins.PluginYumExit, e:
            return self.exPluginExit(e)
        except Errors.YumBaseError, e:
            result = 1
            resultmsgs = [exception2msg(e)]
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            return self.exUserCancel()
        except IOError, e:
            return self.exIOError(e)
        # Act on the depsolve result
        if result == 0:
            # Normal exit
            if self.unlock(): return 200
            return 0
        elif result == 1:
            # Fatal error
            for prefix, msg in self.pretty_output_restring(resultmsgs):
                self.logger.critical(prefix, msg)
            if not self.conf.skip_broken:
                self.verbose_logger.info(_(" You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem"))
            if not self._rpmdb_warn_checks(out=self.verbose_logger.info, warn=False):
                self.verbose_logger.info(_(" You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest"))
            if self.unlock(): return 200
            return 1
        elif result == 2:
            # Continue on
            self.logger.critical(_('Unknown Error(s): Exit Code: %d:'), result)
            for msg in resultmsgs:
            if self.unlock(): return 200
            return 3

        self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.INFO_2, _('\nDependencies Resolved'))
    def doUtilTransaction(self):
        """Perform the transaction."""

            return_code = self.doTransaction()
        except plugins.PluginYumExit, e:
            return self.exPluginExit(e)
        except Errors.YumBaseError, e:
            return self.exFatal(e)
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            return self.exUserCancel()
        except IOError, e:
            return self.exIOError(e,)

        self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.INFO_2, _('Complete!'))
        if self.unlock(): return 200
        return return_code
def main():
    name = 'testutil'
    ver  = '0.1'
    usage = 'testutil [options] [args]'
    util = YumUtilBase(name,ver,usage)
    parser = util.getOptionParser() 
    parser.add_option("", "--myoption", dest="myoption",
                    action="store_true", default=False, 
                    help="This is an util option")
    util.logger.info("Setup Yum Config")
    opts = util.doUtilConfigSetup()
    util.logger.info("Setup Yum")
    print "Command line args: %s" % " ".join(util.cmds)
    print "Command line options :"
    print opts
    util.logger.info("%s Completed" % name)
if __name__ == '__main__':



Name Type Size Permission Actions
callback.py File 9.15 KB 0755
callback.pyc File 6.72 KB 0644
cli.py File 107.07 KB 0755
cli.pyc File 75.6 KB 0644
completion-helper.py File 3.4 KB 0755
output.py File 136.49 KB 0755
output.pyc File 106.22 KB 0644
shell.py File 17.41 KB 0755
shell.pyc File 14.41 KB 0644
utils.py File 15.45 KB 0755
utils.pyc File 14.49 KB 0644
yumcommands.py File 185.06 KB 0755
yumcommands.pyc File 165.67 KB 0644
yummain.py File 12.33 KB 0755
yummain.pyc File 10.62 KB 0644