#include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "gd.h" #ifdef HAVE_LIBVPX #include "webpimg.h" #include "gdhelpers.h" extern void gd_YUV420toRGBA(uint8* Y, uint8* U, uint8* V, gdImagePtr im); extern void gd_RGBAToYUV420(gdImagePtr im2, uint8* Y, uint8* U, uint8* V); const char * gdWebpGetVersionString() { return "not defined"; } gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromWebp (FILE * inFile) { gdImagePtr im; gdIOCtx *in = gdNewFileCtx(inFile); im = gdImageCreateFromWebpCtx(in); in->gd_free(in); return im; } gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromWebpPtr (int size, void *data) { int width, height, ret; unsigned char *Y = NULL; unsigned char *U = NULL; unsigned char *V = NULL; gdImagePtr im; ret = WebPDecode(data, size, &Y, &U, &V, &width, &height); if (ret != webp_success) { if (Y) free(Y); if (U) free(U); if (V) free(V); php_gd_error("WebP decode: fail to decode input data"); return NULL; } im = gdImageCreateTrueColor(width, height); if (!im) { return NULL; } gd_YUV420toRGBA(Y, U, V, im); return im; } #define GD_WEBP_ALLOC_STEP (4*1024) gdImagePtr gdImageCreateFromWebpCtx (gdIOCtx * infile) { int width, height, ret; unsigned char *filedata = NULL; unsigned char *read, *temp; unsigned char *Y = NULL; unsigned char *U = NULL; unsigned char *V = NULL; size_t size = 0, n; gdImagePtr im; do { temp = gdRealloc(filedata, size+GD_WEBP_ALLOC_STEP); if (temp) { filedata = temp; read = temp + size; } else { if (filedata) { gdFree(filedata); } php_gd_error("WebP decode: realloc failed"); return NULL; } n = gdGetBuf(read, GD_WEBP_ALLOC_STEP, infile); /* differs from upstream where gdGetBuf return 0 instead of EOF */ if (n>0 && n!=EOF) { size += n; } } while (n>0 && n!=EOF); ret = WebPDecode(filedata, size, &Y, &U, &V, &width, &height); gdFree(filedata); if (ret != webp_success) { if (Y) free(Y); if (U) free(U); if (V) free(V); php_gd_error("WebP decode: fail to decode input data"); return NULL; } im = gdImageCreateTrueColor(width, height); gd_YUV420toRGBA(Y, U, V, im); return im; } void gdImageWebpEx (gdImagePtr im, FILE * outFile, int quantization) { gdIOCtx *out = gdNewFileCtx(outFile); gdImageWebpCtx(im, out, quantization); out->gd_free(out); } void gdImageWebp (gdImagePtr im, FILE * outFile) { gdIOCtx *out = gdNewFileCtx(outFile); gdImageWebpCtx(im, out, -1); out->gd_free(out); } void * gdImageWebpPtr (gdImagePtr im, int *size) { void *rv; gdIOCtx *out = gdNewDynamicCtx(2048, NULL); gdImageWebpCtx(im, out, -1); rv = gdDPExtractData(out, size); out->gd_free(out); return rv; } void * gdImageWebpPtrEx (gdImagePtr im, int *size, int quantization) { void *rv; gdIOCtx *out = gdNewDynamicCtx(2048, NULL); gdImageWebpCtx(im, out, quantization); rv = gdDPExtractData(out, size); out->gd_free(out); return rv; } /* * Maps normalized QP (quality) to VP8 QP */ int mapQualityToVP8QP(int quality) { #define MIN_QUALITY 0 #define MAX_QUALITY 100 #define MIN_VP8QP 1 #define MAX_VP8QP 63 const float scale = MAX_VP8QP - MIN_VP8QP; const float vp8qp = scale * (MAX_QUALITY - quality) / (MAX_QUALITY - MIN_QUALITY) + MIN_VP8QP; if (quality < MIN_QUALITY || quality > MAX_QUALITY) { php_gd_error("Wrong quality value %d.", quality); return -1; } return (int)(vp8qp + 0.5); } /* This routine is based in part on code from Dale Lutz (Safe Software Inc.) * and in part on demo code from Chapter 15 of "PNG: The Definitive Guide" * (http://www.cdrom.com/pub/png/pngbook.html). */ void gdImageWebpCtx (gdImagePtr im, gdIOCtx * outfile, int quantization) { int width = im->sx; int height = im->sy; int colors = im->colorsTotal; int *open = im->open; int yuv_width, yuv_height, yuv_nbytes, ret; int vp8_quality; unsigned char *Y = NULL, *U = NULL, *V = NULL; unsigned char *filedata = NULL; /* Conversion to Y,U,V buffer */ yuv_width = (width + 1) >> 1; yuv_height = (height + 1) >> 1; if (overflow2(width, height)) { return; } /* simplification possible, because WebP must not be larger than 16384**2 */ if (overflow2(width * height, 2 * sizeof(unsigned char))) { return; } yuv_nbytes = width * height + 2 * yuv_width * yuv_height; if ((Y = (unsigned char *)gdCalloc(yuv_nbytes, sizeof(unsigned char))) == NULL) { php_gd_error("gd-webp error: cannot allocate Y buffer"); return; } vp8_quality = mapQualityToVP8QP(quantization); U = Y + width * height; V = U + yuv_width * yuv_height; gd_RGBAToYUV420(im, Y, U, V); /* Encode Y,U,V and write data to file */ ret = WebPEncode(Y, U, V, width, height, width, yuv_width, yuv_height, yuv_width, vp8_quality, &filedata, &yuv_nbytes, NULL); gdFree(Y); if (ret != webp_success) { if (filedata) { free(filedata); } php_gd_error("gd-webp error: WebP Encoder failed"); return; } gdPutBuf (filedata, yuv_nbytes, outfile); free(filedata); } #endif /* HAVE_LIBVPX */
Name | Type | Size | Permission | Actions |
gd.c | File | 72.75 KB | 0644 |
gd.h | File | 32.2 KB | 0644 |
gd_arc.c | File | 1.66 KB | 0644 |
gd_color.c | File | 1.5 KB | 0644 |
gd_crop.c | File | 9.04 KB | 0644 |
gd_filter.c | File | 10.3 KB | 0644 |
gd_gd.c | File | 5.2 KB | 0644 |
gd_gd2.c | File | 19.73 KB | 0644 |
gd_gif_in.c | File | 13.89 KB | 0644 |
gd_gif_out.c | File | 20.54 KB | 0644 |
gd_interpolation.c | File | 71.93 KB | 0644 |
gd_io.c | File | 2.69 KB | 0644 |
gd_io.h | File | 963 B | 0644 |
gd_io_dp.c | File | 6.93 KB | 0644 |
gd_io_file.c | File | 2.31 KB | 0644 |
gd_io_ss.c | File | 2.66 KB | 0644 |
gd_jpeg.c | File | 26.21 KB | 0644 |
gd_matrix.c | File | 7.78 KB | 0644 |
gd_pixelate.c | File | 1.33 KB | 0644 |
gd_png.c | File | 22 KB | 0644 |
gd_rotate.c | File | 12.98 KB | 0644 |
gd_security.c | File | 671 B | 0644 |
gd_ss.c | File | 1.08 KB | 0644 |
gd_topal.c | File | 63.08 KB | 0644 |
gd_transform.c | File | 1.27 KB | 0644 |
gd_wbmp.c | File | 5.17 KB | 0644 |
gd_webp.c | File | 5.04 KB | 0644 |
gdcache.c | File | 4.99 KB | 0644 |
gdcache.h | File | 2.68 KB | 0644 |
gdfontg.c | File | 113.25 KB | 0644 |
gdfontg.h | File | 529 B | 0644 |
gdfontl.c | File | 108.5 KB | 0644 |
gdfontl.h | File | 527 B | 0644 |
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gdfontmb.h | File | 495 B | 0644 |
gdfonts.c | File | 69.46 KB | 0644 |
gdfonts.h | File | 491 B | 0644 |
gdfontt.c | File | 38.49 KB | 0644 |
gdfontt.h | File | 522 B | 0644 |
gdft.c | File | 32.57 KB | 0644 |
gdhelpers.c | File | 1.19 KB | 0644 |
gdhelpers.h | File | 1.32 KB | 0644 |
gdkanji.c | File | 12.11 KB | 0644 |
gdtables.c | File | 5.45 KB | 0644 |
gdxpm.c | File | 3.21 KB | 0644 |
wbmp.c | File | 6.76 KB | 0644 |
wbmp.h | File | 1.25 KB | 0644 |
webpimg.c | File | 28.33 KB | 0644 |
webpimg.h | File | 7.04 KB | 0644 |
xbm.c | File | 5.3 KB | 0644 |