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hmhc3928@ ~ $
   ** ----
   ** WBMP Level 0: B/W, Uncompressed
   ** This implements the WBMP format as specified in WAPSpec 1.1 and 1.2.
   ** It does not support ExtHeaders as defined in the spec. The spec states
   ** that a WAP client does not need to implement ExtHeaders.
   ** (c) 2000 Johan Van den Brande <johan@vandenbrande.com>

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#include "wbmp.h"
#include "gd.h"
#include "gdhelpers.h"

#ifdef NOTDEF
#define __TEST			/* Compile with main function */
#define __DEBUG			/* Extra verbose when with __TEST */
#define __WRITE			/* readwbmp and writewbmp(stdout) */
#define __VIEW			/* view the wbmp on stdout */

/* getmbi
   ** ------
   ** Get a multibyte integer from a generic getin function
   ** 'getin' can be getc, with in = NULL
   ** you can find getin as a function just above the main function
   ** This way you gain a lot of flexibilty about how this package
   ** reads a wbmp file.
getmbi (int (*getin) (void *in), void *in)
  int i, mbi = 0;

      i = getin (in);
      if (i < 0)
	return (-1);
      mbi = (mbi << 7) | (i & 0x7f);
  while (i & 0x80);

  return (mbi);

/* putmbi
   ** ------
   ** Put a multibyte intgerer in some kind of output stream
   ** I work here with a function pointer, to make it as generic
   ** as possible. Look at this function as an iterator on the
   ** mbi integers it spits out.
putmbi (int i, void (*putout) (int c, void *out), void *out)
  int cnt, l, accu;

  /* Get number of septets */
  cnt = 0;
  accu = 0;
  while (accu != i)
    accu += i & 0x7f << 7 * cnt++;

  /* Produce the multibyte output */
  for (l = cnt - 1; l > 0; l--)
    putout (0x80 | (i & 0x7f << 7 * l) >> 7 * l, out);

  putout (i & 0x7f, out);


/* skipheader
   ** ----------
   ** Skips the ExtHeader. Not needed for the moment
skipheader (int (*getin) (void *in), void *in)
  int i;

      i = getin (in);
      if (i < 0)
	return (-1);
  while (i & 0x80);

  return (0);

/* create wbmp
   ** -----------
   ** create an empty wbmp
Wbmp *
createwbmp (int width, int height, int color)
  int i;

  Wbmp *wbmp;
  if ((wbmp = (Wbmp *) gdMalloc (sizeof (Wbmp))) == NULL)
    return (NULL);

  if (overflow2(sizeof (int), width)) {
    return NULL;
  if (overflow2(sizeof (int) * width, height)) {
    return NULL;

  if ((wbmp->bitmap = (int *) safe_emalloc(sizeof(int), width * height, 0)) == NULL)
      gdFree (wbmp);
      return (NULL);

  wbmp->width = width;
  wbmp->height = height;

  for (i = 0; i < width * height; wbmp->bitmap[i++] = color);

  return (wbmp);

/* readwbmp
   ** -------
   ** Actually reads the WBMP format from an open file descriptor
   ** It goes along by returning a pointer to a WBMP struct.
readwbmp (int (*getin) (void *in), void *in, Wbmp ** return_wbmp)
  int row, col, byte, pel, pos;
  Wbmp *wbmp;

  if ((wbmp = (Wbmp *) gdMalloc (sizeof (Wbmp))) == NULL)
    return (-1);

  wbmp->type = getin (in);
  if (wbmp->type != 0)
      gdFree (wbmp);
      return (-1);

  if (skipheader (getin, in))
    return (-1);

  wbmp->width = getmbi (getin, in);
  if (wbmp->width == -1)
      gdFree (wbmp);
      return (-1);

  wbmp->height = getmbi (getin, in);
  if (wbmp->height == -1)
      gdFree (wbmp);
      return (-1);

#ifdef __DEBUG
  printf ("W: %d, H: %d\n", wbmp->width, wbmp->height);

  if (overflow2(sizeof (int), wbmp->width) ||
    overflow2(sizeof (int) * wbmp->width, wbmp->height))
      return (-1);

  if ((wbmp->bitmap = (int *) safe_emalloc((size_t)wbmp->width * wbmp->height, sizeof(int), 0)) == NULL)
      gdFree (wbmp);
      return (-1);

#ifdef __DEBUG
  printf ("DATA CONSTRUCTED\n");

  pos = 0;
  for (row = 0; row < wbmp->height; row++)
      for (col = 0; col < wbmp->width;)
	  byte = getin (in);

	  for (pel = 7; pel >= 0; pel--)
	      if (col++ < wbmp->width)
		  if (byte & 1 << pel)
		      wbmp->bitmap[pos] = WBMP_WHITE;
		      wbmp->bitmap[pos] = WBMP_BLACK;

  *return_wbmp = wbmp;

  return (0);

/* writewbmp
   ** ---------
   ** Write a wbmp to a file descriptor
   ** Why not just giving a filedescriptor to this function?
   ** Well, the incentive to write this function was the complete
   ** integration in gd library from www.boutell.com. They use
   ** their own io functions, so the passing of a function seemed to be
   ** a logic(?) decision ...
writewbmp (Wbmp * wbmp, void (*putout) (int c, void *out), void *out)
  int row, col;
  int bitpos, octet;

  /* Generate the header */
  putout (0, out);		/* WBMP Type 0: B/W, Uncompressed bitmap */
  putout (0, out);		/* FixHeaderField */

  /* Size of the image */
  putmbi (wbmp->width, putout, out);	/* width */
  putmbi (wbmp->height, putout, out);	/* height */

  /* Image data */
  for (row = 0; row < wbmp->height; row++)
      bitpos = 8;
      octet = 0;
      for (col = 0; col < wbmp->width; col++)
	  octet |= ((wbmp->bitmap[row * wbmp->width + col] == 1) ? WBMP_WHITE : WBMP_BLACK) << --bitpos;
	  if (bitpos == 0)
	      bitpos = 8;
	      putout (octet, out);
	      octet = 0;
      if (bitpos != 8)
	putout (octet, out);

  return (0);


/* freewbmp
   ** --------
   ** gdFrees up memory occupied by a WBMP structure
freewbmp (Wbmp * wbmp)
  gdFree (wbmp->bitmap);
  gdFree (wbmp);

/* printwbmp
   ** ---------
   ** print a WBMP to stdout for visualisation
printwbmp (Wbmp * wbmp)
  int row, col;
  for (row = 0; row < wbmp->height; row++)
      for (col = 0; col < wbmp->width; col++)
	  if (wbmp->bitmap[wbmp->width * row + col] == WBMP_BLACK)
	      putchar ('#');
	      putchar (' ');
      putchar ('\n');

#ifdef __TEST

/* putout to file descriptor
   ** -------------------------
putout (int c, void *out)
  return (putc (c, (FILE *) out));

/* getin from file descriptor
   ** --------------------------
getin (void *in)
  return (getc ((FILE *) in));

/* Main function
   ** -------------
main (int argc, char *argv[])
  FILE *wbmp_file;
  Wbmp *wbmp;

  wbmp_file = fopen (argv[1], "rb");
  if (wbmp_file)
      readwbmp (&getin, wbmp_file, &wbmp);

#ifdef __VIEW

#ifdef __DEBUG
      printf ("\nVIEWING IMAGE\n");

      printwbmp (wbmp);

#ifdef __WRITE

#ifdef __DEBUG
      printf ("\nDUMPING WBMP to STDOUT\n");

      writewbmp (wbmp, &putout, stdout);

      freewbmp (wbmp);
      fclose (wbmp_file);


Name Type Size Permission Actions
gd.c File 72.75 KB 0644
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gd_filter.c File 10.3 KB 0644
gd_gd.c File 5.2 KB 0644
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gd_io_ss.c File 2.66 KB 0644
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gd_ss.c File 1.08 KB 0644
gd_topal.c File 63.08 KB 0644
gd_transform.c File 1.27 KB 0644
gd_wbmp.c File 5.17 KB 0644
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gdhelpers.h File 1.32 KB 0644
gdkanji.c File 12.11 KB 0644
gdtables.c File 5.45 KB 0644
gdxpm.c File 3.21 KB 0644
wbmp.c File 6.76 KB 0644
wbmp.h File 1.25 KB 0644
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webpimg.h File 7.04 KB 0644
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