[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
   | PHP Version 5                                                        |
   | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license,      |
   | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is        |
   | available through the world-wide-web at the following url:           |
   | http://www.php.net/license/3_01.txt                                  |
   | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to   |
   | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to          |
   | license@php.net so we can mail you a copy immediately.               |
   | Authors: Vadim Savchuk <vsavchuk@productengine.com>                  |
   |          Dmitry Lakhtyuk <dlakhtyuk@productengine.com>               |
   |          Stanislav Malyshev <stas@zend.com>                          |

#ifndef INTL_DATA_H
#define INTL_DATA_H

#include <unicode/utypes.h>

#include "intl_error.h"

/* Mock object to generalize error handling in sub-modules.
   Sub-module data structures should always have error as first element 
   for this to work! 
typedef struct _intl_data {
	zend_object		zo;
	intl_error		error;
} intl_object;

#define INTL_METHOD_INIT_VARS(oclass, obj)		\
	zval*             object  = NULL;			\
	oclass##_object*  obj     = NULL;			\
	intl_error_reset( NULL TSRMLS_CC );			

#define INTL_DATA_ERROR(obj)				(((intl_object *)(obj))->error)
#define INTL_DATA_ERROR_P(obj)				(&(INTL_DATA_ERROR((obj))))

#define INTL_METHOD_FETCH_OBJECT(oclass, obj)									\
	obj = (oclass##_object *) zend_object_store_get_object( object TSRMLS_CC );	\
    intl_error_reset( INTL_DATA_ERROR_P(obj) TSRMLS_CC );						\

/* Check status by error code, if error - exit */
#define INTL_CHECK_STATUS(err, msg)											\
    intl_error_set_code( NULL, (err) TSRMLS_CC );							\
    if( U_FAILURE((err)) )													\
    {																		\
        intl_error_set_custom_msg( NULL, msg, 0 TSRMLS_CC );				\
        RETURN_FALSE;														\

/* Check status in object, if error - exit */
#define INTL_METHOD_CHECK_STATUS(obj, msg)											\
    intl_error_set_code( NULL, INTL_DATA_ERROR_CODE((obj)) TSRMLS_CC );				\
    if( U_FAILURE( INTL_DATA_ERROR_CODE((obj)) ) )									\
    {																				\
        intl_errors_set_custom_msg( INTL_DATA_ERROR_P((obj)), msg, 0 TSRMLS_CC );	\
        RETURN_FALSE;										\

/* Check status, if error - destroy value and exit */
#define INTL_CTOR_CHECK_STATUS(obj, msg)											\
    intl_error_set_code( NULL, INTL_DATA_ERROR_CODE((obj)) TSRMLS_CC );				\
    if( U_FAILURE( INTL_DATA_ERROR_CODE((obj)) ) )									\
    {																				\
        intl_errors_set_custom_msg( INTL_DATA_ERROR_P((obj)), msg, 0 TSRMLS_CC );	\
		zval_dtor(return_value);													\
        RETURN_NULL();																\

#define INTL_METHOD_RETVAL_UTF8(obj, ustring, ulen, free_it)									\
{																								\
	char *u8value;																				\
	int u8len;																					\
	intl_convert_utf16_to_utf8(&u8value, &u8len, ustring, ulen, &INTL_DATA_ERROR_CODE((obj)));	\
	if((free_it)) {																				\
		efree(ustring);																			\
	}																							\
	INTL_METHOD_CHECK_STATUS((obj), "Error converting value to UTF-8");							\
	RETVAL_STRINGL(u8value, u8len, 0);															\


#define INTL_CHECK_LOCALE_LEN(locale_len)												\
	if((locale_len) > INTL_MAX_LOCALE_LEN) {											\
		intl_error_set( NULL, U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR,									\
	"Locale string too long, should be no longer than 80 characters", 0 TSRMLS_CC );	\
		RETURN_NULL();																	\

#define INTL_CHECK_LOCALE_LEN_OBJ(locale_len, object)									\
	if((locale_len) > INTL_MAX_LOCALE_LEN) {											\
		intl_error_set( NULL, U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR,									\
	"Locale string too long, should be no longer than 80 characters", 0 TSRMLS_CC );	\
		zval_dtor(object);																\
		ZVAL_NULL(object);																\
		RETURN_NULL();																	\

#endif // INTL_DATA_H


Name Type Size Permission Actions
breakiterator Folder 0755
calendar Folder 0755
collator Folder 0755
common Folder 0755
converter Folder 0755
dateformat Folder 0755
formatter Folder 0755
grapheme Folder 0755
idn Folder 0755
locale Folder 0755
msgformat Folder 0755
normalizer Folder 0755
resourcebundle Folder 0755
spoofchecker Folder 0755
timezone Folder 0755
transliterator Folder 0755
intl_convert.c File 4.89 KB 0644
intl_convert.h File 1.4 KB 0644
intl_convertcpp.cpp File 2.69 KB 0644
intl_convertcpp.h File 1.35 KB 0644
intl_data.h File 4.34 KB 0644
intl_error.c File 8.36 KB 0644
intl_error.h File 2.58 KB 0644
php_intl.c File 34.53 KB 0644
php_intl.h File 2.65 KB 0644