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hmhc3928@ ~ $
  | phar:// stream wrapper support                                       |
  | Copyright (c) 2005-2016 The PHP Group                                |
  | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license,      |
  | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is        |
  | available through the world-wide-web at the following url:           |
  | http://www.php.net/license/3_01.txt.                                 |
  | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to   |
  | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to          |
  | license@php.net so we can mail you a copy immediately.               |
  | Authors: Gregory Beaver <cellog@php.net>                             |
  |          Marcus Boerger <helly@php.net>                              |

#define PHAR_STREAM 1
#include "phar_internal.h"
#include "stream.h"
#include "dirstream.h"

php_stream_ops phar_ops = {
	phar_stream_write, /* write */
	phar_stream_read,  /* read */
	phar_stream_close, /* close */
	phar_stream_flush, /* flush */
	"phar stream",
	phar_stream_seek,  /* seek */
	NULL,              /* cast */
	phar_stream_stat,  /* stat */
	NULL, /* set option */

php_stream_wrapper_ops phar_stream_wops = {
	NULL,                  /* phar_wrapper_close */
	NULL,                  /* phar_wrapper_stat, */
	phar_wrapper_stat,     /* stat_url */
	phar_wrapper_open_dir, /* opendir */
	phar_wrapper_unlink,   /* unlink */
	phar_wrapper_rename,   /* rename */
	phar_wrapper_mkdir,    /* create directory */
	phar_wrapper_rmdir,    /* remove directory */

php_stream_wrapper php_stream_phar_wrapper = {
	0 /* is_url */

 * Open a phar file for streams API
php_url* phar_parse_url(php_stream_wrapper *wrapper, const char *filename, const char *mode, int options TSRMLS_DC) /* {{{ */
	php_url *resource;
	char *arch = NULL, *entry = NULL, *error;
	int arch_len, entry_len;

	if (strlen(filename) < 7 || strncasecmp(filename, "phar://", 7)) {
		return NULL;
	if (mode[0] == 'a') {
		if (!(options & PHP_STREAM_URL_STAT_QUIET)) {
			php_stream_wrapper_log_error(wrapper, options TSRMLS_CC, "phar error: open mode append not supported");
		return NULL;
	if (phar_split_fname(filename, strlen(filename), &arch, &arch_len, &entry, &entry_len, 2, (mode[0] == 'w' ? 2 : 0) TSRMLS_CC) == FAILURE) {
		if (!(options & PHP_STREAM_URL_STAT_QUIET)) {
			if (arch && !entry) {
				php_stream_wrapper_log_error(wrapper, options TSRMLS_CC, "phar error: no directory in \"%s\", must have at least phar://%s/ for root directory (always use full path to a new phar)", filename, arch);
				arch = NULL;
			} else {
				php_stream_wrapper_log_error(wrapper, options TSRMLS_CC, "phar error: invalid url or non-existent phar \"%s\"", filename);
		return NULL;
	resource = ecalloc(1, sizeof(php_url));
	resource->scheme = estrndup("phar", 4);
	resource->host = arch;

	resource->path = entry;
#if MBO_0
		if (resource) {
			fprintf(stderr, "Alias:     %s\n", alias);
			fprintf(stderr, "Scheme:    %s\n", resource->scheme);
/*			fprintf(stderr, "User:      %s\n", resource->user);*/
/*			fprintf(stderr, "Pass:      %s\n", resource->pass ? "***" : NULL);*/
			fprintf(stderr, "Host:      %s\n", resource->host);
/*			fprintf(stderr, "Port:      %d\n", resource->port);*/
			fprintf(stderr, "Path:      %s\n", resource->path);
/*			fprintf(stderr, "Query:     %s\n", resource->query);*/
/*			fprintf(stderr, "Fragment:  %s\n", resource->fragment);*/
	if (mode[0] == 'w' || (mode[0] == 'r' && mode[1] == '+')) {
		phar_archive_data **pphar = NULL, *phar;

		if (PHAR_GLOBALS->request_init && PHAR_GLOBALS->phar_fname_map.arBuckets && FAILURE == zend_hash_find(&(PHAR_GLOBALS->phar_fname_map), arch, arch_len, (void **)&pphar)) {
			pphar = NULL;
		if (PHAR_G(readonly) && (!pphar || !(*pphar)->is_data)) {
			if (!(options & PHP_STREAM_URL_STAT_QUIET)) {
				php_stream_wrapper_log_error(wrapper, options TSRMLS_CC, "phar error: write operations disabled by the php.ini setting phar.readonly");
			return NULL;
		if (phar_open_or_create_filename(resource->host, arch_len, NULL, 0, 0, options, &phar, &error TSRMLS_CC) == FAILURE)
			if (error) {
				if (!(options & PHP_STREAM_URL_STAT_QUIET)) {
					php_stream_wrapper_log_error(wrapper, options TSRMLS_CC, "%s", error);
			return NULL;
		if (phar->is_persistent && FAILURE == phar_copy_on_write(&phar TSRMLS_CC)) {
			if (error) {
				spprintf(&error, 0, "Cannot open cached phar '%s' as writeable, copy on write failed", resource->host);
				if (!(options & PHP_STREAM_URL_STAT_QUIET)) {
					php_stream_wrapper_log_error(wrapper, options TSRMLS_CC, "%s", error);
			return NULL;
	} else {
		if (phar_open_from_filename(resource->host, arch_len, NULL, 0, options, NULL, &error TSRMLS_CC) == FAILURE)
			if (error) {
				if (!(options & PHP_STREAM_URL_STAT_QUIET)) {
					php_stream_wrapper_log_error(wrapper, options TSRMLS_CC, "%s", error);
			return NULL;
	return resource;
/* }}} */

 * used for fopen('phar://...') and company
static php_stream * phar_wrapper_open_url(php_stream_wrapper *wrapper, const char *path, const char *mode, int options, char **opened_path, php_stream_context *context STREAMS_DC TSRMLS_DC) /* {{{ */
	phar_archive_data *phar;
	phar_entry_data *idata;
	char *internal_file;
	char *error;
	HashTable *pharcontext;
	php_url *resource = NULL;
	php_stream *fpf;
	zval **pzoption, *metadata;
	uint host_len;

	if ((resource = phar_parse_url(wrapper, path, mode, options TSRMLS_CC)) == NULL) {
		return NULL;

	/* we must have at the very least phar://alias.phar/internalfile.php */
	if (!resource->scheme || !resource->host || !resource->path) {
		php_stream_wrapper_log_error(wrapper, options TSRMLS_CC, "phar error: invalid url \"%s\"", path);
		return NULL;

	if (strcasecmp("phar", resource->scheme)) {
		php_stream_wrapper_log_error(wrapper, options TSRMLS_CC, "phar error: not a phar stream url \"%s\"", path);
		return NULL;

	host_len = strlen(resource->host);

	/* strip leading "/" */
	internal_file = estrdup(resource->path + 1);
	if (mode[0] == 'w' || (mode[0] == 'r' && mode[1] == '+')) {
		if (NULL == (idata = phar_get_or_create_entry_data(resource->host, host_len, internal_file, strlen(internal_file), mode, 0, &error, 1 TSRMLS_CC))) {
			if (error) {
				php_stream_wrapper_log_error(wrapper, options TSRMLS_CC, "%s", error);
			} else {
				php_stream_wrapper_log_error(wrapper, options TSRMLS_CC, "phar error: file \"%s\" could not be created in phar \"%s\"", internal_file, resource->host);
			return NULL;
		if (error) {
		fpf = php_stream_alloc(&phar_ops, idata, NULL, mode);

		if (context && context->options && zend_hash_find(HASH_OF(context->options), "phar", sizeof("phar"), (void**)&pzoption) == SUCCESS) {
			pharcontext = HASH_OF(*pzoption);
			if (idata->internal_file->uncompressed_filesize == 0
				&& idata->internal_file->compressed_filesize == 0
				&& zend_hash_find(pharcontext, "compress", sizeof("compress"), (void**)&pzoption) == SUCCESS
				&& Z_TYPE_PP(pzoption) == IS_LONG
				&& (Z_LVAL_PP(pzoption) & ~PHAR_ENT_COMPRESSION_MASK) == 0
			) {
				idata->internal_file->flags &= ~PHAR_ENT_COMPRESSION_MASK;
				idata->internal_file->flags |= Z_LVAL_PP(pzoption);
			if (zend_hash_find(pharcontext, "metadata", sizeof("metadata"), (void**)&pzoption) == SUCCESS) {
				if (idata->internal_file->metadata) {
					idata->internal_file->metadata = NULL;

				metadata = *pzoption;
				ZVAL_ZVAL(idata->internal_file->metadata, metadata, 1, 0);
				idata->phar->is_modified = 1;
		if (opened_path) {
			spprintf(opened_path, MAXPATHLEN, "phar://%s/%s", idata->phar->fname, idata->internal_file->filename);
		return fpf;
	} else {
		if (!*internal_file && (options & STREAM_OPEN_FOR_INCLUDE)) {
			/* retrieve the stub */
			if (FAILURE == phar_get_archive(&phar, resource->host, host_len, NULL, 0, NULL TSRMLS_CC)) {
				php_stream_wrapper_log_error(wrapper, options TSRMLS_CC, "file %s is not a valid phar archive", resource->host);
				return NULL;
			if (phar->is_tar || phar->is_zip) {
				if ((FAILURE == phar_get_entry_data(&idata, resource->host, host_len, ".phar/stub.php", sizeof(".phar/stub.php")-1, "r", 0, &error, 0 TSRMLS_CC)) || !idata) {
					goto idata_error;
				if (opened_path) {
					spprintf(opened_path, MAXPATHLEN, "%s", phar->fname);
				goto phar_stub;
			} else {
				phar_entry_info *entry;

				entry = (phar_entry_info *) ecalloc(1, sizeof(phar_entry_info));
				entry->is_temp_dir = 1;
				entry->filename = estrndup("", 0);
				entry->filename_len = 0;
				entry->phar = phar;
				entry->offset = entry->offset_abs = 0;
				entry->compressed_filesize = entry->uncompressed_filesize = phar->halt_offset;
				entry->is_crc_checked = 1;

				idata = (phar_entry_data *) ecalloc(1, sizeof(phar_entry_data));
				idata->fp = phar_get_pharfp(phar TSRMLS_CC);
				idata->phar = phar;
				idata->internal_file = entry;
				if (!phar->is_persistent) {
				if (opened_path) {
					spprintf(opened_path, MAXPATHLEN, "%s", phar->fname);
				goto phar_stub;
		/* read-only access is allowed to magic files in .phar directory */
		if ((FAILURE == phar_get_entry_data(&idata, resource->host, host_len, internal_file, strlen(internal_file), "r", 0, &error, 0 TSRMLS_CC)) || !idata) {
			if (error) {
				php_stream_wrapper_log_error(wrapper, options TSRMLS_CC, "%s", error);
			} else {
				php_stream_wrapper_log_error(wrapper, options TSRMLS_CC, "phar error: \"%s\" is not a file in phar \"%s\"", internal_file, resource->host);
			return NULL;
#if MBO_0
		fprintf(stderr, "Pharname:   %s\n", idata->phar->filename);
		fprintf(stderr, "Filename:   %s\n", internal_file);
		fprintf(stderr, "Entry:      %s\n", idata->internal_file->filename);
		fprintf(stderr, "Size:       %u\n", idata->internal_file->uncompressed_filesize);
		fprintf(stderr, "Compressed: %u\n", idata->internal_file->flags);
		fprintf(stderr, "Offset:     %u\n", idata->internal_file->offset_within_phar);
		fprintf(stderr, "Cached:     %s\n", idata->internal_file->filedata ? "yes" : "no");

	/* check length, crc32 */
	if (!idata->internal_file->is_crc_checked && phar_postprocess_file(idata, idata->internal_file->crc32, &error, 2 TSRMLS_CC) != SUCCESS) {
		php_stream_wrapper_log_error(wrapper, options TSRMLS_CC, "%s", error);
		phar_entry_delref(idata TSRMLS_CC);
		return NULL;

	if (!PHAR_G(cwd_init) && options & STREAM_OPEN_FOR_INCLUDE) {
		char *entry = idata->internal_file->filename, *cwd;

		PHAR_G(cwd_init) = 1;
		if ((idata->phar->is_tar || idata->phar->is_zip) && idata->internal_file->filename_len == sizeof(".phar/stub.php")-1 && !strncmp(idata->internal_file->filename, ".phar/stub.php", sizeof(".phar/stub.php")-1)) {
			/* we're executing the stub, which doesn't count as a file */
			PHAR_G(cwd_init) = 0;
		} else if ((cwd = strrchr(entry, '/'))) {
			PHAR_G(cwd_len) = cwd - entry;
			PHAR_G(cwd) = estrndup(entry, PHAR_G(cwd_len));
		} else {
			/* root directory */
			PHAR_G(cwd_len) = 0;
			PHAR_G(cwd) = NULL;
	if (opened_path) {
		spprintf(opened_path, MAXPATHLEN, "phar://%s/%s", idata->phar->fname, idata->internal_file->filename);
	fpf = php_stream_alloc(&phar_ops, idata, NULL, mode);
	return fpf;
/* }}} */

 * Used for fclose($fp) where $fp is a phar archive
static int phar_stream_close(php_stream *stream, int close_handle TSRMLS_DC) /* {{{ */
	phar_entry_delref((phar_entry_data *)stream->abstract TSRMLS_CC);

	return 0;
/* }}} */

 * used for fread($fp) and company on a fopen()ed phar file handle
static size_t phar_stream_read(php_stream *stream, char *buf, size_t count TSRMLS_DC) /* {{{ */
	phar_entry_data *data = (phar_entry_data *)stream->abstract;
	size_t got;
	phar_entry_info *entry;

	if (data->internal_file->link) {
		entry = phar_get_link_source(data->internal_file TSRMLS_CC);
	} else {
		entry = data->internal_file;

	if (entry->is_deleted) {
		stream->eof = 1;
		return 0;

	/* use our proxy position */
	php_stream_seek(data->fp, data->position + data->zero, SEEK_SET);

	got = php_stream_read(data->fp, buf, MIN(count, entry->uncompressed_filesize - data->position));
	data->position = php_stream_tell(data->fp) - data->zero;
	stream->eof = (data->position == (off_t) entry->uncompressed_filesize);

	return got;
/* }}} */

 * Used for fseek($fp) on a phar file handle
static int phar_stream_seek(php_stream *stream, off_t offset, int whence, off_t *newoffset TSRMLS_DC) /* {{{ */
	phar_entry_data *data = (phar_entry_data *)stream->abstract;
	phar_entry_info *entry;
	int res;
	off_t temp;

	if (data->internal_file->link) {
		entry = phar_get_link_source(data->internal_file TSRMLS_CC);
	} else {
		entry = data->internal_file;

	switch (whence) {
		case SEEK_END :
			temp = data->zero + entry->uncompressed_filesize + offset;
		case SEEK_CUR :
			temp = data->zero + data->position + offset;
		case SEEK_SET :
			temp = data->zero + offset;
			temp = 0;
	if (temp > data->zero + (off_t) entry->uncompressed_filesize) {
		*newoffset = -1;
		return -1;
	if (temp < data->zero) {
		*newoffset = -1;
		return -1;
	res = php_stream_seek(data->fp, temp, SEEK_SET);
	*newoffset = php_stream_tell(data->fp) - data->zero;
	data->position = *newoffset;
	return res;
/* }}} */

 * Used for writing to a phar file
static size_t phar_stream_write(php_stream *stream, const char *buf, size_t count TSRMLS_DC) /* {{{ */
	phar_entry_data *data = (phar_entry_data *) stream->abstract;

	php_stream_seek(data->fp, data->position, SEEK_SET);
	if (count != php_stream_write(data->fp, buf, count)) {
		php_stream_wrapper_log_error(stream->wrapper, stream->flags TSRMLS_CC, "phar error: Could not write %d characters to \"%s\" in phar \"%s\"", (int) count, data->internal_file->filename, data->phar->fname);
		return -1;
	data->position = php_stream_tell(data->fp);
	if (data->position > (off_t)data->internal_file->uncompressed_filesize) {
		data->internal_file->uncompressed_filesize = data->position;
	data->internal_file->compressed_filesize = data->internal_file->uncompressed_filesize;
	data->internal_file->old_flags = data->internal_file->flags;
	data->internal_file->is_modified = 1;
	return count;
/* }}} */

 * Used to save work done on a writeable phar
static int phar_stream_flush(php_stream *stream TSRMLS_DC) /* {{{ */
	char *error;
	int ret;
	phar_entry_data *data = (phar_entry_data *) stream->abstract;
	if (data->internal_file->is_modified) {
		data->internal_file->timestamp = time(0);
		ret = phar_flush(data->phar, 0, 0, 0, &error TSRMLS_CC);
		if (error) {
			php_stream_wrapper_log_error(stream->wrapper, REPORT_ERRORS TSRMLS_CC, "%s", error);
		return ret;
	} else {
		return EOF;
/* }}} */

 /* {{{ phar_dostat */
 * stat an opened phar file handle stream, used by phar_stat()
void phar_dostat(phar_archive_data *phar, phar_entry_info *data, php_stream_statbuf *ssb, zend_bool is_temp_dir TSRMLS_DC)
	memset(ssb, 0, sizeof(php_stream_statbuf));

	if (!is_temp_dir && !data->is_dir) {
		ssb->sb.st_size = data->uncompressed_filesize;
		ssb->sb.st_mode = data->flags & PHAR_ENT_PERM_MASK;
		ssb->sb.st_mode |= S_IFREG; /* regular file */
		/* timestamp is just the timestamp when this was added to the phar */
#ifdef NETWARE
		ssb->sb.st_mtime.tv_sec = data->timestamp;
		ssb->sb.st_atime.tv_sec = data->timestamp;
		ssb->sb.st_ctime.tv_sec = data->timestamp;
		ssb->sb.st_mtime = data->timestamp;
		ssb->sb.st_atime = data->timestamp;
		ssb->sb.st_ctime = data->timestamp;
	} else if (!is_temp_dir && data->is_dir) {
		ssb->sb.st_size = 0;
		ssb->sb.st_mode = data->flags & PHAR_ENT_PERM_MASK;
		ssb->sb.st_mode |= S_IFDIR; /* regular directory */
		/* timestamp is just the timestamp when this was added to the phar */
#ifdef NETWARE
		ssb->sb.st_mtime.tv_sec = data->timestamp;
		ssb->sb.st_atime.tv_sec = data->timestamp;
		ssb->sb.st_ctime.tv_sec = data->timestamp;
		ssb->sb.st_mtime = data->timestamp;
		ssb->sb.st_atime = data->timestamp;
		ssb->sb.st_ctime = data->timestamp;
	} else {
		ssb->sb.st_size = 0;
		ssb->sb.st_mode = 0777;
		ssb->sb.st_mode |= S_IFDIR; /* regular directory */
#ifdef NETWARE
		ssb->sb.st_mtime.tv_sec = phar->max_timestamp;
		ssb->sb.st_atime.tv_sec = phar->max_timestamp;
		ssb->sb.st_ctime.tv_sec = phar->max_timestamp;
		ssb->sb.st_mtime = phar->max_timestamp;
		ssb->sb.st_atime = phar->max_timestamp;
		ssb->sb.st_ctime = phar->max_timestamp;
	if (!phar->is_writeable) {
		ssb->sb.st_mode = (ssb->sb.st_mode & 0555) | (ssb->sb.st_mode & ~0777);

	ssb->sb.st_nlink = 1;
	ssb->sb.st_rdev = -1;
	/* this is only for APC, so use /dev/null device - no chance of conflict there! */
	ssb->sb.st_dev = 0xc;
	/* generate unique inode number for alias/filename, so no phars will conflict */
	if (!is_temp_dir) {
		ssb->sb.st_ino = data->inode;
#ifndef PHP_WIN32
	ssb->sb.st_blksize = -1;
	ssb->sb.st_blocks = -1;
/* }}}*/

 * Stat an opened phar file handle
static int phar_stream_stat(php_stream *stream, php_stream_statbuf *ssb TSRMLS_DC) /* {{{ */
	phar_entry_data *data = (phar_entry_data *)stream->abstract;

	/* If ssb is NULL then someone is misbehaving */
	if (!ssb) {
		return -1;

	phar_dostat(data->phar, data->internal_file, ssb, 0 TSRMLS_CC);
	return 0;
/* }}} */

 * Stream wrapper stat implementation of stat()
static int phar_wrapper_stat(php_stream_wrapper *wrapper, const char *url, int flags,
				  php_stream_statbuf *ssb, php_stream_context *context TSRMLS_DC) /* {{{ */
	php_url *resource = NULL;
	char *internal_file, *error;
	phar_archive_data *phar;
	phar_entry_info *entry;
	uint host_len;
	int internal_file_len;

	if ((resource = phar_parse_url(wrapper, url, "r", flags|PHP_STREAM_URL_STAT_QUIET TSRMLS_CC)) == NULL) {
		return FAILURE;

	/* we must have at the very least phar://alias.phar/internalfile.php */
	if (!resource->scheme || !resource->host || !resource->path) {
		return FAILURE;

	if (strcasecmp("phar", resource->scheme)) {
		return FAILURE;

	host_len = strlen(resource->host);

	internal_file = resource->path + 1; /* strip leading "/" */
	/* find the phar in our trusty global hash indexed by alias (host of phar://blah.phar/file.whatever) */
	if (FAILURE == phar_get_archive(&phar, resource->host, host_len, NULL, 0, &error TSRMLS_CC)) {
		if (error) {
		return FAILURE;
	if (error) {
	if (*internal_file == '\0') {
		/* root directory requested */
		phar_dostat(phar, NULL, ssb, 1 TSRMLS_CC);
		return SUCCESS;
	if (!phar->manifest.arBuckets) {
		return FAILURE;
	internal_file_len = strlen(internal_file);
	/* search through the manifest of files, and if we have an exact match, it's a file */
	if (SUCCESS == zend_hash_find(&phar->manifest, internal_file, internal_file_len, (void**)&entry)) {
		phar_dostat(phar, entry, ssb, 0 TSRMLS_CC);
		return SUCCESS;
	if (zend_hash_exists(&(phar->virtual_dirs), internal_file, internal_file_len)) {
		phar_dostat(phar, NULL, ssb, 1 TSRMLS_CC);
		return SUCCESS;
	/* check for mounted directories */
	if (phar->mounted_dirs.arBuckets && zend_hash_num_elements(&phar->mounted_dirs)) {
		char *str_key;
		ulong unused;
		uint keylen;
		HashPosition pos;

		for (zend_hash_internal_pointer_reset_ex(&phar->mounted_dirs, &pos);
			HASH_KEY_NON_EXISTENT != zend_hash_get_current_key_ex(&phar->mounted_dirs, &str_key, &keylen, &unused, 0, &pos);
			zend_hash_move_forward_ex(&phar->mounted_dirs, &pos)
		) {
			if ((int)keylen >= internal_file_len || strncmp(str_key, internal_file, keylen)) {
			} else {
				char *test;
				int test_len;
				php_stream_statbuf ssbi;

				if (SUCCESS != zend_hash_find(&phar->manifest, str_key, keylen, (void **) &entry)) {
					goto free_resource;
				if (!entry->tmp || !entry->is_mounted) {
					goto free_resource;
				test_len = spprintf(&test, MAXPATHLEN, "%s%s", entry->tmp, internal_file + keylen);
				if (SUCCESS != php_stream_stat_path(test, &ssbi)) {
				/* mount the file/directory just in time */
				if (SUCCESS != phar_mount_entry(phar, test, test_len, internal_file, internal_file_len TSRMLS_CC)) {
					goto free_resource;
				if (SUCCESS != zend_hash_find(&phar->manifest, internal_file, internal_file_len, (void**)&entry)) {
					goto free_resource;
				phar_dostat(phar, entry, ssb, 0 TSRMLS_CC);
				return SUCCESS;
	return FAILURE;
/* }}} */

 * Unlink a file within a phar archive
static int phar_wrapper_unlink(php_stream_wrapper *wrapper, const char *url, int options, php_stream_context *context TSRMLS_DC) /* {{{ */
	php_url *resource;
	char *internal_file, *error;
	int internal_file_len;
	phar_entry_data *idata;
	phar_archive_data **pphar;
	uint host_len;

	if ((resource = phar_parse_url(wrapper, url, "rb", options TSRMLS_CC)) == NULL) {
		php_stream_wrapper_log_error(wrapper, options TSRMLS_CC, "phar error: unlink failed");
		return 0;

	/* we must have at the very least phar://alias.phar/internalfile.php */
	if (!resource->scheme || !resource->host || !resource->path) {
		php_stream_wrapper_log_error(wrapper, options TSRMLS_CC, "phar error: invalid url \"%s\"", url);
		return 0;

	if (strcasecmp("phar", resource->scheme)) {
		php_stream_wrapper_log_error(wrapper, options TSRMLS_CC, "phar error: not a phar stream url \"%s\"", url);
		return 0;

	host_len = strlen(resource->host);

	if (FAILURE == zend_hash_find(&(PHAR_GLOBALS->phar_fname_map), resource->host, host_len, (void **) &pphar)) {
		pphar = NULL;
	if (PHAR_G(readonly) && (!pphar || !(*pphar)->is_data)) {
		php_stream_wrapper_log_error(wrapper, options TSRMLS_CC, "phar error: write operations disabled by the php.ini setting phar.readonly");
		return 0;

	/* need to copy to strip leading "/", will get touched again */
	internal_file = estrdup(resource->path + 1);
	internal_file_len = strlen(internal_file);
	if (FAILURE == phar_get_entry_data(&idata, resource->host, host_len, internal_file, internal_file_len, "r", 0, &error, 1 TSRMLS_CC)) {
		/* constraints of fp refcount were not met */
		if (error) {
			php_stream_wrapper_log_error(wrapper, options TSRMLS_CC, "unlink of \"%s\" failed: %s", url, error);
		} else {
			php_stream_wrapper_log_error(wrapper, options TSRMLS_CC, "unlink of \"%s\" failed, file does not exist", url);
		return 0;
	if (error) {
	if (idata->internal_file->fp_refcount > 1) {
		/* more than just our fp resource is open for this file */
		php_stream_wrapper_log_error(wrapper, options TSRMLS_CC, "phar error: \"%s\" in phar \"%s\", has open file pointers, cannot unlink", internal_file, resource->host);
		phar_entry_delref(idata TSRMLS_CC);
		return 0;
	phar_entry_remove(idata, &error TSRMLS_CC);
	if (error) {
		php_stream_wrapper_log_error(wrapper, options TSRMLS_CC, "%s", error);
	return 1;
/* }}} */

static int phar_wrapper_rename(php_stream_wrapper *wrapper, const char *url_from, const char *url_to, int options, php_stream_context *context TSRMLS_DC) /* {{{ */
	php_url *resource_from, *resource_to;
	char *error;
	phar_archive_data *phar, *pfrom, *pto;
	phar_entry_info *entry;
	uint host_len;
	int is_dir = 0;
	int is_modified = 0;

	error = NULL;

	if ((resource_from = phar_parse_url(wrapper, url_from, "wb", options|PHP_STREAM_URL_STAT_QUIET TSRMLS_CC)) == NULL) {
		php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "phar error: cannot rename \"%s\" to \"%s\": invalid or non-writable url \"%s\"", url_from, url_to, url_from);
		return 0;
	if (SUCCESS != phar_get_archive(&pfrom, resource_from->host, strlen(resource_from->host), NULL, 0, &error TSRMLS_CC)) {
		pfrom = NULL;
		if (error) {
	if (PHAR_G(readonly) && (!pfrom || !pfrom->is_data)) {
		php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "phar error: Write operations disabled by the php.ini setting phar.readonly");
		return 0;

	if ((resource_to = phar_parse_url(wrapper, url_to, "wb", options|PHP_STREAM_URL_STAT_QUIET TSRMLS_CC)) == NULL) {
		php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "phar error: cannot rename \"%s\" to \"%s\": invalid or non-writable url \"%s\"", url_from, url_to, url_to);
		return 0;
	if (SUCCESS != phar_get_archive(&pto, resource_to->host, strlen(resource_to->host), NULL, 0, &error TSRMLS_CC)) {
		if (error) {
		pto = NULL;
	if (PHAR_G(readonly) && (!pto || !pto->is_data)) {
		php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "phar error: Write operations disabled by the php.ini setting phar.readonly");
		return 0;

	if (strcmp(resource_from->host, resource_to->host)) {
		php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "phar error: cannot rename \"%s\" to \"%s\", not within the same phar archive", url_from, url_to);
		return 0;

	/* we must have at the very least phar://alias.phar/internalfile.php */
	if (!resource_from->scheme || !resource_from->host || !resource_from->path) {
		php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "phar error: cannot rename \"%s\" to \"%s\": invalid url \"%s\"", url_from, url_to, url_from);
		return 0;

	if (!resource_to->scheme || !resource_to->host || !resource_to->path) {
		php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "phar error: cannot rename \"%s\" to \"%s\": invalid url \"%s\"", url_from, url_to, url_to);
		return 0;

	if (strcasecmp("phar", resource_from->scheme)) {
		php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "phar error: cannot rename \"%s\" to \"%s\": not a phar stream url \"%s\"", url_from, url_to, url_from);
		return 0;

	if (strcasecmp("phar", resource_to->scheme)) {
		php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "phar error: cannot rename \"%s\" to \"%s\": not a phar stream url \"%s\"", url_from, url_to, url_to);
		return 0;

	host_len = strlen(resource_from->host);

	if (SUCCESS != phar_get_archive(&phar, resource_from->host, host_len, NULL, 0, &error TSRMLS_CC)) {
		php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "phar error: cannot rename \"%s\" to \"%s\": %s", url_from, url_to, error);
		return 0;

	if (phar->is_persistent && FAILURE == phar_copy_on_write(&phar TSRMLS_CC)) {
		php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "phar error: cannot rename \"%s\" to \"%s\": could not make cached phar writeable", url_from, url_to);
		return 0;

	if (SUCCESS == zend_hash_find(&(phar->manifest), resource_from->path+1, strlen(resource_from->path)-1, (void **)&entry)) {
		phar_entry_info new, *source;

		/* perform rename magic */
		if (entry->is_deleted) {
			php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "phar error: cannot rename \"%s\" to \"%s\" from extracted phar archive, source has been deleted", url_from, url_to);
			return 0;
		/* transfer all data over to the new entry */
		memcpy((void *) &new, (void *) entry, sizeof(phar_entry_info));
		/* mark the old one for deletion */
		entry->is_deleted = 1;
		entry->fp = NULL;
		entry->metadata = 0;
		entry->link = entry->tmp = NULL;
		source = entry;

		/* add to the manifest, and then store the pointer to the new guy in entry */
		zend_hash_add(&(phar->manifest), resource_to->path+1, strlen(resource_to->path)-1, (void **)&new, sizeof(phar_entry_info), (void **) &entry);

		entry->filename = estrdup(resource_to->path+1);
		if (FAILURE == phar_copy_entry_fp(source, entry, &error TSRMLS_CC)) {
			php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "phar error: cannot rename \"%s\" to \"%s\": %s", url_from, url_to, error);
			zend_hash_del(&(phar->manifest), entry->filename, strlen(entry->filename));
			return 0;
		is_modified = 1;
		entry->is_modified = 1;
		entry->filename_len = strlen(entry->filename);
		is_dir = entry->is_dir;
	} else {
		is_dir = zend_hash_exists(&(phar->virtual_dirs), resource_from->path+1, strlen(resource_from->path)-1);
		if (!is_dir) {
			/* file does not exist */
			php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "phar error: cannot rename \"%s\" to \"%s\" from extracted phar archive, source does not exist", url_from, url_to);
			return 0;


	/* Rename directory. Update all nested paths */
	if (is_dir) {
		int key_type;
		char *str_key, *new_str_key;
		uint key_len, new_key_len;
		ulong unused;
		uint from_len = strlen(resource_from->path+1);
		uint to_len = strlen(resource_to->path+1);

		for (zend_hash_internal_pointer_reset(&phar->manifest);
			HASH_KEY_NON_EXISTENT != (key_type = zend_hash_get_current_key_ex(&phar->manifest, &str_key, &key_len, &unused, 0, NULL)) &&
			SUCCESS == zend_hash_get_current_data(&phar->manifest, (void **) &entry);
		) {
			if (!entry->is_deleted &&
				key_len > from_len &&
				memcmp(str_key, resource_from->path+1, from_len) == 0 &&
				IS_SLASH(str_key[from_len])) {

				new_key_len = key_len + to_len - from_len;
				new_str_key = emalloc(new_key_len+1);
				memcpy(new_str_key, resource_to->path + 1, to_len);
				memcpy(new_str_key + to_len, str_key + from_len, key_len - from_len);
				new_str_key[new_key_len] = 0;

				is_modified = 1;
				entry->is_modified = 1;
				entry->filename = new_str_key;
				entry->filename_len = new_key_len;

				zend_hash_update_current_key_ex(&phar->manifest, key_type, new_str_key, new_key_len, 0, HASH_UPDATE_KEY_ANYWAY, NULL);

		for (zend_hash_internal_pointer_reset(&phar->virtual_dirs);
			HASH_KEY_NON_EXISTENT != (key_type = zend_hash_get_current_key_ex(&phar->virtual_dirs, &str_key, &key_len, &unused, 0, NULL));
		) {
			if (key_len >= from_len &&
				memcmp(str_key, resource_from->path+1, from_len) == 0 &&
				(key_len == from_len || IS_SLASH(str_key[from_len]))) {

				new_key_len = key_len + to_len - from_len;
				new_str_key = emalloc(new_key_len+1);
				memcpy(new_str_key, resource_to->path + 1, to_len);
				memcpy(new_str_key + to_len, str_key + from_len, key_len - from_len);
				new_str_key[new_key_len] = 0;

				zend_hash_update_current_key_ex(&phar->virtual_dirs, key_type, new_str_key, new_key_len, 0, HASH_UPDATE_KEY_ANYWAY, NULL);

		for (zend_hash_internal_pointer_reset(&phar->mounted_dirs);
			HASH_KEY_NON_EXISTENT != (key_type = zend_hash_get_current_key_ex(&phar->mounted_dirs, &str_key, &key_len, &unused, 0, NULL)) &&
			SUCCESS == zend_hash_get_current_data(&phar->mounted_dirs, (void **) &entry);
		) {
			if (key_len >= from_len &&
				memcmp(str_key, resource_from->path+1, from_len) == 0 &&
				(key_len == from_len || IS_SLASH(str_key[from_len]))) {

				new_key_len = key_len + to_len - from_len;
				new_str_key = emalloc(new_key_len+1);
				memcpy(new_str_key, resource_to->path + 1, to_len);
				memcpy(new_str_key + to_len, str_key + from_len, key_len - from_len);
				new_str_key[new_key_len] = 0;

				zend_hash_update_current_key_ex(&phar->mounted_dirs, key_type, new_str_key, new_key_len, 0, HASH_UPDATE_KEY_ANYWAY, NULL);

	if (is_modified) {
		phar_flush(phar, 0, 0, 0, &error TSRMLS_CC);
		if (error) {
			php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "phar error: cannot rename \"%s\" to \"%s\": %s", url_from, url_to, error);
			return 0;


	return 1;
/* }}} */

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Name Type Size Permission Actions
dirstream.c File 20.3 KB 0644
dirstream.h File 2.37 KB 0644
func_interceptors.c File 39.61 KB 0644
func_interceptors.h File 1.61 KB 0644
phar.c File 103.22 KB 0644
phar_internal.h File 23.59 KB 0644
phar_object.c File 165.61 KB 0644
pharzip.h File 11.38 KB 0644
stream.c File 33.63 KB 0644
stream.h File 2.69 KB 0644
stub.h File 8.58 KB 0644
tar.c File 42.87 KB 0644
tar.h File 3.89 KB 0644
util.c File 56.5 KB 0644
zip.c File 51.76 KB 0644