[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
   | PHP Version 5                                                        |
   | Copyright (c) 1997-2016 The PHP Group                                |
   | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license,      |
   | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is        |
   | available through the world-wide-web at the following url:           |
   | http://www.php.net/license/3_01.txt                                  |
   | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to   |
   | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to          |
   | license@php.net so we can mail you a copy immediately.               |
   | Author: Wez Furlong (wez@thebrainroom.com)                           |

/* $Id$ */


#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>

PHPAPI int php_file_le_stream(void);
PHPAPI int php_file_le_pstream(void);
PHPAPI int php_file_le_stream_filter(void);

/* {{{ Streams memory debugging stuff */

/* these have more of a dependency on the definitions of the zend macros than
 * I would prefer, but doing it this way saves loads of idefs :-/ */
# define STREAMS_D			int __php_stream_call_depth ZEND_FILE_LINE_DC ZEND_FILE_LINE_ORIG_DC
# define STREAMS_REL_C		__php_stream_call_depth + 1 ZEND_FILE_LINE_CC, \
	__php_stream_call_depth ? __zend_orig_filename : __zend_filename, \
	__php_stream_call_depth ? __zend_orig_lineno : __zend_lineno


# define STREAMS_D
# define STREAMS_C
# define STREAMS_REL_C
# define STREAMS_DC
# define STREAMS_CC

/* these functions relay the file/line number information. They are depth aware, so they will pass
 * the ultimate ancestor, which is useful, because there can be several layers of calls */
#define php_stream_alloc_rel(ops, thisptr, persistent, mode) _php_stream_alloc((ops), (thisptr), (persistent), (mode) STREAMS_REL_CC TSRMLS_CC)

#define php_stream_copy_to_mem_rel(src, buf, maxlen, persistent) _php_stream_copy_to_mem((src), (buf), (maxlen), (persistent) STREAMS_REL_CC TSRMLS_CC)

#define php_stream_fopen_rel(filename, mode, opened, options) _php_stream_fopen((filename), (mode), (opened), (options) STREAMS_REL_CC TSRMLS_CC)

#define php_stream_fopen_with_path_rel(filename, mode, path, opened, options) _php_stream_fopen_with_path((filename), (mode), (path), (opened), (options) STREAMS_REL_CC TSRMLS_CC)

#define php_stream_fopen_from_fd_rel(fd, mode, persistent_id)	 _php_stream_fopen_from_fd((fd), (mode), (persistent_id) STREAMS_REL_CC TSRMLS_CC)
#define php_stream_fopen_from_file_rel(file, mode)	 _php_stream_fopen_from_file((file), (mode) STREAMS_REL_CC TSRMLS_CC)

#define php_stream_fopen_from_pipe_rel(file, mode)	 _php_stream_fopen_from_pipe((file), (mode) STREAMS_REL_CC TSRMLS_CC)

#define php_stream_fopen_tmpfile_rel()	_php_stream_fopen_tmpfile(0 STREAMS_REL_CC TSRMLS_CC)

#define php_stream_fopen_temporary_file_rel(dir, pfx, opened_path)	_php_stream_fopen_temporary_file((dir), (pfx), (opened_path) STREAMS_REL_CC TSRMLS_CC)

#define php_stream_open_wrapper_rel(path, mode, options, opened) _php_stream_open_wrapper_ex((path), (mode), (options), (opened), NULL STREAMS_REL_CC TSRMLS_CC)
#define php_stream_open_wrapper_ex_rel(path, mode, options, opened, context) _php_stream_open_wrapper_ex((path), (mode), (options), (opened), (context) STREAMS_REL_CC TSRMLS_CC)

#define php_stream_make_seekable_rel(origstream, newstream, flags) _php_stream_make_seekable((origstream), (newstream), (flags) STREAMS_REL_CC TSRMLS_CC)

/* }}} */

/* The contents of the php_stream_ops and php_stream should only be accessed
 * using the functions/macros in this header.
 * If you need to get at something that doesn't have an API,
 * drop me a line <wez@thebrainroom.com> and we can sort out a way to do
 * it properly.
 * The only exceptions to this rule are that stream implementations can use
 * the php_stream->abstract pointer to hold their context, and streams
 * opened via stream_open_wrappers can use the zval ptr in
 * php_stream->wrapperdata to hold meta data for php scripts to
 * retrieve using file_get_wrapper_data(). */

typedef struct _php_stream php_stream;
typedef struct _php_stream_wrapper php_stream_wrapper;
typedef struct _php_stream_context php_stream_context;
typedef struct _php_stream_filter php_stream_filter;

#include "streams/php_stream_context.h"
#include "streams/php_stream_filter_api.h"

typedef struct _php_stream_statbuf {
	struct stat sb; /* regular info */
	/* extended info to go here some day: content-type etc. etc. */
} php_stream_statbuf;

typedef struct _php_stream_dirent {
	char d_name[MAXPATHLEN];
} php_stream_dirent;

/* operations on streams that are file-handles */
typedef struct _php_stream_ops  {
	/* stdio like functions - these are mandatory! */
	size_t (*write)(php_stream *stream, const char *buf, size_t count TSRMLS_DC);
	size_t (*read)(php_stream *stream, char *buf, size_t count TSRMLS_DC);
	int    (*close)(php_stream *stream, int close_handle TSRMLS_DC);
	int    (*flush)(php_stream *stream TSRMLS_DC);

	const char *label; /* label for this ops structure */

	/* these are optional */
	int (*seek)(php_stream *stream, off_t offset, int whence, off_t *newoffset TSRMLS_DC);
	int (*cast)(php_stream *stream, int castas, void **ret TSRMLS_DC);
	int (*stat)(php_stream *stream, php_stream_statbuf *ssb TSRMLS_DC);
	int (*set_option)(php_stream *stream, int option, int value, void *ptrparam TSRMLS_DC);
} php_stream_ops;

typedef struct _php_stream_wrapper_ops {
	/* open/create a wrapped stream */
	php_stream *(*stream_opener)(php_stream_wrapper *wrapper, const char *filename, const char *mode,
			int options, char **opened_path, php_stream_context *context STREAMS_DC TSRMLS_DC);
	/* close/destroy a wrapped stream */
	int (*stream_closer)(php_stream_wrapper *wrapper, php_stream *stream TSRMLS_DC);
	/* stat a wrapped stream */
	int (*stream_stat)(php_stream_wrapper *wrapper, php_stream *stream, php_stream_statbuf *ssb TSRMLS_DC);
	/* stat a URL */
	int (*url_stat)(php_stream_wrapper *wrapper, const char *url, int flags, php_stream_statbuf *ssb, php_stream_context *context TSRMLS_DC);
	/* open a "directory" stream */
	php_stream *(*dir_opener)(php_stream_wrapper *wrapper, const char *filename, const char *mode,
			int options, char **opened_path, php_stream_context *context STREAMS_DC TSRMLS_DC);

	const char *label;

	/* delete a file */
	int (*unlink)(php_stream_wrapper *wrapper, const char *url, int options, php_stream_context *context TSRMLS_DC);

	/* rename a file */
	int (*rename)(php_stream_wrapper *wrapper, const char *url_from, const char *url_to, int options, php_stream_context *context TSRMLS_DC);

	/* Create/Remove directory */
	int (*stream_mkdir)(php_stream_wrapper *wrapper, const char *url, int mode, int options, php_stream_context *context TSRMLS_DC);
	int (*stream_rmdir)(php_stream_wrapper *wrapper, const char *url, int options, php_stream_context *context TSRMLS_DC);
	/* Metadata handling */
	int (*stream_metadata)(php_stream_wrapper *wrapper, const char *url, int options, void *value, php_stream_context *context TSRMLS_DC);
} php_stream_wrapper_ops;

struct _php_stream_wrapper	{
	php_stream_wrapper_ops *wops;	/* operations the wrapper can perform */
	void *abstract;					/* context for the wrapper */
	int is_url;						/* so that PG(allow_url_fopen) can be respected */

#define PHP_STREAM_FLAG_NO_SEEK						1

#define PHP_STREAM_FLAG_EOL_UNIX					0 /* also includes DOS */
#define PHP_STREAM_FLAG_EOL_MAC						8

/* set this when the stream might represent "interactive" data.
 * When set, the read buffer will avoid certain operations that
 * might otherwise cause the read to block for much longer than
 * is strictly required. */


#define PHP_STREAM_FLAG_IS_DIR						64


struct _php_stream  {
	php_stream_ops *ops;
	void *abstract;			/* convenience pointer for abstraction */

	php_stream_filter_chain readfilters, writefilters;

	php_stream_wrapper *wrapper; /* which wrapper was used to open the stream */
	void *wrapperthis;		/* convenience pointer for a instance of a wrapper */
	zval *wrapperdata;		/* fgetwrapperdata retrieves this */

	int fgetss_state;		/* for fgetss to handle multiline tags */
	int is_persistent;
	char mode[16];			/* "rwb" etc. ala stdio */
	int rsrc_id;			/* used for auto-cleanup */
	int in_free;			/* to prevent recursion during free */
	/* so we know how to clean it up correctly.  This should be set to
	 * PHP_STREAM_FCLOSE_XXX as appropriate */
	int fclose_stdiocast;
	FILE *stdiocast;    /* cache this, otherwise we might leak! */
	int __exposed;	/* non-zero if exposed as a zval somewhere */
	char *orig_path;

	php_stream_context *context;
	int flags;	/* PHP_STREAM_FLAG_XXX */

	/* buffer */
	off_t position; /* of underlying stream */
	unsigned char *readbuf;
	size_t readbuflen;
	off_t readpos;
	off_t writepos;

	/* how much data to read when filling buffer */
	size_t chunk_size;

	int eof;

	const char *open_filename;
	uint open_lineno;

	struct _php_stream *enclosing_stream; /* this is a private stream owned by enclosing_stream */
}; /* php_stream */

/* state definitions when closing down; these are private to streams.c */

/* allocate a new stream for a particular ops */
PHPAPI php_stream *_php_stream_alloc(php_stream_ops *ops, void *abstract,
		const char *persistent_id, const char *mode STREAMS_DC TSRMLS_DC);
#define php_stream_alloc(ops, thisptr, persistent_id, mode)	_php_stream_alloc((ops), (thisptr), (persistent_id), (mode) STREAMS_CC TSRMLS_CC)

#define php_stream_get_resource_id(stream)		((php_stream *)(stream))->rsrc_id
/* use this to tell the stream that it is OK if we don't explicitly close it */
# define php_stream_auto_cleanup(stream)	{ (stream)->__exposed++; }
/* use this to assign the stream to a zval and tell the stream that is
 * has been exported to the engine; it will expect to be closed automatically
 * when the resources are auto-destructed */
# define php_stream_to_zval(stream, zval)	{ ZVAL_RESOURCE(zval, (stream)->rsrc_id); (stream)->__exposed++; }
# define php_stream_auto_cleanup(stream)	/* nothing */
# define php_stream_to_zval(stream, zval)	{ ZVAL_RESOURCE(zval, (stream)->rsrc_id); }

#define php_stream_from_zval(xstr, ppzval)	ZEND_FETCH_RESOURCE2((xstr), php_stream *, (ppzval), -1, "stream", php_file_le_stream(), php_file_le_pstream())
#define php_stream_from_zval_no_verify(xstr, ppzval)	(xstr) = (php_stream*)zend_fetch_resource((ppzval) TSRMLS_CC, -1, "stream", NULL, 2, php_file_le_stream(), php_file_le_pstream())

PHPAPI php_stream *php_stream_encloses(php_stream *enclosing, php_stream *enclosed);
#define php_stream_free_enclosed(stream_enclosed, close_options) _php_stream_free_enclosed((stream_enclosed), (close_options) TSRMLS_CC)
PHPAPI int _php_stream_free_enclosed(php_stream *stream_enclosed, int close_options TSRMLS_DC);

PHPAPI int php_stream_from_persistent_id(const char *persistent_id, php_stream **stream TSRMLS_DC);
#define PHP_STREAM_PERSISTENT_SUCCESS	0 /* id exists */
#define PHP_STREAM_PERSISTENT_FAILURE	1 /* id exists but is not a stream! */
#define PHP_STREAM_PERSISTENT_NOT_EXIST	2 /* id does not exist */

#define PHP_STREAM_FREE_CALL_DTOR			1 /* call ops->close */
#define PHP_STREAM_FREE_RELEASE_STREAM		2 /* pefree(stream) */
#define PHP_STREAM_FREE_PRESERVE_HANDLE		4 /* tell ops->close to not close it's underlying handle */
#define PHP_STREAM_FREE_RSRC_DTOR			8 /* called from the resource list dtor */
#define PHP_STREAM_FREE_PERSISTENT			16 /* manually freeing a persistent connection */
#define PHP_STREAM_FREE_IGNORE_ENCLOSING	32 /* don't close the enclosing stream instead */

PHPAPI int _php_stream_free(php_stream *stream, int close_options TSRMLS_DC);
#define php_stream_free(stream, close_options)	_php_stream_free((stream), (close_options) TSRMLS_CC)
#define php_stream_close(stream)	_php_stream_free((stream), PHP_STREAM_FREE_CLOSE TSRMLS_CC)
#define php_stream_pclose(stream)	_php_stream_free((stream), PHP_STREAM_FREE_CLOSE_PERSISTENT TSRMLS_CC)

PHPAPI int _php_stream_seek(php_stream *stream, off_t offset, int whence TSRMLS_DC);
#define php_stream_rewind(stream)	_php_stream_seek((stream), 0L, SEEK_SET TSRMLS_CC)
#define php_stream_seek(stream, offset, whence)	_php_stream_seek((stream), (offset), (whence) TSRMLS_CC)

PHPAPI off_t _php_stream_tell(php_stream *stream TSRMLS_DC);
#define php_stream_tell(stream)	_php_stream_tell((stream) TSRMLS_CC)

PHPAPI size_t _php_stream_read(php_stream *stream, char *buf, size_t count TSRMLS_DC);
#define php_stream_read(stream, buf, count)		_php_stream_read((stream), (buf), (count) TSRMLS_CC)

PHPAPI size_t _php_stream_write(php_stream *stream, const char *buf, size_t count TSRMLS_DC);
#define php_stream_write_string(stream, str)	_php_stream_write(stream, str, strlen(str) TSRMLS_CC)
#define php_stream_write(stream, buf, count)	_php_stream_write(stream, (buf), (count) TSRMLS_CC)

PHPAPI void _php_stream_fill_read_buffer(php_stream *stream, size_t size TSRMLS_DC);
#define php_stream_fill_read_buffer(stream, size)	_php_stream_fill_read_buffer((stream), (size) TSRMLS_CC)

#ifdef ZTS
PHPAPI size_t _php_stream_printf(php_stream *stream TSRMLS_DC, const char *fmt, ...) PHP_ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT(printf, 3, 4);
PHPAPI size_t _php_stream_printf(php_stream *stream TSRMLS_DC, const char *fmt, ...) PHP_ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT(printf, 2, 3);

/* php_stream_printf macro & function require TSRMLS_CC */
#define php_stream_printf _php_stream_printf

PHPAPI int _php_stream_eof(php_stream *stream TSRMLS_DC);
#define php_stream_eof(stream)	_php_stream_eof((stream) TSRMLS_CC)

PHPAPI int _php_stream_getc(php_stream *stream TSRMLS_DC);
#define php_stream_getc(stream)	_php_stream_getc((stream) TSRMLS_CC)

PHPAPI int _php_stream_putc(php_stream *stream, int c TSRMLS_DC);
#define php_stream_putc(stream, c)	_php_stream_putc((stream), (c) TSRMLS_CC)

PHPAPI int _php_stream_flush(php_stream *stream, int closing TSRMLS_DC);
#define php_stream_flush(stream)	_php_stream_flush((stream), 0 TSRMLS_CC)

PHPAPI char *_php_stream_get_line(php_stream *stream, char *buf, size_t maxlen, size_t *returned_len TSRMLS_DC);
#define php_stream_gets(stream, buf, maxlen)	_php_stream_get_line((stream), (buf), (maxlen), NULL TSRMLS_CC)

#define php_stream_get_line(stream, buf, maxlen, retlen) _php_stream_get_line((stream), (buf), (maxlen), (retlen) TSRMLS_CC)
PHPAPI char *php_stream_get_record(php_stream *stream, size_t maxlen, size_t *returned_len, const char *delim, size_t delim_len TSRMLS_DC);

/* CAREFUL! this is equivalent to puts NOT fputs! */
PHPAPI int _php_stream_puts(php_stream *stream, const char *buf TSRMLS_DC);
#define php_stream_puts(stream, buf)	_php_stream_puts((stream), (buf) TSRMLS_CC)

PHPAPI int _php_stream_stat(php_stream *stream, php_stream_statbuf *ssb TSRMLS_DC);
#define php_stream_stat(stream, ssb)	_php_stream_stat((stream), (ssb) TSRMLS_CC)

PHPAPI int _php_stream_stat_path(const char *path, int flags, php_stream_statbuf *ssb, php_stream_context *context TSRMLS_DC);
#define php_stream_stat_path(path, ssb)	_php_stream_stat_path((path), 0, (ssb), NULL TSRMLS_CC)
#define php_stream_stat_path_ex(path, flags, ssb, context)	_php_stream_stat_path((path), (flags), (ssb), (context) TSRMLS_CC)

PHPAPI int _php_stream_mkdir(const char *path, int mode, int options, php_stream_context *context TSRMLS_DC);
#define php_stream_mkdir(path, mode, options, context)	_php_stream_mkdir(path, mode, options, context TSRMLS_CC)

PHPAPI int _php_stream_rmdir(const char *path, int options, php_stream_context *context TSRMLS_DC);
#define php_stream_rmdir(path, options, context)	_php_stream_rmdir(path, options, context TSRMLS_CC)

PHPAPI php_stream *_php_stream_opendir(const char *path, int options, php_stream_context *context STREAMS_DC TSRMLS_DC);
#define php_stream_opendir(path, options, context)	_php_stream_opendir((path), (options), (context) STREAMS_CC TSRMLS_CC)
PHPAPI php_stream_dirent *_php_stream_readdir(php_stream *dirstream, php_stream_dirent *ent TSRMLS_DC);
#define php_stream_readdir(dirstream, dirent)	_php_stream_readdir((dirstream), (dirent) TSRMLS_CC)
#define php_stream_closedir(dirstream)	php_stream_close((dirstream))
#define php_stream_rewinddir(dirstream)	php_stream_rewind((dirstream))

PHPAPI int php_stream_dirent_alphasort(const char **a, const char **b);
PHPAPI int php_stream_dirent_alphasortr(const char **a, const char **b);

PHPAPI int _php_stream_scandir(const char *dirname, char **namelist[], int flags, php_stream_context *context,
			int (*compare) (const char **a, const char **b) TSRMLS_DC);
#define php_stream_scandir(dirname, namelist, context, compare) _php_stream_scandir((dirname), (namelist), 0, (context), (compare) TSRMLS_CC)

PHPAPI int _php_stream_set_option(php_stream *stream, int option, int value, void *ptrparam TSRMLS_DC);
#define php_stream_set_option(stream, option, value, ptrvalue)	_php_stream_set_option((stream), (option), (value), (ptrvalue) TSRMLS_CC)

#define php_stream_set_chunk_size(stream, size) _php_stream_set_option((stream), PHP_STREAM_OPTION_SET_CHUNK_SIZE, (size), NULL TSRMLS_CC)


/* Flags for mkdir method in wrapper ops */
/* define REPORT ERRORS 8 (below) */

/* Flags for rmdir method in wrapper ops */
/* define REPORT_ERRORS 8 (below) */

/* Flags for url_stat method in wrapper ops */

/* change the blocking mode of stream: value == 1 => blocking, value == 0 => non-blocking. */

/* change the buffering mode of stream. value is a PHP_STREAM_BUFFER_XXXX value, ptrparam is a ptr to a size_t holding
 * the required buffer size */

#define PHP_STREAM_BUFFER_NONE	0	/* unbuffered */
#define PHP_STREAM_BUFFER_LINE	1	/* line buffered */
#define PHP_STREAM_BUFFER_FULL	2	/* fully buffered */

/* set the timeout duration for reads on the stream. ptrparam is a pointer to a struct timeval * */

/* set or release lock on a stream */

/* whether or not locking is supported */

#define php_stream_supports_lock(stream)	_php_stream_set_option((stream), PHP_STREAM_OPTION_LOCKING, 0, (void *) PHP_STREAM_LOCK_SUPPORTED TSRMLS_CC) == 0 ? 1 : 0
#define php_stream_lock(stream, mode)		_php_stream_set_option((stream), PHP_STREAM_OPTION_LOCKING, (mode), (void *) NULL TSRMLS_CC)

/* option code used by the php_stream_xport_XXX api */
#define PHP_STREAM_OPTION_XPORT_API			7 /* see php_stream_transport.h */
#define PHP_STREAM_OPTION_CRYPTO_API		8 /* see php_stream_transport.h */
#define PHP_STREAM_OPTION_MMAP_API			9 /* see php_stream_mmap.h */

#define PHP_STREAM_TRUNCATE_SET_SIZE	1	/* ptrparam is a pointer to a size_t */

#define php_stream_truncate_supported(stream)	(_php_stream_set_option((stream), PHP_STREAM_OPTION_TRUNCATE_API, PHP_STREAM_TRUNCATE_SUPPORTED, NULL TSRMLS_CC) == PHP_STREAM_OPTION_RETURN_OK ? 1 : 0)

PHPAPI int _php_stream_truncate_set_size(php_stream *stream, size_t newsize TSRMLS_DC);
#define php_stream_truncate_set_size(stream, size)	_php_stream_truncate_set_size((stream), (size) TSRMLS_CC)

#define PHP_STREAM_OPTION_META_DATA_API		11 /* ptrparam is a zval* to which to add meta data information */
#define php_stream_populate_meta_data(stream, zv)	(_php_stream_set_option((stream), PHP_STREAM_OPTION_META_DATA_API, 0, zv TSRMLS_CC) == PHP_STREAM_OPTION_RETURN_OK ? 1 : 0)

/* Check if the stream is still "live"; for sockets/pipes this means the socket
 * is still connected; for files, this does not really have meaning */
#define PHP_STREAM_OPTION_CHECK_LIVENESS	12 /* no parameters */

#define PHP_STREAM_OPTION_RETURN_OK			 0 /* option set OK */
#define PHP_STREAM_OPTION_RETURN_ERR		-1 /* problem setting option */
#define PHP_STREAM_OPTION_RETURN_NOTIMPL	-2 /* underlying stream does not implement; streams can handle it instead */

/* copy up to maxlen bytes from src to dest.  If maxlen is PHP_STREAM_COPY_ALL,
 * copy until eof(src). */
#define PHP_STREAM_COPY_ALL		((size_t)-1)

PHPAPI size_t _php_stream_copy_to_stream(php_stream *src, php_stream *dest, size_t maxlen STREAMS_DC TSRMLS_DC);
#define php_stream_copy_to_stream(src, dest, maxlen)	_php_stream_copy_to_stream((src), (dest), (maxlen) STREAMS_CC TSRMLS_CC)
PHPAPI int _php_stream_copy_to_stream_ex(php_stream *src, php_stream *dest, size_t maxlen, size_t *len STREAMS_DC TSRMLS_DC);
#define php_stream_copy_to_stream_ex(src, dest, maxlen, len)	_php_stream_copy_to_stream_ex((src), (dest), (maxlen), (len) STREAMS_CC TSRMLS_CC)

/* read all data from stream and put into a buffer. Caller must free buffer
 * when done. */
PHPAPI size_t _php_stream_copy_to_mem(php_stream *src, char **buf, size_t maxlen,
		int persistent STREAMS_DC TSRMLS_DC);
#define php_stream_copy_to_mem(src, buf, maxlen, persistent) _php_stream_copy_to_mem((src), (buf), (maxlen), (persistent) STREAMS_CC TSRMLS_CC)

/* output all data from a stream */
PHPAPI size_t _php_stream_passthru(php_stream * src STREAMS_DC TSRMLS_DC);
#define php_stream_passthru(stream)	_php_stream_passthru((stream) STREAMS_CC TSRMLS_CC)

#include "streams/php_stream_transport.h"
#include "streams/php_stream_plain_wrapper.h"
#include "streams/php_stream_glob_wrapper.h"
#include "streams/php_stream_userspace.h"
#include "streams/php_stream_mmap.h"

/* coerce the stream into some other form */
/* cast as a stdio FILE * */
#define PHP_STREAM_AS_STDIO     0
/* cast as a POSIX fd or socketd */
#define PHP_STREAM_AS_FD		1
/* cast as a socketd */
/* cast as fd/socket for select purposes */

/* try really, really hard to make sure the cast happens (avoid using this flag if possible) */
#define PHP_STREAM_CAST_TRY_HARD	0x80000000
#define PHP_STREAM_CAST_RELEASE		0x40000000	/* stream becomes invalid on success */
#define PHP_STREAM_CAST_INTERNAL	0x20000000	/* stream cast for internal use */
PHPAPI int _php_stream_cast(php_stream *stream, int castas, void **ret, int show_err TSRMLS_DC);
/* use this to check if a stream can be cast into another form */
#define php_stream_can_cast(stream, as)	_php_stream_cast((stream), (as), NULL, 0 TSRMLS_CC)
#define php_stream_cast(stream, as, ret, show_err)	_php_stream_cast((stream), (as), (ret), (show_err) TSRMLS_CC)

/* use this to check if a stream is of a particular type:
 * PHPAPI int php_stream_is(php_stream *stream, php_stream_ops *ops); */
#define php_stream_is(stream, anops)		((stream)->ops == anops)
#define PHP_STREAM_IS_STDIO &php_stream_stdio_ops

#define php_stream_is_persistent(stream)	(stream)->is_persistent

/* Wrappers support */

#define IGNORE_PATH                     0x00000000
#define USE_PATH                        0x00000001
#define IGNORE_URL                      0x00000002
#define REPORT_ERRORS                   0x00000008
#define ENFORCE_SAFE_MODE               0 /* for BC only */

/* If you don't need to write to the stream, but really need to
 * be able to seek, use this flag in your options. */
#define STREAM_MUST_SEEK                0x00000010
/* If you are going to end up casting the stream into a FILE* or
 * a socket, pass this flag and the streams/wrappers will not use
 * buffering mechanisms while reading the headers, so that HTTP
 * wrapped streams will work consistently.
 * If you omit this flag, streams will use buffering and should end
 * up working more optimally.
 * */
#define STREAM_WILL_CAST                0x00000020

/* this flag applies to php_stream_locate_url_wrapper */
#define STREAM_LOCATE_WRAPPERS_ONLY     0x00000040

/* this flag is only used by include/require functions */
#define STREAM_OPEN_FOR_INCLUDE         0x00000080

/* this flag tells streams to ONLY open urls */
#define STREAM_USE_URL                  0x00000100

/* this flag is used when only the headers from HTTP request are to be fetched */
#define STREAM_ONLY_GET_HEADERS         0x00000200

/* don't apply open_basedir checks */
#define STREAM_DISABLE_OPEN_BASEDIR     0x00000400

/* get (or create) a persistent version of the stream */
#define STREAM_OPEN_PERSISTENT          0x00000800

/* use glob stream for directory open in plain files stream */
#define STREAM_USE_GLOB_DIR_OPEN        0x00001000

/* don't check allow_url_fopen and allow_url_include */

/* assume the path passed in exists and is fully expanded, avoiding syscalls */
#define STREAM_ASSUME_REALPATH          0x00004000

/* Antique - no longer has meaning */
#define IGNORE_URL_WIN 0

int php_init_stream_wrappers(int module_number TSRMLS_DC);
int php_shutdown_stream_wrappers(int module_number TSRMLS_DC);
void php_shutdown_stream_hashes(TSRMLS_D);

PHPAPI int php_register_url_stream_wrapper(const char *protocol, php_stream_wrapper *wrapper TSRMLS_DC);
PHPAPI int php_unregister_url_stream_wrapper(const char *protocol TSRMLS_DC);
PHPAPI int php_register_url_stream_wrapper_volatile(const char *protocol, php_stream_wrapper *wrapper TSRMLS_DC);
PHPAPI int php_unregister_url_stream_wrapper_volatile(const char *protocol TSRMLS_DC);
PHPAPI php_stream *_php_stream_open_wrapper_ex(const char *path, const char *mode, int options, char **opened_path, php_stream_context *context STREAMS_DC TSRMLS_DC);
PHPAPI php_stream_wrapper *php_stream_locate_url_wrapper(const char *path, const char **path_for_open, int options TSRMLS_DC);
PHPAPI const char *php_stream_locate_eol(php_stream *stream, const char *buf, size_t buf_len TSRMLS_DC);

#define php_stream_open_wrapper(path, mode, options, opened)	_php_stream_open_wrapper_ex((path), (mode), (options), (opened), NULL STREAMS_CC TSRMLS_CC)
#define php_stream_open_wrapper_ex(path, mode, options, opened, context)	_php_stream_open_wrapper_ex((path), (mode), (options), (opened), (context) STREAMS_CC TSRMLS_CC)

#define php_stream_get_from_zval(stream, zstream, mode, options, opened, context) \
		if (Z_TYPE_PP((zstream)) == IS_RESOURCE) { \
			php_stream_from_zval((stream), (zstream)); \
		} else (stream) = Z_TYPE_PP((zstream)) == IS_STRING ?  \
			php_stream_open_wrapper_ex(Z_STRVAL_PP((zstream)), (mode), (options), (opened), (context)) : NULL

/* pushes an error message onto the stack for a wrapper instance */
#ifdef ZTS
PHPAPI void php_stream_wrapper_log_error(php_stream_wrapper *wrapper, int options TSRMLS_DC, const char *fmt, ...) PHP_ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT(printf, 4, 5);
PHPAPI void php_stream_wrapper_log_error(php_stream_wrapper *wrapper, int options TSRMLS_DC, const char *fmt, ...) PHP_ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT(printf, 3, 4);

#define PHP_STREAM_UNCHANGED	0 /* orig stream was seekable anyway */
#define PHP_STREAM_RELEASED		1 /* newstream should be used; origstream is no longer valid */
#define PHP_STREAM_FAILED		2 /* an error occurred while attempting conversion */
#define PHP_STREAM_CRITICAL		3 /* an error occurred; origstream is in an unknown state; you should close origstream */
/* DO NOT call this on streams that are referenced by resources! */
PHPAPI int _php_stream_make_seekable(php_stream *origstream, php_stream **newstream, int flags STREAMS_DC TSRMLS_DC);
#define php_stream_make_seekable(origstream, newstream, flags)	_php_stream_make_seekable((origstream), (newstream), (flags) STREAMS_CC TSRMLS_CC)

/* Give other modules access to the url_stream_wrappers_hash and stream_filters_hash */
PHPAPI HashTable *_php_stream_get_url_stream_wrappers_hash(TSRMLS_D);
#define php_stream_get_url_stream_wrappers_hash()	_php_stream_get_url_stream_wrappers_hash(TSRMLS_C)
PHPAPI HashTable *php_stream_get_url_stream_wrappers_hash_global(void);
PHPAPI HashTable *_php_get_stream_filters_hash(TSRMLS_D);
#define php_get_stream_filters_hash()	_php_get_stream_filters_hash(TSRMLS_C)
PHPAPI HashTable *php_get_stream_filters_hash_global(void);
extern php_stream_wrapper_ops *php_stream_user_wrapper_ops;

/* Definitions for user streams */
#define PHP_STREAM_IS_URL		1

/* Stream metadata definitions */
/* Create if referred resource does not exist */
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main.c File 79.49 KB 0644
mergesort.c File 9.74 KB 0644
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php_ticks.h File 1.52 KB 0644
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