[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
SQLite format 3@  0.K�

�?YindexpkgIdpackages0CREATE INDEX pkgId ON packages (pkgId)Jeindexkeychangechangelog/CREATE INDEX keychange ON changelog (pkgKey)� /�triggerremove_changelogspackagesCREATE TRIGGER remove_changelogs AFTER DELETE ON packages  BEGIN    DELETE FROM changelog WHERE pkgKey = old.pkgKey;  ENDv�;tablechangelogchangelogCREATE TABLE changelog (  pkgKey INTEGER,  author TEXT,  date INTEGER,  changelog TEXT)^�tablepackagespackagesCREATE TABLE packages (  pkgKey INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,  pkgId TEXT)Q{tabledb_infodb_infoCREATE TABLE db_info (dbversion INTEGER, checksum TEXT)
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	�����xa	iaRinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.81-2d�@-- KPT-2934: Fix for a deleted ELF reading�0
	q�uMikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.80-1d��-- KPT-2588: provide details for the most frequent exceptions
-- KPT-2740: LIBCARE - Redesign ptrace API.
-- KPT-2829: fallback to .sig if .sig2 expires
-- KPT-2863: LIBCARE - Workaround coroutine detection failures by reverting commit 4b68214f in libunwind
-- KPT-2866: LIBCARE - object_patch_verify_safety_single() can use libunwind cursor after unw_step() return error.�		e�_Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.79-2d��-- KPT-2565: auto apply userspace patches on boot time
-- KPT-2599: summary report (running kcarectl without arguments)
-- KPT-2628: libcare: timeout for the whole patch/unpatch operation
-- KPT-2645: fix logrotate for a libcare logs�	i�MRinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.78-1dFoA-- KPT-2555: Auto cache clearing for a libcare server
-- KPT-2563: Fixed path to a libcare socket for a el6
-- KPT-1411: Optimize call chain for a libcare server
-- KPT-2481: Support for an ePortal cachaing mechanisms
-- KPT-2512: Support a debuginfo substitution for libcare
-- KPT-2522: Lowered kcarectl-selinux-policy package requrement for el7
-- KPT-2545: Fix for empty logs, created for ignored processes
-- KPT-2451: Extend IGNORE_UNKNOWN_KERNEL flag for `--status` command�}	i�Rinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.77-1dFo@-- KPT-2408: Changed default path to a doctor script
-- KPT-2438: New packages for el7/el8 arm64 platforms
-- KPT-2450: Fixed warnings during package install
-- KPT-2456: Introduced --userspace-status command for kcarectl
-- KPT-2457: Extended IGNORE_UNKNOWN_KERNEL flag to smart-update process
-- KPT-2460: Added kernel modules signing public key
-- KPT-2464: New dependencies: coreutils and util-linux
-- KPT-2466: Cyclic reboot prevention support for a crashreporter feature.
-- KPT-2471: Updated virt-what tool
-- KPT-2480: Introduced alternative way of authentication with ePortal
-- KPT-2483: New dependency: /sbin/modinfo
-- KPT-2484: Fix for `--status` exit code
-- KPT-2489: Updated libunwind version�;	e�Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.76-1d'@-- KPT-2426: fallback to AlmaCare license if it exists
-- KPT-2370: refine the message for the unknown kernel
-- KPT-2409: add `--force` flag to unload kernel patches without network and fixups
-- KPT-2319: libcare: show how many processes were actually patched^	e_Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.75-1c�`�-- KPT-2419: fix getheader AttributeError�Q	e�CAnton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.74-1c�=@-- KPT-2316: include external processes detailed results in debug logs
-- KPT-2375: handle exception on access to /proc/modules
-- KPT-2387 scanner-interface: add glibc-all-langpacks to the white list
-- KPT-2392: scanner interface debug mode
-- Decrease amount of libcare info calling
-- LIBCARE-802: fixed compatibility with Microsoft Defender
-- LIBCARE-770: added workaround for kernel bug https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=215524. Before this fix OpenSSL patching might cause segfaults of target process on affected kernels.�x	e�Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.73-2c�0�-- KPT-1594: selinux fixes to prevent socket freezing
-- KPT-2262: fix dependencies for kernelcare basic
-- KPT-2269: downgrade minimum selinux-policy version required for el8 packages
-- KPT-2270: additional selinux contexts for libcare
-- KPT-2314: CLI command to enable libcare
-- KPT-2315: agent sends invalid last_stop
-- KPT-2345: send proxy usage in server_info
-- KPT-2292: scanner interface: use bounded string views to enforce memory safety�Z	i�QRinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.72-1c�E�-- KPT-2264 Libcare coroutines scanning optimisation
-- KPT-2266 Fix libcare memory interation bug
-- KPT-2267 Implemented a timeout for libcare attaching methodsi	iqRinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.71-1c���-- KPT-2260 Fix for libcare disabled right in code

p	10�=�biaRinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.81-2d�@-- KPT-2934: Fix for a deleted ELF reading�1q�uMikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.80-1d��-- KPT-2588: provide details for the most frequent exceptions
-- KPT-2740: LIBCARE - Redesign ptrace API.
-- KPT-2829: fallback to .sig if .sig2 expires
-- KPT-2863: LIBCARE - Workaround coroutine detection failures by reverting commit 4b68214f in libunwind
-- KPT-2866: LIBCARE - object_patch_verify_safety_single() can use libunwind cursor after unw_step() return error.� e�_Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.79-2d��-- KPT-2565: auto apply userspace patches on boot time
-- KPT-2599: summary report (running kcarectl without arguments)
-- KPT-2628: libcare: timeout for the whole patch/unpatch operation
-- KPT-2645: fix logrotate for a libcare logs�i�MRinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.78-1dFoA-- KPT-2555: Auto cache clearing for a libcare server
-- KPT-2563: Fixed path to a libcare socket for a el6
-- KPT-1411: Optimize call chain for a libcare server
-- KPT-2481: Support for an ePortal cachaing mechanisms
-- KPT-2512: Support a debuginfo substitution for libcare
-- KPT-2522: Lowered kcarectl-selinux-policy package requrement for el7
-- KPT-2545: Fix for empty logs, created for ignored processes
-- KPT-2451: Extend IGNORE_UNKNOWN_KERNEL flag for `--status` command�~i�Rinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.77-1dFo@-- KPT-2408: Changed default path to a doctor script
-- KPT-2438: New packages for el7/el8 arm64 platforms
-- KPT-2450: Fixed warnings during package install
-- KPT-2456: Introduced --userspace-status command for kcarectl
-- KPT-2457: Extended IGNORE_UNKNOWN_KERNEL flag to smart-update process
-- KPT-2460: Added kernel modules signing public key
-- KPT-2464: New dependencies: coreutils and util-linux
-- KPT-2466: Cyclic reboot prevention support for a crashreporter feature.
-- KPT-2471: Updated virt-what tool
-- KPT-2480: Introduced alternative way of authentication with ePortal
-- KPT-2483: New dependency: /sbin/modinfo
-- KPT-2484: Fix for `--status` exit code
-- KPT-2489: Updated libunwind version�<e�Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.76-1d'@-- KPT-2426: fallback to AlmaCare license if it exists
-- KPT-2370: refine the message for the unknown kernel
-- KPT-2409: add `--force` flag to unload kernel patches without network and fixups
-- KPT-2319: libcare: show how many processes were actually patched_e_Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.75-1c�`�-- KPT-2419: fix getheader AttributeError�Re�CAnton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.74-1c�=@-- KPT-2316: include external processes detailed results in debug logs
-- KPT-2375: handle exception on access to /proc/modules
-- KPT-2387 scanner-interface: add glibc-all-langpacks to the white list
-- KPT-2392: scanner interface debug mode
-- Decrease amount of libcare info calling
-- LIBCARE-802: fixed compatibility with Microsoft Defender
-- LIBCARE-770: added workaround for kernel bug https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=215524. Before this fix OpenSSL patching might cause segfaults of target process on affected kernels.�y
e�Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.73-2c�0�-- KPT-1594: selinux fixes to prevent socket freezing
-- KPT-2262: fix dependencies for kernelcare basic
-- KPT-2269: downgrade minimum selinux-policy version required for el8 packages
-- KPT-2270: additional selinux contexts for libcare
-- KPT-2314: CLI command to enable libcare
-- KPT-2315: agent sends invalid last_stop
-- KPT-2345: send proxy usage in server_info
-- KPT-2292: scanner interface: use bounded string views to enforce memory safety�[i�QRinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.72-1c�E�-- KPT-2264 Libcare coroutines scanning optimisation
-- KPT-2266 Fix libcare memory interation bug
-- KPT-2267 Implemented a timeout for libcare attaching methods
��		����� e�_Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.79-2d��-- KPT-2565: auto apply userspace patches on boot time
-- KPT-2599: summary report (running kcarectl without arguments)
-- KPT-2628: libcare: timeout for the whole patch/unpatch operation
-- KPT-2645: fix logrotate for a libcare logs�i�MRinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.78-1dFoA-- KPT-2555: Auto cache clearing for a libcare server
-- KPT-2563: Fixed path to a libcare socket for a el6
-- KPT-1411: Optimize call chain for a libcare server
-- KPT-2481: Support for an ePortal cachaing mechanisms
-- KPT-2512: Support a debuginfo substitution for libcare
-- KPT-2522: Lowered kcarectl-selinux-policy package requrement for el7
-- KPT-2545: Fix for empty logs, created for ignored processes
-- KPT-2451: Extend IGNORE_UNKNOWN_KERNEL flag for `--status` command�~i�Rinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.77-1dFo@-- KPT-2408: Changed default path to a doctor script
-- KPT-2438: New packages for el7/el8 arm64 platforms
-- KPT-2450: Fixed warnings during package install
-- KPT-2456: Introduced --userspace-status command for kcarectl
-- KPT-2457: Extended IGNORE_UNKNOWN_KERNEL flag to smart-update process
-- KPT-2460: Added kernel modules signing public key
-- KPT-2464: New dependencies: coreutils and util-linux
-- KPT-2466: Cyclic reboot prevention support for a crashreporter feature.
-- KPT-2471: Updated virt-what tool
-- KPT-2480: Introduced alternative way of authentication with ePortal
-- KPT-2483: New dependency: /sbin/modinfo
-- KPT-2484: Fix for `--status` exit code
-- KPT-2489: Updated libunwind version�<e�Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.76-1d'@-- KPT-2426: fallback to AlmaCare license if it exists
-- KPT-2370: refine the message for the unknown kernel
-- KPT-2409: add `--force` flag to unload kernel patches without network and fixups
-- KPT-2319: libcare: show how many processes were actually patched_e_Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.75-1c�`�-- KPT-2419: fix getheader AttributeError�Re�CAnton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.74-1c�=@-- KPT-2316: include external processes detailed results in debug logs
-- KPT-2375: handle exception on access to /proc/modules
-- KPT-2387 scanner-interface: add glibc-all-langpacks to the white list
-- KPT-2392: scanner interface debug mode
-- Decrease amount of libcare info calling
-- LIBCARE-802: fixed compatibility with Microsoft Defender
-- LIBCARE-770: added workaround for kernel bug https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=215524. Before this fix OpenSSL patching might cause segfaults of target process on affected kernels.�ye�Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.73-2c�0�-- KPT-1594: selinux fixes to prevent socket freezing
-- KPT-2262: fix dependencies for kernelcare basic
-- KPT-2269: downgrade minimum selinux-policy version required for el8 packages
-- KPT-2270: additional selinux contexts for libcare
-- KPT-2314: CLI command to enable libcare
-- KPT-2315: agent sends invalid last_stop
-- KPT-2345: send proxy usage in server_info
-- KPT-2292: scanner interface: use bounded string views to enforce memory safety�-q�mMikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.82-2eR�-- KPT-2218 kcarectl: restore_selinux_context restores context only for end directory in atomic_write
-- KPT-2787 kcarectl: support sticky param for the latest eportal request
-- KPT-2828 kcarectl: integrate new signature validation
-- KPT-2925 kcarectl: uses legacy latest if patch level is fixed in kcare.conf
-- KPT-2926 Enable debuginfo builds for a kernelcare package
-- LIBCARE-361 swap_var: do mprotect() for the whole mapped region of target variable
-- LIBCARE-932 Java's stack unwinding
�c$#�&i�MRinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.78-1dFoA-- KPT-2555: Auto cache clearing for a libcare server
-- KPT-2563: Fixed path to a libcare socket for a el6
-- KPT-1411: Optimize call chain for a libcare server
-- KPT-2481: Support for an ePortal cachaing mechanisms
-- KPT-2512: Support a debuginfo substitution for libcare
-- KPT-2522: Lowered kcarectl-selinux-policy package requrement for el7
-- KPT-2545: Fix for empty logs, created for ignored processes
-- KPT-2451: Extend IGNORE_UNKNOWN_KERNEL flag for `--status` command�~%i�Rinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.77-1dFo@-- KPT-2408: Changed default path to a doctor script
-- KPT-2438: New packages for el7/el8 arm64 platforms
-- KPT-2450: Fixed warnings during package install
-- KPT-2456: Introduced --userspace-status command for kcarectl
-- KPT-2457: Extended IGNORE_UNKNOWN_KERNEL flag to smart-update process
-- KPT-2460: Added kernel modules signing public key
-- KPT-2464: New dependencies: coreutils and util-linux
-- KPT-2466: Cyclic reboot prevention support for a crashreporter feature.
-- KPT-2471: Updated virt-what tool
-- KPT-2480: Introduced alternative way of authentication with ePortal
-- KPT-2483: New dependency: /sbin/modinfo
-- KPT-2484: Fix for `--status` exit code
-- KPT-2489: Updated libunwind version�<$e�Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.76-1d'@-- KPT-2426: fallback to AlmaCare license if it exists
-- KPT-2370: refine the message for the unknown kernel
-- KPT-2409: add `--force` flag to unload kernel patches without network and fixups
-- KPT-2319: libcare: show how many processes were actually patched_#e_Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.75-1c�`�-- KPT-2419: fix getheader AttributeError�R"e�CAnton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.74-1c�=@-- KPT-2316: include external processes detailed results in debug logs
-- KPT-2375: handle exception on access to /proc/modules
-- KPT-2387 scanner-interface: add glibc-all-langpacks to the white list
-- KPT-2392: scanner interface debug mode
-- Decrease amount of libcare info calling
-- LIBCARE-802: fixed compatibility with Microsoft Defender
-- LIBCARE-770: added workaround for kernel bug https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=215524. Before this fix OpenSSL patching might cause segfaults of target process on affected kernels.�!q�KMikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.83-1e:T�-- KPT-2774 Kernelcare crash reporter filling up disk space
-- LIBCARE-693 Return JSON-formatted result for each `update` or `unload` command
-- LIBCARE-853 More transparent handling of segfaulted processes
-- LIBCARE-947 Make libunwind use FDEs even though binary search table is absent in eh_frame_hdr
-- LIBCARE-966 Wrong Stack Unwinding for openj9�- q�mMikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.82-2eR�-- KPT-2218 kcarectl: restore_selinux_context restores context only for end directory in atomic_write
-- KPT-2787 kcarectl: support sticky param for the latest eportal request
-- KPT-2828 kcarectl: integrate new signature validation
-- KPT-2925 kcarectl: uses legacy latest if patch level is fixed in kcare.conf
-- KPT-2926 Enable debuginfo builds for a kernelcare package
-- LIBCARE-361 swap_var: do mprotect() for the whole mapped region of target variable
-- LIBCARE-932 Java's stack unwindingbiaRinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.81-2d�@-- KPT-2934: Fix for a deleted ELF reading�1q�uMikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.80-1d��-- KPT-2588: provide details for the most frequent exceptions
-- KPT-2740: LIBCARE - Redesign ptrace API.
-- KPT-2829: fallback to .sig if .sig2 expires
-- KPT-2863: LIBCARE - Workaround coroutine detection failures by reverting commit 4b68214f in libunwind
-- KPT-2866: LIBCARE - object_patch_verify_safety_single() can use libunwind cursor after unw_step() return error.
)�
��b#"�/i�MRinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.78-1dFoA-- KPT-2555: Auto cache clearing for a libcare server
-- KPT-2563: Fixed path to a libcare socket for a el6
-- KPT-1411: Optimize call chain for a libcare server
-- KPT-2481: Support for an ePortal cachaing mechanisms
-- KPT-2512: Support a debuginfo substitution for libcare
-- KPT-2522: Lowered kcarectl-selinux-policy package requrement for el7
-- KPT-2545: Fix for empty logs, created for ignored processes
-- KPT-2451: Extend IGNORE_UNKNOWN_KERNEL flag for `--status` command�~.i�Rinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.77-1dFo@-- KPT-2408: Changed default path to a doctor script
-- KPT-2438: New packages for el7/el8 arm64 platforms
-- KPT-2450: Fixed warnings during package install
-- KPT-2456: Introduced --userspace-status command for kcarectl
-- KPT-2457: Extended IGNORE_UNKNOWN_KERNEL flag to smart-update process
-- KPT-2460: Added kernel modules signing public key
-- KPT-2464: New dependencies: coreutils and util-linux
-- KPT-2466: Cyclic reboot prevention support for a crashreporter feature.
-- KPT-2471: Updated virt-what tool
-- KPT-2480: Introduced alternative way of authentication with ePortal
-- KPT-2483: New dependency: /sbin/modinfo
-- KPT-2484: Fix for `--status` exit code
-- KPT-2489: Updated libunwind version�<-e�Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.76-1d'@-- KPT-2426: fallback to AlmaCare license if it exists
-- KPT-2370: refine the message for the unknown kernel
-- KPT-2409: add `--force` flag to unload kernel patches without network and fixups
-- KPT-2319: libcare: show how many processes were actually patched�,e�AAnton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.84-1ey��-- KPT-2557: add ubuntu 22.04 arm for kernelcare
-- KPT-2591: fix error state after stop of libcare svc
-- KPT-2714: fallback to the embeded doctor script in case any error
-- KPT-2768: ensure all writes are synced to disk before patch load
-- KPT-2887: CLI to modify kcare.conf (--set-config option)
-- KPT-2923: use HEAD method to probe patches�+q�KMikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.83-1e:T�-- KPT-2774 Kernelcare crash reporter filling up disk space
-- LIBCARE-693 Return JSON-formatted result for each `update` or `unload` command
-- LIBCARE-853 More transparent handling of segfaulted processes
-- LIBCARE-947 Make libunwind use FDEs even though binary search table is absent in eh_frame_hdr
-- LIBCARE-966 Wrong Stack Unwinding for openj9�-*q�mMikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.82-2eR�-- KPT-2218 kcarectl: restore_selinux_context restores context only for end directory in atomic_write
-- KPT-2787 kcarectl: support sticky param for the latest eportal request
-- KPT-2828 kcarectl: integrate new signature validation
-- KPT-2925 kcarectl: uses legacy latest if patch level is fixed in kcare.conf
-- KPT-2926 Enable debuginfo builds for a kernelcare package
-- LIBCARE-361 swap_var: do mprotect() for the whole mapped region of target variable
-- LIBCARE-932 Java's stack unwindingb)iaRinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.81-2d�@-- KPT-2934: Fix for a deleted ELF reading�1(q�uMikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.80-1d��-- KPT-2588: provide details for the most frequent exceptions
-- KPT-2740: LIBCARE - Redesign ptrace API.
-- KPT-2829: fallback to .sig if .sig2 expires
-- KPT-2863: LIBCARE - Workaround coroutine detection failures by reverting commit 4b68214f in libunwind
-- KPT-2866: LIBCARE - object_patch_verify_safety_single() can use libunwind cursor after unw_step() return error.� 'e�_Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.79-2d��-- KPT-2565: auto apply userspace patches on boot time
-- KPT-2599: summary report (running kcarectl without arguments)
-- KPT-2628: libcare: timeout for the whole patch/unpatch operation
-- KPT-2645: fix logrotate for a libcare logs
)�
��b�TS�~8i�Rinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.77-1dFo@-- KPT-2408: Changed default path to a doctor script
-- KPT-2438: New packages for el7/el8 arm64 platforms
-- KPT-2450: Fixed warnings during package install
-- KPT-2456: Introduced --userspace-status command for kcarectl
-- KPT-2457: Extended IGNORE_UNKNOWN_KERNEL flag to smart-update process
-- KPT-2460: Added kernel modules signing public key
-- KPT-2464: New dependencies: coreutils and util-linux
-- KPT-2466: Cyclic reboot prevention support for a crashreporter feature.
-- KPT-2471: Updated virt-what tool
-- KPT-2480: Introduced alternative way of authentication with ePortal
-- KPT-2483: New dependency: /sbin/modinfo
-- KPT-2484: Fix for `--status` exit code
-- KPT-2489: Updated libunwind version�'7e�mAnton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.85-2e��-- sig2 support was removed
-- increased timeout to libcare server
-- KPT-2969: rotate libcare log files before each update
-- KPT-2992: rework selinux policy packaging, kernelcare-selinux is obsolete, provide selinux modules
   with kernelcare package
-- KPT-3329: fix --set-config
-- KPT-3331: FileNotFound exception on --clear-cache
-- KPT-3341: kernelcare package upgrade creates rpmnew file for ePortal customers
-- KPT-3365: libcare: libcare patching resulted in a hanged process (auditd)
-- KPT-3377: libcare: Fix various memory errors
-- KPT-3376,KPT-3380: libcare: Some procs are stucked in 't' state after patchingb6eeAnton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.84-2e��@-- KPT-3318: use platform python for el8/el9�5e�AAnton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.84-1ey��-- KPT-2557: add ubuntu 22.04 arm for kernelcare
-- KPT-2591: fix error state after stop of libcare svc
-- KPT-2714: fallback to the embeded doctor script in case any error
-- KPT-2768: ensure all writes are synced to disk before patch load
-- KPT-2887: CLI to modify kcare.conf (--set-config option)
-- KPT-2923: use HEAD method to probe patches�4q�KMikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.83-1e:T�-- KPT-2774 Kernelcare crash reporter filling up disk space
-- LIBCARE-693 Return JSON-formatted result for each `update` or `unload` command
-- LIBCARE-853 More transparent handling of segfaulted processes
-- LIBCARE-947 Make libunwind use FDEs even though binary search table is absent in eh_frame_hdr
-- LIBCARE-966 Wrong Stack Unwinding for openj9�-3q�mMikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.82-2eR�-- KPT-2218 kcarectl: restore_selinux_context restores context only for end directory in atomic_write
-- KPT-2787 kcarectl: support sticky param for the latest eportal request
-- KPT-2828 kcarectl: integrate new signature validation
-- KPT-2925 kcarectl: uses legacy latest if patch level is fixed in kcare.conf
-- KPT-2926 Enable debuginfo builds for a kernelcare package
-- LIBCARE-361 swap_var: do mprotect() for the whole mapped region of target variable
-- LIBCARE-932 Java's stack unwindingb2iaRinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.81-2d�@-- KPT-2934: Fix for a deleted ELF reading�11q�uMikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.80-1d��-- KPT-2588: provide details for the most frequent exceptions
-- KPT-2740: LIBCARE - Redesign ptrace API.
-- KPT-2829: fallback to .sig if .sig2 expires
-- KPT-2863: LIBCARE - Workaround coroutine detection failures by reverting commit 4b68214f in libunwind
-- KPT-2866: LIBCARE - object_patch_verify_safety_single() can use libunwind cursor after unw_step() return error.� 0e�_Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.79-2d��-- KPT-2565: auto apply userspace patches on boot time
-- KPT-2599: summary report (running kcarectl without arguments)
-- KPT-2628: libcare: timeout for the whole patch/unpatch operation
-- KPT-2645: fix logrotate for a libcare logs
��
�y�F�8�'Ae�mAnton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.85-2e��-- sig2 support was removed
-- increased timeout to libcare server
-- KPT-2969: rotate libcare log files before each update
-- KPT-2992: rework selinux policy packaging, kernelcare-selinux is obsolete, provide selinux modules
   with kernelcare package
-- KPT-3329: fix --set-config
-- KPT-3331: FileNotFound exception on --clear-cache
-- KPT-3341: kernelcare package upgrade creates rpmnew file for ePortal customers
-- KPT-3365: libcare: libcare patching resulted in a hanged process (auditd)
-- KPT-3377: libcare: Fix various memory errors
-- KPT-3376,KPT-3380: libcare: Some procs are stucked in 't' state after patchingb@eeAnton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.84-2e��@-- KPT-3318: use platform python for el8/el9�?e�AAnton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.84-1ey��-- KPT-2557: add ubuntu 22.04 arm for kernelcare
-- KPT-2591: fix error state after stop of libcare svc
-- KPT-2714: fallback to the embeded doctor script in case any error
-- KPT-2768: ensure all writes are synced to disk before patch load
-- KPT-2887: CLI to modify kcare.conf (--set-config option)
-- KPT-2923: use HEAD method to probe patches�>q�KMikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.83-1e:T�-- KPT-2774 Kernelcare crash reporter filling up disk space
-- LIBCARE-693 Return JSON-formatted result for each `update` or `unload` command
-- LIBCARE-853 More transparent handling of segfaulted processes
-- LIBCARE-947 Make libunwind use FDEs even though binary search table is absent in eh_frame_hdr
-- LIBCARE-966 Wrong Stack Unwinding for openj9�-=q�mMikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.82-2eR�-- KPT-2218 kcarectl: restore_selinux_context restores context only for end directory in atomic_write
-- KPT-2787 kcarectl: support sticky param for the latest eportal request
-- KPT-2828 kcarectl: integrate new signature validation
-- KPT-2925 kcarectl: uses legacy latest if patch level is fixed in kcare.conf
-- KPT-2926 Enable debuginfo builds for a kernelcare package
-- LIBCARE-361 swap_var: do mprotect() for the whole mapped region of target variable
-- LIBCARE-932 Java's stack unwindingb<iaRinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.81-2d�@-- KPT-2934: Fix for a deleted ELF reading�1;q�uMikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.80-1d��-- KPT-2588: provide details for the most frequent exceptions
-- KPT-2740: LIBCARE - Redesign ptrace API.
-- KPT-2829: fallback to .sig if .sig2 expires
-- KPT-2863: LIBCARE - Workaround coroutine detection failures by reverting commit 4b68214f in libunwind
-- KPT-2866: LIBCARE - object_patch_verify_safety_single() can use libunwind cursor after unw_step() return error.� :e�_Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.79-2d��-- KPT-2565: auto apply userspace patches on boot time
-- KPT-2599: summary report (running kcarectl without arguments)
-- KPT-2628: libcare: timeout for the whole patch/unpatch operation
-- KPT-2645: fix logrotate for a libcare logs�9i�MRinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.78-1dFoA-- KPT-2555: Auto cache clearing for a libcare server
-- KPT-2563: Fixed path to a libcare socket for a el6
-- KPT-1411: Optimize call chain for a libcare server
-- KPT-2481: Support for an ePortal cachaing mechanisms
-- KPT-2512: Support a debuginfo substitution for libcare
-- KPT-2522: Lowered kcarectl-selinux-policy package requrement for el7
-- KPT-2545: Fix for empty logs, created for ignored processes
-- KPT-2451: Extend IGNORE_UNKNOWN_KERNEL flag for `--status` command
	c�	eB�*�[�cbJeeAnton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.84-2e��@-- KPT-3318: use platform python for el8/el9�Ie�AAnton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.84-1ey��-- KPT-2557: add ubuntu 22.04 arm for kernelcare
-- KPT-2591: fix error state after stop of libcare svc
-- KPT-2714: fallback to the embeded doctor script in case any error
-- KPT-2768: ensure all writes are synced to disk before patch load
-- KPT-2887: CLI to modify kcare.conf (--set-config option)
-- KPT-2923: use HEAD method to probe patches�Hq�KMikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.83-1e:T�-- KPT-2774 Kernelcare crash reporter filling up disk space
-- LIBCARE-693 Return JSON-formatted result for each `update` or `unload` command
-- LIBCARE-853 More transparent handling of segfaulted processes
-- LIBCARE-947 Make libunwind use FDEs even though binary search table is absent in eh_frame_hdr
-- LIBCARE-966 Wrong Stack Unwinding for openj9�-Gq�mMikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.82-2eR�-- KPT-2218 kcarectl: restore_selinux_context restores context only for end directory in atomic_write
-- KPT-2787 kcarectl: support sticky param for the latest eportal request
-- KPT-2828 kcarectl: integrate new signature validation
-- KPT-2925 kcarectl: uses legacy latest if patch level is fixed in kcare.conf
-- KPT-2926 Enable debuginfo builds for a kernelcare package
-- LIBCARE-361 swap_var: do mprotect() for the whole mapped region of target variable
-- LIBCARE-932 Java's stack unwindingbFiaRinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.81-2d�@-- KPT-2934: Fix for a deleted ELF reading�1Eq�uMikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.80-1d��-- KPT-2588: provide details for the most frequent exceptions
-- KPT-2740: LIBCARE - Redesign ptrace API.
-- KPT-2829: fallback to .sig if .sig2 expires
-- KPT-2863: LIBCARE - Workaround coroutine detection failures by reverting commit 4b68214f in libunwind
-- KPT-2866: LIBCARE - object_patch_verify_safety_single() can use libunwind cursor after unw_step() return error.� De�_Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.79-2d��-- KPT-2565: auto apply userspace patches on boot time
-- KPT-2599: summary report (running kcarectl without arguments)
-- KPT-2628: libcare: timeout for the whole patch/unpatch operation
-- KPT-2645: fix logrotate for a libcare logs�Ci�MRinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.78-1dFo@-- KPT-2555: Auto cache clearing for a libcare server
-- KPT-2563: Fixed path to a libcare socket for a el6
-- KPT-1411: Optimize call chain for a libcare server
-- KPT-2481: Support for an ePortal cachaing mechanisms
-- KPT-2512: Support a debuginfo substitution for libcare
-- KPT-2522: Lowered kcarectl-selinux-policy package requrement for el7
-- KPT-2545: Fix for empty logs, created for ignored processes
-- KPT-2451: Extend IGNORE_UNKNOWN_KERNEL flag for `--status` command�|Bq�Mikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.83-1f��-- KPT-3271 send timestamp of latest crash report
-- KPT-3345 kcarectl: add root-keys.json into package and add flag to turn on new signatures
-- KPT-3370 use (if available) python3 interpreter for el7 package
-- KPT-3414 libcare logs rotation
-- KPT-3419 libcare: kpatch_ptrace: implement thread-safe way of waitpid() with timeout
-- KPT-3432 libcare: server crashed while patching some apps (gc_linux_service and TaniumClient)
-- KPT-3443 remove "Cloud Linux GmbH"
-- KPT-3467 libcare: improve display of information about patching in libcare-server logs
-- KPT-3469 Kdump fails to work after kernel upgrade
-- KPT-3483 libcare: Failures during attempts to detach from process under high filesystem access load
-- KPT-3512 libcare: System processes libc libraries patching failed while remote mmap call.
-- KPT-3517 libcare: libcare-server received SEGV signal while executing command kcarectl --lib-unload
-- KPT-3530 libcare: Remove unnecessary logging for kpatch_MemoryDenyWriteExecute_protected()
-- KPT-3533 libcare: Fix Valgrind error in kpatch_MemoryDenyWriteExecute_protected()
V�����h��Rq�KMikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.83-1e:T�-- KPT-2774 Kernelcare crash reporter filling up disk space
-- LIBCARE-693 Return JSON-formatted result for each `update` or `unload` command
-- LIBCARE-853 More transparent handling of segfaulted processes
-- LIBCARE-947 Make libunwind use FDEs even though binary search table is absent in eh_frame_hdr
-- LIBCARE-966 Wrong Stack Unwinding for openj9�-Qq�mMikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.82-2eR�-- KPT-2218 kcarectl: restore_selinux_context restores context only for end directory in atomic_write
-- KPT-2787 kcarectl: support sticky param for the latest eportal request
-- KPT-2828 kcarectl: integrate new signature validation
-- KPT-2925 kcarectl: uses legacy latest if patch level is fixed in kcare.conf
-- KPT-2926 Enable debuginfo builds for a kernelcare package
-- LIBCARE-361 swap_var: do mprotect() for the whole mapped region of target variable
-- LIBCARE-932 Java's stack unwindingbPiaRinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.81-2d�@-- KPT-2934: Fix for a deleted ELF reading�1Oq�uMikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.80-1d��-- KPT-2588: provide details for the most frequent exceptions
-- KPT-2740: LIBCARE - Redesign ptrace API.
-- KPT-2829: fallback to .sig if .sig2 expires
-- KPT-2863: LIBCARE - Workaround coroutine detection failures by reverting commit 4b68214f in libunwind
-- KPT-2866: LIBCARE - object_patch_verify_safety_single() can use libunwind cursor after unw_step() return error.� Ne�_Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.79-2d��-- KPT-2565: auto apply userspace patches on boot time
-- KPT-2599: summary report (running kcarectl without arguments)
-- KPT-2628: libcare: timeout for the whole patch/unpatch operation
-- KPT-2645: fix logrotate for a libcare logs�Me�!Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.87-2f4�-- KPT-3342: check for empty patch files
-- KPT-3538: scanner-interface: new pacakges in a white-list
-- KPT-3570: cleanup kernelcare-selinux package
-- KPT-3579: fix selinux mapping permissions for el9�|Lq�Mikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.86-1f��-- KPT-3271 send timestamp of latest crash report
-- KPT-3345 kcarectl: add root-keys.json into package and add flag to turn on new signatures
-- KPT-3370 use (if available) python3 interpreter for el7 package
-- KPT-3414 libcare logs rotation
-- KPT-3419 libcare: kpatch_ptrace: implement thread-safe way of waitpid() with timeout
-- KPT-3432 libcare: server crashed while patching some apps (gc_linux_service and TaniumClient)
-- KPT-3443 remove "Cloud Linux GmbH"
-- KPT-3467 libcare: improve display of information about patching in libcare-server logs
-- KPT-3469 Kdump fails to work after kernel upgrade
-- KPT-3483 libcare: Failures during attempts to detach from process under high filesystem access load
-- KPT-3512 libcare: System processes libc libraries patching failed while remote mmap call.
-- KPT-3517 libcare: libcare-server received SEGV signal while executing command kcarectl --lib-unload
-- KPT-3530 libcare: Remove unnecessary logging for kpatch_MemoryDenyWriteExecute_protected()
-- KPT-3533 libcare: Fix Valgrind error in kpatch_MemoryDenyWriteExecute_protected()�'Ke�mAnton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.85-2e��-- sig2 support was removed
-- increased timeout to libcare server
-- KPT-2969: rotate libcare log files before each update
-- KPT-2992: rework selinux policy packaging, kernelcare-selinux is obsolete, provide selinux modules
   with kernelcare package
-- KPT-3329: fix --set-config
-- KPT-3331: FileNotFound exception on --clear-cache
-- KPT-3341: kernelcare package upgrade creates rpmnew file for ePortal customers
-- KPT-3365: libcare: libcare patching resulted in a hanged process (auditd)
-- KPT-3377: libcare: Fix various memory errors
-- KPT-3376,KPT-3380: libcare: Some procs are stucked in 't' state after patching
,l^��D�,bZia	Rinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.81-2d�@-- KPT-2934: Fix for a deleted ELF reading�1Yq�u	Mikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.80-1d��-- KPT-2588: provide details for the most frequent exceptions
-- KPT-2740: LIBCARE - Redesign ptrace API.
-- KPT-2829: fallback to .sig if .sig2 expires
-- KPT-2863: LIBCARE - Workaround coroutine detection failures by reverting commit 4b68214f in libunwind
-- KPT-2866: LIBCARE - object_patch_verify_safety_single() can use libunwind cursor after unw_step() return error.�Xq�;Mikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.88-1fb�@-- KPT-3510 log process chain during update to kcarectl.log
-- KPT-3580 amazon linux 2023 support
-- KPT-3597 migrate agent to systemd for debian systems
-- KPT-3640 el9 arm64 package
-- KPT-3697 compatability with gnupg2-minimal
-- KPT-3652 bring nessus agent scanner to the default scanner-interface
-- KPT-3753 fix logrotate not found error�We�!Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.87-2f4�-- KPT-3342: check for empty patch files
-- KPT-3538: scanner-interface: new pacakges in a white-list
-- KPT-3570: cleanup kernelcare-selinux package
-- KPT-3579: fix selinux mapping permissions for el9�|Vq�Mikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.86-1f��-- KPT-3271 send timestamp of latest crash report
-- KPT-3345 kcarectl: add root-keys.json into package and add flag to turn on new signatures
-- KPT-3370 use (if available) python3 interpreter for el7 package
-- KPT-3414 libcare logs rotation
-- KPT-3419 libcare: kpatch_ptrace: implement thread-safe way of waitpid() with timeout
-- KPT-3432 libcare: server crashed while patching some apps (gc_linux_service and TaniumClient)
-- KPT-3443 remove "Cloud Linux GmbH"
-- KPT-3467 libcare: improve display of information about patching in libcare-server logs
-- KPT-3469 Kdump fails to work after kernel upgrade
-- KPT-3483 libcare: Failures during attempts to detach from process under high filesystem access load
-- KPT-3512 libcare: System processes libc libraries patching failed while remote mmap call.
-- KPT-3517 libcare: libcare-server received SEGV signal while executing command kcarectl --lib-unload
-- KPT-3530 libcare: Remove unnecessary logging for kpatch_MemoryDenyWriteExecute_protected()
-- KPT-3533 libcare: Fix Valgrind error in kpatch_MemoryDenyWriteExecute_protected()�'Ue�mAnton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.85-2e��-- sig2 support was removed
-- increased timeout to libcare server
-- KPT-2969: rotate libcare log files before each update
-- KPT-2992: rework selinux policy packaging, kernelcare-selinux is obsolete, provide selinux modules
   with kernelcare package
-- KPT-3329: fix --set-config
-- KPT-3331: FileNotFound exception on --clear-cache
-- KPT-3341: kernelcare package upgrade creates rpmnew file for ePortal customers
-- KPT-3365: libcare: libcare patching resulted in a hanged process (auditd)
-- KPT-3377: libcare: Fix various memory errors
-- KPT-3376,KPT-3380: libcare: Some procs are stucked in 't' state after patchingbTeeAnton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.84-2e��@-- KPT-3318: use platform python for el8/el9�Se�AAnton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.84-1ey��-- KPT-2557: add ubuntu 22.04 arm for kernelcare
-- KPT-2591: fix error state after stop of libcare svc
-- KPT-2714: fallback to the embeded doctor script in case any error
-- KPT-2768: ensure all writes are synced to disk before patch load
-- KPT-2887: CLI to modify kcare.conf (--set-config option)
-- KPT-2923: use HEAD method to probe patches
�1
9�u�bq�;	Mikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.88-1fb�@-- KPT-3510 log process chain during update to kcarectl.log
-- KPT-3580 amazon linux 2023 support
-- KPT-3597 migrate agent to systemd for debian systems
-- KPT-3640 el9 arm64 package
-- KPT-3697 compatability with gnupg2-minimal
-- KPT-3652 bring nessus agent scanner to the default scanner-interface
-- KPT-3753 fix logrotate not found error�ae�!	Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.87-2f4�-- KPT-3342: check for empty patch files
-- KPT-3538: scanner-interface: new pacakges in a white-list
-- KPT-3570: cleanup kernelcare-selinux package
-- KPT-3579: fix selinux mapping permissions for el9�|`q�	Mikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.86-1f��-- KPT-3271 send timestamp of latest crash report
-- KPT-3345 kcarectl: add root-keys.json into package and add flag to turn on new signatures
-- KPT-3370 use (if available) python3 interpreter for el7 package
-- KPT-3414 libcare logs rotation
-- KPT-3419 libcare: kpatch_ptrace: implement thread-safe way of waitpid() with timeout
-- KPT-3432 libcare: server crashed while patching some apps (gc_linux_service and TaniumClient)
-- KPT-3443 remove "Cloud Linux GmbH"
-- KPT-3467 libcare: improve display of information about patching in libcare-server logs
-- KPT-3469 Kdump fails to work after kernel upgrade
-- KPT-3483 libcare: Failures during attempts to detach from process under high filesystem access load
-- KPT-3512 libcare: System processes libc libraries patching failed while remote mmap call.
-- KPT-3517 libcare: libcare-server received SEGV signal while executing command kcarectl --lib-unload
-- KPT-3530 libcare: Remove unnecessary logging for kpatch_MemoryDenyWriteExecute_protected()
-- KPT-3533 libcare: Fix Valgrind error in kpatch_MemoryDenyWriteExecute_protected()�'_e�m	Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.85-2e��-- sig2 support was removed
-- increased timeout to libcare server
-- KPT-2969: rotate libcare log files before each update
-- KPT-2992: rework selinux policy packaging, kernelcare-selinux is obsolete, provide selinux modules
   with kernelcare package
-- KPT-3329: fix --set-config
-- KPT-3331: FileNotFound exception on --clear-cache
-- KPT-3341: kernelcare package upgrade creates rpmnew file for ePortal customers
-- KPT-3365: libcare: libcare patching resulted in a hanged process (auditd)
-- KPT-3377: libcare: Fix various memory errors
-- KPT-3376,KPT-3380: libcare: Some procs are stucked in 't' state after patchingb^ee	Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.84-2e��@-- KPT-3318: use platform python for el8/el9�]e�A	Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.84-1ey��-- KPT-2557: add ubuntu 22.04 arm for kernelcare
-- KPT-2591: fix error state after stop of libcare svc
-- KPT-2714: fallback to the embeded doctor script in case any error
-- KPT-2768: ensure all writes are synced to disk before patch load
-- KPT-2887: CLI to modify kcare.conf (--set-config option)
-- KPT-2923: use HEAD method to probe patches�\q�K	Mikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.83-1e:T�-- KPT-2774 Kernelcare crash reporter filling up disk space
-- LIBCARE-693 Return JSON-formatted result for each `update` or `unload` command
-- LIBCARE-853 More transparent handling of segfaulted processes
-- LIBCARE-947 Make libunwind use FDEs even though binary search table is absent in eh_frame_hdr
-- LIBCARE-966 Wrong Stack Unwinding for openj9�-[q�m	Mikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.82-2eR�-- KPT-2218 kcarectl: restore_selinux_context restores context only for end directory in atomic_write
-- KPT-2787 kcarectl: support sticky param for the latest eportal request
-- KPT-2828 kcarectl: integrate new signature validation
-- KPT-2925 kcarectl: uses legacy latest if patch level is fixed in kcare.conf
-- KPT-2926 Enable debuginfo builds for a kernelcare package
-- LIBCARE-361 swap_var: do mprotect() for the whole mapped region of target variable
-- LIBCARE-932 Java's stack unwinding
	�E��	~	p���ke�!
Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.87-2f4�-- KPT-3342: check for empty patch files
-- KPT-3538: scanner-interface: new pacakges in a white-list
-- KPT-3570: cleanup kernelcare-selinux package
-- KPT-3579: fix selinux mapping permissions for el9�|jq�
Mikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.86-1f��-- KPT-3271 send timestamp of latest crash report
-- KPT-3345 kcarectl: add root-keys.json into package and add flag to turn on new signatures
-- KPT-3370 use (if available) python3 interpreter for el7 package
-- KPT-3414 libcare logs rotation
-- KPT-3419 libcare: kpatch_ptrace: implement thread-safe way of waitpid() with timeout
-- KPT-3432 libcare: server crashed while patching some apps (gc_linux_service and TaniumClient)
-- KPT-3443 remove "Cloud Linux GmbH"
-- KPT-3467 libcare: improve display of information about patching in libcare-server logs
-- KPT-3469 Kdump fails to work after kernel upgrade
-- KPT-3483 libcare: Failures during attempts to detach from process under high filesystem access load
-- KPT-3512 libcare: System processes libc libraries patching failed while remote mmap call.
-- KPT-3517 libcare: libcare-server received SEGV signal while executing command kcarectl --lib-unload
-- KPT-3530 libcare: Remove unnecessary logging for kpatch_MemoryDenyWriteExecute_protected()
-- KPT-3533 libcare: Fix Valgrind error in kpatch_MemoryDenyWriteExecute_protected()�'ie�m
Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.85-2e��-- sig2 support was removed
-- increased timeout to libcare server
-- KPT-2969: rotate libcare log files before each update
-- KPT-2992: rework selinux policy packaging, kernelcare-selinux is obsolete, provide selinux modules
   with kernelcare package
-- KPT-3329: fix --set-config
-- KPT-3331: FileNotFound exception on --clear-cache
-- KPT-3341: kernelcare package upgrade creates rpmnew file for ePortal customers
-- KPT-3365: libcare: libcare patching resulted in a hanged process (auditd)
-- KPT-3377: libcare: Fix various memory errors
-- KPT-3376,KPT-3380: libcare: Some procs are stucked in 't' state after patchingbhee
Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.84-2e��@-- KPT-3318: use platform python for el8/el9�ge�A
Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.84-1ey��-- KPT-2557: add ubuntu 22.04 arm for kernelcare
-- KPT-2591: fix error state after stop of libcare svc
-- KPT-2714: fallback to the embeded doctor script in case any error
-- KPT-2768: ensure all writes are synced to disk before patch load
-- KPT-2887: CLI to modify kcare.conf (--set-config option)
-- KPT-2923: use HEAD method to probe patches�fq�K
Mikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.83-1e:T�-- KPT-2774 Kernelcare crash reporter filling up disk space
-- LIBCARE-693 Return JSON-formatted result for each `update` or `unload` command
-- LIBCARE-853 More transparent handling of segfaulted processes
-- LIBCARE-947 Make libunwind use FDEs even though binary search table is absent in eh_frame_hdr
-- LIBCARE-966 Wrong Stack Unwinding for openj9�-eq�m
Mikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.82-2eR�-- KPT-2218 kcarectl: restore_selinux_context restores context only for end directory in atomic_write
-- KPT-2787 kcarectl: support sticky param for the latest eportal request
-- KPT-2828 kcarectl: integrate new signature validation
-- KPT-2925 kcarectl: uses legacy latest if patch level is fixed in kcare.conf
-- KPT-2926 Enable debuginfo builds for a kernelcare package
-- LIBCARE-361 swap_var: do mprotect() for the whole mapped region of target variable
-- LIBCARE-932 Java's stack unwindingbdia
Rinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.81-2d�@-- KPT-2934: Fix for a deleted ELF reading�8cq�	Mikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.89-1f�`�-- KPT-3731 frequent patch access issues right after registration
-- KPT-3877 LIBCARE - [Menards] has failing httpd service
�E
v�~��'se�mAnton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.85-2e��-- sig2 support was removed
-- increased timeout to libcare server
-- KPT-2969: rotate libcare log files before each update
-- KPT-2992: rework selinux policy packaging, kernelcare-selinux is obsolete, provide selinux modules
   with kernelcare package
-- KPT-3329: fix --set-config
-- KPT-3331: FileNotFound exception on --clear-cache
-- KPT-3341: kernelcare package upgrade creates rpmnew file for ePortal customers
-- KPT-3365: libcare: libcare patching resulted in a hanged process (auditd)
-- KPT-3377: libcare: Fix various memory errors
-- KPT-3376,KPT-3380: libcare: Some procs are stucked in 't' state after patchingbreeAnton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.84-2e��@-- KPT-3318: use platform python for el8/el9�qe�AAnton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.84-1ey��-- KPT-2557: add ubuntu 22.04 arm for kernelcare
-- KPT-2591: fix error state after stop of libcare svc
-- KPT-2714: fallback to the embeded doctor script in case any error
-- KPT-2768: ensure all writes are synced to disk before patch load
-- KPT-2887: CLI to modify kcare.conf (--set-config option)
-- KPT-2923: use HEAD method to probe patches�pq�KMikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.83-1e:T�-- KPT-2774 Kernelcare crash reporter filling up disk space
-- LIBCARE-693 Return JSON-formatted result for each `update` or `unload` command
-- LIBCARE-853 More transparent handling of segfaulted processes
-- LIBCARE-947 Make libunwind use FDEs even though binary search table is absent in eh_frame_hdr
-- LIBCARE-966 Wrong Stack Unwinding for openj9�-oq�mMikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.82-2eR�-- KPT-2218 kcarectl: restore_selinux_context restores context only for end directory in atomic_write
-- KPT-2787 kcarectl: support sticky param for the latest eportal request
-- KPT-2828 kcarectl: integrate new signature validation
-- KPT-2925 kcarectl: uses legacy latest if patch level is fixed in kcare.conf
-- KPT-2926 Enable debuginfo builds for a kernelcare package
-- LIBCARE-361 swap_var: do mprotect() for the whole mapped region of target variable
-- LIBCARE-932 Java's stack unwinding�fnq�_
Mikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.90-1f�3�-- KPT-3946 fix symlink protection patches applying
-- KPT-3969 LIBCARE - fix errors like 'Unable to map elf segments for'
-- KPT-3979 fix libcare log rotation in case if there are no new patches available
-- KPT-3990 LIBCARE - Bring back patch for CVE-2023-4813 and CVE-2023-4806 for RHEL-9 glibc�8mq�
Mikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.89-1f�`�-- KPT-3731 frequent patch access issues right after registration
-- KPT-3877 LIBCARE - [Menards] has failing httpd service�lq�;
Mikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.88-1fb�@-- KPT-3510 log process chain during update to kcarectl.log
-- KPT-3580 amazon linux 2023 support
-- KPT-3597 migrate agent to systemd for debian systems
-- KPT-3640 el9 arm64 package
-- KPT-3697 compatability with gnupg2-minimal
-- KPT-3652 bring nessus agent scanner to the default scanner-interface
-- KPT-3753 fix logrotate not found error
}�+��|b|eeAnton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.84-2e��@-- KPT-3318: use platform python for el8/el9�{e�AAnton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.84-1ey��-- KPT-2557: add ubuntu 22.04 arm for kernelcare
-- KPT-2591: fix error state after stop of libcare svc
-- KPT-2714: fallback to the embeded doctor script in case any error
-- KPT-2768: ensure all writes are synced to disk before patch load
-- KPT-2887: CLI to modify kcare.conf (--set-config option)
-- KPT-2923: use HEAD method to probe patches�zq�KMikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.83-1e:T�-- KPT-2774 Kernelcare crash reporter filling up disk space
-- LIBCARE-693 Return JSON-formatted result for each `update` or `unload` command
-- LIBCARE-853 More transparent handling of segfaulted processes
-- LIBCARE-947 Make libunwind use FDEs even though binary search table is absent in eh_frame_hdr
-- LIBCARE-966 Wrong Stack Unwinding for openj9�yq�3Mikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.91-3fը�-- KPT-3638 fix No such file or directory: '/etc/pki/kcare-gpg/root-keys.json'
-- KPT-3894 fsync folder state during atomic write
-- KPT-3993 fix incorrect arm64 architecture handling in scanner interface
-- KPT-4036 handle UnicodeDecodeError in get_state
-- KPT-4037 increased default http timeout
-- KPT-4038 extend install requirements (added tar, logrotate, procps)
-- KPT-4507 LIBCARE - Fix stub build_id returning from libcare's kpatch: without space at the end�fxq�_Mikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.90-1f�3�-- KPT-3946 fix symlink protection patches applying
-- KPT-3969 LIBCARE - fix errors like 'Unable to map elf segments for'
-- KPT-3979 fix libcare log rotation in case if there are no new patches available
-- KPT-3990 LIBCARE - Bring back patch for CVE-2023-4813 and CVE-2023-4806 for RHEL-9 glibc�8wq�Mikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.89-1f�`�-- KPT-3731 frequent patch access issues right after registration
-- KPT-3877 LIBCARE - [Menards] has failing httpd service�vq�;Mikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.88-1fb�@-- KPT-3510 log process chain during update to kcarectl.log
-- KPT-3580 amazon linux 2023 support
-- KPT-3597 migrate agent to systemd for debian systems
-- KPT-3640 el9 arm64 package
-- KPT-3697 compatability with gnupg2-minimal
-- KPT-3652 bring nessus agent scanner to the default scanner-interface
-- KPT-3753 fix logrotate not found error�ue�!Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.87-2f4�-- KPT-3342: check for empty patch files
-- KPT-3538: scanner-interface: new pacakges in a white-list
-- KPT-3570: cleanup kernelcare-selinux package
-- KPT-3579: fix selinux mapping permissions for el9�|tq�Mikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.86-1f��-- KPT-3271 send timestamp of latest crash report
-- KPT-3345 kcarectl: add root-keys.json into package and add flag to turn on new signatures
-- KPT-3370 use (if available) python3 interpreter for el7 package
-- KPT-3414 libcare logs rotation
-- KPT-3419 libcare: kpatch_ptrace: implement thread-safe way of waitpid() with timeout
-- KPT-3432 libcare: server crashed while patching some apps (gc_linux_service and TaniumClient)
-- KPT-3443 remove "Cloud Linux GmbH"
-- KPT-3467 libcare: improve display of information about patching in libcare-server logs
-- KPT-3469 Kdump fails to work after kernel upgrade
-- KPT-3483 libcare: Failures during attempts to detach from process under high filesystem access load
-- KPT-3512 libcare: System processes libc libraries patching failed while remote mmap call.
-- KPT-3517 libcare: libcare-server received SEGV signal while executing command kcarectl --lib-unload
-- KPT-3530 libcare: Remove unnecessary logging for kpatch_MemoryDenyWriteExecute_protected()
-- KPT-3533 libcare: Fix Valgrind error in kpatch_MemoryDenyWriteExecute_protected()

V��;��q�3Mikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.91-3fը�-- KPT-3638 fix No such file or directory: '/etc/pki/kcare-gpg/root-keys.json'
-- KPT-3894 fsync folder state during atomic write
-- KPT-3993 fix incorrect arm64 architecture handling in scanner interface
-- KPT-4036 handle UnicodeDecodeError in get_state
-- KPT-4037 increased default http timeout
-- KPT-4038 extend install requirements (added tar, logrotate, procps)
-- KPT-4507 LIBCARE - Fix stub build_id returning from libcare's kpatch: without space at the end�f�q�_Mikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.90-1f�3�-- KPT-3946 fix symlink protection patches applying
-- KPT-3969 LIBCARE - fix errors like 'Unable to map elf segments for'
-- KPT-3979 fix libcare log rotation in case if there are no new patches available
-- KPT-3990 LIBCARE - Bring back patch for CVE-2023-4813 and CVE-2023-4806 for RHEL-9 glibc�8�q�Mikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.89-1f�`�-- KPT-3731 frequent patch access issues right after registration
-- KPT-3877 LIBCARE - [Menards] has failing httpd service��q�;Mikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.88-1fb�@-- KPT-3510 log process chain during update to kcarectl.log
-- KPT-3580 amazon linux 2023 support
-- KPT-3597 migrate agent to systemd for debian systems
-- KPT-3640 el9 arm64 package
-- KPT-3697 compatability with gnupg2-minimal
-- KPT-3652 bring nessus agent scanner to the default scanner-interface
-- KPT-3753 fix logrotate not found error�e�!Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.87-2f4�-- KPT-3342: check for empty patch files
-- KPT-3538: scanner-interface: new pacakges in a white-list
-- KPT-3570: cleanup kernelcare-selinux package
-- KPT-3579: fix selinux mapping permissions for el9�|~q�Mikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.86-1f��-- KPT-3271 send timestamp of latest crash report
-- KPT-3345 kcarectl: add root-keys.json into package and add flag to turn on new signatures
-- KPT-3370 use (if available) python3 interpreter for el7 package
-- KPT-3414 libcare logs rotation
-- KPT-3419 libcare: kpatch_ptrace: implement thread-safe way of waitpid() with timeout
-- KPT-3432 libcare: server crashed while patching some apps (gc_linux_service and TaniumClient)
-- KPT-3443 remove "Cloud Linux GmbH"
-- KPT-3467 libcare: improve display of information about patching in libcare-server logs
-- KPT-3469 Kdump fails to work after kernel upgrade
-- KPT-3483 libcare: Failures during attempts to detach from process under high filesystem access load
-- KPT-3512 libcare: System processes libc libraries patching failed while remote mmap call.
-- KPT-3517 libcare: libcare-server received SEGV signal while executing command kcarectl --lib-unload
-- KPT-3530 libcare: Remove unnecessary logging for kpatch_MemoryDenyWriteExecute_protected()
-- KPT-3533 libcare: Fix Valgrind error in kpatch_MemoryDenyWriteExecute_protected()�'}e�mAnton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.85-2e��-- sig2 support was removed
-- increased timeout to libcare server
-- KPT-2969: rotate libcare log files before each update
-- KPT-2992: rework selinux policy packaging, kernelcare-selinux is obsolete, provide selinux modules
   with kernelcare package
-- KPT-3329: fix --set-config
-- KPT-3331: FileNotFound exception on --clear-cache
-- KPT-3341: kernelcare package upgrade creates rpmnew file for ePortal customers
-- KPT-3365: libcare: libcare patching resulted in a hanged process (auditd)
-- KPT-3377: libcare: Fix various memory errors
-- KPT-3376,KPT-3380: libcare: Some procs are stucked in 't' state after patching
�\�	L��/s�8�q�
Mikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.89-1f�`�-- KPT-3731 frequent patch access issues right after registration
-- KPT-3877 LIBCARE - [Menards] has failing httpd service��
Mikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.88-1fb�@-- KPT-3510 log process chain during update to kcarectl.log
-- KPT-3580 amazon linux 2023 support
-- KPT-3597 migrate agent to systemd for debian systems
-- KPT-3640 el9 arm64 package
-- KPT-3697 compatability with gnupg2-minimal
-- KPT-3652 bring nessus agent scanner to the default scanner-interface
-- KPT-3753 fix logrotate not found error��	e�!
Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.87-2f4�-- KPT-3342: check for empty patch files
-- KPT-3538: scanner-interface: new pacakges in a white-list
-- KPT-3570: cleanup kernelcare-selinux package
-- KPT-3579: fix selinux mapping permissions for el9�|�q�
Mikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.86-1f��-- KPT-3271 send timestamp of latest crash report
-- KPT-3345 kcarectl: add root-keys.json into package and add flag to turn on new signatures
-- KPT-3370 use (if available) python3 interpreter for el7 package
-- KPT-3414 libcare logs rotation
-- KPT-3419 libcare: kpatch_ptrace: implement thread-safe way of waitpid() with timeout
-- KPT-3432 libcare: server crashed while patching some apps (gc_linux_service and TaniumClient)
-- KPT-3443 remove "Cloud Linux GmbH"
-- KPT-3467 libcare: improve display of information about patching in libcare-server logs
-- KPT-3469 Kdump fails to work after kernel upgrade
-- KPT-3483 libcare: Failures during attempts to detach from process under high filesystem access load
-- KPT-3512 libcare: System processes libc libraries patching failed while remote mmap call.
-- KPT-3517 libcare: libcare-server received SEGV signal while executing command kcarectl --lib-unload
-- KPT-3530 libcare: Remove unnecessary logging for kpatch_MemoryDenyWriteExecute_protected()
-- KPT-3533 libcare: Fix Valgrind error in kpatch_MemoryDenyWriteExecute_protected()�'�e�m
Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.85-2e��-- sig2 support was removed
-- increased timeout to libcare server
-- KPT-2969: rotate libcare log files before each update
-- KPT-2992: rework selinux policy packaging, kernelcare-selinux is obsolete, provide selinux modules
   with kernelcare package
-- KPT-3329: fix --set-config
-- KPT-3331: FileNotFound exception on --clear-cache
-- KPT-3341: kernelcare package upgrade creates rpmnew file for ePortal customers
-- KPT-3365: libcare: libcare patching resulted in a hanged process (auditd)
-- KPT-3377: libcare: Fix various memory errors
-- KPT-3376,KPT-3380: libcare: Some procs are stucked in 't' state after patchingb�ee
Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.84-2e��@-- KPT-3318: use platform python for el8/el9��e�A
Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.84-1ey��-- KPT-2557: add ubuntu 22.04 arm for kernelcare
-- KPT-2591: fix error state after stop of libcare svc
-- KPT-2714: fallback to the embeded doctor script in case any error
-- KPT-2768: ensure all writes are synced to disk before patch load
-- KPT-2887: CLI to modify kcare.conf (--set-config option)
-- KPT-2923: use HEAD method to probe patches��_�;Ivan Golev <igolev@cloudlinux.com> 2.92-1g�-- KPT-4054 sanitize build_id returned by libcare's kpatch before url generating
-- KPT-4058 add systemd daemon-reload to pick up updated unit-files
-- KPT-4089 LIBCARE - libcare-server: add timestamps for libcare patching logs
-- KPT-4117 scanner-interface: new kernel related package in whitelist
-- KPT-4124 fix RemoteDisconnected and TimeoutError periodic errors
-- KPT-4177 fix LIBCARE - libcare-server entered infinite loop in case of some issue with libcare socket
���
s	C�3����e�!Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.87-2f4�-- KPT-3342: check for empty patch files
-- KPT-3538: scanner-interface: new pacakges in a white-list
-- KPT-3570: cleanup kernelcare-selinux package
-- KPT-3579: fix selinux mapping permissions for el9�|�q�Mikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.86-1f��-- KPT-3271 send timestamp of latest crash report
-- KPT-3345 kcarectl: add root-keys.json into package and add flag to turn on new signatures
-- KPT-3370 use (if available) python3 interpreter for el7 package
-- KPT-3414 libcare logs rotation
-- KPT-3419 libcare: kpatch_ptrace: implement thread-safe way of waitpid() with timeout
-- KPT-3432 libcare: server crashed while patching some apps (gc_linux_service and TaniumClient)
-- KPT-3443 remove "Cloud Linux GmbH"
-- KPT-3467 libcare: improve display of information about patching in libcare-server logs
-- KPT-3469 Kdump fails to work after kernel upgrade
-- KPT-3483 libcare: Failures during attempts to detach from process under high filesystem access load
-- KPT-3512 libcare: System processes libc libraries patching failed while remote mmap call.
-- KPT-3517 libcare: libcare-server received SEGV signal while executing command kcarectl --lib-unload
-- KPT-3530 libcare: Remove unnecessary logging for kpatch_MemoryDenyWriteExecute_protected()
-- KPT-3533 libcare: Fix Valgrind error in kpatch_MemoryDenyWriteExecute_protected()�'�e�mAnton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.85-2e��-- sig2 support was removed
-- increased timeout to libcare server
-- KPT-2969: rotate libcare log files before each update
-- KPT-2992: rework selinux policy packaging, kernelcare-selinux is obsolete, provide selinux modules
   with kernelcare package
-- KPT-3329: fix --set-config
-- KPT-3331: FileNotFound exception on --clear-cache
-- KPT-3341: kernelcare package upgrade creates rpmnew file for ePortal customers
-- KPT-3365: libcare: libcare patching resulted in a hanged process (auditd)
-- KPT-3377: libcare: Fix various memory errors
-- KPT-3376,KPT-3380: libcare: Some procs are stucked in 't' state after patchingb�eeAnton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.84-2e��@-- KPT-3318: use platform python for el8/el9�,�_�}
Ivan Golev <igolev@cloudlinux.com> 2.93-1g(�@-- KPT-3735 drop kernelcare-basic package support
-- KPT-4160 make libcare's socket timeout configurable
-- KPT-4302 LIBCARE - PROCESS_MAP_OBJECT_FILES:NOT_FOUND warnings during patching
-- KPT-4304 LIBCARE - Add timeout when analyzing QEMU threads��_�;
Ivan Golev <igolev@cloudlinux.com> 2.92-1g�-- KPT-4054 sanitize build_id returned by libcare's kpatch before url generating
-- KPT-4058 add systemd daemon-reload to pick up updated unit-files
-- KPT-4089 LIBCARE - libcare-server: add timestamps for libcare patching logs
-- KPT-4117 scanner-interface: new kernel related package in whitelist
-- KPT-4124 fix RemoteDisconnected and TimeoutError periodic errors
-- KPT-4177 fix LIBCARE - libcare-server entered infinite loop in case of some issue with libcare socket��
Mikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.91-3fը�-- KPT-3638 fix No such file or directory: '/etc/pki/kcare-gpg/root-keys.json'
-- KPT-3894 fsync folder state during atomic write
-- KPT-3993 fix incorrect arm64 architecture handling in scanner interface
-- KPT-4036 handle UnicodeDecodeError in get_state
-- KPT-4037 increased default http timeout
-- KPT-4038 extend install requirements (added tar, logrotate, procps)
-- KPT-4507 LIBCARE - Fix stub build_id returning from libcare's kpatch: without space at the end�f�q�_
Mikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.90-1f�3�-- KPT-3946 fix symlink protection patches applying
-- KPT-3969 LIBCARE - fix errors like 'Unable to map elf segments for'
-- KPT-3979 fix libcare log rotation in case if there are no new patches available
-- KPT-3990 LIBCARE - Bring back patch for CVE-2023-4813 and CVE-2023-4806 for RHEL-9 glibc
�B
.����a�R�e�CAnton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.74-1c�=@-- KPT-2316: include external processes detailed results in debug logs
-- KPT-2375: handle exception on access to /proc/modules
-- KPT-2387 scanner-interface: add glibc-all-langpacks to the white list
-- KPT-2392: scanner interface debug mode
-- Decrease amount of libcare info calling
-- LIBCARE-802: fixed compatibility with Microsoft Defender
-- LIBCARE-770: added workaround for kernel bug https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=215524. Before this fix OpenSSL patching might cause segfaults of target process on affected kernels.�y�e�Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.73-2c�0�-- KPT-1594: selinux fixes to prevent socket freezing
-- KPT-2262: fix dependencies for kernelcare basic
-- KPT-2269: downgrade minimum selinux-policy version required for el8 packages
-- KPT-2270: additional selinux contexts for libcare
-- KPT-2314: CLI command to enable libcare
-- KPT-2315: agent sends invalid last_stop
-- KPT-2345: send proxy usage in server_info
-- KPT-2292: scanner interface: use bounded string views to enforce memory safety�[�i�QRinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.72-1c�E�-- KPT-2264 Libcare coroutines scanning optimisation
-- KPT-2266 Fix libcare memory interation bug
-- KPT-2267 Implemented a timeout for libcare attaching methodsj�iqRinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.71-1c���-- KPT-2260 Fix for libcare disabled right in code�k�q�iMikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.94-1g{�-- KPT-4269 fix free/extra patches conflict with kmodlve
-- KPT-4352 LIBCARE - qemu: fix unreachable vm after patch applying
-- KPT-4459 enable libcare build for ubuntu 24.04�,�_�}Ivan Golev <igolev@cloudlinux.com> 2.93-1g(�@-- KPT-3735 drop kernelcare-basic package support
-- KPT-4160 make libcare's socket timeout configurable
-- KPT-4302 LIBCARE - PROCESS_MAP_OBJECT_FILES:NOT_FOUND warnings during patching
-- KPT-4304 LIBCARE - Add timeout when analyzing QEMU threads��_�;Ivan Golev <igolev@cloudlinux.com> 2.92-1g�-- KPT-4054 sanitize build_id returned by libcare's kpatch before url generating
-- KPT-4058 add systemd daemon-reload to pick up updated unit-files
-- KPT-4089 LIBCARE - libcare-server: add timestamps for libcare patching logs
-- KPT-4117 scanner-interface: new kernel related package in whitelist
-- KPT-4124 fix RemoteDisconnected and TimeoutError periodic errors
-- KPT-4177 fix LIBCARE - libcare-server entered infinite loop in case of some issue with libcare socket��q�3Mikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.91-3fը�-- KPT-3638 fix No such file or directory: '/etc/pki/kcare-gpg/root-keys.json'
-- KPT-3894 fsync folder state during atomic write
-- KPT-3993 fix incorrect arm64 architecture handling in scanner interface
-- KPT-4036 handle UnicodeDecodeError in get_state
-- KPT-4037 increased default http timeout
-- KPT-4038 extend install requirements (added tar, logrotate, procps)
-- KPT-4507 LIBCARE - Fix stub build_id returning from libcare's kpatch: without space at the end�f�q�_Mikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.90-1f�3�-- KPT-3946 fix symlink protection patches applying
-- KPT-3969 LIBCARE - fix errors like 'Unable to map elf segments for'
-- KPT-3979 fix libcare log rotation in case if there are no new patches available
-- KPT-3990 LIBCARE - Bring back patch for CVE-2023-4813 and CVE-2023-4806 for RHEL-9 glibc�8�q�Mikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.89-1f�`�-- KPT-3731 frequent patch access issues right after registration
-- KPT-3877 LIBCARE - [Menards] has failing httpd service��q�;Mikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.88-1fb�@-- KPT-3510 log process chain during update to kcarectl.log
-- KPT-3580 amazon linux 2023 support
-- KPT-3597 migrate agent to systemd for debian systems
-- KPT-3640 el9 arm64 package
-- KPT-3697 compatability with gnupg2-minimal
-- KPT-3652 bring nessus agent scanner to the default scanner-interface
-- KPT-3753 fix logrotate not found error
m�^\	?f"%�m_�)e_Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.75-1c�`�-- KPT-2419: fix getheader AttributeError�R�(e�CAnton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.74-1c�=@-- KPT-2316: include external processes detailed results in debug logs
-- KPT-2375: handle exception on access to /proc/modules
-- KPT-2387 scanner-interface: add glibc-all-langpacks to the white list
-- KPT-2392: scanner interface debug mode
-- Decrease amount of libcare info calling
-- LIBCARE-802: fixed compatibility with Microsoft Defender
-- LIBCARE-770: added workaround for kernel bug https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=215524. Before this fix OpenSSL patching might cause segfaults of target process on affected kernels.�y�'e�Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.73-2c�0�-- KPT-1594: selinux fixes to prevent socket freezing
-- KPT-2262: fix dependencies for kernelcare basic
-- KPT-2269: downgrade minimum selinux-policy version required for el8 packages
-- KPT-2270: additional selinux contexts for libcare
-- KPT-2314: CLI command to enable libcare
-- KPT-2315: agent sends invalid last_stop
-- KPT-2345: send proxy usage in server_info
-- KPT-2292: scanner interface: use bounded string views to enforce memory safety�[�&i�QRinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.72-1c�E�-- KPT-2264 Libcare coroutines scanning optimisation
-- KPT-2266 Fix libcare memory interation bug
-- KPT-2267 Implemented a timeout for libcare attaching methodsb�%iaRinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.81-2d�@-- KPT-2934: Fix for a deleted ELF reading�1�$q�uMikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.80-1d��-- KPT-2588: provide details for the most frequent exceptions
-- KPT-2740: LIBCARE - Redesign ptrace API.
-- KPT-2829: fallback to .sig if .sig2 expires
-- KPT-2863: LIBCARE - Workaround coroutine detection failures by reverting commit 4b68214f in libunwind
-- KPT-2866: LIBCARE - object_patch_verify_safety_single() can use libunwind cursor after unw_step() return error.� �#e�_Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.79-2d��-- KPT-2565: auto apply userspace patches on boot time
-- KPT-2599: summary report (running kcarectl without arguments)
-- KPT-2628: libcare: timeout for the whole patch/unpatch operation
-- KPT-2645: fix logrotate for a libcare logs��"i�MRinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.78-1dFoA-- KPT-2555: Auto cache clearing for a libcare server
-- KPT-2563: Fixed path to a libcare socket for a el6
-- KPT-1411: Optimize call chain for a libcare server
-- KPT-2481: Support for an ePortal cachaing mechanisms
-- KPT-2512: Support a debuginfo substitution for libcare
-- KPT-2522: Lowered kcarectl-selinux-policy package requrement for el7
-- KPT-2545: Fix for empty logs, created for ignored processes
-- KPT-2451: Extend IGNORE_UNKNOWN_KERNEL flag for `--status` command�~�!i�Rinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.77-1dFo@-- KPT-2408: Changed default path to a doctor script
-- KPT-2438: New packages for el7/el8 arm64 platforms
-- KPT-2450: Fixed warnings during package install
-- KPT-2456: Introduced --userspace-status command for kcarectl
-- KPT-2457: Extended IGNORE_UNKNOWN_KERNEL flag to smart-update process
-- KPT-2460: Added kernel modules signing public key
-- KPT-2464: New dependencies: coreutils and util-linux
-- KPT-2466: Cyclic reboot prevention support for a crashreporter feature.
-- KPT-2471: Updated virt-what tool
-- KPT-2480: Introduced alternative way of authentication with ePortal
-- KPT-2483: New dependency: /sbin/modinfo
-- KPT-2484: Fix for `--status` exit code
-- KPT-2489: Updated libunwind version�<� e�Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.76-1d'@-- KPT-2426: fallback to AlmaCare license if it exists
-- KPT-2370: refine the message for the unknown kernel
-- KPT-2409: add `--force` flag to unload kernel patches without network and fixups
-- KPT-2319: libcare: show how many processes were actually patched_�e_Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.75-1c�`�-- KPT-2419: fix getheader AttributeError
5��	�}�c25�y�1e�Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.73-2c�0�-- KPT-1594: selinux fixes to prevent socket freezing
-- KPT-2262: fix dependencies for kernelcare basic
-- KPT-2269: downgrade minimum selinux-policy version required for el8 packages
-- KPT-2270: additional selinux contexts for libcare
-- KPT-2314: CLI command to enable libcare
-- KPT-2315: agent sends invalid last_stop
-- KPT-2345: send proxy usage in server_info
-- KPT-2292: scanner interface: use bounded string views to enforce memory safety�-�0q�mMikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.82-2eR�-- KPT-2218 kcarectl: restore_selinux_context restores context only for end directory in atomic_write
-- KPT-2787 kcarectl: support sticky param for the latest eportal request
-- KPT-2828 kcarectl: integrate new signature validation
-- KPT-2925 kcarectl: uses legacy latest if patch level is fixed in kcare.conf
-- KPT-2926 Enable debuginfo builds for a kernelcare package
-- LIBCARE-361 swap_var: do mprotect() for the whole mapped region of target variable
-- LIBCARE-932 Java's stack unwindingb�/iaRinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.81-2d�@-- KPT-2934: Fix for a deleted ELF reading�1�.q�uMikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.80-1d��-- KPT-2588: provide details for the most frequent exceptions
-- KPT-2740: LIBCARE - Redesign ptrace API.
-- KPT-2829: fallback to .sig if .sig2 expires
-- KPT-2863: LIBCARE - Workaround coroutine detection failures by reverting commit 4b68214f in libunwind
-- KPT-2866: LIBCARE - object_patch_verify_safety_single() can use libunwind cursor after unw_step() return error.� �-e�_Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.79-2d��-- KPT-2565: auto apply userspace patches on boot time
-- KPT-2599: summary report (running kcarectl without arguments)
-- KPT-2628: libcare: timeout for the whole patch/unpatch operation
-- KPT-2645: fix logrotate for a libcare logs��,i�MRinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.78-1dFoA-- KPT-2555: Auto cache clearing for a libcare server
-- KPT-2563: Fixed path to a libcare socket for a el6
-- KPT-1411: Optimize call chain for a libcare server
-- KPT-2481: Support for an ePortal cachaing mechanisms
-- KPT-2512: Support a debuginfo substitution for libcare
-- KPT-2522: Lowered kcarectl-selinux-policy package requrement for el7
-- KPT-2545: Fix for empty logs, created for ignored processes
-- KPT-2451: Extend IGNORE_UNKNOWN_KERNEL flag for `--status` command�~�+i�Rinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.77-1dFo@-- KPT-2408: Changed default path to a doctor script
-- KPT-2438: New packages for el7/el8 arm64 platforms
-- KPT-2450: Fixed warnings during package install
-- KPT-2456: Introduced --userspace-status command for kcarectl
-- KPT-2457: Extended IGNORE_UNKNOWN_KERNEL flag to smart-update process
-- KPT-2460: Added kernel modules signing public key
-- KPT-2464: New dependencies: coreutils and util-linux
-- KPT-2466: Cyclic reboot prevention support for a crashreporter feature.
-- KPT-2471: Updated virt-what tool
-- KPT-2480: Introduced alternative way of authentication with ePortal
-- KPT-2483: New dependency: /sbin/modinfo
-- KPT-2484: Fix for `--status` exit code
-- KPT-2489: Updated libunwind version�<�*e�Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.76-1d'@-- KPT-2426: fallback to AlmaCare license if it exists
-- KPT-2370: refine the message for the unknown kernel
-- KPT-2409: add `--force` flag to unload kernel patches without network and fixups
-- KPT-2319: libcare: show how many processes were actually patched
H	���z�-�:q�mMikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.82-2eR�-- KPT-2218 kcarectl: restore_selinux_context restores context only for end directory in atomic_write
-- KPT-2787 kcarectl: support sticky param for the latest eportal request
-- KPT-2828 kcarectl: integrate new signature validation
-- KPT-2925 kcarectl: uses legacy latest if patch level is fixed in kcare.conf
-- KPT-2926 Enable debuginfo builds for a kernelcare package
-- LIBCARE-361 swap_var: do mprotect() for the whole mapped region of target variable
-- LIBCARE-932 Java's stack unwindingb�9iaRinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.81-2d�@-- KPT-2934: Fix for a deleted ELF reading�1�8q�uMikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.80-1d��-- KPT-2588: provide details for the most frequent exceptions
-- KPT-2740: LIBCARE - Redesign ptrace API.
-- KPT-2829: fallback to .sig if .sig2 expires
-- KPT-2863: LIBCARE - Workaround coroutine detection failures by reverting commit 4b68214f in libunwind
-- KPT-2866: LIBCARE - object_patch_verify_safety_single() can use libunwind cursor after unw_step() return error.� �7e�_Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.79-2d��-- KPT-2565: auto apply userspace patches on boot time
-- KPT-2599: summary report (running kcarectl without arguments)
-- KPT-2628: libcare: timeout for the whole patch/unpatch operation
-- KPT-2645: fix logrotate for a libcare logs��6i�MRinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.78-1dFoA-- KPT-2555: Auto cache clearing for a libcare server
-- KPT-2563: Fixed path to a libcare socket for a el6
-- KPT-1411: Optimize call chain for a libcare server
-- KPT-2481: Support for an ePortal cachaing mechanisms
-- KPT-2512: Support a debuginfo substitution for libcare
-- KPT-2522: Lowered kcarectl-selinux-policy package requrement for el7
-- KPT-2545: Fix for empty logs, created for ignored processes
-- KPT-2451: Extend IGNORE_UNKNOWN_KERNEL flag for `--status` command�~�5i�Rinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.77-1dFo@-- KPT-2408: Changed default path to a doctor script
-- KPT-2438: New packages for el7/el8 arm64 platforms
-- KPT-2450: Fixed warnings during package install
-- KPT-2456: Introduced --userspace-status command for kcarectl
-- KPT-2457: Extended IGNORE_UNKNOWN_KERNEL flag to smart-update process
-- KPT-2460: Added kernel modules signing public key
-- KPT-2464: New dependencies: coreutils and util-linux
-- KPT-2466: Cyclic reboot prevention support for a crashreporter feature.
-- KPT-2471: Updated virt-what tool
-- KPT-2480: Introduced alternative way of authentication with ePortal
-- KPT-2483: New dependency: /sbin/modinfo
-- KPT-2484: Fix for `--status` exit code
-- KPT-2489: Updated libunwind version�<�4e�Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.76-1d'@-- KPT-2426: fallback to AlmaCare license if it exists
-- KPT-2370: refine the message for the unknown kernel
-- KPT-2409: add `--force` flag to unload kernel patches without network and fixups
-- KPT-2319: libcare: show how many processes were actually patched_�3e_Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.75-1c�`�-- KPT-2419: fix getheader AttributeError�R�2e�CAnton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.74-1c�=@-- KPT-2316: include external processes detailed results in debug logs
-- KPT-2375: handle exception on access to /proc/modules
-- KPT-2387 scanner-interface: add glibc-all-langpacks to the white list
-- KPT-2392: scanner interface debug mode
-- Decrease amount of libcare info calling
-- LIBCARE-802: fixed compatibility with Microsoft Defender
-- LIBCARE-770: added workaround for kernel bug https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=215524. Before this fix OpenSSL patching might cause segfaults of target process on affected kernels.
hfI%pb�CiaRinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.81-2d�@-- KPT-2934: Fix for a deleted ELF reading�1�Bq�uMikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.80-1d��-- KPT-2588: provide details for the most frequent exceptions
-- KPT-2740: LIBCARE - Redesign ptrace API.
-- KPT-2829: fallback to .sig if .sig2 expires
-- KPT-2863: LIBCARE - Workaround coroutine detection failures by reverting commit 4b68214f in libunwind
-- KPT-2866: LIBCARE - object_patch_verify_safety_single() can use libunwind cursor after unw_step() return error.� �Ae�_Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.79-2d��-- KPT-2565: auto apply userspace patches on boot time
-- KPT-2599: summary report (running kcarectl without arguments)
-- KPT-2628: libcare: timeout for the whole patch/unpatch operation
-- KPT-2645: fix logrotate for a libcare logs��@i�MRinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.78-1dFoA-- KPT-2555: Auto cache clearing for a libcare server
-- KPT-2563: Fixed path to a libcare socket for a el6
-- KPT-1411: Optimize call chain for a libcare server
-- KPT-2481: Support for an ePortal cachaing mechanisms
-- KPT-2512: Support a debuginfo substitution for libcare
-- KPT-2522: Lowered kcarectl-selinux-policy package requrement for el7
-- KPT-2545: Fix for empty logs, created for ignored processes
-- KPT-2451: Extend IGNORE_UNKNOWN_KERNEL flag for `--status` command�~�?i�Rinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.77-1dFo@-- KPT-2408: Changed default path to a doctor script
-- KPT-2438: New packages for el7/el8 arm64 platforms
-- KPT-2450: Fixed warnings during package install
-- KPT-2456: Introduced --userspace-status command for kcarectl
-- KPT-2457: Extended IGNORE_UNKNOWN_KERNEL flag to smart-update process
-- KPT-2460: Added kernel modules signing public key
-- KPT-2464: New dependencies: coreutils and util-linux
-- KPT-2466: Cyclic reboot prevention support for a crashreporter feature.
-- KPT-2471: Updated virt-what tool
-- KPT-2480: Introduced alternative way of authentication with ePortal
-- KPT-2483: New dependency: /sbin/modinfo
-- KPT-2484: Fix for `--status` exit code
-- KPT-2489: Updated libunwind version�<�>e�Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.76-1d'@-- KPT-2426: fallback to AlmaCare license if it exists
-- KPT-2370: refine the message for the unknown kernel
-- KPT-2409: add `--force` flag to unload kernel patches without network and fixups
-- KPT-2319: libcare: show how many processes were actually patched_�=e_Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.75-1c�`�-- KPT-2419: fix getheader AttributeError�R�<e�CAnton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.74-1c�=@-- KPT-2316: include external processes detailed results in debug logs
-- KPT-2375: handle exception on access to /proc/modules
-- KPT-2387 scanner-interface: add glibc-all-langpacks to the white list
-- KPT-2392: scanner interface debug mode
-- Decrease amount of libcare info calling
-- LIBCARE-802: fixed compatibility with Microsoft Defender
-- LIBCARE-770: added workaround for kernel bug https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=215524. Before this fix OpenSSL patching might cause segfaults of target process on affected kernels.��;q�KMikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.83-1e:T�-- KPT-2774 Kernelcare crash reporter filling up disk space
-- LIBCARE-693 Return JSON-formatted result for each `update` or `unload` command
-- LIBCARE-853 More transparent handling of segfaulted processes
-- LIBCARE-947 Make libunwind use FDEs even though binary search table is absent in eh_frame_hdr
-- LIBCARE-966 Wrong Stack Unwinding for openj9
�/
�	ZX;b�b�LiaRinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.81-2d�@-- KPT-2934: Fix for a deleted ELF reading�1�Kq�uMikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.80-1d��-- KPT-2588: provide details for the most frequent exceptions
-- KPT-2740: LIBCARE - Redesign ptrace API.
-- KPT-2829: fallback to .sig if .sig2 expires
-- KPT-2863: LIBCARE - Workaround coroutine detection failures by reverting commit 4b68214f in libunwind
-- KPT-2866: LIBCARE - object_patch_verify_safety_single() can use libunwind cursor after unw_step() return error.� �Je�_Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.79-2d��-- KPT-2565: auto apply userspace patches on boot time
-- KPT-2599: summary report (running kcarectl without arguments)
-- KPT-2628: libcare: timeout for the whole patch/unpatch operation
-- KPT-2645: fix logrotate for a libcare logs��Ii�MRinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.78-1dFoA-- KPT-2555: Auto cache clearing for a libcare server
-- KPT-2563: Fixed path to a libcare socket for a el6
-- KPT-1411: Optimize call chain for a libcare server
-- KPT-2481: Support for an ePortal cachaing mechanisms
-- KPT-2512: Support a debuginfo substitution for libcare
-- KPT-2522: Lowered kcarectl-selinux-policy package requrement for el7
-- KPT-2545: Fix for empty logs, created for ignored processes
-- KPT-2451: Extend IGNORE_UNKNOWN_KERNEL flag for `--status` command�~�Hi�Rinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.77-1dFo@-- KPT-2408: Changed default path to a doctor script
-- KPT-2438: New packages for el7/el8 arm64 platforms
-- KPT-2450: Fixed warnings during package install
-- KPT-2456: Introduced --userspace-status command for kcarectl
-- KPT-2457: Extended IGNORE_UNKNOWN_KERNEL flag to smart-update process
-- KPT-2460: Added kernel modules signing public key
-- KPT-2464: New dependencies: coreutils and util-linux
-- KPT-2466: Cyclic reboot prevention support for a crashreporter feature.
-- KPT-2471: Updated virt-what tool
-- KPT-2480: Introduced alternative way of authentication with ePortal
-- KPT-2483: New dependency: /sbin/modinfo
-- KPT-2484: Fix for `--status` exit code
-- KPT-2489: Updated libunwind version�<�Ge�Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.76-1d'@-- KPT-2426: fallback to AlmaCare license if it exists
-- KPT-2370: refine the message for the unknown kernel
-- KPT-2409: add `--force` flag to unload kernel patches without network and fixups
-- KPT-2319: libcare: show how many processes were actually patched��Fe�AAnton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.84-1ey��-- KPT-2557: add ubuntu 22.04 arm for kernelcare
-- KPT-2591: fix error state after stop of libcare svc
-- KPT-2714: fallback to the embeded doctor script in case any error
-- KPT-2768: ensure all writes are synced to disk before patch load
-- KPT-2887: CLI to modify kcare.conf (--set-config option)
-- KPT-2923: use HEAD method to probe patches��Eq�KMikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.83-1e:T�-- KPT-2774 Kernelcare crash reporter filling up disk space
-- LIBCARE-693 Return JSON-formatted result for each `update` or `unload` command
-- LIBCARE-853 More transparent handling of segfaulted processes
-- LIBCARE-947 Make libunwind use FDEs even though binary search table is absent in eh_frame_hdr
-- LIBCARE-966 Wrong Stack Unwinding for openj9�-�Dq�mMikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.82-2eR�-- KPT-2218 kcarectl: restore_selinux_context restores context only for end directory in atomic_write
-- KPT-2787 kcarectl: support sticky param for the latest eportal request
-- KPT-2828 kcarectl: integrate new signature validation
-- KPT-2925 kcarectl: uses legacy latest if patch level is fixed in kcare.conf
-- KPT-2926 Enable debuginfo builds for a kernelcare package
-- LIBCARE-361 swap_var: do mprotect() for the whole mapped region of target variable
-- LIBCARE-932 Java's stack unwinding
�/
5��kG� �Te�_Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.79-2d��-- KPT-2565: auto apply userspace patches on boot time
-- KPT-2599: summary report (running kcarectl without arguments)
-- KPT-2628: libcare: timeout for the whole patch/unpatch operation
-- KPT-2645: fix logrotate for a libcare logs��Si�MRinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.78-1dFoA-- KPT-2555: Auto cache clearing for a libcare server
-- KPT-2563: Fixed path to a libcare socket for a el6
-- KPT-1411: Optimize call chain for a libcare server
-- KPT-2481: Support for an ePortal cachaing mechanisms
-- KPT-2512: Support a debuginfo substitution for libcare
-- KPT-2522: Lowered kcarectl-selinux-policy package requrement for el7
-- KPT-2545: Fix for empty logs, created for ignored processes
-- KPT-2451: Extend IGNORE_UNKNOWN_KERNEL flag for `--status` command�~�Ri�Rinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.77-1dFo@-- KPT-2408: Changed default path to a doctor script
-- KPT-2438: New packages for el7/el8 arm64 platforms
-- KPT-2450: Fixed warnings during package install
-- KPT-2456: Introduced --userspace-status command for kcarectl
-- KPT-2457: Extended IGNORE_UNKNOWN_KERNEL flag to smart-update process
-- KPT-2460: Added kernel modules signing public key
-- KPT-2464: New dependencies: coreutils and util-linux
-- KPT-2466: Cyclic reboot prevention support for a crashreporter feature.
-- KPT-2471: Updated virt-what tool
-- KPT-2480: Introduced alternative way of authentication with ePortal
-- KPT-2483: New dependency: /sbin/modinfo
-- KPT-2484: Fix for `--status` exit code
-- KPT-2489: Updated libunwind version�'�Qe�mAnton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.85-2e��-- sig2 support was removed
-- increased timeout to libcare server
-- KPT-2969: rotate libcare log files before each update
-- KPT-2992: rework selinux policy packaging, kernelcare-selinux is obsolete, provide selinux modules
   with kernelcare package
-- KPT-3329: fix --set-config
-- KPT-3331: FileNotFound exception on --clear-cache
-- KPT-3341: kernelcare package upgrade creates rpmnew file for ePortal customers
-- KPT-3365: libcare: libcare patching resulted in a hanged process (auditd)
-- KPT-3377: libcare: Fix various memory errors
-- KPT-3376,KPT-3380: libcare: Some procs are stucked in 't' state after patchingb�PeeAnton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.84-2e��@-- KPT-3318: use platform python for el8/el9��Oe�AAnton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.84-1ey��-- KPT-2557: add ubuntu 22.04 arm for kernelcare
-- KPT-2591: fix error state after stop of libcare svc
-- KPT-2714: fallback to the embeded doctor script in case any error
-- KPT-2768: ensure all writes are synced to disk before patch load
-- KPT-2887: CLI to modify kcare.conf (--set-config option)
-- KPT-2923: use HEAD method to probe patches��Nq�KMikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.83-1e:T�-- KPT-2774 Kernelcare crash reporter filling up disk space
-- LIBCARE-693 Return JSON-formatted result for each `update` or `unload` command
-- LIBCARE-853 More transparent handling of segfaulted processes
-- LIBCARE-947 Make libunwind use FDEs even though binary search table is absent in eh_frame_hdr
-- LIBCARE-966 Wrong Stack Unwinding for openj9�-�Mq�mMikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.82-2eR�-- KPT-2218 kcarectl: restore_selinux_context restores context only for end directory in atomic_write
-- KPT-2787 kcarectl: support sticky param for the latest eportal request
-- KPT-2828 kcarectl: integrate new signature validation
-- KPT-2925 kcarectl: uses legacy latest if patch level is fixed in kcare.conf
-- KPT-2926 Enable debuginfo builds for a kernelcare package
-- LIBCARE-361 swap_var: do mprotect() for the whole mapped region of target variable
-- LIBCARE-932 Java's stack unwinding
�p��|�\q�Mikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.83-1f��-- KPT-3271 send timestamp of latest crash report
-- KPT-3345 kcarectl: add root-keys.json into package and add flag to turn on new signatures
-- KPT-3370 use (if available) python3 interpreter for el7 package
-- KPT-3414 libcare logs rotation
-- KPT-3419 libcare: kpatch_ptrace: implement thread-safe way of waitpid() with timeout
-- KPT-3432 libcare: server crashed while patching some apps (gc_linux_service and TaniumClient)
-- KPT-3443 remove "Cloud Linux GmbH"
-- KPT-3467 libcare: improve display of information about patching in libcare-server logs
-- KPT-3469 Kdump fails to work after kernel upgrade
-- KPT-3483 libcare: Failures during attempts to detach from process under high filesystem access load
-- KPT-3512 libcare: System processes libc libraries patching failed while remote mmap call.
-- KPT-3517 libcare: libcare-server received SEGV signal while executing command kcarectl --lib-unload
-- KPT-3530 libcare: Remove unnecessary logging for kpatch_MemoryDenyWriteExecute_protected()
-- KPT-3533 libcare: Fix Valgrind error in kpatch_MemoryDenyWriteExecute_protected()�'�[e�mAnton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.85-2e��-- sig2 support was removed
-- increased timeout to libcare server
-- KPT-2969: rotate libcare log files before each update
-- KPT-2992: rework selinux policy packaging, kernelcare-selinux is obsolete, provide selinux modules
   with kernelcare package
-- KPT-3329: fix --set-config
-- KPT-3331: FileNotFound exception on --clear-cache
-- KPT-3341: kernelcare package upgrade creates rpmnew file for ePortal customers
-- KPT-3365: libcare: libcare patching resulted in a hanged process (auditd)
-- KPT-3377: libcare: Fix various memory errors
-- KPT-3376,KPT-3380: libcare: Some procs are stucked in 't' state after patchingb�ZeeAnton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.84-2e��@-- KPT-3318: use platform python for el8/el9��Ye�AAnton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.84-1ey��-- KPT-2557: add ubuntu 22.04 arm for kernelcare
-- KPT-2591: fix error state after stop of libcare svc
-- KPT-2714: fallback to the embeded doctor script in case any error
-- KPT-2768: ensure all writes are synced to disk before patch load
-- KPT-2887: CLI to modify kcare.conf (--set-config option)
-- KPT-2923: use HEAD method to probe patches��Xq�KMikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.83-1e:T�-- KPT-2774 Kernelcare crash reporter filling up disk space
-- LIBCARE-693 Return JSON-formatted result for each `update` or `unload` command
-- LIBCARE-853 More transparent handling of segfaulted processes
-- LIBCARE-947 Make libunwind use FDEs even though binary search table is absent in eh_frame_hdr
-- LIBCARE-966 Wrong Stack Unwinding for openj9�-�Wq�mMikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.82-2eR�-- KPT-2218 kcarectl: restore_selinux_context restores context only for end directory in atomic_write
-- KPT-2787 kcarectl: support sticky param for the latest eportal request
-- KPT-2828 kcarectl: integrate new signature validation
-- KPT-2925 kcarectl: uses legacy latest if patch level is fixed in kcare.conf
-- KPT-2926 Enable debuginfo builds for a kernelcare package
-- LIBCARE-361 swap_var: do mprotect() for the whole mapped region of target variable
-- LIBCARE-932 Java's stack unwindingb�ViaRinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.81-2d�@-- KPT-2934: Fix for a deleted ELF reading�1�Uq�uMikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.80-1d��-- KPT-2588: provide details for the most frequent exceptions
-- KPT-2740: LIBCARE - Redesign ptrace API.
-- KPT-2829: fallback to .sig if .sig2 expires
-- KPT-2863: LIBCARE - Workaround coroutine detection failures by reverting commit 4b68214f in libunwind
-- KPT-2866: LIBCARE - object_patch_verify_safety_single() can use libunwind cursor after unw_step() return error.
��

�t�?�/�'�ee�mAnton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.85-2e��-- sig2 support was removed
-- increased timeout to libcare server
-- KPT-2969: rotate libcare log files before each update
-- KPT-2992: rework selinux policy packaging, kernelcare-selinux is obsolete, provide selinux modules
   with kernelcare package
-- KPT-3329: fix --set-config
-- KPT-3331: FileNotFound exception on --clear-cache
-- KPT-3341: kernelcare package upgrade creates rpmnew file for ePortal customers
-- KPT-3365: libcare: libcare patching resulted in a hanged process (auditd)
-- KPT-3377: libcare: Fix various memory errors
-- KPT-3376,KPT-3380: libcare: Some procs are stucked in 't' state after patchingb�deeAnton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.84-2e��@-- KPT-3318: use platform python for el8/el9��ce�AAnton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.84-1ey��-- KPT-2557: add ubuntu 22.04 arm for kernelcare
-- KPT-2591: fix error state after stop of libcare svc
-- KPT-2714: fallback to the embeded doctor script in case any error
-- KPT-2768: ensure all writes are synced to disk before patch load
-- KPT-2887: CLI to modify kcare.conf (--set-config option)
-- KPT-2923: use HEAD method to probe patches��bq�KMikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.83-1e:T�-- KPT-2774 Kernelcare crash reporter filling up disk space
-- LIBCARE-693 Return JSON-formatted result for each `update` or `unload` command
-- LIBCARE-853 More transparent handling of segfaulted processes
-- LIBCARE-947 Make libunwind use FDEs even though binary search table is absent in eh_frame_hdr
-- LIBCARE-966 Wrong Stack Unwinding for openj9�-�aq�mMikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.82-2eR�-- KPT-2218 kcarectl: restore_selinux_context restores context only for end directory in atomic_write
-- KPT-2787 kcarectl: support sticky param for the latest eportal request
-- KPT-2828 kcarectl: integrate new signature validation
-- KPT-2925 kcarectl: uses legacy latest if patch level is fixed in kcare.conf
-- KPT-2926 Enable debuginfo builds for a kernelcare package
-- LIBCARE-361 swap_var: do mprotect() for the whole mapped region of target variable
-- LIBCARE-932 Java's stack unwindingb�`iaRinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.81-2d�@-- KPT-2934: Fix for a deleted ELF reading�1�_q�uMikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.80-1d��-- KPT-2588: provide details for the most frequent exceptions
-- KPT-2740: LIBCARE - Redesign ptrace API.
-- KPT-2829: fallback to .sig if .sig2 expires
-- KPT-2863: LIBCARE - Workaround coroutine detection failures by reverting commit 4b68214f in libunwind
-- KPT-2866: LIBCARE - object_patch_verify_safety_single() can use libunwind cursor after unw_step() return error.� �^e�_Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.79-2d��-- KPT-2565: auto apply userspace patches on boot time
-- KPT-2599: summary report (running kcarectl without arguments)
-- KPT-2628: libcare: timeout for the whole patch/unpatch operation
-- KPT-2645: fix logrotate for a libcare logs��]i�MRinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.78-1dFo@-- KPT-2555: Auto cache clearing for a libcare server
-- KPT-2563: Fixed path to a libcare socket for a el6
-- KPT-1411: Optimize call chain for a libcare server
-- KPT-2481: Support for an ePortal cachaing mechanisms
-- KPT-2512: Support a debuginfo substitution for libcare
-- KPT-2522: Lowered kcarectl-selinux-policy package requrement for el7
-- KPT-2545: Fix for empty logs, created for ignored processes
-- KPT-2451: Extend IGNORE_UNKNOWN_KERNEL flag for `--status` command
{	W�=l�rb�neeAnton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.84-2e��@-- KPT-3318: use platform python for el8/el9��me�AAnton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.84-1ey��-- KPT-2557: add ubuntu 22.04 arm for kernelcare
-- KPT-2591: fix error state after stop of libcare svc
-- KPT-2714: fallback to the embeded doctor script in case any error
-- KPT-2768: ensure all writes are synced to disk before patch load
-- KPT-2887: CLI to modify kcare.conf (--set-config option)
-- KPT-2923: use HEAD method to probe patches��lq�KMikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.83-1e:T�-- KPT-2774 Kernelcare crash reporter filling up disk space
-- LIBCARE-693 Return JSON-formatted result for each `update` or `unload` command
-- LIBCARE-853 More transparent handling of segfaulted processes
-- LIBCARE-947 Make libunwind use FDEs even though binary search table is absent in eh_frame_hdr
-- LIBCARE-966 Wrong Stack Unwinding for openj9�-�kq�mMikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.82-2eR�-- KPT-2218 kcarectl: restore_selinux_context restores context only for end directory in atomic_write
-- KPT-2787 kcarectl: support sticky param for the latest eportal request
-- KPT-2828 kcarectl: integrate new signature validation
-- KPT-2925 kcarectl: uses legacy latest if patch level is fixed in kcare.conf
-- KPT-2926 Enable debuginfo builds for a kernelcare package
-- LIBCARE-361 swap_var: do mprotect() for the whole mapped region of target variable
-- LIBCARE-932 Java's stack unwindingb�jiaRinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.81-2d�@-- KPT-2934: Fix for a deleted ELF reading�1�iq�uMikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.80-1d��-- KPT-2588: provide details for the most frequent exceptions
-- KPT-2740: LIBCARE - Redesign ptrace API.
-- KPT-2829: fallback to .sig if .sig2 expires
-- KPT-2863: LIBCARE - Workaround coroutine detection failures by reverting commit 4b68214f in libunwind
-- KPT-2866: LIBCARE - object_patch_verify_safety_single() can use libunwind cursor after unw_step() return error.� �he�_Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.79-2d��-- KPT-2565: auto apply userspace patches on boot time
-- KPT-2599: summary report (running kcarectl without arguments)
-- KPT-2628: libcare: timeout for the whole patch/unpatch operation
-- KPT-2645: fix logrotate for a libcare logs��ge�!Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.87-2f4�-- KPT-3342: check for empty patch files
-- KPT-3538: scanner-interface: new pacakges in a white-list
-- KPT-3570: cleanup kernelcare-selinux package
-- KPT-3579: fix selinux mapping permissions for el9�|�fq�Mikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.86-1f��-- KPT-3271 send timestamp of latest crash report
-- KPT-3345 kcarectl: add root-keys.json into package and add flag to turn on new signatures
-- KPT-3370 use (if available) python3 interpreter for el7 package
-- KPT-3414 libcare logs rotation
-- KPT-3419 libcare: kpatch_ptrace: implement thread-safe way of waitpid() with timeout
-- KPT-3432 libcare: server crashed while patching some apps (gc_linux_service and TaniumClient)
-- KPT-3443 remove "Cloud Linux GmbH"
-- KPT-3467 libcare: improve display of information about patching in libcare-server logs
-- KPT-3469 Kdump fails to work after kernel upgrade
-- KPT-3483 libcare: Failures during attempts to detach from process under high filesystem access load
-- KPT-3512 libcare: System processes libc libraries patching failed while remote mmap call.
-- KPT-3517 libcare: libcare-server received SEGV signal while executing command kcarectl --lib-unload
-- KPT-3530 libcare: Remove unnecessary logging for kpatch_MemoryDenyWriteExecute_protected()
-- KPT-3533 libcare: Fix Valgrind error in kpatch_MemoryDenyWriteExecute_protected()
U��8��M��vq�KMikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.83-1e:T�-- KPT-2774 Kernelcare crash reporter filling up disk space
-- LIBCARE-693 Return JSON-formatted result for each `update` or `unload` command
-- LIBCARE-853 More transparent handling of segfaulted processes
-- LIBCARE-947 Make libunwind use FDEs even though binary search table is absent in eh_frame_hdr
-- LIBCARE-966 Wrong Stack Unwinding for openj9�-�uq�mMikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.82-2eR�-- KPT-2218 kcarectl: restore_selinux_context restores context only for end directory in atomic_write
-- KPT-2787 kcarectl: support sticky param for the latest eportal request
-- KPT-2828 kcarectl: integrate new signature validation
-- KPT-2925 kcarectl: uses legacy latest if patch level is fixed in kcare.conf
-- KPT-2926 Enable debuginfo builds for a kernelcare package
-- LIBCARE-361 swap_var: do mprotect() for the whole mapped region of target variable
-- LIBCARE-932 Java's stack unwindingb�tiaRinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.81-2d�@-- KPT-2934: Fix for a deleted ELF reading�1�sq�uMikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.80-1d��-- KPT-2588: provide details for the most frequent exceptions
-- KPT-2740: LIBCARE - Redesign ptrace API.
-- KPT-2829: fallback to .sig if .sig2 expires
-- KPT-2863: LIBCARE - Workaround coroutine detection failures by reverting commit 4b68214f in libunwind
-- KPT-2866: LIBCARE - object_patch_verify_safety_single() can use libunwind cursor after unw_step() return error.��rq�;Mikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.88-1fb�@-- KPT-3510 log process chain during update to kcarectl.log
-- KPT-3580 amazon linux 2023 support
-- KPT-3597 migrate agent to systemd for debian systems
-- KPT-3640 el9 arm64 package
-- KPT-3697 compatability with gnupg2-minimal
-- KPT-3652 bring nessus agent scanner to the default scanner-interface
-- KPT-3753 fix logrotate not found error��qe�!Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.87-2f4�-- KPT-3342: check for empty patch files
-- KPT-3538: scanner-interface: new pacakges in a white-list
-- KPT-3570: cleanup kernelcare-selinux package
-- KPT-3579: fix selinux mapping permissions for el9�|�pq�Mikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.86-1f��-- KPT-3271 send timestamp of latest crash report
-- KPT-3345 kcarectl: add root-keys.json into package and add flag to turn on new signatures
-- KPT-3370 use (if available) python3 interpreter for el7 package
-- KPT-3414 libcare logs rotation
-- KPT-3419 libcare: kpatch_ptrace: implement thread-safe way of waitpid() with timeout
-- KPT-3432 libcare: server crashed while patching some apps (gc_linux_service and TaniumClient)
-- KPT-3443 remove "Cloud Linux GmbH"
-- KPT-3467 libcare: improve display of information about patching in libcare-server logs
-- KPT-3469 Kdump fails to work after kernel upgrade
-- KPT-3483 libcare: Failures during attempts to detach from process under high filesystem access load
-- KPT-3512 libcare: System processes libc libraries patching failed while remote mmap call.
-- KPT-3517 libcare: libcare-server received SEGV signal while executing command kcarectl --lib-unload
-- KPT-3530 libcare: Remove unnecessary logging for kpatch_MemoryDenyWriteExecute_protected()
-- KPT-3533 libcare: Fix Valgrind error in kpatch_MemoryDenyWriteExecute_protected()�'�oe�mAnton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.85-2e��-- sig2 support was removed
-- increased timeout to libcare server
-- KPT-2969: rotate libcare log files before each update
-- KPT-2992: rework selinux policy packaging, kernelcare-selinux is obsolete, provide selinux modules
   with kernelcare package
-- KPT-3329: fix --set-config
-- KPT-3331: FileNotFound exception on --clear-cache
-- KPT-3341: kernelcare package upgrade creates rpmnew file for ePortal customers
-- KPT-3365: libcare: libcare patching resulted in a hanged process (auditd)
-- KPT-3377: libcare: Fix various memory errors
-- KPT-3376,KPT-3380: libcare: Some procs are stucked in 't' state after patching
	�k[��>���-�q�mMikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.82-2eR�-- KPT-2218 kcarectl: restore_selinux_context restores context only for end directory in atomic_write
-- KPT-2787 kcarectl: support sticky param for the latest eportal request
-- KPT-2828 kcarectl: integrate new signature validation
-- KPT-2925 kcarectl: uses legacy latest if patch level is fixed in kcare.conf
-- KPT-2926 Enable debuginfo builds for a kernelcare package
-- LIBCARE-361 swap_var: do mprotect() for the whole mapped region of target variable
-- LIBCARE-932 Java's stack unwindingb�~iaRinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.81-2d�@-- KPT-2934: Fix for a deleted ELF reading�8�}q�Mikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.89-1f�`�-- KPT-3731 frequent patch access issues right after registration
-- KPT-3877 LIBCARE - [Menards] has failing httpd service��|q�;Mikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.88-1fb�@-- KPT-3510 log process chain during update to kcarectl.log
-- KPT-3580 amazon linux 2023 support
-- KPT-3597 migrate agent to systemd for debian systems
-- KPT-3640 el9 arm64 package
-- KPT-3697 compatability with gnupg2-minimal
-- KPT-3652 bring nessus agent scanner to the default scanner-interface
-- KPT-3753 fix logrotate not found error��{e�!Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.87-2f4�-- KPT-3342: check for empty patch files
-- KPT-3538: scanner-interface: new pacakges in a white-list
-- KPT-3570: cleanup kernelcare-selinux package
-- KPT-3579: fix selinux mapping permissions for el9�|�zq�Mikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.86-1f��-- KPT-3271 send timestamp of latest crash report
-- KPT-3345 kcarectl: add root-keys.json into package and add flag to turn on new signatures
-- KPT-3370 use (if available) python3 interpreter for el7 package
-- KPT-3414 libcare logs rotation
-- KPT-3419 libcare: kpatch_ptrace: implement thread-safe way of waitpid() with timeout
-- KPT-3432 libcare: server crashed while patching some apps (gc_linux_service and TaniumClient)
-- KPT-3443 remove "Cloud Linux GmbH"
-- KPT-3467 libcare: improve display of information about patching in libcare-server logs
-- KPT-3469 Kdump fails to work after kernel upgrade
-- KPT-3483 libcare: Failures during attempts to detach from process under high filesystem access load
-- KPT-3512 libcare: System processes libc libraries patching failed while remote mmap call.
-- KPT-3517 libcare: libcare-server received SEGV signal while executing command kcarectl --lib-unload
-- KPT-3530 libcare: Remove unnecessary logging for kpatch_MemoryDenyWriteExecute_protected()
-- KPT-3533 libcare: Fix Valgrind error in kpatch_MemoryDenyWriteExecute_protected()�'�ye�mAnton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.85-2e��-- sig2 support was removed
-- increased timeout to libcare server
-- KPT-2969: rotate libcare log files before each update
-- KPT-2992: rework selinux policy packaging, kernelcare-selinux is obsolete, provide selinux modules
   with kernelcare package
-- KPT-3329: fix --set-config
-- KPT-3331: FileNotFound exception on --clear-cache
-- KPT-3341: kernelcare package upgrade creates rpmnew file for ePortal customers
-- KPT-3365: libcare: libcare patching resulted in a hanged process (auditd)
-- KPT-3377: libcare: Fix various memory errors
-- KPT-3376,KPT-3380: libcare: Some procs are stucked in 't' state after patchingb�xeeAnton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.84-2e��@-- KPT-3318: use platform python for el8/el9��we�AAnton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.84-1ey��-- KPT-2557: add ubuntu 22.04 arm for kernelcare
-- KPT-2591: fix error state after stop of libcare svc
-- KPT-2714: fallback to the embeded doctor script in case any error
-- KPT-2768: ensure all writes are synced to disk before patch load
-- KPT-2887: CLI to modify kcare.conf (--set-config option)
-- KPT-2923: use HEAD method to probe patches
	x`�f	�;6��x�f�q�_Mikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.90-1f�3�-- KPT-3946 fix symlink protection patches applying
-- KPT-3969 LIBCARE - fix errors like 'Unable to map elf segments for'
-- KPT-3979 fix libcare log rotation in case if there are no new patches available
-- KPT-3990 LIBCARE - Bring back patch for CVE-2023-4813 and CVE-2023-4806 for RHEL-9 glibc�8�q�Mikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.89-1f�`�-- KPT-3731 frequent patch access issues right after registration
-- KPT-3877 LIBCARE - [Menards] has failing httpd service��q�;Mikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.88-1fb�@-- KPT-3510 log process chain during update to kcarectl.log
-- KPT-3580 amazon linux 2023 support
-- KPT-3597 migrate agent to systemd for debian systems
-- KPT-3640 el9 arm64 package
-- KPT-3697 compatability with gnupg2-minimal
-- KPT-3652 bring nessus agent scanner to the default scanner-interface
-- KPT-3753 fix logrotate not found error��e�!Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.87-2f4�-- KPT-3342: check for empty patch files
-- KPT-3538: scanner-interface: new pacakges in a white-list
-- KPT-3570: cleanup kernelcare-selinux package
-- KPT-3579: fix selinux mapping permissions for el9�|�q�Mikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.86-1f��-- KPT-3271 send timestamp of latest crash report
-- KPT-3345 kcarectl: add root-keys.json into package and add flag to turn on new signatures
-- KPT-3370 use (if available) python3 interpreter for el7 package
-- KPT-3414 libcare logs rotation
-- KPT-3419 libcare: kpatch_ptrace: implement thread-safe way of waitpid() with timeout
-- KPT-3432 libcare: server crashed while patching some apps (gc_linux_service and TaniumClient)
-- KPT-3443 remove "Cloud Linux GmbH"
-- KPT-3467 libcare: improve display of information about patching in libcare-server logs
-- KPT-3469 Kdump fails to work after kernel upgrade
-- KPT-3483 libcare: Failures during attempts to detach from process under high filesystem access load
-- KPT-3512 libcare: System processes libc libraries patching failed while remote mmap call.
-- KPT-3517 libcare: libcare-server received SEGV signal while executing command kcarectl --lib-unload
-- KPT-3530 libcare: Remove unnecessary logging for kpatch_MemoryDenyWriteExecute_protected()
-- KPT-3533 libcare: Fix Valgrind error in kpatch_MemoryDenyWriteExecute_protected()�'�e�mAnton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.85-2e��-- sig2 support was removed
-- increased timeout to libcare server
-- KPT-2969: rotate libcare log files before each update
-- KPT-2992: rework selinux policy packaging, kernelcare-selinux is obsolete, provide selinux modules
   with kernelcare package
-- KPT-3329: fix --set-config
-- KPT-3331: FileNotFound exception on --clear-cache
-- KPT-3341: kernelcare package upgrade creates rpmnew file for ePortal customers
-- KPT-3365: libcare: libcare patching resulted in a hanged process (auditd)
-- KPT-3377: libcare: Fix various memory errors
-- KPT-3376,KPT-3380: libcare: Some procs are stucked in 't' state after patchingb�eeAnton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.84-2e��@-- KPT-3318: use platform python for el8/el9��e�AAnton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.84-1ey��-- KPT-2557: add ubuntu 22.04 arm for kernelcare
-- KPT-2591: fix error state after stop of libcare svc
-- KPT-2714: fallback to the embeded doctor script in case any error
-- KPT-2768: ensure all writes are synced to disk before patch load
-- KPT-2887: CLI to modify kcare.conf (--set-config option)
-- KPT-2923: use HEAD method to probe patches��q�KMikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.83-1e:T�-- KPT-2774 Kernelcare crash reporter filling up disk space
-- LIBCARE-693 Return JSON-formatted result for each `update` or `unload` command
-- LIBCARE-853 More transparent handling of segfaulted processes
-- LIBCARE-947 Make libunwind use FDEs even though binary search table is absent in eh_frame_hdr
-- LIBCARE-966 Wrong Stack Unwinding for openj9
�/
m��q�;Mikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.88-1fb�@-- KPT-3510 log process chain during update to kcarectl.log
-- KPT-3580 amazon linux 2023 support
-- KPT-3597 migrate agent to systemd for debian systems
-- KPT-3640 el9 arm64 package
-- KPT-3697 compatability with gnupg2-minimal
-- KPT-3652 bring nessus agent scanner to the default scanner-interface
-- KPT-3753 fix logrotate not found error��e�!Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.87-2f4�-- KPT-3342: check for empty patch files
-- KPT-3538: scanner-interface: new pacakges in a white-list
-- KPT-3570: cleanup kernelcare-selinux package
-- KPT-3579: fix selinux mapping permissions for el9�|�q�Mikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.86-1f��-- KPT-3271 send timestamp of latest crash report
-- KPT-3345 kcarectl: add root-keys.json into package and add flag to turn on new signatures
-- KPT-3370 use (if available) python3 interpreter for el7 package
-- KPT-3414 libcare logs rotation
-- KPT-3419 libcare: kpatch_ptrace: implement thread-safe way of waitpid() with timeout
-- KPT-3432 libcare: server crashed while patching some apps (gc_linux_service and TaniumClient)
-- KPT-3443 remove "Cloud Linux GmbH"
-- KPT-3467 libcare: improve display of information about patching in libcare-server logs
-- KPT-3469 Kdump fails to work after kernel upgrade
-- KPT-3483 libcare: Failures during attempts to detach from process under high filesystem access load
-- KPT-3512 libcare: System processes libc libraries patching failed while remote mmap call.
-- KPT-3517 libcare: libcare-server received SEGV signal while executing command kcarectl --lib-unload
-- KPT-3530 libcare: Remove unnecessary logging for kpatch_MemoryDenyWriteExecute_protected()
-- KPT-3533 libcare: Fix Valgrind error in kpatch_MemoryDenyWriteExecute_protected()�'�
e�mAnton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.85-2e��-- sig2 support was removed
-- increased timeout to libcare server
-- KPT-2969: rotate libcare log files before each update
-- KPT-2992: rework selinux policy packaging, kernelcare-selinux is obsolete, provide selinux modules
   with kernelcare package
-- KPT-3329: fix --set-config
-- KPT-3331: FileNotFound exception on --clear-cache
-- KPT-3341: kernelcare package upgrade creates rpmnew file for ePortal customers
-- KPT-3365: libcare: libcare patching resulted in a hanged process (auditd)
-- KPT-3377: libcare: Fix various memory errors
-- KPT-3376,KPT-3380: libcare: Some procs are stucked in 't' state after patchingb�eeAnton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.84-2e��@-- KPT-3318: use platform python for el8/el9��e�AAnton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.84-1ey��-- KPT-2557: add ubuntu 22.04 arm for kernelcare
-- KPT-2591: fix error state after stop of libcare svc
-- KPT-2714: fallback to the embeded doctor script in case any error
-- KPT-2768: ensure all writes are synced to disk before patch load
-- KPT-2887: CLI to modify kcare.conf (--set-config option)
-- KPT-2923: use HEAD method to probe patches��
q�KMikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.83-1e:T�-- KPT-2774 Kernelcare crash reporter filling up disk space
-- LIBCARE-693 Return JSON-formatted result for each `update` or `unload` command
-- LIBCARE-853 More transparent handling of segfaulted processes
-- LIBCARE-947 Make libunwind use FDEs even though binary search table is absent in eh_frame_hdr
-- LIBCARE-966 Wrong Stack Unwinding for openj9�-�	q�mMikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.82-2eR�-- KPT-2218 kcarectl: restore_selinux_context restores context only for end directory in atomic_write
-- KPT-2787 kcarectl: support sticky param for the latest eportal request
-- KPT-2828 kcarectl: integrate new signature validation
-- KPT-2925 kcarectl: uses legacy latest if patch level is fixed in kcare.conf
-- KPT-2926 Enable debuginfo builds for a kernelcare package
-- LIBCARE-361 swap_var: do mprotect() for the whole mapped region of target variable
-- LIBCARE-932 Java's stack unwinding
&�,��|�q�Mikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.86-1f��-- KPT-3271 send timestamp of latest crash report
-- KPT-3345 kcarectl: add root-keys.json into package and add flag to turn on new signatures
-- KPT-3370 use (if available) python3 interpreter for el7 package
-- KPT-3414 libcare logs rotation
-- KPT-3419 libcare: kpatch_ptrace: implement thread-safe way of waitpid() with timeout
-- KPT-3432 libcare: server crashed while patching some apps (gc_linux_service and TaniumClient)
-- KPT-3443 remove "Cloud Linux GmbH"
-- KPT-3467 libcare: improve display of information about patching in libcare-server logs
-- KPT-3469 Kdump fails to work after kernel upgrade
-- KPT-3483 libcare: Failures during attempts to detach from process under high filesystem access load
-- KPT-3512 libcare: System processes libc libraries patching failed while remote mmap call.
-- KPT-3517 libcare: libcare-server received SEGV signal while executing command kcarectl --lib-unload
-- KPT-3530 libcare: Remove unnecessary logging for kpatch_MemoryDenyWriteExecute_protected()
-- KPT-3533 libcare: Fix Valgrind error in kpatch_MemoryDenyWriteExecute_protected()�'�e�mAnton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.85-2e��-- sig2 support was removed
-- increased timeout to libcare server
-- KPT-2969: rotate libcare log files before each update
-- KPT-2992: rework selinux policy packaging, kernelcare-selinux is obsolete, provide selinux modules
   with kernelcare package
-- KPT-3329: fix --set-config
-- KPT-3331: FileNotFound exception on --clear-cache
-- KPT-3341: kernelcare package upgrade creates rpmnew file for ePortal customers
-- KPT-3365: libcare: libcare patching resulted in a hanged process (auditd)
-- KPT-3377: libcare: Fix various memory errors
-- KPT-3376,KPT-3380: libcare: Some procs are stucked in 't' state after patchingb�eeAnton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.84-2e��@-- KPT-3318: use platform python for el8/el9��e�AAnton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.84-1ey��-- KPT-2557: add ubuntu 22.04 arm for kernelcare
-- KPT-2591: fix error state after stop of libcare svc
-- KPT-2714: fallback to the embeded doctor script in case any error
-- KPT-2768: ensure all writes are synced to disk before patch load
-- KPT-2887: CLI to modify kcare.conf (--set-config option)
-- KPT-2923: use HEAD method to probe patches��q�KMikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.83-1e:T�-- KPT-2774 Kernelcare crash reporter filling up disk space
-- LIBCARE-693 Return JSON-formatted result for each `update` or `unload` command
-- LIBCARE-853 More transparent handling of segfaulted processes
-- LIBCARE-947 Make libunwind use FDEs even though binary search table is absent in eh_frame_hdr
-- LIBCARE-966 Wrong Stack Unwinding for openj9��q�3Mikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.91-3fը�-- KPT-3638 fix No such file or directory: '/etc/pki/kcare-gpg/root-keys.json'
-- KPT-3894 fsync folder state during atomic write
-- KPT-3993 fix incorrect arm64 architecture handling in scanner interface
-- KPT-4036 handle UnicodeDecodeError in get_state
-- KPT-4037 increased default http timeout
-- KPT-4038 extend install requirements (added tar, logrotate, procps)
-- KPT-4507 LIBCARE - Fix stub build_id returning from libcare's kpatch: without space at the end�f�q�_Mikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.90-1f�3�-- KPT-3946 fix symlink protection patches applying
-- KPT-3969 LIBCARE - fix errors like 'Unable to map elf segments for'
-- KPT-3979 fix libcare log rotation in case if there are no new patches available
-- KPT-3990 LIBCARE - Bring back patch for CVE-2023-4813 and CVE-2023-4806 for RHEL-9 glibc�8�q�Mikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.89-1f�`�-- KPT-3731 frequent patch access issues right after registration
-- KPT-3877 LIBCARE - [Menards] has failing httpd service

c�=	)S��I�`��V�%i�GRinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.58-1a�b�-- KPT-1578	more compatibility checks
-- KPT-1733	change userspace applying CLI command
-- KPT-1801	dump/log files rotation fix
-- KPT-1792	scanner interface: support pve-kernel version
-- KPT-1803	libcare: fapolicyd blacklisted
-- KPT-1813	libcare: optimize function process_add_object_vma
-- KPT-1816	libcare: don't map patches inside PROT_NONE areas
-- KPT-1817	libcare: prevent from patching paused containers�
�$i�/Rinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.57-1ap�-- KPT-1483 fix selinux package installation
-- KPT-1750 fix selinux package for libcare on Centos 8
-- KPT-1765 scanner interface: init script induces warning for a new bash session
-- KPT-1782 scanner interface: fix logname invoking
-- KPT-1779 agent can send empty patch level for "done" reason
-- KPT-1790 debian arm64/armhf packagesX�#iMRinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.56-1a]��-- KPT-1767 fix libcare patching��"e�QAnton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.55-1aZ�-- KPT-1743 collect crash reports
-- KPT-1762 show kernel id in case of unknown/unsupported kernel��!i�1Rinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.54-1a9�@-- KPT-1687: qmu: patches does not apply to ubuntu distros
-- KPT-1693: libcare: performance issues for large number of processes
-- KPT-1716: fetch patches from host it received latest info (sticky connection)[� eWAnton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.53-2a#��-- KPT-1472: kernelcare-basic package�C�e�%Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.52-1a�-- KPT-1655: scanner interface: cover unexpected /proc/kcare/effective_version content cases
-- KPT-1459: check if libcare.socket is enabled��_�;Ivan Golev <igolev@cloudlinux.com> 2.92-1g�-- KPT-4054 sanitize build_id returned by libcare's kpatch before url generating
-- KPT-4058 add systemd daemon-reload to pick up updated unit-files
-- KPT-4089 LIBCARE - libcare-server: add timestamps for libcare patching logs
-- KPT-4117 scanner-interface: new kernel related package in whitelist
-- KPT-4124 fix RemoteDisconnected and TimeoutError periodic errors
-- KPT-4177 fix LIBCARE - libcare-server entered infinite loop in case of some issue with libcare socket��q�3Mikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.91-3fը�-- KPT-3638 fix No such file or directory: '/etc/pki/kcare-gpg/root-keys.json'
-- KPT-3894 fsync folder state during atomic write
-- KPT-3993 fix incorrect arm64 architecture handling in scanner interface
-- KPT-4036 handle UnicodeDecodeError in get_state
-- KPT-4037 increased default http timeout
-- KPT-4038 extend install requirements (added tar, logrotate, procps)
-- KPT-4507 LIBCARE - Fix stub build_id returning from libcare's kpatch: without space at the end�f�q�_Mikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.90-1f�3�-- KPT-3946 fix symlink protection patches applying
-- KPT-3969 LIBCARE - fix errors like 'Unable to map elf segments for'
-- KPT-3979 fix libcare log rotation in case if there are no new patches available
-- KPT-3990 LIBCARE - Bring back patch for CVE-2023-4813 and CVE-2023-4806 for RHEL-9 glibc�8�q�Mikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.89-1f�`�-- KPT-3731 frequent patch access issues right after registration
-- KPT-3877 LIBCARE - [Menards] has failing httpd service��q�;Mikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.88-1fb�@-- KPT-3510 log process chain during update to kcarectl.log
-- KPT-3580 amazon linux 2023 support
-- KPT-3597 migrate agent to systemd for debian systems
-- KPT-3640 el9 arm64 package
-- KPT-3697 compatability with gnupg2-minimal
-- KPT-3652 bring nessus agent scanner to the default scanner-interface
-- KPT-3753 fix logrotate not found error��e�!Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.87-2f4�-- KPT-3342: check for empty patch files
-- KPT-3538: scanner-interface: new pacakges in a white-list
-- KPT-3570: cleanup kernelcare-selinux package
-- KPT-3579: fix selinux mapping permissions for el9
mf�L
�	�	B�Y����m[�4eWAnton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.53-2a#��-- KPT-1472: kernelcare-basic package�C�3e�%Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.52-1a�-- KPT-1655: scanner interface: cover unexpected /proc/kcare/effective_version content cases
-- KPT-1459: check if libcare.socket is enabledj�2iqRinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.60-2b	�-- KPT-1540 fix for parameters processing priority�b�1i�_Rinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.60-1a�7�-- KPT-1764 fix an error when kcare module can't be unloaded
-- KPT-1871 fix bad English in kernelcare messages
-- KPT-1752 fix libcare patches applying on CentOS 6 with SELinux
-- KPT-1566 fix gpg directory permissions
-- KPT-1874 add random sleep when agent is run from cron
-- KPT-1869 check CLN license status for manual invocation only
-- KPT-1882 UEFI check fix
-- KPT-1840 scanner interface: do not let use any or root��0i�GRinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.59-1a�b�-- KPT-1764 fix an error when kcare module can'be unloaded
-- KPT-1594 fix freeze on removing kernelcare when selinux is enabled
-- KPT-1788 fix nessus agent libraries conflict
-- KPT-1791 scanner interface: fix an error when sudo package not installed
-- KPT-1799 scanner interface: update version for kernel-core and kernel-modules packages on el8�V�/i�GRinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.58-1a�b�-- KPT-1578	more compatibility checks
-- KPT-1733	change userspace applying CLI command
-- KPT-1801	dump/log files rotation fix
-- KPT-1792	scanner interface: support pve-kernel version
-- KPT-1803	libcare: fapolicyd blacklisted
-- KPT-1813	libcare: optimize function process_add_object_vma
-- KPT-1816	libcare: don't map patches inside PROT_NONE areas
-- KPT-1817	libcare: prevent from patching paused containers�
�.i�/Rinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.57-1ap�-- KPT-1483 fix selinux package installation
-- KPT-1750 fix selinux package for libcare on Centos 8
-- KPT-1765 scanner interface: init script induces warning for a new bash session
-- KPT-1782 scanner interface: fix logname invoking
-- KPT-1779 agent can send empty patch level for "done" reason
-- KPT-1790 debian arm64/armhf packagesX�-iMRinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.56-1a]��-- KPT-1767 fix libcare patching��,e�QAnton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.55-1aZ�-- KPT-1743 collect crash reports
-- KPT-1762 show kernel id in case of unknown/unsupported kernel��+i�1Rinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.54-1a9�@-- KPT-1687: qmu: patches does not apply to ubuntu distros
-- KPT-1693: libcare: performance issues for large number of processes
-- KPT-1716: fetch patches from host it received latest info (sticky connection)[�*eWAnton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.53-2a#��-- KPT-1472: kernelcare-basic package�C�)e�%Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.52-1a�-- KPT-1655: scanner interface: cover unexpected /proc/kcare/effective_version content cases
-- KPT-1459: check if libcare.socket is enabledj�(iqRinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.60-2b	�-- KPT-1540 fix for parameters processing priority�b�'i�_Rinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.60-1a�7�-- KPT-1764 fix an error when kcare module can't be unloaded
-- KPT-1871 fix bad English in kernelcare messages
-- KPT-1752 fix libcare patches applying on CentOS 6 with SELinux
-- KPT-1566 fix gpg directory permissions
-- KPT-1874 add random sleep when agent is run from cron
-- KPT-1869 check CLN license status for manual invocation only
-- KPT-1882 UEFI check fix
-- KPT-1840 scanner interface: do not let use any or root��&i�GRinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.59-1a�b�-- KPT-1764 fix an error when kcare module can'be unloaded
-- KPT-1594 fix freeze on removing kernelcare when selinux is enabled
-- KPT-1788 fix nessus agent libraries conflict
-- KPT-1791 scanner interface: fix an error when sudo package not installed
-- KPT-1799 scanner interface: update version for kernel-core and kernel-modules packages on el8
�k
�R_�Be_Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.75-1c�`�-- KPT-2419: fix getheader AttributeError�R�Ae�CAnton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.74-1c�=@-- KPT-2316: include external processes detailed results in debug logs
-- KPT-2375: handle exception on access to /proc/modules
-- KPT-2387 scanner-interface: add glibc-all-langpacks to the white list
-- KPT-2392: scanner interface debug mode
-- Decrease amount of libcare info calling
-- LIBCARE-802: fixed compatibility with Microsoft Defender
-- LIBCARE-770: added workaround for kernel bug https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=215524. Before this fix OpenSSL patching might cause segfaults of target process on affected kernels.�y�@e�Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.73-2c�0�-- KPT-1594: selinux fixes to prevent socket freezing
-- KPT-2262: fix dependencies for kernelcare basic
-- KPT-2269: downgrade minimum selinux-policy version required for el8 packages
-- KPT-2270: additional selinux contexts for libcare
-- KPT-2314: CLI command to enable libcare
-- KPT-2315: agent sends invalid last_stop
-- KPT-2345: send proxy usage in server_info
-- KPT-2292: scanner interface: use bounded string views to enforce memory safety�[�?i�QRinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.72-1c�E�-- KPT-2264 Libcare coroutines scanning optimisation
-- KPT-2266 Fix libcare memory interation bug
-- KPT-2267 Implemented a timeout for libcare attaching methodsj�>iqRinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.71-1c���-- KPT-2260 Fix for libcare disabled right in codeN�=s/Rinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> - 1.0-1.el7]%�@- Initial Packagej�<iqRinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.60-2b	�-- KPT-1540 fix for parameters processing priority�b�;i�_Rinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.60-1a�7�-- KPT-1764 fix an error when kcare module can't be unloaded
-- KPT-1871 fix bad English in kernelcare messages
-- KPT-1752 fix libcare patches applying on CentOS 6 with SELinux
-- KPT-1566 fix gpg directory permissions
-- KPT-1874 add random sleep when agent is run from cron
-- KPT-1869 check CLN license status for manual invocation only
-- KPT-1882 UEFI check fix
-- KPT-1840 scanner interface: do not let use any or root��:i�GRinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.59-1a�b�-- KPT-1764 fix an error when kcare module can'be unloaded
-- KPT-1594 fix freeze on removing kernelcare when selinux is enabled
-- KPT-1788 fix nessus agent libraries conflict
-- KPT-1791 scanner interface: fix an error when sudo package not installed
-- KPT-1799 scanner interface: update version for kernel-core and kernel-modules packages on el8�V�9i�GRinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.58-1a�b�-- KPT-1578	more compatibility checks
-- KPT-1733	change userspace applying CLI command
-- KPT-1801	dump/log files rotation fix
-- KPT-1792	scanner interface: support pve-kernel version
-- KPT-1803	libcare: fapolicyd blacklisted
-- KPT-1813	libcare: optimize function process_add_object_vma
-- KPT-1816	libcare: don't map patches inside PROT_NONE areas
-- KPT-1817	libcare: prevent from patching paused containers�
�8i�/Rinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.57-1ap�-- KPT-1483 fix selinux package installation
-- KPT-1750 fix selinux package for libcare on Centos 8
-- KPT-1765 scanner interface: init script induces warning for a new bash session
-- KPT-1782 scanner interface: fix logname invoking
-- KPT-1779 agent can send empty patch level for "done" reason
-- KPT-1790 debian arm64/armhf packagesX�7iMRinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.56-1a]��-- KPT-1767 fix libcare patching��6e�QAnton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.55-1aZ�-- KPT-1743 collect crash reports
-- KPT-1762 show kernel id in case of unknown/unsupported kernel��5i�1Rinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.54-1a9�@-- KPT-1687: qmu: patches does not apply to ubuntu distros
-- KPT-1693: libcare: performance issues for large number of processes
-- KPT-1716: fetch patches from host it received latest info (sticky connection)

���	�}�c��1�_�Le_ Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.75-1c�`�-- KPT-2419: fix getheader AttributeError�R�Ke�C Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.74-1c�=@-- KPT-2316: include external processes detailed results in debug logs
-- KPT-2375: handle exception on access to /proc/modules
-- KPT-2387 scanner-interface: add glibc-all-langpacks to the white list
-- KPT-2392: scanner interface debug mode
-- Decrease amount of libcare info calling
-- LIBCARE-802: fixed compatibility with Microsoft Defender
-- LIBCARE-770: added workaround for kernel bug https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=215524. Before this fix OpenSSL patching might cause segfaults of target process on affected kernels.�y�Je� Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.73-2c�0�-- KPT-1594: selinux fixes to prevent socket freezing
-- KPT-2262: fix dependencies for kernelcare basic
-- KPT-2269: downgrade minimum selinux-policy version required for el8 packages
-- KPT-2270: additional selinux contexts for libcare
-- KPT-2314: CLI command to enable libcare
-- KPT-2315: agent sends invalid last_stop
-- KPT-2345: send proxy usage in server_info
-- KPT-2292: scanner interface: use bounded string views to enforce memory safety�[�Ii�Q Rinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.72-1c�E�-- KPT-2264 Libcare coroutines scanning optimisation
-- KPT-2266 Fix libcare memory interation bug
-- KPT-2267 Implemented a timeout for libcare attaching methodsb�HiaRinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.81-2d�@-- KPT-2934: Fix for a deleted ELF reading�1�Gq�uMikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.80-1d��-- KPT-2588: provide details for the most frequent exceptions
-- KPT-2740: LIBCARE - Redesign ptrace API.
-- KPT-2829: fallback to .sig if .sig2 expires
-- KPT-2863: LIBCARE - Workaround coroutine detection failures by reverting commit 4b68214f in libunwind
-- KPT-2866: LIBCARE - object_patch_verify_safety_single() can use libunwind cursor after unw_step() return error.� �Fe�_Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.79-2d��-- KPT-2565: auto apply userspace patches on boot time
-- KPT-2599: summary report (running kcarectl without arguments)
-- KPT-2628: libcare: timeout for the whole patch/unpatch operation
-- KPT-2645: fix logrotate for a libcare logs��Ei�MRinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.78-1dFoA-- KPT-2555: Auto cache clearing for a libcare server
-- KPT-2563: Fixed path to a libcare socket for a el6
-- KPT-1411: Optimize call chain for a libcare server
-- KPT-2481: Support for an ePortal cachaing mechanisms
-- KPT-2512: Support a debuginfo substitution for libcare
-- KPT-2522: Lowered kcarectl-selinux-policy package requrement for el7
-- KPT-2545: Fix for empty logs, created for ignored processes
-- KPT-2451: Extend IGNORE_UNKNOWN_KERNEL flag for `--status` command�~�Di�Rinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.77-1dFo@-- KPT-2408: Changed default path to a doctor script
-- KPT-2438: New packages for el7/el8 arm64 platforms
-- KPT-2450: Fixed warnings during package install
-- KPT-2456: Introduced --userspace-status command for kcarectl
-- KPT-2457: Extended IGNORE_UNKNOWN_KERNEL flag to smart-update process
-- KPT-2460: Added kernel modules signing public key
-- KPT-2464: New dependencies: coreutils and util-linux
-- KPT-2466: Cyclic reboot prevention support for a crashreporter feature.
-- KPT-2471: Updated virt-what tool
-- KPT-2480: Introduced alternative way of authentication with ePortal
-- KPT-2483: New dependency: /sbin/modinfo
-- KPT-2484: Fix for `--status` exit code
-- KPT-2489: Updated libunwind version�<�Ce�Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.76-1d'@-- KPT-2426: fallback to AlmaCare license if it exists
-- KPT-2370: refine the message for the unknown kernel
-- KPT-2409: add `--force` flag to unload kernel patches without network and fixups
-- KPT-2319: libcare: show how many processes were actually patched
5��	�}�c25�y�Te�!Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.73-2c�0�-- KPT-1594: selinux fixes to prevent socket freezing
-- KPT-2262: fix dependencies for kernelcare basic
-- KPT-2269: downgrade minimum selinux-policy version required for el8 packages
-- KPT-2270: additional selinux contexts for libcare
-- KPT-2314: CLI command to enable libcare
-- KPT-2315: agent sends invalid last_stop
-- KPT-2345: send proxy usage in server_info
-- KPT-2292: scanner interface: use bounded string views to enforce memory safety�-�Sq�m Mikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.82-2eR�-- KPT-2218 kcarectl: restore_selinux_context restores context only for end directory in atomic_write
-- KPT-2787 kcarectl: support sticky param for the latest eportal request
-- KPT-2828 kcarectl: integrate new signature validation
-- KPT-2925 kcarectl: uses legacy latest if patch level is fixed in kcare.conf
-- KPT-2926 Enable debuginfo builds for a kernelcare package
-- LIBCARE-361 swap_var: do mprotect() for the whole mapped region of target variable
-- LIBCARE-932 Java's stack unwindingb�Ria Rinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.81-2d�@-- KPT-2934: Fix for a deleted ELF reading�1�Qq�u Mikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.80-1d��-- KPT-2588: provide details for the most frequent exceptions
-- KPT-2740: LIBCARE - Redesign ptrace API.
-- KPT-2829: fallback to .sig if .sig2 expires
-- KPT-2863: LIBCARE - Workaround coroutine detection failures by reverting commit 4b68214f in libunwind
-- KPT-2866: LIBCARE - object_patch_verify_safety_single() can use libunwind cursor after unw_step() return error.� �Pe�_ Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.79-2d��-- KPT-2565: auto apply userspace patches on boot time
-- KPT-2599: summary report (running kcarectl without arguments)
-- KPT-2628: libcare: timeout for the whole patch/unpatch operation
-- KPT-2645: fix logrotate for a libcare logs��Oi�M Rinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.78-1dFoA-- KPT-2555: Auto cache clearing for a libcare server
-- KPT-2563: Fixed path to a libcare socket for a el6
-- KPT-1411: Optimize call chain for a libcare server
-- KPT-2481: Support for an ePortal cachaing mechanisms
-- KPT-2512: Support a debuginfo substitution for libcare
-- KPT-2522: Lowered kcarectl-selinux-policy package requrement for el7
-- KPT-2545: Fix for empty logs, created for ignored processes
-- KPT-2451: Extend IGNORE_UNKNOWN_KERNEL flag for `--status` command�~�Ni� Rinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.77-1dFo@-- KPT-2408: Changed default path to a doctor script
-- KPT-2438: New packages for el7/el8 arm64 platforms
-- KPT-2450: Fixed warnings during package install
-- KPT-2456: Introduced --userspace-status command for kcarectl
-- KPT-2457: Extended IGNORE_UNKNOWN_KERNEL flag to smart-update process
-- KPT-2460: Added kernel modules signing public key
-- KPT-2464: New dependencies: coreutils and util-linux
-- KPT-2466: Cyclic reboot prevention support for a crashreporter feature.
-- KPT-2471: Updated virt-what tool
-- KPT-2480: Introduced alternative way of authentication with ePortal
-- KPT-2483: New dependency: /sbin/modinfo
-- KPT-2484: Fix for `--status` exit code
-- KPT-2489: Updated libunwind version�<�Me� Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.76-1d'@-- KPT-2426: fallback to AlmaCare license if it exists
-- KPT-2370: refine the message for the unknown kernel
-- KPT-2409: add `--force` flag to unload kernel patches without network and fixups
-- KPT-2319: libcare: show how many processes were actually patched
H	���z�-�]q�m!Mikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.82-2eR�-- KPT-2218 kcarectl: restore_selinux_context restores context only for end directory in atomic_write
-- KPT-2787 kcarectl: support sticky param for the latest eportal request
-- KPT-2828 kcarectl: integrate new signature validation
-- KPT-2925 kcarectl: uses legacy latest if patch level is fixed in kcare.conf
-- KPT-2926 Enable debuginfo builds for a kernelcare package
-- LIBCARE-361 swap_var: do mprotect() for the whole mapped region of target variable
-- LIBCARE-932 Java's stack unwindingb�\ia!Rinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.81-2d�@-- KPT-2934: Fix for a deleted ELF reading�1�[q�u!Mikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.80-1d��-- KPT-2588: provide details for the most frequent exceptions
-- KPT-2740: LIBCARE - Redesign ptrace API.
-- KPT-2829: fallback to .sig if .sig2 expires
-- KPT-2863: LIBCARE - Workaround coroutine detection failures by reverting commit 4b68214f in libunwind
-- KPT-2866: LIBCARE - object_patch_verify_safety_single() can use libunwind cursor after unw_step() return error.� �Ze�_!Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.79-2d��-- KPT-2565: auto apply userspace patches on boot time
-- KPT-2599: summary report (running kcarectl without arguments)
-- KPT-2628: libcare: timeout for the whole patch/unpatch operation
-- KPT-2645: fix logrotate for a libcare logs��Yi�M!Rinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.78-1dFoA-- KPT-2555: Auto cache clearing for a libcare server
-- KPT-2563: Fixed path to a libcare socket for a el6
-- KPT-1411: Optimize call chain for a libcare server
-- KPT-2481: Support for an ePortal cachaing mechanisms
-- KPT-2512: Support a debuginfo substitution for libcare
-- KPT-2522: Lowered kcarectl-selinux-policy package requrement for el7
-- KPT-2545: Fix for empty logs, created for ignored processes
-- KPT-2451: Extend IGNORE_UNKNOWN_KERNEL flag for `--status` command�~�Xi�!Rinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.77-1dFo@-- KPT-2408: Changed default path to a doctor script
-- KPT-2438: New packages for el7/el8 arm64 platforms
-- KPT-2450: Fixed warnings during package install
-- KPT-2456: Introduced --userspace-status command for kcarectl
-- KPT-2457: Extended IGNORE_UNKNOWN_KERNEL flag to smart-update process
-- KPT-2460: Added kernel modules signing public key
-- KPT-2464: New dependencies: coreutils and util-linux
-- KPT-2466: Cyclic reboot prevention support for a crashreporter feature.
-- KPT-2471: Updated virt-what tool
-- KPT-2480: Introduced alternative way of authentication with ePortal
-- KPT-2483: New dependency: /sbin/modinfo
-- KPT-2484: Fix for `--status` exit code
-- KPT-2489: Updated libunwind version�<�We�!Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.76-1d'@-- KPT-2426: fallback to AlmaCare license if it exists
-- KPT-2370: refine the message for the unknown kernel
-- KPT-2409: add `--force` flag to unload kernel patches without network and fixups
-- KPT-2319: libcare: show how many processes were actually patched_�Ve_!Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.75-1c�`�-- KPT-2419: fix getheader AttributeError�R�Ue�C!Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.74-1c�=@-- KPT-2316: include external processes detailed results in debug logs
-- KPT-2375: handle exception on access to /proc/modules
-- KPT-2387 scanner-interface: add glibc-all-langpacks to the white list
-- KPT-2392: scanner interface debug mode
-- Decrease amount of libcare info calling
-- LIBCARE-802: fixed compatibility with Microsoft Defender
-- LIBCARE-770: added workaround for kernel bug https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=215524. Before this fix OpenSSL patching might cause segfaults of target process on affected kernels.
hfI%pb�fia"Rinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.81-2d�@-- KPT-2934: Fix for a deleted ELF reading�1�eq�u"Mikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.80-1d��-- KPT-2588: provide details for the most frequent exceptions
-- KPT-2740: LIBCARE - Redesign ptrace API.
-- KPT-2829: fallback to .sig if .sig2 expires
-- KPT-2863: LIBCARE - Workaround coroutine detection failures by reverting commit 4b68214f in libunwind
-- KPT-2866: LIBCARE - object_patch_verify_safety_single() can use libunwind cursor after unw_step() return error.� �de�_"Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.79-2d��-- KPT-2565: auto apply userspace patches on boot time
-- KPT-2599: summary report (running kcarectl without arguments)
-- KPT-2628: libcare: timeout for the whole patch/unpatch operation
-- KPT-2645: fix logrotate for a libcare logs��ci�M"Rinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.78-1dFoA-- KPT-2555: Auto cache clearing for a libcare server
-- KPT-2563: Fixed path to a libcare socket for a el6
-- KPT-1411: Optimize call chain for a libcare server
-- KPT-2481: Support for an ePortal cachaing mechanisms
-- KPT-2512: Support a debuginfo substitution for libcare
-- KPT-2522: Lowered kcarectl-selinux-policy package requrement for el7
-- KPT-2545: Fix for empty logs, created for ignored processes
-- KPT-2451: Extend IGNORE_UNKNOWN_KERNEL flag for `--status` command�~�bi�"Rinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.77-1dFo@-- KPT-2408: Changed default path to a doctor script
-- KPT-2438: New packages for el7/el8 arm64 platforms
-- KPT-2450: Fixed warnings during package install
-- KPT-2456: Introduced --userspace-status command for kcarectl
-- KPT-2457: Extended IGNORE_UNKNOWN_KERNEL flag to smart-update process
-- KPT-2460: Added kernel modules signing public key
-- KPT-2464: New dependencies: coreutils and util-linux
-- KPT-2466: Cyclic reboot prevention support for a crashreporter feature.
-- KPT-2471: Updated virt-what tool
-- KPT-2480: Introduced alternative way of authentication with ePortal
-- KPT-2483: New dependency: /sbin/modinfo
-- KPT-2484: Fix for `--status` exit code
-- KPT-2489: Updated libunwind version�<�ae�"Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.76-1d'@-- KPT-2426: fallback to AlmaCare license if it exists
-- KPT-2370: refine the message for the unknown kernel
-- KPT-2409: add `--force` flag to unload kernel patches without network and fixups
-- KPT-2319: libcare: show how many processes were actually patched_�`e_"Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.75-1c�`�-- KPT-2419: fix getheader AttributeError�R�_e�C"Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.74-1c�=@-- KPT-2316: include external processes detailed results in debug logs
-- KPT-2375: handle exception on access to /proc/modules
-- KPT-2387 scanner-interface: add glibc-all-langpacks to the white list
-- KPT-2392: scanner interface debug mode
-- Decrease amount of libcare info calling
-- LIBCARE-802: fixed compatibility with Microsoft Defender
-- LIBCARE-770: added workaround for kernel bug https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=215524. Before this fix OpenSSL patching might cause segfaults of target process on affected kernels.��^q�K!Mikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.83-1e:T�-- KPT-2774 Kernelcare crash reporter filling up disk space
-- LIBCARE-693 Return JSON-formatted result for each `update` or `unload` command
-- LIBCARE-853 More transparent handling of segfaulted processes
-- LIBCARE-947 Make libunwind use FDEs even though binary search table is absent in eh_frame_hdr
-- LIBCARE-966 Wrong Stack Unwinding for openj9
�/
�	ZX;b�b�oia#Rinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.81-2d�@-- KPT-2934: Fix for a deleted ELF reading�1�nq�u#Mikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.80-1d��-- KPT-2588: provide details for the most frequent exceptions
-- KPT-2740: LIBCARE - Redesign ptrace API.
-- KPT-2829: fallback to .sig if .sig2 expires
-- KPT-2863: LIBCARE - Workaround coroutine detection failures by reverting commit 4b68214f in libunwind
-- KPT-2866: LIBCARE - object_patch_verify_safety_single() can use libunwind cursor after unw_step() return error.� �me�_#Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.79-2d��-- KPT-2565: auto apply userspace patches on boot time
-- KPT-2599: summary report (running kcarectl without arguments)
-- KPT-2628: libcare: timeout for the whole patch/unpatch operation
-- KPT-2645: fix logrotate for a libcare logs��li�M#Rinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.78-1dFoA-- KPT-2555: Auto cache clearing for a libcare server
-- KPT-2563: Fixed path to a libcare socket for a el6
-- KPT-1411: Optimize call chain for a libcare server
-- KPT-2481: Support for an ePortal cachaing mechanisms
-- KPT-2512: Support a debuginfo substitution for libcare
-- KPT-2522: Lowered kcarectl-selinux-policy package requrement for el7
-- KPT-2545: Fix for empty logs, created for ignored processes
-- KPT-2451: Extend IGNORE_UNKNOWN_KERNEL flag for `--status` command�~�ki�#Rinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.77-1dFo@-- KPT-2408: Changed default path to a doctor script
-- KPT-2438: New packages for el7/el8 arm64 platforms
-- KPT-2450: Fixed warnings during package install
-- KPT-2456: Introduced --userspace-status command for kcarectl
-- KPT-2457: Extended IGNORE_UNKNOWN_KERNEL flag to smart-update process
-- KPT-2460: Added kernel modules signing public key
-- KPT-2464: New dependencies: coreutils and util-linux
-- KPT-2466: Cyclic reboot prevention support for a crashreporter feature.
-- KPT-2471: Updated virt-what tool
-- KPT-2480: Introduced alternative way of authentication with ePortal
-- KPT-2483: New dependency: /sbin/modinfo
-- KPT-2484: Fix for `--status` exit code
-- KPT-2489: Updated libunwind version�<�je�#Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.76-1d'@-- KPT-2426: fallback to AlmaCare license if it exists
-- KPT-2370: refine the message for the unknown kernel
-- KPT-2409: add `--force` flag to unload kernel patches without network and fixups
-- KPT-2319: libcare: show how many processes were actually patched��ie�A"Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.84-1ey��-- KPT-2557: add ubuntu 22.04 arm for kernelcare
-- KPT-2591: fix error state after stop of libcare svc
-- KPT-2714: fallback to the embeded doctor script in case any error
-- KPT-2768: ensure all writes are synced to disk before patch load
-- KPT-2887: CLI to modify kcare.conf (--set-config option)
-- KPT-2923: use HEAD method to probe patches��hq�K"Mikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.83-1e:T�-- KPT-2774 Kernelcare crash reporter filling up disk space
-- LIBCARE-693 Return JSON-formatted result for each `update` or `unload` command
-- LIBCARE-853 More transparent handling of segfaulted processes
-- LIBCARE-947 Make libunwind use FDEs even though binary search table is absent in eh_frame_hdr
-- LIBCARE-966 Wrong Stack Unwinding for openj9�-�gq�m"Mikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.82-2eR�-- KPT-2218 kcarectl: restore_selinux_context restores context only for end directory in atomic_write
-- KPT-2787 kcarectl: support sticky param for the latest eportal request
-- KPT-2828 kcarectl: integrate new signature validation
-- KPT-2925 kcarectl: uses legacy latest if patch level is fixed in kcare.conf
-- KPT-2926 Enable debuginfo builds for a kernelcare package
-- LIBCARE-361 swap_var: do mprotect() for the whole mapped region of target variable
-- LIBCARE-932 Java's stack unwinding
�/
5��kG� �we�_$Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.79-2d��-- KPT-2565: auto apply userspace patches on boot time
-- KPT-2599: summary report (running kcarectl without arguments)
-- KPT-2628: libcare: timeout for the whole patch/unpatch operation
-- KPT-2645: fix logrotate for a libcare logs��vi�M$Rinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.78-1dFoA-- KPT-2555: Auto cache clearing for a libcare server
-- KPT-2563: Fixed path to a libcare socket for a el6
-- KPT-1411: Optimize call chain for a libcare server
-- KPT-2481: Support for an ePortal cachaing mechanisms
-- KPT-2512: Support a debuginfo substitution for libcare
-- KPT-2522: Lowered kcarectl-selinux-policy package requrement for el7
-- KPT-2545: Fix for empty logs, created for ignored processes
-- KPT-2451: Extend IGNORE_UNKNOWN_KERNEL flag for `--status` command�~�ui�$Rinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.77-1dFo@-- KPT-2408: Changed default path to a doctor script
-- KPT-2438: New packages for el7/el8 arm64 platforms
-- KPT-2450: Fixed warnings during package install
-- KPT-2456: Introduced --userspace-status command for kcarectl
-- KPT-2457: Extended IGNORE_UNKNOWN_KERNEL flag to smart-update process
-- KPT-2460: Added kernel modules signing public key
-- KPT-2464: New dependencies: coreutils and util-linux
-- KPT-2466: Cyclic reboot prevention support for a crashreporter feature.
-- KPT-2471: Updated virt-what tool
-- KPT-2480: Introduced alternative way of authentication with ePortal
-- KPT-2483: New dependency: /sbin/modinfo
-- KPT-2484: Fix for `--status` exit code
-- KPT-2489: Updated libunwind version�'�te�m#Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.85-2e��-- sig2 support was removed
-- increased timeout to libcare server
-- KPT-2969: rotate libcare log files before each update
-- KPT-2992: rework selinux policy packaging, kernelcare-selinux is obsolete, provide selinux modules
   with kernelcare package
-- KPT-3329: fix --set-config
-- KPT-3331: FileNotFound exception on --clear-cache
-- KPT-3341: kernelcare package upgrade creates rpmnew file for ePortal customers
-- KPT-3365: libcare: libcare patching resulted in a hanged process (auditd)
-- KPT-3377: libcare: Fix various memory errors
-- KPT-3376,KPT-3380: libcare: Some procs are stucked in 't' state after patchingb�see#Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.84-2e��@-- KPT-3318: use platform python for el8/el9��re�A#Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.84-1ey��-- KPT-2557: add ubuntu 22.04 arm for kernelcare
-- KPT-2591: fix error state after stop of libcare svc
-- KPT-2714: fallback to the embeded doctor script in case any error
-- KPT-2768: ensure all writes are synced to disk before patch load
-- KPT-2887: CLI to modify kcare.conf (--set-config option)
-- KPT-2923: use HEAD method to probe patches��qq�K#Mikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.83-1e:T�-- KPT-2774 Kernelcare crash reporter filling up disk space
-- LIBCARE-693 Return JSON-formatted result for each `update` or `unload` command
-- LIBCARE-853 More transparent handling of segfaulted processes
-- LIBCARE-947 Make libunwind use FDEs even though binary search table is absent in eh_frame_hdr
-- LIBCARE-966 Wrong Stack Unwinding for openj9�-�pq�m#Mikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.82-2eR�-- KPT-2218 kcarectl: restore_selinux_context restores context only for end directory in atomic_write
-- KPT-2787 kcarectl: support sticky param for the latest eportal request
-- KPT-2828 kcarectl: integrate new signature validation
-- KPT-2925 kcarectl: uses legacy latest if patch level is fixed in kcare.conf
-- KPT-2926 Enable debuginfo builds for a kernelcare package
-- LIBCARE-361 swap_var: do mprotect() for the whole mapped region of target variable
-- LIBCARE-932 Java's stack unwinding
�p��|�q�$Mikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.83-1f��-- KPT-3271 send timestamp of latest crash report
-- KPT-3345 kcarectl: add root-keys.json into package and add flag to turn on new signatures
-- KPT-3370 use (if available) python3 interpreter for el7 package
-- KPT-3414 libcare logs rotation
-- KPT-3419 libcare: kpatch_ptrace: implement thread-safe way of waitpid() with timeout
-- KPT-3432 libcare: server crashed while patching some apps (gc_linux_service and TaniumClient)
-- KPT-3443 remove "Cloud Linux GmbH"
-- KPT-3467 libcare: improve display of information about patching in libcare-server logs
-- KPT-3469 Kdump fails to work after kernel upgrade
-- KPT-3483 libcare: Failures during attempts to detach from process under high filesystem access load
-- KPT-3512 libcare: System processes libc libraries patching failed while remote mmap call.
-- KPT-3517 libcare: libcare-server received SEGV signal while executing command kcarectl --lib-unload
-- KPT-3530 libcare: Remove unnecessary logging for kpatch_MemoryDenyWriteExecute_protected()
-- KPT-3533 libcare: Fix Valgrind error in kpatch_MemoryDenyWriteExecute_protected()�'�~e�m$Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.85-2e��-- sig2 support was removed
-- increased timeout to libcare server
-- KPT-2969: rotate libcare log files before each update
-- KPT-2992: rework selinux policy packaging, kernelcare-selinux is obsolete, provide selinux modules
   with kernelcare package
-- KPT-3329: fix --set-config
-- KPT-3331: FileNotFound exception on --clear-cache
-- KPT-3341: kernelcare package upgrade creates rpmnew file for ePortal customers
-- KPT-3365: libcare: libcare patching resulted in a hanged process (auditd)
-- KPT-3377: libcare: Fix various memory errors
-- KPT-3376,KPT-3380: libcare: Some procs are stucked in 't' state after patchingb�}ee$Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.84-2e��@-- KPT-3318: use platform python for el8/el9��|e�A$Anton Bobrov <abobrov@cloudlinux.com> 2.84-1ey��-- KPT-2557: add ubuntu 22.04 arm for kernelcare
-- KPT-2591: fix error state after stop of libcare svc
-- KPT-2714: fallback to the embeded doctor script in case any error
-- KPT-2768: ensure all writes are synced to disk before patch load
-- KPT-2887: CLI to modify kcare.conf (--set-config option)
-- KPT-2923: use HEAD method to probe patches��{q�K$Mikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.83-1e:T�-- KPT-2774 Kernelcare crash reporter filling up disk space
-- LIBCARE-693 Return JSON-formatted result for each `update` or `unload` command
-- LIBCARE-853 More transparent handling of segfaulted processes
-- LIBCARE-947 Make libunwind use FDEs even though binary search table is absent in eh_frame_hdr
-- LIBCARE-966 Wrong Stack Unwinding for openj9�-�zq�m$Mikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.82-2eR�-- KPT-2218 kcarectl: restore_selinux_context restores context only for end directory in atomic_write
-- KPT-2787 kcarectl: support sticky param for the latest eportal request
-- KPT-2828 kcarectl: integrate new signature validation
-- KPT-2925 kcarectl: uses legacy latest if patch level is fixed in kcare.conf
-- KPT-2926 Enable debuginfo builds for a kernelcare package
-- LIBCARE-361 swap_var: do mprotect() for the whole mapped region of target variable
-- LIBCARE-932 Java's stack unwindingb�yia$Rinat Sabitov <rsabitov@cloudlinux.com> 2.81-2d�@-- KPT-2934: Fix for a deleted ELF reading�1�xq�u$Mikhail Alekseev <malekseev@cloudlinux.com> 2.80-1d��-- KPT-2588: provide details for the most frequent exceptions
-- KPT-2740: LIBCARE - Redesign ptrace API.
-- KPT-2829: fallback to .sig if .sig2 expires
-- KPT-2863: LIBCARE - Workaround coroutine detection failures by reverting commit 4b68214f in libunwind
-- KPT-2866: LIBCARE - object_patch_verify_safety_single() can use libunwind cursor after unw_step() return error.

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Name Type Size Permission Actions
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