[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
# SpamAssassin rules file: dynamic-ish rDNS tests
# Please don't modify this file as your changes will be overwritten with
# the next update. Use /etc/mail/spamassassin/local.cf instead.
# See 'perldoc Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf' for details.
# We should write a new ruletype for these, to save typing.
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at:
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

require_version 3.004006

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Note the '^[^\]]+ ' stanza: this ensures that we only match spamware
# connecting to a internal relay; if a mail came from a dynamic addr but
# was relayed through their smarthost, that's fine.

# See bug #5856, all references of "trusted" were changed to "external"

# All of the RDNS_DYNAMIC rules require that the last external relay
# did not use SMTP authentication.  These rules should not be firing on
# friendlies!
header __LAST_UNTRUSTED_RELAY_NO_AUTH X-Spam-Relays-Untrusted =~ /^[^\]]+ auth= /
header __LAST_EXTERNAL_RELAY_NO_AUTH X-Spam-Relays-External =~ /^[^\]]+ auth= /

# dhcp024-210-034-053.columbus.rr.com []
# c-66-176-16-108.se.client2.attbi.com []
# c-67-168-174-61.client.comcast.net []
# NNN-NNN-NNN-NNN.fibertel.com.ar
# NN.NN.NNN.NNN.ap.yournet.ne.jp
# NN.NNN.NN-NN.rev.gaoland.net
# vaise-1-82-67-44-166.fbx.proxad.net []
# lns-vlq-11-62-147-186-141.adsl.proxad.net []
# dsl-200-95-109-107.prod-infinitum.com.mx []
# port-212-202-77-203.reverse.qsc.de []
# pool-151-203-32-68.bos.east.verizon.net []
# c-67-164-133-216.client.comcast.net []
# 200-171-228-6.customer.telesp.net.br []
# modemcable090.28-201-24.mc.videotron.ca []
# 80-218-47-160.dclient.hispeed.ch []
# cdm-68-226-239-16.laft.cox-internet.com []
# d53-64-35-171.nap.wideopenwest.com []
# 74.67-201-80.adsl.skynet.be []
# 12-218-225-223.client.mchsi.com []
# pptp-81-30-186-139.ufanet.ru []
# (require an alpha first, as legit HELO'ing-as-IP-address is hit otherwise)
header __RDNS_DYNAMIC_IPADDR X-Spam-Relays-External =~ /^[^\]]+ rdns=(?![^\s\]]+[-.]static[-.])\S*\d+[^\d\s]\d+[^\d\s]\d+[^\d\s]\d+\S*\.\S+\.\S/i
describe __RDNS_DYNAMIC_IPADDR Relay HELO'd using suspicious hostname (IP addr 1)

# dhcp024-210-034-053.columbus.rr.com []
# catv-506237d8.miskcatv.broadband.hu []
# node-c-8b22.a2000.nl
# cm89.omega139.maxonline.com.sg
# cm114.gamma208.maxonline.com.sg
header __RDNS_DYNAMIC_DHCP X-Spam-Relays-External =~ /^[^\]]+ rdns=\S*(?:cm|catv|docsis|cable|dsl|dhcp|cpe|node)\S*\d+[^\d\s]+\d/i
describe __RDNS_DYNAMIC_DHCP Relay HELO'd using suspicious hostname (DHCP)

# fia83-8.dsl.hccnet.nl []
# fia160-115-100.dsl.hccnet.nl []
header __RDNS_DYNAMIC_HCC   X-Spam-Relays-External =~ /^[^\]]+ rdns=\S*\d+[^\d\s]+\d+\S*\.(?:docsis|cable|dsl|adsl|dhcp|cpe)\./i
describe __RDNS_DYNAMIC_HCC Relay HELO'd using suspicious hostname (HCC)

# h0002a5d76857.ne.client2.attbi.com []
header __RDNS_DYNAMIC_ATTBI  X-Spam-Relays-External =~ /^[^\]]+ rdns=\S+\d+\S+\.client2\.attbi\.com/i
describe __RDNS_DYNAMIC_ATTBI Relay HELO'd using suspicious hostname (ATTBI.com)

# CPE0004e2372711-CM000a73666706.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com
# CPE00e0184f0eba-CM014490118324.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com []
header __RDNS_DYNAMIC_ROGERS X-Spam-Relays-External =~ /^[^\]]+ rdns=CPE\d+\S+\.rogers\.com/i
describe __RDNS_DYNAMIC_ROGERS Relay HELO'd using suspicious hostname (Rogers)

# ca-morpark-cuda1-zone7-b-159.vnnyca.adelphia.net[]
# tn-greenvillecuda1cable7a-36.atlaga.adelphia.net []
# ky-richmond2a-123.rhmdky.adelphia.net []
# ny-lackawannacadent4-chtwga3a-b-117.buf.adelphia.net []
# fl-edel-u2-c3c-233.pbc.adelphia.net []
header __RDNS_DYNAMIC_ADELPHIA X-Spam-Relays-External =~ /^[^\]]+ rdns=[a-z]{2}-\S+-\d{1,3}\.[a-z]{3,8}\.adelphia\.net/i
describe __RDNS_DYNAMIC_ADELPHIA Relay HELO'd using suspicious hostname (Adelphia)

# pD9E4F89F.dip.t-dialin.net []
header __RDNS_DYNAMIC_DIALIN X-Spam-Relays-External =~ /^[^\]]+ rdns=[a-z][A-F0-9]+\.dip\./
describe __RDNS_DYNAMIC_DIALIN Relay HELO'd using suspicious hostname (T-Dialin)

# 0xd5aaf40b.dhcp.kabelnettet.dk
# 0x50a46949.virnxx11.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk
header __RDNS_DYNAMIC_HEXIP X-Spam-Relays-External =~ /^[^\]]+ rdns=0x[a-f0-9]{8}\./
describe __RDNS_DYNAMIC_HEXIP Relay HELO'd using suspicious hostname (Hex IP)

# 118.Red-80-35-201.pooles.rima-tde.net
header __RDNS_DYNAMIC_SPLIT_IP X-Spam-Relays-External =~ /^[^\]]+ rdns=\d+\.\S+\d+[^\d\s]\d+[^\d\s]\d+[^\d\s]/
describe __RDNS_DYNAMIC_SPLIT_IP Relay HELO'd using suspicious hostname (Split IP)

# YahooBB219173000034.bbtec.net []
header __RDNS_DYNAMIC_YAHOOBB X-Spam-Relays-External =~ /^[^\]]+ rdns=YahooBB/i
describe __RDNS_DYNAMIC_YAHOOBB Relay HELO'd using suspicious hostname (YahooBB)

# ool-18be1aaf.dyn.optonline.net []
header __RDNS_DYNAMIC_OOL X-Spam-Relays-External =~ /^[^\]]+ rdns=\S+\.dyn\.optonline\.net/
describe __RDNS_DYNAMIC_OOL Relay HELO'd using suspicious hostname (OptOnline)

# wiley-170-10231.roadrunner.nf.net []
header __RDNS_DYNAMIC_RR2   X-Spam-Relays-External =~ /^[^\]]+ rdns=[a-z]+-\d{1,3}-\d{1,5}\.roadrunner/i
describe __RDNS_DYNAMIC_RR2 Relay HELO'd using suspicious hostname (RR 2)

# pcp04024417pcs.toresd01.pa.comcast.net []
# bgp542174bgs.ewndsr01.nj.comcast.net[]
# Computer-udp135632uds.union01.nj.comcast.net []
header __RDNS_DYNAMIC_COMCAST X-Spam-Relays-External =~ /^[^\]]+ rdns=[a-z-]+\d+[a-z]{3}\.[a-z0-9]+\...\.comcast/i
describe __RDNS_DYNAMIC_COMCAST Relay HELO'd using suspicious hostname (Comcast)

# h234n2fls32o895.telia.com []
# h53n2fls32o828.telia.com
# h116n2fls32o1111.telia.com
# h29n1fls306o1003.telia.com
header __RDNS_DYNAMIC_TELIA X-Spam-Relays-External =~ /^[^\]]+ rdns=h\d+n\d+fls\S+\.telia\.com/i
describe __RDNS_DYNAMIC_TELIA Relay HELO'd using suspicious hostname (Telia)

# CM-vina5-168-207.cm.vtr.net []
# CM-anto1-98-153.cm.vtr.net []
header __RDNS_DYNAMIC_VTR X-Spam-Relays-External =~ /^[^\]]+ rdns=cm-[a-z]+\d+-\d+-\d+\.cm\.vtr/i
describe __RDNS_DYNAMIC_VTR Relay HELO'd using suspicious hostname (VTR)

# ec9z5l.cm.chello.no
header __RDNS_DYNAMIC_CHELLO_NO  X-Spam-Relays-External =~ /^[^\]]+ rdns=\S+\.cm\.chello\.no/i
describe __RDNS_DYNAMIC_CHELLO_NO Relay HELO'd using suspicious hostname (Chello.no)

# g225174.upc-g.chello.nl
# a151145.upc-a.chello.nl
# a96134.upc-a.chello.nl
header __RDNS_DYNAMIC_CHELLO_NL  X-Spam-Relays-External =~ /^[^\]]+ rdns=[a-z]\d+\.upc-[a-z]\.chello\.nl/i
describe __RDNS_DYNAMIC_CHELLO_NL Relay HELO'd using suspicious hostname (Chello.nl)

# MG001182.user.veloxzone.com.br
# ba199058073.user.veloxzone.com.br
header __RDNS_DYNAMIC_VELOX  X-Spam-Relays-External =~ /^[^\]]+ rdns=[a-z]{2}\d+\.user\.veloxzone\./i
describe __RDNS_DYNAMIC_VELOX Relay HELO'd using suspicious hostname (Veloxzone)

# public4-seve6-5-cust173.lond.broadband.ntl.com
# spr1-bolt5-5-0-cust9.manc.broadband.ntl.com
# spc1-lewi4-6-0-cust190.lond.broadband.ntl.com
header __RDNS_DYNAMIC_NTL  X-Spam-Relays-External =~ /^[^\]]+ rdns=\S+\d+-\d+-cust\d+\.[a-z]{4,6}\.broadband\.ntl\.com/i
describe __RDNS_DYNAMIC_NTL Relay HELO'd using suspicious hostname (NTL)

# (I'm quite sure these may be a good spamsign in future)
# nwblwi-nrp3-l10-a671.nwblwi.tds.net
header __RDNS_DYNAMIC_TDS X-Spam-Relays-External =~ /^[^\]]+ rdns=\S+-[a-z]\d+\.[a-z]{6}\.tds\.net/i
header __RDNS_DYNAMIC_VIRTUA  X-Spam-Relays-External =~ /^[^\]]+ rdns=\d+\.cps\./i

# sp1-c700-131.spacelan.ne.jp
header __RDNS_DYNAMIC_SPACELAN X-Spam-Relays-External =~ /^[^\]]+ rdns=\S+-[a-z]\d+-\d+\./i

# rDNS host-type indicators, as per
# https://tools.ietf.org/id/draft-msullivan-dnsop-generic-naming-schemes-00.txt
header __RDNS_INDICATOR_DYN   X-Spam-Relays-External =~ /^[^\]]+ rdns=\S+[\-\.]dyn(?:amic)?[\-\.]/i

# surprisingly large ham hitrate
header __RDNS_INDICATOR_TYPE  X-Spam-Relays-External =~ /^[^\]]+ rdns=\S+[\-\.](?:dial|modem|isdn|dov|\S?dsl|cable|wireless)[\-\.]/i

# this hits a little ham, not too much though
header __RDNS_INDICATOR_RES   X-Spam-Relays-External =~ /^[^\]]+ rdns=\S+[\-\.](?:res|resnet|client)[\-\.]/i

# these are non-standard, but common in the field; 100% spam correlation!
# (I think that's a fluke)
header __RDNS_INDICATOR_TYPE2 X-Spam-Relays-External =~ /^[^\]]+ rdns=\S+[\-\.](?:docsis|dhcp|cpe|catv)[\-\.]/i

# dsl.dynamic8510023760.ttnet.net.tr
header __RDNS_DYNAMIC_TTNET   X-Spam-Relays-External =~ /^[^\]]+ rdns=\S+[\-\.]dyn(?:amic)?\d/i

# c221106.ppp.asahi-net.or.jp
# i253064.ppp.asahi-net.or.jp
# u035201.ppp.asahi-net.or.jp
# w158034.ppp.asahi-net.or.jp
header __RDNS_DYNAMIC_ASAHI   X-Spam-Relays-External =~ /^[^\]]+ rdns=[a-z][0-9]+\.ppp\.asahi-net\.or\.jp/i

# exceptions (bug 5397):
# exceptions: 66-220-155-151.mail-mail.facebook.com
# exceptions: o167-89-97-77.outbound-mail.sendgrid.net (bug 7592)
header  __RDNS_STATIC         X-Spam-Relays-External =~ /^[^\]]+ rdns=\S*(?:fix|static|fixip|dedicated|mail\-mail|outbound-mail|smtp)/i

# bug 5586:
header __CGATE_RCVD       Received =~ /by \S+ \(CommuniGate Pro/
# bug 5926:
header __DOMINO_RCVD      Received =~ /by \S+ \(Lotus Domino /

header __RDNS_NONE  X-Spam-Relays-External =~ /^[^\]]+ rdns= /


describe RDNS_DYNAMIC Delivered to internal network by host with dynamic-looking rDNS

describe RDNS_NONE  Delivered to internal network by a host with no rDNS


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20_dynrdns.cf File 11.12 KB 0644
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