[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
Bolt 3.7.1

Released: 2020-05-07. Notable changes:

  - Security: Check CSRF on Preview page, and prevent renaming files to blacklisted filetypes [#7853](https://github.com/bolt/bolt/pull/#7853)
 - Change: Add hreflang to allowed_attributes [#7855](https://github.com/bolt/bolt/pull/#7855)
 - Chore: Updating dependencies [#7842](https://github.com/bolt/bolt/pull/#7842)
 - Fixed: Fix tag cloud, update NPM deps [#7856](https://github.com/bolt/bolt/pull/#7856)
 - Fixed: Select field with multiple contenttypes and display values results in a `ContextErrorException` [#7849](https://github.com/bolt/bolt/pull/#7849)
 - Fixed: Trying to access array offset on value of type `null` with PHP 7.4 [#7843](https://github.com/bolt/bolt/pull/#7843)
Special thanks go out [Sivanesh Ashok](https://stazot.com/) for responsibly disclosing the two fixed security issues to us.

Bolt 3.7.0

Released: 2019-11-12. Notable changes:

 - Change: Dropped support for PHP 5.5, 5.6 and 7.0. [#7826](https://github.com/bolt/bolt/pull/7826)
This means the minimum requirement for Bolt 3.7 is now PHP 7.1. Because of this,
the default distributions will now include more recent versions of libraries,
providing better support for more recent versions of PHP 7.1 and higher 
out-of-the-box. This is most noticeable with Doctrine, our database library. 

If you're stuck on an older PHP version, you can keep using Bolt 3.6 for the 
foreseeable future. 

Bolt 3.6.11

Released: 2019-11-10. Notable changes:

 - Fixed: Fix tags in non-english languages and firefox caching selected options [#7822](https://github.com/bolt/bolt/pull/7822)
 - Fixed: Fix typo in `AccessControlListener.php` [#7809](https://github.com/bolt/bolt/pull/7809)
 - Security: Fix CRSF issues in file operations [#7823](https://github.com/bolt/bolt/pull/7823)
 - Updated: Add `download` to `allowed_attributes` in HTML cleaner [#7808](https://github.com/bolt/bolt/pull/7808)
 - Updated: Added comment about required IP in `trustProxies` [#7807](https://github.com/bolt/bolt/pull/7807)
 - Updated: Export improvements [#7812](https://github.com/bolt/bolt/pull/7812)
 - Updates: Update tests for Doctrine 2.10 compatibility [#7824](https://github.com/bolt/bolt/pull/7824)

Special thanks go out f4h4dbt for responsibly disclosing the CSRF issue to us. 

Bolt 3.6.10

Released: 2019-08-15. Notable changes:

    Security: Prevent XSS in system log (for authenticated users) #7802
    Security: Prevent XSS in image alt/title (for authenticated users) #7801
    Security: Prevent XSS in "Create file" in file manager (for authenticated users) #7800
    Fixes: Prevent update of guzzlehttp/psr7 to 1.6, fixes tests #7798
    Fixed: Fix taxonomy name collision #7799
    Fixed: Rebuilding assets, fixing tags cloud #7794

Bolt 3.6.9

Released: 2019-06-24. Notable changes:

 - Added: Add abbreviations to CKeditor, using `<abbr>`-tag. [#7783](https://github.com/bolt/bolt/pull/7783)
 - Fixed: Use isIterable over Traversable [#7778](https://github.com/bolt/bolt/pull/7778)
 - Updated: Select2 updated to 4.0.7, since it _finally_ works on IE 11 again. [#7783](https://github.com/bolt/bolt/pull/7783)


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images Folder 0755
php53 Folder 0755
php56 Folder 0755
php71 Folder 0755
php81 Folder 0755
php82 Folder 0755
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Notes.txt File 1.72 KB 0644
changelog.txt File 3.13 KB 0644
config.yml File 20.62 KB 0644
contenttypes.yml File 11.93 KB 0644
edit.php File 3.73 KB 0644
edit.xml File 433 B 0644
fileindex.php File 61 B 0644
import.php File 4.13 KB 0644
index.php File 297 B 0644
info.xml File 2.2 KB 0644
install.js File 924 B 0644
install.php File 16.68 KB 0644
install.xml File 1.44 KB 0644
md5 File 4.61 KB 0644
menu.yml File 672 B 0644
permissions.yml File 8.32 KB 0644
routing.yml File 3.42 KB 0644
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