<?php /* * Copyright (c) Codiad & Kent Safranski (codiad.com), distributed * as-is and without warranty under the MIT License. See * [root]/license.txt for more. This information must remain intact. */ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CONFIG ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PATH TO CODIAD define("BASE_PATH", "[[softpath]]"); // BASE URL TO CODIAD (without trailing slash) define("BASE_URL", "[[domhost]][[relativeurl]]"); // THEME : default, modern or clear (look at /themes) define("THEME", "default"); // ABSOLUTE PATH define("WHITEPATHS", BASE_PATH . ",/home"); // SESSIONS (e.g. 7200) $cookie_lifetime = "0"; // TIMEZONE date_default_timezone_set("America/Chicago"); // Allows to overwrite the default language define("LANGUAGE", "[[language]]"); // External Authentification //define("AUTH_PATH", "/path/to/customauth.php"); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ** DO NOT EDIT CONFIG BELOW ** ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PATHS define("COMPONENTS", BASE_PATH . "/components"); define("PLUGINS", BASE_PATH . "/plugins"); define("THEMES", BASE_PATH . "/themes"); define("DATA", BASE_PATH . "/data"); define("WORKSPACE", BASE_PATH . "/workspace"); // URLS define("WSURL", BASE_URL . "/workspace"); // Marketplace //define("MARKETURL", "http://market.codiad.com/json"); // Update Check //define("UPDATEURL", "http://update.codiad.com/?v={VER}&o={OS}&p={PHP}&w={WEB}&a={ACT}"); //define("ARCHIVEURL", "https://github.com/Codiad/Codiad/archive/master.zip"); //define("COMMITURL", "https://api.github.com/repos/Codiad/Codiad/commits");
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