[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
 * Configuration
 * @package Cotonti
 * @copyright (c) Cotonti Team
 * @license https://github.com/Cotonti/Cotonti/blob/master/License.txt

defined('COT_CODE') or die('Wrong URL');

// ========================
// MySQL database parameters. Change to fit your host.
// ========================
$cfg['mysqlhost'] = '[[softdbhost]]';	// Database host URL
$cfg['mysqlport'] = '';				// Database port, if non-default
$cfg['mysqluser'] = '[[softdbuser]]';			// Database user
$cfg['mysqlpassword'] = '[[softdbpass]]';			// Database password
$cfg['mysqldb'] = '[[softdb]]';		// Database name
// MySQL database charset and collate. Very useful when MySQL server uses different charset rather than site
// See the list of valid values here: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/9.0/en/charset-charsets.html
$cfg['mysqlcharset'] = 'utf8mb4';
$cfg['mysqlcollate'] = 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci';

// ========================
// Main site URL without trailing slash.
// ========================
$cfg['mainurl'] = '[[softurl]]';

// Set to TRUE if 'https' is not recognized automatically and it should always use https
$cfg['force_https'] = false;

$cfg['site_id'] = '[[site_id]]';
$cfg['secret_key'] = '[[secret_key]]';
$cfg['multihost'] = false;			// Allow multiple host names for this site

 * Email address for the 'From' header for cot_mail() function
 * Default value is 'mail_sender@domain', where domain is taken from $cfg['mainurl']
 * Uncomment it if you need to set a custom 'From' email address
 * Note: 'Reply-To' address can be set here: https://your-domain.com/admin/config?n=edit&o=core&p=main
// $cfg['email_from_address'] = 'mail_sender@[[domhost]]';

// ========================
// Default theme, color scheme and default language
// ========================
$cfg['defaulttheme'] = 'nemesis';	// Default theme code. Be SURE it's pointing to a valid folder in ./themes/... !!
$cfg['defaultscheme'] = 'default';	// Default color scheme, only name, not like themename.css. Be SURE it's pointing to a valid folder in ./themes/defaulttheme/... !!
$cfg['defaulticons'] = 'default';	// Default icon pack
$cfg['defaultlang'] = 'en';			// Default language code
$cfg['enablecustomhf'] = false;		// To enable header.$location.tpl and footer.$location.tpl
$cfg['admintheme'] = '';			// Put custom administration theme name here

// ========================
// Performance-related settings
// ========================
$cfg['cache'] = false;			// Enable data caching
$cfg['cache_drv'] = '';			// Cache driver name to use on your server (if available)
								// Possible values: APC, Memcache, Xcache
$cfg['cache_drv_host'] = '[[softdbhost]]';
$cfg['cache_drv_port'] = '';

$cfg['xtpl_cache'] = false;		// Enable XTemplate structure disk cache. Should be TRUE on production sites
$cfg['html_cleanup'] = false;	// Wipe extra spaces and breaks from HTML to get smaller footprint

$cfg['cache_index'] = false;    // Static site page cache for guests on index
$cfg['cache_page'] = false;     // Static site page cache for guests on pages and page lists
$cfg['cache_forums'] = false;   // Static site page cache for guests on forums

// ========================
// More settings
// Should work fine in most of cases.
// If you don't know, don't change.
// TRUE = enabled / FALSE = disabled
// ========================

$cfg['check_updates'] = true;		// Automatically check for updates, set it TRUE to enable

$cfg['display_errors'] = true;		// Display error messages. Switch it FALSE on production sites

$cfg['redirmode'] = false;			//Set to TRUE if you cannot successfully log in (IIS servers)
$cfg['xmlclient'] = false;  		// For testing-purposes only, else keep it off.
$cfg['ipcheck'] = false;  			// Will kill the logged-in session if the IP has changed
$cfg['authcache'] = true;			// Auth cache in SQL tables. Set it FALSE if your huge database
									// goes down because of that
$cfg['customfuncs'] = false;		// Includes file named functions.custom.php
$cfg['new_install'] = false;			// This setting denotes a new install step and redirects you to the install page
									// If you already have Cotonti installed then set it to FALSE or remove it
$cfg['useremailduplicate'] = false; // Allow users to register new accounts with duplicate email.
                                    // DO NOT ENABLE this setting unless you know for sure that you need it or it may
                                    // make your database inconsistent.
 * Turn on/off hook (event) handler file. 'On' by default.
 * Uncomment it on production site to improve performance a bit
// $cfg['checkHookFileExistence'] = false;

// ========================
// Directory paths
// Set it to custom if you want to share
// folders among different hosts.
// ========================
$cfg['avatars_dir'] = 'datas/avatars';
$cfg['cache_dir'] = 'datas/cache';
$cfg['lang_dir'] = 'lang';
$cfg['modules_dir'] = 'modules';
$cfg['pfs_dir'] = 'datas/users';
$cfg['photos_dir'] = 'datas/photos';
$cfg['plugins_dir'] = 'plugins';
$cfg['system_dir'] = 'system';
$cfg['thumbs_dir'] = 'datas/thumbs';
$cfg['themes_dir'] = 'themes';
$cfg['extrafield_files_dir'] = 'datas/exflds';
$cfg['icons_dir'] = 'images/icons';

// ========================
// Directory and file permissions for uploaded files
// and files created with scripts.
// You can set it to values which deliver highest
// security and comfort on your host.
// ========================
$cfg['dir_perms'] = 0775;
$cfg['file_perms'] = 0664;

// ========================
// Important constant switches
// ========================

 * Defines whether to display debugging information on critical errors.
 * Set it TRUE when you experiment with something new.
 * Set it FALSE on production sites.
$cfg['debug_mode'] = false;

 * Path to debug log files used by functions which dump debug data into it.
 * This file MUST NOT be available to strangers (e.g. via HTTP) or it can
 * compromise your website security. Protect it with .htaccess or use some
 * path accessible to you only via FTP.
$cfg['debug_logpath'] = 'datas/tmp';

 * The shield is disabled for administrators by default. But if you are testing
 * it with your admin account, you can enable it by setting this TRUE.
$cfg['shield_force'] = false;

 * Turn on/off deprecated features that has not yet been removed.
 * In particular, it turns on/off deprecated template engine tags for ease of development.
$cfg['legacyMode'] = false;

// ========================
// Names for MySQL tables
// Only change if you'd like to
// make 2 separated installs in the same database.
// or you'd like to share some tables between 2 sites.
// Else do not change.
// ========================
$db_x = '[[dbprefix]]'; // Default: cot_, prefix for extra fields' table(s)

// Examples:
// $db_auth			= 'my_custom_auth';
// $db_cache 		= 'my_custom_cache';


Name Type Size Permission Actions
images Folder 0755
php53 Folder 0755
php56 Folder 0755
php71 Folder 0755
php81 Folder 0755
php82 Folder 0755
clone.php File 6.31 KB 0644
config.php File 6.7 KB 0644
edit.php File 4.44 KB 0644
edit.xml File 433 B 0644
fileindex.php File 301 B 0644
import.php File 3.06 KB 0644
info.xml File 2.64 KB 0644
install.js File 924 B 0644
install.php File 6.72 KB 0644
install.xml File 864 B 0644
md5 File 1.97 KB 0644
notes.txt File 340 B 0644
robots.txt File 320 B 0644