[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
 * Coppermine Photo Gallery
 * v1.0 originally written by Gregory Demar
 * @copyright  Copyright (c) 2003-2023 Coppermine Dev Team
 * @license    GNU General Public License version 3 or later; see LICENSE
 * @since  1.6.26
[A] = Added new feature
[B] = Bugfix (fix something that wasn't working as expected)
[C] = Cosmetical fix (layout, typo etc.)
[D] = Documentation improvements
[M] = Maintenance works
[O] = Optimization of code
[S] = Security fix (issues that are related to security)

2023-11-27 [B] Correct IPTC supplimental category parsing {ron4mac}
2023-11-11 [B] Correct design/coding error in user manager {ron4mac}
2023-04-21 [M] Prevent HTML5 upload initialization failure caused by cloudflare rocket-loader {ron4mac}
2023-04-13 [B] Correction for HTML5 upload admin notification {ron4mac}
2023-04-10 [B] Correct SMF2.1 bridge; correct install with PHP 8.1+ when using GD2 {ron4mac}
2023-03-22 [M] Reduce possibility of race condition at completion of uploads {ron4mac}
2023-03-20 [B] Correct failure to remove file upload with dimension restriction {ron4mac}
2023-03-02 [B] Correct for PHP8+ round error in exif parse {ron4mac}
2023-03-01 [B] Catch PDO query exceptions {ron4mac}
2023-02-25 [M] Add IPv6 compatibility to banning {ron4mac}
2023-01-16 [B] Provide more error info for some HTML5 upload errors {ron4mac}
2022-10-28 [M] Fail more gracefully from database connection error {ron4mac}
2022-10-18 [B] Correct typo in bridgemgr.php (thanks {bembi64}) {ron4mac}
2022-08-01 [M,B] Correct PHP8 error with IPTC processing {ron4mac}
2022-06-08 [M] More updates for PHP 8.1.x deprecations {ron4mac}
2022-06-08 [O,C] HTML5 audio/video player: removed "autostart" parameter; set control offset to "0" {eenemeenemuu}
2022-05-03 [B] Correct failure in bridgemgr for PHP 8 {ron4mac}
2022-04-01 [B] Reset failure report mode in mysqli for PHP 8.1 {ron4mac}
2022-03-25 [M] Updates for PHP 8.1.x; remove use of strftime() {ron4mac}
2022-02-02 [B] Handle failure to get image dimensions in thumb updater tool {ron4mac}
2021-11-22 [B] Allow ratings from different logged in users regardless of IP address {ron4mac}
2021-11-20 [M] Update third party (ZenPhoto maintained) exif reader {ron4mac}
2021-11-15 [M] Change bridge file for SMF 2.1 to function with latest SMF version {ron4mac}
2021-11-09 [B] Correct install failure when single quote (') is used in db config {ron4mac}
2021-10-07 [B] Correct more issues when running with PHP 8 (thanks to user altenae) {ron4mac}
2021-10-07 [B] Correct some additional issues when running with PHP 8 {ron4mac}
2021-09-24 [B] Correct conditions causing failures under PHP 8 {ron4mac}
2021-09-24 [A] Added re_key admin tool to distribution {ron4mac}
2021-08-18 [S] Remove possibility of XSS injection in upload_h5a plugin {ron4mac}
2021-07-25 [B] Correct missing method for database creation when using PDO:mysql {ron4mac}
2021-06-26 [B] Remove unnecessary, server objectionable parameters from batch upload iframe url (thread ID 80407) {ron4mac}
2021-04-22 [M] Upgraded jQuery version to 1.12.4 and included migration script (1.4.1) {ron4mac}
2021-03-21 [A] Added user login authorization hook for plugins {ron4mac}
2021-02-23 [B] Correct javascript Array.find polyfill for conflict issues {ron4mac}
2021-01-22 [M] Various code adjustments made for compatibility with PHP 8(.01) {ron4mac}
2021-01-03 [B] Guard against array_keys failure (PHP8) caused by theme {ron4mac}
2020-10-03 [B] Correct no plugin uninstall action for disabled plugins {ron4mac}
2020-09-07 [M] Release of version 1.6.09 {ron4mac}
2020-07-29 [B] Upload plugin upload_h5a fails to complete queue when uploading one at a time {ron4mac}
2020-05-01 [B] Upload plugin upload_h5a fails to install if DB already has configuration {ron4mac}
2020-04-30 [A] Provide themes with a method to request a body tag class based on current page {ron4mac}
2020-04-28 [M] Cosmetic changes/corrections to admin tools, edit pics and contact {heismauri}
2020-03-27 [B] Failure in include/archive.php due to __construct() changes {ron4mac}
2020-03-23 [B] Use 'dbcharset' parameter when opening bridged database {ron4mac}
2020-02-26 [O,M] Simlify log creation and display {ron4mac}
2020-02-26 [M] Clean up code involved in PHP warnings {ron4mac}
2020-02-25 [M] Remove use of deprecated *magic_quotes* functions {ron4mac}
2020-02-07 [A] Provide themes with a method to use font icons {ron4mac}
2020-02-07 [M] Clean up rating icon in pics edit {ron4mac}
2020-02-05 [B] Change javascript 'zebra' code to apply to table cells instead of rows {ron4mac}
2020-01-22 [B] Refresh form token when admin tools process for extra long times {ron4mac}
2019-12-29 [A] Add bridge compatibility for SMF2.0.x versions greater than 2.0.15 {ron4mac}
2019-12-07 [M] Update remaining old class constructors to new style {Dukecz}
2019-11-08 [B] Abort install if no PHP XML parser cabability {ron4mac}
2019-08-09 [B] Capture and display admin tool critical errors {ron4mac}
2019-07-06 [B] Show hidden invalid fields when submitting admin config form {ron4mac}
2019-06-05 [A] Updated Estonian language file (user contribution) {eenemeenemuu}
2019-04-17 [C] Added title to intermediate-sized image, changed alt attritube (thread ID 79654) {eenemeenemuu}
2019-03-28 [B] Correct regex for valid file name in showthumb.php {ron4mac}
2019-03-12 [M] Only build filmstrip if it will be displayed {ron4mac}
2019-03-11 [B] Remove unwarranted urldecode() in theme_html_picture() {ron4mac}
2019-03-04 [M] Fail when CONFIG table cannot be read from DB {ron4mac}
2019-01-26 [B] Correct upload issue by removing memory_limit from HTML5 max upload size calculation {ron4mac}
2018-12-22 [O,M] Updated version check to a functioning condition {ron4mac}
2018-12-22 [O,A] Changed Admin Tools to drop-in widgets {ron4mac}
2018-12-21 [S] Fixed XSS issue {eenemeenemuu}
2018-12-20 [B] Catch system resource errors during HTML5 upload {ron4mac}
2018-11-20 [O] Replace config max upload filesize with combo UI element(s) {ron4mac}
2018-11-20 [B] Correct failure to report range error during config submission {ron4mac}
2018-10-31 [A] Added hidden config option to choose if auto-orient is checked by default in upload forms {eenemeenemuu}
2018-10-30 [B] Fixed misleading approval message if approval is not needed when using single upload form {eenemeenemuu}
2018-10-17 [B] Correction to bridge file for SMF 2.1 (thanks maximus23) {ron4mac}
2018-10-17 [B] Correct error when extracting EXIF from some Canon images (thanks jsh) {ron4mac}
2018-09-20 [B] Provide english fallback for remote help (thanks tbsmark86) {ron4mac}
2018-08-25 [B] Added charset support for PDO driver {chipviled}
2018-07-25 [M] Replaced headers in files changed since 1.6.03 for use in '@since' versioning {ron4mac}
2018-07-25 [A] Removed documentation from distribution; online (coppermine-gallery.net) access to docs with option for local copy {ron4mac}
2018-07-25 [M] Advance supplied jQuery version from 1.4.2(1.4.4) to 1.7.2 {ron4mac}
2018-06-22 [B] Corrections for database connection ports and bridging errors {ron4mac}
2018-06-20 [A] Provide method for themes to have/use language files {ron4mac}
2018-03-25 [B] Correct condition where some uploads did not generate email to admin, even though configured to do so {ron4mac}
2018-03-07 [B] Fixed SET NAMES query for mysqli (thanks SiavaRu) {ron4mac}
2018-01-26 [B] Fixed typo causing phpBB3 bridge fail when using bridge app custom groups (thread ID 79302) {eenemeenemuu}
2018-01-16 [B] Fixed white screens with low privileged users clicking into open albums when using theme "curve" (thread ID 79283) {eenemeenemuu}
2018-01-14 [B] Prevent install failure with PDO on PHP 7.1+ {ron4mac}
2018-01-09 [A] Added plugin hooks to filter image sort parameters {ron4mac}
2017-12-31 [A] Added bridge file for SMF 2.1 {dpaulat}
2017-12-30 [M] Removed extraneous bridge files {ron4mac}
2017-12-06 [B] Don't require php EXIF extension during upload {ron4mac}
2017-12-04 [B] Fixed bridge emergency recovery {eenemeenemuu}
2017-11-23 [A] Allow for plugin authors to include remote .js and .css files {ron4mac}
2017-11-23 [A] Rewrite js_include() to allow remote URLs {ron4mac}
2017-11-23 [A] Added utility function to determine if a string is in the form or a URL {ron4mac}
2017-11-21 [D] Updating documentation to reflect switch from Subversion on sourceforge.net to Git at github.com {eenemeenemuu}
2017-10-23 [B] Relax sql modes for successful database update on mysql 5.7 {ron4mac}
2017-10-23 [B] Filter database errors during update so 'real' errors are reported {ron4mac}
2017-10-23 [B] Remove (at least one) cause of blank screen when database access error {ron4mac}
2017-08-28 [B,M] Remove spinbutton js for config screen; make number fields HTML5 elements {ron4mac}
2017-07-26 [O] Use mysqli OO methods in mysqli driver {ron4mac}
2017-07-04 [D] Added some explanation about FTP transfer modes and versioncheck {eenemeenemuu}
2017-06-26 [O] Improve uploading error handling/response {ron4mac}
2017-06-23 [B] Correct showthumb.php failure on PHP7.1 {ron4mac}
2017-06-22 [B] Keep from failing when asked to free a db result that is not a result {ron4mac}
2017-06-18 [M] Use 'random_bytes' in password hash generation instead of deprecated mcrypt {ron4mac}
2017-05-25 [B] Correct bridge query test failure (thread ID 79053) {ron4mac}
2017-04-24 [B] Correct error getting dbtype as pdo:mysql when updating {ron4mac}
2017-04-21 [B] When dbtype not set, default to mysqli for initial connect (PHP7 happy) {ron4mac}
2017-04-21 [M] With SQL update, modify CPG_users/user_password to varchar(255) {ron4mac}
2017-03-30 [C] Generate decimal % widths in thumbnail view (Github issue #12) {ron4mac}
2017-03-29 [B] Correction for strict SQL DISTINCT use (thread ID 78952 msg 383016) {ron4mac}
2017-03-29 [M] Improve mysqli & pdo:mysql error reporting {ron4mac}
2017-03-12 [B] Correct use of default database when bridged (Github issue #11) {ron4mac}
2017-02-15 [S] Fixed possible directory traversal vulnerability (thread ID 78978) {eenemeenemuu}
2017-01-28 [B] Correct 'zero' datetime values in database during update so ALTER TABLE does not fail {ron4mac}
2017-01-16 [O] Use one-time declared define for jQuery version path {ron4mac}
2017-01-06 [B] Keep cpg_die() from failing under PHP7 {ron4mac}
2017-01-05 [S] Fixed possible shell execution issue due to outdated PHPMailer {ron4mac}
2016-12-31 [M] Updated doc plugin tutorials (removed simplest) {ron4mac}
2016-12-29 [O] Removed hard-coded theme directory name from themes; provides user more convenient theme copy {ron4mac}
2016-12-29 [B] Corrected a few language issues found by lang_check.php {ron4mac}
2016-12-22 [B] Added code for vBulletin alternate dbase port (Github issue #7) {ron4mac}
2016-12-22 [B] Fixed invocation of graphics tool during auto-orientation of image {ron4mac}
2016-12-22 [A] Added plugin filter hook "theme_name" to allow plugins to set theme dynamically {ron4mac}
2016-10-24 [B,C] HTML5 video - fix autoplay, improve layout render {ron4mac}
2016-09-23 [S] Fixed possible arbitrary shell command execution {eenemeenemuu}
2016-09-23 [S] Fixed possible SQL injection vulnerabilities {eenemeenemuu}
2016-09-06 [O] Replaced hard-coded number "10000" with constant "FIRST_USER_CAT" (thread ID 78848) {eenemeenemuu}
2016-07-19 [A] Added new options to "sort order of albums" (thread ID 78795) {eenemeenemuu}
2016-05-24 [B] Correct possible failure to get update when curl must be used {ron4mac}
2016-05-24 [C] Set table width to 100% on update.php {eenemeenemuu}
2016-05-23 [B] Change data check method and notify admin of failed repository retrieval for version check {ron4mac}
2016-05-22 [M] Corrected URL for repository file and adjusted link to repository {ron4mac}
2016-05-20 [M] If can't get versioncheck XML file from Github, try getting it from coppermine-gallery.net {ron4mac}
2016-05-20 [M] Get correct XML file from Github for versioncheck {ron4mac}
2016-05-20 [M] Removed SVN keyword "revision" from all files {eenemeenemuu}
2016-05-20 [B] Updated repository link {eenemeenemuu}
2016-05-20 [M] Removed any reference to SVN revision from versioncheck {eenemeenemuu}
2016-05-20 [D] Updated link in credits page (thread ID 78727) {eenemeenemuu}
2016-05-18 [C] Removed some PHP notices during installation {eenemeenemuu}
2016-05-18 [M] Improved plugin configuration action (pluginmgr) {ron4mac}
2016-05-10 [M] Removed obsolete XP Publisher feature {ron4mac}
2016-05-10 [M] Accomodate conversion of mysql_real_escape_string to cpg_db... {ron4mac}
2016-05-06 [M] Don't show pre-release update versions (unless overridden) {ron4mac}
2016-05-05 [M] Remove trailing php end tags (?>) {ron4mac}
2016-05-05 [M] Perform cursory writeable directory check before allowing update/upgrade action {ron4mac}
2016-05-04 [M] Only show plugin manager upload feature if ZLib is available {ron4mac}
2016-05-04 [B] Repair include/zip.lib.php, allowing it to extract files (for plugin manager) {ron4mac}
2016-05-03 [M] Fully enabled updater/upgrader, allowing pre-releases with warning {ron4mac}
2016-04-27 [M] Improved cpg_db_ function compatabilities {ron4mac}
2016-04-25 [A] Added plugin compatibility include file {ron4mac}
2016-04-19 [A] Added plugin enable/disable feature {ron4mac}
2016-03-22 [M] Put code in place to not offer pre-releases as a scripted upgrade choice {ron4mac}
2016-03-22 [C] Use nl2br() in upgrader for release body text {ron4mac}
2016-03-18 [B] Don't die during check for updates when there is no access to Github {ron4mac}
2016-03-17 [A] Integrated 'updates available' notification and scripted update capability {ron4mac}
2016-03-16 [A] Added beginning of tool for scripted upgrades (upgrader.php) {ron4mac}
2016-03-16 [M] Cleaned up some defunct swf stuff and improved upgrading over 1.5x {ron4mac}
2016-03-13 [A] In admin config, only show ImageMagick settings if ImageMagick method is selected {ron4mac}
2016-03-12 [A] Added checkbox option for auto-orient to upload methods (and batch-add) {ron4mac}
2016-03-11 [D] Updated README.txt {ron4mac}
2016-03-11 [A] Formally added Imagick Extension as an image manipulation option {ron4mac}
2016-03-09 [B] Corrected issues with SWF upload button UI {ron4mac}
2016-03-06 [A] Added automatic image orientation during upload of images {ron4mac}
2016-03-02 [B] Corrected a problem where some server/PHP environments would hang at step 9 of install {ron4mac}
2016-03-01 [M,O] Moved all image manipulation code into 'ImageTool' object classes {ron4mac}
2016-02-21 [B] Repaired 'spinButton' code and CSS (should be made into standard HTML5 elements) {ron4mac}
2016-02-12 [M] Changed default cookie name to 'cpg16x' {ron4mac}
2016-01-27 [B,M] Made compatible with PHP7 [ class constructor, split(), mis-placed break ] {ron4mac}
2016-01-24 [A] Added 'change_values' function to admin tools, removing need for 'del_titles' {ron4mac}
2016-01-22 [B] Corrected array name typo in section of french.php {ron4mac}
2016-01-22 [B] Resolved update conflict with older html5upload plugin {ron4mac}
2016-01-21 [A] Added example of using 'config_action' to sample plugin {ron4mac}
2016-01-20 [O] Provided option to cpg_config_set() for Db insertion if item not set in $CONFIG {ron4mac}
2016-01-18 [A] Added plugin 'config_action' setting used by plugin manager to present plugin configuration {ron4mac}
2016-01-18 [A] Implemented uploading via core enabled plugins using HTML5, SWF and SINGLE {ron4mac}
2016-01-13 [A] Implemented database abstraction allowing use of MYSQLI, MYSQL(PDO), or MYSQL {ron4mac}
2016-01-13 [M] Updated header information to reflect current year 2016 {ron4mac}
2015-11-11 [M] Updated header information to reflect current year {eenemeenemuu}
2015-11-04 [M] Abstracted Inspekt and CPGPluginAPI classes, changed PHP minimum to 5.0, cleaned up various PHP complaints {ron4mac}
2015-11-04 [B] Corrected install not completing {ron4mac}
2015-09-23 [M] Converted plugins "link_target", "onlinestats", "opensearch" and "usergal_alphatabs" to standalone plugins and removed from Coppermine package {eenemeenemuu}
2015-09-23 [D] Updated docs and template plugin regarding i18n of plugins {eenemeenemuu}
2015-09-18 [A] Load plugin language files, if available {eenemeenemuu}
2015-09-16 [A] Display confirmation message when adding/removing pictures to/from favorites (thread ID 78394) {eenemeenemuu}
2015-09-08 [A] Better double vote prevention if detailed vote statistics are enabled in the config {eenemeenemuu}
2015-09-08 [B] Fixed broken referrer feature (thread ID 78385) {eenemeenemuu}
2015-08-31 [A] Added config option to set default value for album property "Visitors can upload files" (thread ID 78355) {eenemeenemuu}
2015-08-31 [B] Fixed not processed variable in db_input.php (thread ID 78348) {eenemeenemuu}
2015-07-27 [B] Fixed database error if meta albums are viewed with invalid or missing parameters (thread ID 78067) {eenemeenemuu}
2015-07-23 [A] Added hidden feature to adjust log file retention (thread ID 78309) {eenemeenemuu}
2015-07-07 [B] Fixed album sort order for "first level" albums (thread ID 77314) {eenemeenemuu}
2015-07-06 [B] Fixed GIF support check when resizing images (thread ID 78279) {eenemeenemuu}
2015-06-10 [B] Fixed typo in user manager that created invalid user passwords (thread ID 76021) {eenemeenemuu}
2015-06-03 [A] Added config option to hide file count and disk space usage in user manager to increase performance (thread ID 78129) {eenemeenemuu}
2014-10-07 [A] Added config option to display button next to album drop-down box to display only empty albums (thread ID 77824) {eenemeenemuu}
2014-10-06 [A] Added config option to hide already existing files on batch-add interface (thread ID 77671) {eenemeenemuu}
2014-06-27 [C] Display exactly which account data needs to be entered to authenticate in update.php {eenemeenemuu}
2014-06-27 [O] Don't populate language array manually, but load English language file if authentification is skipped in update.php {eenemeenemuu}
2014-06-25 [A] Salt user passwords (thread ID 76021) {eenemeenemuu}
2014-05-06 [C] Fixed typo (thread ID 77494) {eenemeenemuu}
2014-03-12 [A] Added language string 'announcement_thread' to English language file {eenemeenemuu}
2014-01-29 [C] Altered font size calculation of clickable keyword list (thread ID 76928) {eenemeenemuu}
2014-01-21 [A] Added config option to regard upload time of linked files in album info (thread ID 77021) {eenemeenemuu}
2012-11-28 [A] Added config option to display all files after flash upload (thread ID 75588) {eenemeenemuu}
2012-07-06 [A] Added config option to toggle the display of the sort buttons on the thumbnail page {eenemeenemuu}
2012-06-29 [A] Added config option to set sort order of albums (thread ID 75112) {eenemeenemuu}
2011-12-28 [S] Fixed a potential path disclosure vulnerability in core plugin configuration files (thread ID 74125) {Abbas}
2011-10-07 [A] Create sub-directory named according to the album ID in users' upload directories during HTTP upload {eenemeenemuu}
2011-10-07 [B] Updated embedded jQuery library from version 1.4.2 to 1.4.4 {eenemeenemuu}
2010-11-13 [O] Changed favourites zip download to build on disk instead of in memory {Nibbler}
2010-10-02 [A] Added error message support for the batch add process {Nibbler}
2010-09-26 [M] Removed support for GD1 (thread ID 66761) {Nibbler}
2010-09-26 [O] No longer specify a MySQL engine - use the server default. {Nibbler}
2010-09-20 [O] Updated jquery libraries 'elastic', 'datePicker', 'spinbox' {GauGau}
2010-09-20 [O] Updated embedded jquery library from version 1.3.2 to 1.4.2 {GauGau}
2010-09-16 [B] Fixed registration process if both email verification and admin activation enabled (thread ID 67095) {eenemeenemuu}


Name Type Size Permission Actions
images Folder 0755
php53 Folder 0755
php56 Folder 0755
php71 Folder 0755
php81 Folder 0755
php82 Folder 0755
_update.php File 32.32 KB 0644
changelog.txt File 19.29 KB 0644
clone.php File 5.06 KB 0644
config.inc.php File 462 B 0644
edit.php File 5.93 KB 0644
edit.xml File 433 B 0644
extend.php File 1.83 KB 0644
fileindex.php File 1001 B 0644
import.php File 3.17 KB 0644
info.xml File 4.33 KB 0644
install.js File 1.07 KB 0644
install.php File 5.31 KB 0644
install.xml File 1.06 KB 0644
md5 File 4.84 KB 0644
notes.txt File 430 B 0644
update.php File 32.33 KB 0644
update_pass.php File 2.04 KB 0644
upgrade.php File 4.3 KB 0644
upgrade.xml File 625 B 0644