<soft xmlns="http://www.softaculous.com"> <overview> <img src="logo.gif" style="float:right;" alt="" />{{overview}} </overview> <features> {{features}} </features> <demo> http://www.softaculous.com/demos/Dada_Mail </demo> <ratings> http://www.softaculous.com/softwares/perl/mail/Dada_Mail </ratings> <space> 98068881 </space> <support> http://dadamailproject.com/support/boards/ </support> <version> 11.22.0 </version> <mod>140</mod> <mod_files>1</mod_files> <release_date>18-09-2023</release_date> <softversion> 4.5.4 </softversion> <requirement check="mysql" type="version" operator="ge" value="8.0.0" /> <index>mail.cgi</index> <admin>mail.cgi/admin</admin> <languages> <english-overview> <font size="5" color="#182e7a">Dada Mail</font> is a Contemporary Mailing List Manager,<br /><br /> enabling you to easily run a verified mailing list that your subscribers can trust, right on your own website. <br /><br />Dada Mail helps you with managing an email mailing list, offering complete support for safe, closed-loop opt-in subscriptions, sending out mass mailings, keeping message archives and allowing you to share your messages in lots of neat ways. <br /><br /> Dada Mail is licensed under <a href="http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html" target="_blank">GNU General Public License</a>. </english-overview> <english-features> <font size="2" color="#CC3366">Dada Mail is rich with features, but tries to Keep It Simple. Dada Mail is designed to favor flexibility, extensibility and ease-of-use over core speed or extremely flashy but hard-to-use features. We ship Dada Mail with sane default mailing list preferences, so you can start using Dada Mail, without causing a faux pas and keeping your subscribers happy. </font> </english-features> <english-db_set>Database Settings</english-db_set> <english-db_pre>Table Prefix</english-db_pre> <english-site_set>Site Settings</english-site_set> <english-site_name>Mailing List Name</english-site_name> <english-site_desc>List Short Name</english-site_desc> <english-mail_desc>Mailing List Description</english-mail_desc> <english-policy_desc>Privacy Policy</english-policy_desc> <english-physical_desc>Physical Address</english-physical_desc> <english-ad_act>Admin Account</english-ad_act> <english-ad_name>Admin Username</english-ad_name> <english-ad_pass>Dada Mail Root Password</english-ad_pass> <english-list_pass>Mailing List Password</english-list_pass> <english-f_name>First Name</english-f_name> <english-l_name>Last Name</english-l_name> <english-ad_email>List Owner Email Address</english-ad_email> <english-err_php>The PHP version is less than the required 4.3.0 version!</english-err_php> <english-err_no_token>The token functions are not available!</english-err_no_token> <english-err_mb>The MultiByte String functions are not available!</english-err_mb> <english-err_openconfig>Could not open the Configuration File</english-err_openconfig> <english-err_writeconfig>Could not write the Configuration File</english-err_writeconfig> <english-err_selectmy>The MySQL Database could not be selected.</english-err_selectmy> <english-err_myconn>The MySQL Connection could not be established.</english-err_myconn> <english-err_wrongemail>The email address is not valid.</english-err_wrongemail> <english-err_ademail>The email address is not valid.</english-err_ademail> <english-ad_lang>Choose Language</english-ad_lang> <english-select_lang>Select Language</english-select_lang> </languages> </soft>
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