[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
Dotclear 2.32.1 - 2024-11-27
* Fix: A category could not be renamed
* Fix: The categories page doesn't display any categories if there's only one for the blog
* Fix: Cast number values to int in blog parameters form as they might be non-existent
* Fix: Replace return button by a cancel button in intermediary steps during creation of a new SimpleMenu item
* Fix: legacyEditor with pseudo empty excerpt (thanks Ben Griffith for documenting this issue)

Dotclear 2.31.1 - 2024-08-19
* Fix: Media couldn't be opened as preview (overlay)
* Fix: Fix Page management with PHP 8.1

Dotclear 2.31 - 2024-08-13
* 🐘 PHP 8.1+ is required, PHP 8.2 and 8.3 compliance
* Core: Remove unnecessary sass folders from production archive
* UX/UI: Add a visual dot indicator to current menu-item
* UX/UI: Harmonize entry format look'n'feel with other status items (status, date, lang)
* UX/UI: Use italic font-style for placeholder (in inputs)
* UX/UI: Enforce contrast for add button hover/active/focus
* UX/UI: Admin CSS review
* Fix: Hide convert to HTML button for pages already in this format
* Fix: Cope with media alternative text in IPTC/XMP/Exif metadata
* Fix: Fix favorites menu current item detection
* Fix: Avoid sortable mechanism for pages on small devices (interfere with scrolling)
* Fix: Media change file upload process
* Fix: Deletion on search mode in media manager
* Fix: Review position of help button depending on context (scrolled or on top, help opened or not, …)
* Fix: Really do garbage collector of expired sessions
* Fix: Dependencies (modules) mechanism reviewed
* Fix: Do not render debug/dev HTML comment warning in CLI Mode
* Fix: Cope with event propagation for meta editor helper (tags, …)
* Fix: Use lexical sorting for tags
* Fix: Disable unauthorized option for media insertion (link without alt, legend without alt)
* Fix: Cope with newly uploaded media for deletion button activation
* Fix: Better identification of the blog name on the breadcrumb of the dashboard (home)
* 🛡 Security: Add .inc to exclusion list for media (see https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/52037)
* 🐛 → Various bugs, a11y concerns and typos fixed
* 🌼 → Some locales and cosmetic adjustments

Dotclear 2.30.1 - 2024-05-17
* Fix: Template engine might not found some theme's template in some contexts
* Fix: Outgoing documentation links

Dotclear 2.30 - 2024-05-13
* 🐘 PHP 8.1+ is required, PHP 8.2 and 8.3 compliance
* Core: Switch from GNU GPL-2.0-only to AGPL-3.0
* Core: Normalize SQLite database path and create the database file if necessary
* Core: Add a configuration setting to load or not legacy JS (backend/frontend)
* - For frontend a new sysIf attribute is provided: legacy_needed (see _head.html template)
* - For backend current release config may be overrule by setting DC_MIGRATE in inc/config.php
* Core: Add a setting to change the thumbnail character prefix (default to .)
* Core: Add width and height of an SVG image (media item page) if specified in its source
* Core: Add an option (informative_config) to display informative config for module (ie without any form)
* Core: Add prefix/suffix capability for Helper/Html/Form/Label (will be inserted before/after the associated field)
* Core: Add webmention endpoint URL in <head> for post/page (already present in http headers but may be not sufficient)
* UX/UI: Add a menuitem quick access (configurable quick menu key, default to :)
* UX/UI: Add quick access to dashboard (quick menu access key+enter without anything else)
* UX/UI: Review layout for group of buttons
* UX/UI: Use textarea for media description
* UX/UI: Switch from PNG to SVG for images used in backend
* UX/UI: Review CSS for tables
* UX/UI: Review information style (legend, message, …) in dark mode
* UX/UI: Review media upload progress bar
* UX/UI: Review install icons (messages)
* UX/UI: Set a background on legacyEditor toolbar
* UX/UI: Review form's buttons layout (specially on small device)
* UX/UI: Add supplemental warning about disabling ad-blocker detection
* UX/UI: Review legacy editor toolbar layout
* UX/UI: Review header layout (alignment, …)
* UX/UI: Theme editor: the lists of inherited files are now folded by default
* UX/UI: Review today button look
* UX/UI: Page header review (standard and upgrade modes)
* UX/UI: Review categories CSS
* UX/UI: Prelude layout review
* UX/UI: Help button layout review
* a11y: Review markup for required items in forms
* a11y: Enforce contrast of pending and locked status icons in dark mode
* a11y: No need to enforce contrast on icon hover (whatever is the mode, dark or light)
* a11y: Fix issue with Codemirror (trapped inside editor if using only the keyboard)
* Fix: Do not put filename as alternate text for media
* Fix: Media item deletion
* Fix: Cleaning procedure after update is now more tolerant
* Fix: Plural management for some locales (Japanese, …)
* Fix: Don't care about antispam filter GUI URL during installation
* Fix: Video/audio media insertion with CKEditor, review notice
* Fix: Display notice (about audio/video insertion limit) only with standard editor
* Fix: Fix exclusion list for media zip process
* Fix: Take care of user defined thumb sizes in media zip exclusion pattern
* Fix: Background color of search input field
* Fix: Go back to update tab (on plugins page) after forced check of plugins' update
* Fix: Success upload media message color
* Fix: Optimize Berlin SVG images
* Fix: SVG preview with magnificPopup jQuery plugin
* Fix: Antispam filter name displayed on comments list page
* Fix: Use standard tpl:IfCommentPreviewOptional rather than tpl:IfPreviewIsNotMandatory for Ductile
* Fix: H2 (navigation) horizontal overflow
* Fix: Input for decimal values
* Fix: Management of local setting/pref value is the same as the global one (if global exists)
* Fix: Antispam IP and IPv6 rules deletion
* Fix: Antispam Word filter rule deletion
* Fix: Theme config form if not only informative
* Fix: Antispam params link (on blog pref)
* Fix: Hint typing for post ID (trackback/pingback/webmention)
* Fix: Post/Page selector for static home
* Lib: Update Codemirror to 5.65.16
* i18n: Remove Luxembourgish language (not translated and mostly not used)
* 🛡 Security: Fix Cross Site Scripting vulnerability (https://packetstormsecurity.com/files/177239/Dotclear-2.29-Cross-Site-Scripting.html)
* 🐛 → Various bugs, a11y concerns and typos fixed
* 🌼 → Some locales and cosmetic adjustments


Name Type Size Permission Actions
images Folder 0755
php53 Folder 0755
php56 Folder 0755
php71 Folder 0755
php81 Folder 0755
php82 Folder 0755
changelog.txt File 6.6 KB 0644
clone.php File 7.28 KB 0644
config.php File 2.61 KB 0644
edit.php File 5.76 KB 0644
edit.xml File 433 B 0644
extend.php File 11.56 KB 0644
fileindex.php File 131 B 0644
import.php File 3.34 KB 0644
info.xml File 3.31 KB 0644
install.js File 921 B 0644
install.php File 4.49 KB 0644
install.xml File 1.35 KB 0644
md5 File 1.16 KB 0644
notes.txt File 617 B 0644
update_pass.php File 498 B 0644
upgrade.php File 3.76 KB 0644
upgrade.xml File 325 B 0644