[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
Milestone 1.5.11 (2018-12-29)

    bug #1054: The bbcode2email() function has no localization
    bug #1057: Add CSRF protection to promote user action
    bug #1081: openssl_random_pseudo_bytes() is not cryptographically secure
    bug #1087: LIKE and '_'
    bug #1095: Radium and Cobalt have unreadable alert on admin index
    bug #1098: Don't use local aware format for sprintf
    bug #1124: Where is the start transaction in the db_update.php?
    enhancement #1089: Time formatting in profile.php
    enhancement #1097: We need a ban on references in the titles
    enhancement #1101: SMTP Password field on admin_options page too short
    enhancement #1103: Ban mail/domain dosent check for duplicates
    enhancement #1108: Incorrect answer for search results with short text
    enhancement #1115: Need 503 status for maintenance and error pages
    enhancement #1121: Require more characters for password

Milestone 1.5.10 (2016-06-16)

    bug #792: Profile and signature img
    bug #1012: Incorrect coding login.php
    bug #1017: fix CSS
    bug #1056: Invalidate only feed caches
    bug #1058: hash_equals(): Expected known_string to be a string, null given
    bug #1059: No csrf_token in unsubscibe link of subscription email
    bug #1062: Edit.php and checkboxes
    bug #1068: Wrong description for BBCode
    bug #1072: The DB class for SQLite doesn't maintain string values by default?
    bug #1075: Empty PHP_SELF somewhere
    bug #1078: InnoDB check failed
    bug #1082: Custom title overrides "Banned"
    enhancement #1019: Refactor/move forum_list_plugins to common_admin.php
    enhancement #1025: Display error message inline with login form
    enhancement #1027: Change htmlspecialchars to pun_htmlspecialchars
    enhancement #1064: error() function, PUN_DEBUG and security
    enhancement #1066: For long nicknames

Milestone 1.5.9

    bug #1011: No automatic redirection to install.php
    bug #1016: Does not work glob()
    bug #1032: No notifications for users w/ language set to an inexistent language
    bug #1033: Make it easier to configure frame options header
    bug #1039: Parser error message no have name tag
    bug #1040: PHP 7 compatibility
    bug #1041: Fatal error mysqli_free_result
    bug #1043: Prevent timing attack
    bug #1046: Exclude newlines when parsing username in quote tag
    bug #1049: CSRF attack allows to stick, lock, etc.
    enhancement #1029: db_update.php: Inline script trips over content security policy

Milestone 1.5.8 (2015-01-23)

    bug #925: Scrollbar in chrome fluxbb1.5.5
    bug #949: Use \r\n for SMTP, FORUM_EOL for others
    bug #951: [url][img] patch doesn't work.
    bug #963: Add rel="prev", rel="next" and rel="canonical"
    bug #969: New TLDs not allowed as valid URLs
    bug #996: Prevent clickjacking attacks
    bug #998: Bug in validate_redirect() function
    bug #1001: Remove setting of values in quickpostform
    bug #1006: [HTB23246] File Inclusion in install.php
    enhancement #57: Making a new forum is a 2 step process
    enhancement #810: Improve unread forums tracking
    enhancement #935: Auto-promotion improvements
    enhancement #936: Add new group permission to allow moderators to promote users
    enhancement #941: Remove obsolete global variables
    enhancement #944: Remove "page 1" when thread or forum has just one page
    enhancement #947: Improve Air/Earth/Fire design
    enhancement #948: Require passwords with at least 6 characters
    enhancement #959: Quick actions from registration email
    enhancement #965: Avoid double redirect when no new posts are found
    enhancement #976: [PATCH] Invalidate updated cache files from PHP's Opcache
    enhancement #992: Drop IE6 support
    enhancement #997: Make random passwords longer
    enhancement #1007: Antispam hooks
    enhancement #1008: Please delete your install.php file
    task #942: Remove obsolete language strings
    task #966: Optimize images in FluxBB core

Milestone 1.5.7 (2014-10-20)

    bug #961: Open Redirection Vulnerability
    bug #990: SQL injection in profile.php


Name Type Size Permission Actions
images Folder 0755
languages Folder 0755
php53 Folder 0755
php56 Folder 0755
php71 Folder 0755
php81 Folder 0755
php82 Folder 0755
changelog.txt File 4 KB 0644
clone.php File 6.01 KB 0644
config.php File 353 B 0644
edit.php File 4.36 KB 0644
edit.xml File 433 B 0644
fileindex.php File 538 B 0644
import.php File 3.29 KB 0644
info.xml File 1.81 KB 0644
install.js File 921 B 0644
install.php File 4.57 KB 0644
install.xml File 1.69 KB 0644
md5 File 3.41 KB 0644
notes.txt File 223 B 0644
upgrade.php File 4.59 KB 0644
upgrade.xml File 328 B 0644