[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
* copyright            : (C) 2001-2018 Advanced Internet Designs Inc.
* email                : forum@prohost.org
* $Id$
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
* Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.

	$collapse = $usr->cat_collapse_status ? unserialize($usr->cat_collapse_status) : array();
	$cat_id = !empty($_GET['cat'])    ? (int) $_GET['cat']    : 0;
	$frm_id = !empty($_GET['frm_id']) ? (int) $_GET['frm_id'] : 0;

	if ($cat_id && !empty($collapse[$cat_id])) {
		$collapse[$cat_id] = 0;

	require $FORUM_SETTINGS_PATH .'idx.inc';
	if (!isset($cidxc[$cat_id])) {
		$cat_id = 0;

	$cbuf = $forum_list_table_data = $cat_path = '';

	if ($cat_id) {
		$cid = $cat_id;
		while (($cid = $cidxc[$cid][4]) > 0) {
			$cat_path = '&nbsp;&raquo; <a href="[[relativeurl]]/index.php?t=i&amp;cat='.$cid.'&amp;'._rsid.'">'.$cidxc[$cid][1].'</a>'. $cat_path;
		$cat_path = '<br />
<a href="[[relativeurl]]/index.php?t=i&amp;'._rsid.'">Home</a>
'.$cat_path.'&nbsp;&raquo; <b>'.$cidxc[$cat_id][1].'</b>';

	/* List of fetched fields & their ids
	  0	msg.subject,
	  1	msg.id AS msg_id,
	  2	msg.post_stamp,
	  3	users.id AS user_id,
	  4	users.alias
	  5	forum.cat_id,
	  6	forum.forum_icon
	  7	forum.id
	  8	forum.last_post_id
	  9	forum.moderators
	  10	forum.name
	  11	forum.descr
	  12	forum.url_redirect
	  13	forum.post_count
	  14	forum.thread_count
	  15	forum_read.last_view
	  16	is_moderator
	  17	read perm
	  18	is the category using compact view
	$c = uq('SELECT
				m.subject, m.id, m.post_stamp,
				u.id, u.alias,
				f.cat_id, f.forum_icon, f.id, f.last_post_id, f.moderators, f.name, f.descr, f.url_redirect, f.post_count, f.thread_count,
				'. (_uid ? 'fr.last_view, mo.id, COALESCE(g2.group_cache_opt, g1.group_cache_opt) AS group_cache_opt' : '0,0,g1.group_cache_opt') .',
			FROM fud30_fc_view v
			INNER JOIN fud30_cat c ON c.id=v.c
			INNER JOIN fud30_forum f ON f.id=v.f
			INNER JOIN fud30_group_cache g1 ON g1.user_id='. (_uid ? 2147483647 : 0) .' AND g1.resource_id=f.id
			LEFT JOIN fud30_msg m ON f.last_post_id=m.id
			LEFT JOIN fud30_users u ON u.id=m.poster_id '.
			(_uid ? ' LEFT JOIN fud30_forum_read fr ON fr.forum_id=f.id AND fr.user_id='. _uid .' LEFT JOIN fud30_mod mo ON mo.user_id='. _uid .' AND mo.forum_id=f.id LEFT JOIN fud30_group_cache g2 ON g2.user_id='. _uid .' AND g2.resource_id=f.id' : '').
			' WHERE f.parent = '. $frm_id .
			((!$is_a || $cat_id) ?  ' AND ' : '') .
			($is_a ? '' : (_uid ? ' (mo.id IS NOT NULL OR ('. q_bitand('COALESCE(g2.group_cache_opt, g1.group_cache_opt)', 1) .' > 0))' : ' ('. q_bitand('g1.group_cache_opt', 1) .' > 0)')) .
			($cat_id ? ($is_a ? '' : ' AND ') .' v.c IN('. implode(',', ($cf = $cidxc[$cat_id][5])) .') ' : '') .' ORDER BY v.id');

	$post_count = $thread_count = $last_msg_id = $cat = 0;
	while ($r = db_rowarr($c)) {
		/* Increase thread & post count. */
		$post_count += $r[13];
		$thread_count += $r[14];

		$cid = (int) $r[5];

		if ($cat != $cid && !$frm_id) {
			if ($cbuf) { /* If previous category was using compact view, print forum row. */
				if (empty($collapse[$i[4]])) { /* Only show if parent is not collapsed as well. */
					$forum_list_table_data .= '<tr class="row child-c'.$cat.'">
	<td class="RowStyleA wo hide2">&nbsp;</td>
	<td class="RowStyleB ac wo hide2">&nbsp;</td>
	<td  class="RowStyleA wa" colspan="4">Available Forums:'.$cbuf.'</td>
				$cbuf = '';

			foreach ($cidxc as $k => $i) {
				/* 2nd check ensures that we don't end up displaying categories without any children. */ 
				if (($cat_id && !isset($cf[$k])) || ($cid != $k && $i[4] >= $cidxc[$cid][4])) {

				/* If parent category is collapsed, hide child category. */
				if ($i[4] && !empty($collapse[$i[4]])) {
					$collapse[$k] = 1;

				if ($k == $cid) {
					break;	// Got it!
			$cat = $cid;
			if ($i[3] & 1 && $k != $cat_id && !($i[3] & 4)) {
				if (!isset($collapse[$k])) {
					$collapse[$k] = !($i[3] & 2);
				$forum_list_table_data .= '<tr id="c'.$r[5].'" style="display: table-row;">
	<td class="CatDesc '.(empty($collapse[$cid]) ? 'expanded' : 'collapsed' )  .'" colspan="5" style="padding-left: '.($i[0] ? $i[0] * 20 : '0').'px;">
		<a href="[[relativeurl]]/index.php?t=index&amp;cat='.$k.'&amp;'._rsid.'" class="CatLink">'.$i[1].'</a> '.$i[2].'
	<td class="CatDesc hide1">
	'.(key($cidxc) ? '<a href="javascript://" onclick=\'nextCat("c'.$k.'")\'><img src="[[relativeurl]]/theme/default/images/down.png" alt="" width="16" height="11" border="0" style="vertical-align: top; float: right;" /></a>' : '' )  .'
	'.($cat ? '<a href="javascript://" onclick=\'prevCat("c'.$k.'")\'><img src="[[relativeurl]]/theme/default/images/up.png" border="0" alt="" width="16" height="11" style="vertical-align: top; float: right;" /></a>' : '' )  .'
			} else {
				if ($i[3] & 4) {
				$forum_list_table_data .= '<tr id="c'.$r[5].'" style="display: table-row;">
	<td class="CatDesc CatLockPad" colspan="5" style="padding-left: '.($i[0] ? $i[0] * 20 : '0').'px;">
		<span class="CatLockedName"><a href="[[relativeurl]]/index.php?t=index&amp;cat='.$k.'&amp;'._rsid.'" class="CatLink">'.$i[1].'</a></span> '.$i[2].'
	<td class="CatDesc hide1">
	'.(key($cidxc) ? '<a href="javascript://" onclick=\'nextCat("c'.$k.'")\'><img src="[[relativeurl]]/theme/default/images/down.png" alt="" width="16" height="11" border="0" style="vertical-align: top; float: right;" /></a>' : '' )  .'
	'.($cat ? '<a href="javascript://" onclick=\'prevCat("c'.$k.'")\'><img src="[[relativeurl]]/theme/default/images/up.png" border="0" alt="" width="16" height="11" style="vertical-align: top; float: right;" /></a>' : '' )  .'

		/* Compact category view (ignore when expanded). */
		if ($r[18] & 4 && $cat_id != $cid) {
			$cbuf .= '&nbsp; '.(_uid && $r[15] < $r[2] && $usr->last_read < $r[2] ? '**' : '' )  .'
<a href="'.(empty($r[12]) ? '[[relativeurl]]/index.php?t='.t_thread_view.'&amp;frm_id='.$r[7].'&amp;'._rsid.'' : ''.$r[12].'' )  .'">'.$r[10].'</a>';

		/* Visible forum with no 'read' permission. */
		if (!($r[17] & 2) && !$is_a && !$r[16]) {
			$forum_list_table_data .= '<tr style="display: '.(empty($collapse[$cid]) ? 'table-row' : 'none' )  .'" class="child-c'.$r[5].'">
	<td class="RowStyleA" colspan="6">'.$r[10].($r[11] ? '<br />'.$r[11] : '').'</td>

		/* Code to determine the last post id for 'latest' forum message. */
		if ($r[8] > $last_msg_id) {
			$last_msg_id = $r[8];

		if (!_uid) { /* Anon user. */
			$forum_read_indicator = '<img title="Only registered forum members can track read &amp; unread messages" src="[[relativeurl]]/theme/default/images/existing_content.png" alt="Only registered forum members can track read &amp; unread messages" width="30" height="30" />';
		} else if ($r[15] < $r[2] && $usr->last_read < $r[2]) {
			$forum_read_indicator = '<img title="New messages" src="[[relativeurl]]/theme/default/images/new_content.png" alt="New messages" width="30" height="30" />';
		} else {
			$forum_read_indicator = '<img title="No new messages" src="[[relativeurl]]/theme/default/images/existing_content.png" alt="No new messages" width="30" height="30" />';

		if ($r[9] && ($mods = unserialize($r[9]))) {
			$moderators = '';	// List of forum moderators.
			$modcount = 0;		// Use singular or plural message form.

			foreach($mods as $k => $v) {
				$moderators .= '<a href="[[relativeurl]]/index.php?t=usrinfo&amp;id='.$k.'&amp;'._rsid.'">'.$v.'</a> &nbsp;';
			$moderators = '<div class="TopBy"><b>'.convertPlural($modcount, array('Moderator','Moderators')).':</b> '.$moderators.'</div>';
		} else {
			$moderators = '&nbsp;';

		$forum_list_table_data .= '<tr style="display: '.(empty($collapse[$cid]) ? 'table-row' : 'none' )  .'" class="row child-c'.$r[5].'">
	<td class="RowStyleA wo hide2">'.($r[6] ? '<img src="[[relativeurl]]/images/forum_icons/'.$r[6].'" alt="Forum Icon" />' : '&nbsp;' ) .'</td>
	<td class="RowStyleB ac wo hide2">'.(empty($r[12]) ? ''.$forum_read_indicator.'' : '<img title="Redirection" src="[[relativeurl]]/theme/default/images/moved.png" alt="" />' )  .'</td>
	<td class="RowStyleA wa"><a href="'.(empty($r[12]) ? '[[relativeurl]]/index.php?t='.t_thread_view.'&amp;frm_id='.$r[7].'&amp;'._rsid.'' : ''.$r[12].'' )  .'" class="big">'.$r[10].'</a>'.($r[11] ? '<br />'.$r[11] : '').$moderators.'</td>
	<td class="RowStyleB ac hide1">'.(empty($r[12]) ? ''.$r[13].'' : '--' )  .'</td>
	<td class="RowStyleB ac hide1">'.(empty($r[12]) ? ''.$r[14].'' : '--' )  .'</td>
	<td class="RowStyleA ac nw hide2">'.(empty($r[12]) ? ''.($r[8] ? '<span class="DateText">'.print_date('%a, %d %B %Y', $r[2]).'</span><br />By: '.($r[3] ? '<a href="[[relativeurl]]/index.php?t=usrinfo&amp;id='.$r[3].'&amp;'._rsid.'">'.$r[4].'</a>' : ''.$GLOBALS['ANON_NICK'].'' ) .' <a href="[[relativeurl]]/index.php?t='.d_thread_view.'&amp;goto='.$r[8].'&amp;'._rsid.'#msg_'.$r[8].'"><img title="'.$r[0].'" src="[[relativeurl]]/theme/default/images/goto.gif" alt="'.$r[0].'" width="9" height="9" /></a>' : 'n/a' ) .'' : '--' )  .'</td>

	if ($cbuf) { /* If previous category was using compact view, print forum row. */
		$forum_list_table_data .= '<tr class="row child-c'.$cat.'">
	<td class="RowStyleA wo hide2">&nbsp;</td>
	<td class="RowStyleB ac wo hide2">&nbsp;</td>
	<td  class="RowStyleA wa" colspan="4">Available Forums:'.$cbuf.'</td>



Name Type Size Permission Actions
admincp.inc File 4.2 KB 0644
allowed_user_lnk.inc File 3.62 KB 0644
cookies.inc File 8.13 KB 0644
draw_forum_list.inc File 9.43 KB 0644
draw_forum_path.inc File 1.01 KB 0644
drawmsg.inc File 24.32 KB 0644
drawpmsg.inc File 9.51 KB 0644
err.inc File 4.3 KB 0644
errmsg.inc File 6.18 KB 0644
forumsel.inc File 2.39 KB 0644
get_cur_ppage.inc File 1.04 KB 0644
imsg_edt.inc File 32.45 KB 0644
logedin.inc File 5.92 KB 0644
post_common.inc File 4.77 KB 0644
post_opt.inc File 2.74 KB 0644
private.inc File 7.24 KB 0644
return.inc File 1.13 KB 0644
tabs.inc File 1.63 KB 0644
th_nav.inc File 2.35 KB 0644
thread_view_common.inc File 3.62 KB 0644
usercp.inc File 1.14 KB 0644
users.inc File 21.61 KB 0644