<soft xmlns="http://www.softaculous.com"> <overview> <img src="logo.gif" style="float:right;margin:10px" alt="" />{{overview}} </overview> <features> {{features}} </features> <demo> http://www.softaculous.com/demos/pH7Builder </demo> <ratings> http://www.softaculous.com/softwares/socialnetworking/pH7Builder </ratings> <space> 298148378 </space> <support> https://ph7builder.com/ </support> <version> 18.0.0 </version> <mod>67</mod> <mod_files>1</mod_files> <release_date>13-04-2023</release_date> <admin>admin123/main/login</admin> <softversion> 4.5.4 </softversion> <requirement check="php" type="version" operator="ge" value="8.0.0" /> <requirement check="php" type="extension" name="pdo" /> <requirement check="php" type="extension" name="zip" /> <requirement check="php" type="extension" name="zlib" /> <requirement check="php" type="extension" name="bz2" /> <requirement check="php" type="extension" name="gd" /> <requirement check="php" type="extension" name="curl" /> <requirement check="php" type="extension" name="mbstring" /> <requirement check="php" type="extension" name="gettext" /> <requirement check="php" type="extension" name="dom" /> <requirement check="php" type="extension" name="exif" /> <requirement check="php" type="extension" name="xml" /> <requirement check="php" type="function_exists" name="openssl_public_encrypt" /> <languages> <english-overview> <font size="5" color="#182e7a">pH7Builder </font> (formerly known as pH7CMS) is the first Professional, Free and Open Source Social Dating Site Builder Software. By far, the first choice for creating enterprise-level Dating Apps/Service or social networking sites. <br /><br /> This Social Dating Web App is fully coded in object-oriented PHP (OOP) with the MVC pattern (Model-View-Controller). It is low resource intensive, extremely powerful and highly secure. pH7Builder is included with over 42 native modules and based on its homemade pH7 Framework which includes more than 52 packages. <br /><br /> pH7Builder is released under the <a href="https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT" target="_blank">The MIT License</a>. </english-overview> <english-features><ul> <li>Powerful Anti-Spam System (and detects duplicate contents)</li> <li>Block Access with IP Restriction for the Admin Panel/</li> <li>SEO Friendly (Title, Content, Code, ...), Sitemap module</li> <li>Two-Step Verification Option (2Fake Profile GeneratorFA) for Admins/Users/Affiliates</li> <li>Schema.org markup and microdata, your social dating web app will considerably increase the ranking in search engines results and enable great features such as Google Rich Snippets!</li> <li>Outsmarted Moderation Tools™</li> <li>Support for Multiple Languages, Internationalization and Localization (I18N)</li> <li>People Nearby Technology™</li> <li>Multilingual URLs No matter the language, all URLs are translatable for increasing the SEO of your dating platform</li> <li>Related Profiles feature (for easier matches)</li> <li>Dynamic User's Fields Management</li> <li>In-built affiliate system that encourages brand influencers and ambassadors to promote your dating service</li> <li>In-built Basic Statistics & Analytics Tools</li> <li>Country Restrictions for Member and Affiliate registration forms (and user search forms!)</li> <li>Simple way to create high-quality profiles with the in-built RandomUser.me API</li> <li>International US & European Time and Date formats</li> </ul> </english-features> <english-err_php54>The PHP Version is less than the required 5.4+</english-err_php54> <english-bug_email>Bug reports Email</english-bug_email> <english-noreply_email>No reply Email</english-noreply_email> <english-feedback_email>Email address for the contact form (feedback )</english-feedback_email> <english-err_passlen92>The password length should be less than 92 characters.</english-err_passlen92> <english-password_noupper>The password must contain at least one uppercase.</english-password_noupper> <english-password_nonumber>The password must contain atleast one number.</english-password_nonumber> <english-exp_ad_pass>New password. Leave blank if you do not want to reset the password</english-exp_ad_pass> <english-err_no_username>Please provide the username to reset the password</english-err_no_username> <english-err_no_such_user>The Admin username is incorrect and does not exist!</english-err_no_such_user> </languages> </soft>
Name | Type | Size | Permission | Actions |
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php82 | Folder | 0755 |
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_edit.xml | File | 433 B | 0644 |
clone.php | File | 6.32 KB | 0644 |
config.ini | File | 3.98 KB | 0644 |
extend.php | File | 10.26 KB | 0644 |
fileindex.php | File | 290 B | 0644 |
import.php | File | 3.46 KB | 0644 |
info.xml | File | 4.39 KB | 0644 |
install.js | File | 1.28 KB | 0644 |
install.php | File | 8.84 KB | 0644 |
install.xml | File | 1.9 KB | 0644 |
md5 | File | 4.11 KB | 0644 |
notes.txt | File | 355 B | 0644 |
update_pass.php | File | 599 B | 0644 |