[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
; The URL of your blog.
site.url = "[[softurl]]/"

; Your timezone
timezone = "Asia/Kolkata"

; Date format.
date.format = "d F Y"

; Your language (example "en_US" for English or "de_DE" for German.
; See lang directory for available language)
language = "en_US"

; Blog info
blog.title = "[[site_name]]"
blog.tagline = "Just another HTMLy blog"
blog.description = "Proudly powered by HTMLy, a databaseless blogging platform."
blog.copyright = "(c) Your name."

; Set permalink type. "default" using /year/month/title. "post" using /post/title
permalink.type = "default"

; Make the frontpage static. Options "false" and "true"
static.frontpage = "false"

; Show the /blog url as the blog homepage. Options "false" and "true"
blog.enable = "false"
blog.path = "blog"
blog.string = "Blog"

; Social account
social.bluesky = ""
social.twitter = ""
social.facebook = ""
social.instagram = ""
social.linkedin = ""
social.github = ""
social.youtube = ""
social.mastodon = ""
social.tiktok = ""

; Breadcrumb home text. Useful when installed on subfolder.
breadcrumb.home = "Home"

; Comment system. Choose "facebook", "disqus", or "disable".
comment.system = "disable"

; Facebook comments
fb.appid = ""
fb.num = "5"
fb.color = "light"

; Disqus comments
disqus.shortname = ""

; Google Web Master Tool ID verification
google.wmt.id = ""

; Google analytics
google.analytics.id = ""

; Google gtag analytics
google.gtag.id = ""

; Login protection system  Choose "google", "cloudflare", or "disable".
; https://www.google.com/recaptcha/admin
; https://developers.cloudflare.com/turnstile/

login.protect.system = "disable"
login.protect.public = ""
login.protect.private = ""

; Multi-factor authentication
mfa.state = "false"

; Pagination, RSS, and JSON
posts.perpage = "10"
category.perpage = "10"
tag.perpage = "10"
archive.perpage = "10"
search.perpage = "10"
profile.perpage = "10"
type.perpage = "10"
json.count = "10"

; Category info
category.info = "true"

; Related posts
related.count = "3"

; Recent posts
recent.count = "5"

; Popular posts
popular.count = "5"

; Tagcloud
tagcloud.count = "40"

; Read more link text for "full" teaser type
read.more = "Read more"

; Teaser type: set "trimmed" or "full".
teaser.type = "full"

; In summary mode, whether check the shortcode first or not before trim the content to x char
; Options: "default" and "check"
teaser.behave = "default"

; Teaser character count
teaser.char = "200"

; Description character count
description.char = "150"

; rss description type. body or meta
rss.description = "body"

; RSS feed count
rss.count = "10"

; RSS feed description length. If left empty we will use full page.
rss.char = "200"

; Enable views Counter, the options is "true" and "false". 
; If set to "true", you can see the Counts in Admin page and popular posts.
views.counter = "false"

; Sitemap priorities between "0.0" and "1.0". 
; Set "-1" (minus one) to disable a sitemap for the given type. (See /sitemap.xml)
sitemap.priority.base = "1.0"
sitemap.priority.post = "0.5"
sitemap.priority.static = "0.5"
sitemap.priority.category = "0.5"
sitemap.priority.tag = "0.5"
sitemap.priority.archiveMonth = "0.5"
sitemap.priority.archiveYear = "0.5"
sitemap.priority.author = "0.5"
sitemap.priority.type = "0.5"

; Also install pre-release
prerelease = "false"

; Cache expiration in hour. Eg. "6", "12". Default 6 hours.
cache.expiration = "6"

; Switch on and off the file cache for development purposes. Options "false" and "true"
cache.off = "false"

; Switch on and off the page generation time. Options "false" and "true"
generation.time = "false"

; Switch on and off the cache timestamp. Options "false" and "true"
cache.timestamp = "false"

; The site.url depends on where you are visiting from. Same installation 
multi.site = "false"

; TOC label
toc.label = "Table of Contents"

; TOC inital state. Option "close and "open"
toc.state = "close"

; Load the default style or not. Option "default" and "theme"
toc.style = "default"

; Automatically add TOC, but first it check if the shortcode available or not
; Option "true" and "false"
toc.automatic = "false"

; Automatically insert the TOC after x paragraph
toc.position = "1"

; Title formats
home.title.format = "%blog_title% - %blog_tagline%"
post.title.format = "%post_title% - %blog_title%"
page.title.format = "%page_title% - %blog_title%"
category.title.format = "%category_title% - %blog_title%"
tag.title.format = "%tag_title% - %blog_title%"
archive.title.format = "%archive_title% - %blog_title%"
search.title.format = "%search_title% - %blog_title%"
type.title.format = "%type_title% - %blog_title%"
profile.title.format = "%author_name% - %blog_title%"
blog.title.format = "Blog - %blog_title%"
default.title.format = "%page_title% - %blog_title%"

; Default image for Open Graph
default.image = ""

; Favicon image
favicon.image = ""

; Autosave
autosave.enable = "true"

; Show HTMLy version
show.version = "true"

; Set the theme here
views.root = "themes/tailwind"

; Framework config. No need to edit.
views.layout = "layout"

; Admin theme mode: light or dark
admin.theme = "light"


Name Type Size Permission Actions
images Folder 0755
php53 Folder 0755
php56 Folder 0755
php71 Folder 0755
php81 Folder 0755
php82 Folder 0755
clone.php File 4.45 KB 0644
config.ini File 4.99 KB 0644
edit.php File 3.57 KB 0644
edit.xml File 433 B 0644
extend.php File 10.17 KB 0644
fileindex.php File 232 B 0644
import.php File 2.42 KB 0644
info.xml File 3.23 KB 0644
install.js File 924 B 0644
install.php File 4.37 KB 0644
install.xml File 715 B 0644
md5 File 6.42 KB 0644
notes.txt File 403 B 0644
update_pass.php File 541 B 0644
username.ini File 315 B 0644