[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
<soft xmlns="http://www.softaculous.com">
		<img src="logo.gif" style="float:right;margin:10px;" alt="" />{{overview}}
	<requirement check="php" type="version" operator="ge" value="7.3.0" />
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	<requirement check="php" type="extension" name="hash" />
	<requirement check="php" type="extension" name="fileinfo" />
	<requirement check="php" type="extension" name="tokenizer" />
	<requirement check="php" type="extension" name="soap" />
	<requirement check="php" type="extension" name="exif" />
		<font size="5" color="#182e7a">Moodle LMS</font> is the world's most trusted open-source learning management system (LMS). It delivers a powerful set of learner-centric tools to build a collaborative learning environment that empowers both teaching and learning.
		<br /><br />
		Moodle is released under the <a href="http://docs.moodle.org/en/License" target="_blank">GNU General Public License</a>.
			<li>Whether you want to support deep collaborative learning through group activities like wikis or forums; foster peer review in workshops; run your learners through a checklist for compliance; or provide a full-scale MOOC for thousands of learners - Moodle can support your online education style. <br /></li>
			<li>Moodle LMS is true, full-featured open source ensures you own your site and your content on your own terms.
		<english-exp_ad_pass>New password. Leave blank if you do not want to reset the password</english-exp_ad_pass>
		<english-err_no_username>Please provide the username to reset the password</english-err_no_username>
		<english-err_no_such_user>The Admin username is incorrect and does not exist!</english-err_no_such_user>
		<english-no_pass_encrypt>Could not encrypt admin password because the domain is not pointing to the correct server</english-no_pass_encrypt>
		<english-support_email>Support Email</english-support_email>


Name Type Size Permission Actions
images Folder 0755
languages Folder 0755
php53 Folder 0755
php56 Folder 0755
php71 Folder 0755
php81 Folder 0755
php82 Folder 0755
NOTES.txt File 2.25 KB 0644
add_admin.php File 733 B 0644
check_utf8.php File 6.99 KB 0644
clone.php File 5.49 KB 0644
config.php File 745 B 0644
edit.php File 4.62 KB 0644
edit.xml File 433 B 0644
extend.php File 12.47 KB 0644
fileindex.php File 959 B 0644
get_plugin_list.php File 766 B 0644
import.php File 6.41 KB 0644
info.xml File 3.57 KB 0644
install.js File 924 B 0644
install.php File 11.21 KB 0644
install.xml File 3.16 KB 0644
md5 File 3.66 KB 0644
privatekey.php File 975 B 0644
update_pass.php File 541 B 0644
upgrade.php File 9.44 KB 0644
upgrade.xml File 307 B 0644