[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
<soft xmlns="http://www.softaculous.com">
		<img src="logo.gif" style="float:right;" alt="" />{{overview}}
		<font size="5" color="#182e7a">Composr</font> is a very flexible CMS with advanced social, interactive and dynamic functionality.
<br /><br />
		Hundreds of features are available out of the box, as well as building blocks, and further addons.
		<br /><br />
		Composr is license under <a href="https://compo.sr/licence.htm" target="_blank">CPAL License</a>
		<font size="2" color="#E49432"><b>Banners</b></font>
			<li>Multiple campaigns : Each one can specify it's own width-by-height (e.g. skyscraper).</li>
			<li>Smart banners : Integrate text-banners into your content via keyword detection.</li>
			<li>Broad media compatibility : Image banners, flash banners, external banner rotations, and text banners.</li>
		<font size="2" color="#E49432"><b>Search engine</b></font>
			<li>Choose what is searchable</li>
			<li>Boolean and full-text modes</li>
			<li>Keyword highlighting in results</li>
			<li>Search boxes to integrate into your website</li>
		<font size="2" color="#E49432"><b>Featured content </b></font>
			<li>Random quotes : Put random quotes (e.g. testimonials) into your design.</li>
			<li>Showcase popular content : Automatically feature links to your most popular downloads and galleries.</li>
			<li>Tags : Set tags for content and display tag clouds.</li>
		<english-exp_ad_pass>New password. Leave blank if you do not want to reset the password</english-exp_ad_pass>
		<english-err_no_username>Please provide the username to reset the password</english-err_no_username>
		<english-err_no_such_user>The Admin username is incorrect and does not exist!</english-err_no_such_user>
		<english-err_pass_ocportal>Password should be at least 8 characters with a combination of lower case, upper case, digits, and punctuation symbols.</english-err_pass_ocportal>


Name Type Size Permission Actions
images Folder 0755
php53 Folder 0755
php56 Folder 0755
php71 Folder 0755
php81 Folder 0755
php82 Folder 0755
_config.php File 1.51 KB 0644
clone.php File 16.06 KB 0644
edit.php File 4.52 KB 0644
edit.xml File 433 B 0644
fileindex.php File 503 B 0644
import.php File 3.99 KB 0644
info.xml File 2.43 KB 0644
install.js File 921 B 0644
install.php File 13.84 KB 0644
install.xml File 974 B 0644
md5 File 2.76 KB 0644
notes.txt File 335 B 0644
upgrade.php File 7.16 KB 0644
upgrade.xml File 359 B 0644