<soft xmlns="http://www.softaculous.com"> <overview> <img src="logo.gif" style="float:right;margin:10px;" alt="" />{{overview}} </overview> <features> {{features}} </features> <demo> http://www.softaculous.com/demos/Open_Conference_Systems </demo> <ratings> http://www.softaculous.com/softwares/others/Open_Conference_Systems </ratings> <space> 23146825 </space> <support> http://pkp.sfu.ca/ocs </support> <version> </version> <mod>2</mod> <mod_files>3</mod_files> <release_date>28-05-2014</release_date> <admin>index.php/index/index/login</admin> <softversion> 4.5.4 </softversion> <languages> <english-overview> <font size="5" color="#182e7a">Open Conference Systems (OCS)</font> is a free Web publishing tool that will create a complete Web presence for your scholarly conference. <br /><br />Open Conference Systems (OCS) is an open source solution to managing and publishing scholarly conferences online. OCS is a highly flexible management and publishing system that can be downloaded for free and installed on a local Web server. <br /><br />It has been designed to reduce the time and energy devoted to the clerical and managerial tasks associated with managing a conference, while improving the record-keeping and efficiency of editorial processes. <br /><br />It seeks to improve the scholarly and public quality of conference publishing through a number of innovations, from making policies more transparent to improving indexing. <br /><br /> Open Conference Systems (OCS) is released under the <a href="http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html" target="_blank">GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE</a>. </english-overview> <english-features> <font size="3" color="#182e7a">OCS will allow you to:</font> <ul> <li>create a conference Web site </li> <li>compose and send a call for papers</li> <li>electronically accept paper and abstract submissions</li> <li>allow paper submitters to edit their work</li> <li>post conference proceedings and papers in a searchable format</li> <li>post, if you wish, the original data sets</li> <li>register participants</li> <li>integrate post-conference online discussions</li> </ul> </english-features> <english-exp_ad_pass>New password. Leave blank if you do not want to reset the password</english-exp_ad_pass> <english-err_no_username>Please provide the username to reset the password</english-err_no_username> <english-err_no_such_user>The Admin username is incorrect and does not exist!</english-err_no_such_user> </languages> </soft>
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