[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
; Site Configuration File ;
; Lower-level settings for Omeka are defined here.
; The default settings should be correct for most Omeka users, but some
; setups may require some changes. People who are developing for or
; debugging Omeka may also change some of these settings.


; Localization ;

; locale.name
; The locale identifier used for translating and displaying Omeka.
; default: none
; The locale controls what language Omeka will be displayed in, and
; also how dates and other locale-sensitive data will be displayed.
; The locale identifier should be a valid ISO 639 language code,
; and optionally a valid ISO 3166-1 locale code.
; (Examples: "es" for Spanish, "en_US" for US English.)
; To enable translations, the identifier must also have a
; corresponding .mo file in the application/languages directory.

locale.name = "[[language]]"

; Debugging ;

; debug.exceptions
; Throw exceptions for bad URLs.
; default: false
; This should only be enabled when debugging or developing for Omeka.
debug.exceptions = false

; debug.request
; Dump data about each web request to the browser.
; default: false
; The request data shows what routes and variables Omeka has parsed from
; each request.
debug.request = false

; debug.profileDb
; Enable the query profiler.
; default: false
; This will show metadata about the queries that were executed during
; each request.
debug.profileDb = false

; debug.email
; Send all log messages to an email address.
; default: ""
; Anything that would be logged will also be emailed to this address.
; If left blank, this feature is disabled.
debug.email = ""

; debug.emailLogPriority
; Apply a priority filter to emailed log messages.
; default: Zend_Log::ERR
; If an address has been set for debug.email, this setting filters the
; messages to only those of the given priority or higher.
debug.emailLogPriority = Zend_Log::ERR

; Logging ;

; log.errors
; Log errors and other information.
; default: false
; Errors, exceptions, and other messages will be logged to
; application/logs/errors.log (this file must be writable by the web
; server if logging is enabled).
log.errors = false

; log.priority
; The minimum priority level of messages that should be logged.
; When developing/debugging, use Zend_Log::DEBUG for debug() to work. This will record everything.
; default: Zend_Log::WARN (Logs warnings and above)
log.priority = Zend_Log::WARN

; log.sql
; Log SQL statements.
; default: false
; All SQL statements executed by Omeka will be included in Omeka's
; error log.
log.sql = false

; Sessions ;
; Omeka uses Zend Framework's session handling. A full list of
; available session configuration options can be found here:
; https://framework.zend.com/manual/1.12/en/zend.session.global_session_management.html
; Some options that are often useful for Omeka sites are included here.

; session.name
; Sets the name used for the Omeka session cookie.
; default: ""
; If left blank, Omeka will automatically select a unique session name.
session.name = ""

; session.saveHandler
; Determines how session data will be saved.
; default: no setting (uses the database for saving session data)
; Sessions are now stored in the database by default. To revert to the
; older method of storing session data in the filesystem, uncomment the
; following line.
; session.saveHandler = ""

; Theme ;

; theme.useInternalAssets
; Whether Omeka should use locally-stored asset files.
; default: false
; Omeka includes some asset files from external sources, such as Google by
; default. Set this to true if the Omeka installation does not have
; web access, and Omeka will instead serve local copies of these files.
theme.useInternalAssets = false

; Background Scripts ;

; background.php.path
; Path to PHP-CLI for running background processes.
; default: ""
; If left blank, Omeka will try to autodetect the right path. Set this
; to override the autodetected PHP path.
background.php.path = ""

; jobs.dispatcher
; How Omeka "jobs" will be executed.
; default: "Omeka_Job_Dispatcher_Adapter_Synchronous"
; Newer Omeka features and plugins use this setting to determine how
; long-running jobs will be run.
; The default setting should work for all installations, but may
; time out for longer jobs. On systems where the older PHP background
; processes worked, the BackgroundProcess adapter can be used instead
; of the Synchronous one.
jobs.dispatcher.default = "Omeka_Job_Dispatcher_Adapter_Synchronous"
jobs.dispatcher.longRunning = "Omeka_Job_Dispatcher_Adapter_BackgroundProcess"

; Mail ;
; For more info, see Zend Framework documentation on Zend_Mail:
; http://framework.zend.com/manual/en/zend.mail.html

; mail.transport.type
; The system Omeka will use to send email messages.
; default: "Sendmail"
; The default is to send mail using PHP's built-in mail() function.
mail.transport.type = "Sendmail"

; Uncomment some of the following lines (and comment the above line)
; to switch to SMTP for sending mail through Omeka. Your configuration
; may not require all of the options listed.
; mail.transport.type = "Smtp"
; mail.transport.host = ""
; mail.transport.port = ###     ; Port number, if applicable.
; mail.transport.name = ""      ; Local client hostname, e.g. "localhost"
; mail.transport.auth = "login" ; For authentication, if required.
; mail.transport.username = ""
; mail.transport.password = ""
; mail.transport.ssl = ""       ; For SSL support, set to "ssl" or "tls"

; mail.force_from
; Force all outgoing emails to have the configured From address
; mail.force_from = ""

; mail.force_from_name
; If mail.force_from is set, use the configured friendly name in From
; mail.force_from_name = ""

; Storage ;

; Sample S3 cloud storage configuration
; The accessKeyId, secretAccessKey, and bucket options are all required.
; If the expiration option is set, files will be uploaded with "private"
; access, and Omeka will generate URLs that are only valid for a limited
; time.  If the expiration option is missing or left commented out,
; uploaded files will always be publicly readable. Leave the forceSSL  
; option commented out unless site is served over HTTPS-only *and* the 
; the web browser is issuing mixed-content warnings.
; storage.adapter = "Omeka_Storage_Adapter_ZendS3"
; storage.adapterOptions.accessKeyId =
; storage.adapterOptions.secretAccessKey =
; storage.adapterOptions.bucket =
; storage.adapterOptions.expiration = 10 ; URL expiration time (in minutes)
; storage.adapterOptions.endpoint = ; Custom S3 endpoint (optional)
; storage.adapterOptions.forceSSL = 1 ; Boolean value (optional)

; Security ;

; ssl
; Secure Socket Layer support for Omeka.
; default: none
; Ensure that your server is properly configured before enabling this
; setting. Choose one of the following:
; "logins"
;   Force SSL for login forms and login form submissions.
; "sessions"
;   Force SSL for all authenticated users to protect sessions. Includes
;   login forms.
; "always"
;   Force SSL on across the entire site.
; ssl = "always"

; sslTrustProxy
; Whether the "ssl" setting should respect X-Forwarded-Proto headers.
; default: false
; This only has an effect if the "ssl" setting is enabled.
; Setting to true will cause Omeka to treat requests with the X-Fowarded-Proto
; header set to "https" as secure (meaning they won't be redirected).
; sslTrustProxy = true

; Upload ;

; upload.maxFileSize
; Set the maximum file upload size.
; default: 10M
; Uncomment the following line to set the maximum file upload size. This 
; configuration will not exceed the maximum beyond what is set in the 
; 'post_max_size' or 'upload_max_filesize' core php.ini directives.
;upload.maxFileSize = "10M"

; Derivative Images ;

; fileDerivatives.strategy
; Controls what method Omeka uses to create derivative images.
; default: Omeka_File_Derivative_Strategy_ExternalImageMagick
; The built-in strategies are ExternalImageMagick (the old default), Imagick
; (requires PECL ext/imagick), and GD (generally installed by default with PHP,
; but handles fewer formats). Others can be added by plugins.
;fileDerivatives.strategy = "Omeka_File_Derivative_Strategy_ExternalImageMagick"

; fileDerivatives.strategyOptions
; Specific settings for the configured derivative strategy.
; Subkeys to this entry specify each option.
; fileDerivatives.strategyOptions.page = "0"
; fileDerivatives.strategyOptions.gravity = "center"
; fileDerivatives.strategyOptions.autoOrient = true

; fileDerivatives.typeWhitelist[]
; If set, Omeka will only attempt to create derivatives for files with the
; given MIME types.
; This entry can be specified multiple times, once for each type in the list.
;fileDerivatives.typeWhitelist[] = "image/jpeg"

; fileDerivatives.typeBlacklist[]
; If set, Omeka will not attempt to create derivatives for files with the
; given MIME types.
; Both this blacklist and the whitelist can be set at the same time, but the
; whitelist will control.
; This entry can be specified multiple times, once for each type in the list.
;fileDerivatives.typeBlacklist[] = "image/jpeg"

; Updates ;
; versionNotifications
; Whether Omeka should prompt admin users about updates to plugins and themes
; default: true
; versionNotifications = false


Name Type Size Permission Actions
images Folder 0755
php53 Folder 0755
php56 Folder 0755
php71 Folder 0755
php81 Folder 0755
php82 Folder 0755
changelog.txt File 6.2 KB 0644
clone.php File 5.12 KB 0644
config.ini File 9.48 KB 0644
db.ini File 562 B 0644
edit.php File 4.44 KB 0644
edit.xml File 433 B 0644
fileindex.php File 130 B 0644
import.php File 3.28 KB 0644
info.xml File 1.82 KB 0644
install.js File 921 B 0644
install.php File 5.04 KB 0644
install.xml File 3.74 KB 0644
md5 File 5.74 KB 0644
notes.txt File 396 B 0644
upgrade.php File 5.07 KB 0644
upgrade.xml File 377 B 0644