[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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* Website's main configuration data language independent
* More: https://opensolution.org/docs/?p=en-settings
unset( $config, $lang, $aData );

* If a website is under development, leave the DEVELOPER_MODE option enabled
* More: https://opensolution.org/docs/?p=en-settings#DEVELOPER_MODE
define( 'DEVELOPER_MODE', true ); // comment this line once a website is publishing
if( defined( 'DEVELOPER_MODE' ) ){
  error_reporting( E_ALL | E_STRICT );

* Email as login and password used to log in to the administration panel
* Ensure their security. Don't use passwords such as "admin", "1234", "qwerty" etc.
* More: https://opensolution.org/docs/?p=en-settings#login_email
$config['login_email'] = "[[admin_email]]";
$config['login_pass'] = "[[admin_pass]]";

* Setting IP address from which loging in to administration is possible
* More: https://opensolution.org/docs/?p=en-settings#allowed_ip_admin_panel
$config['allowed_ip_admin_panel'] = null; // default value: null

* Variable stores skin directory name
* More: https://opensolution.org/docs/?p=en-settings#skin
$config['skin'] = 'default'; // default value: 'default'

* Thumbnail sizes and image localizations. When adding a new localization, assign it a number not less than 50
* More: https://opensolution.org/docs/?p=en-settings#images_thumbnails
$config['images_thumbnails'] = Array( 100, 200, 300 ); // default value: Array( 100, 200, 300 )
$config['images_locations'] = Array( 1 => 'Left side', 2 => 'Right side', 3 => 'Gallery', 0 => 'No display' ); // default value: Array( 1 => 'Left side', 2 => 'Right side', 3 => 'Gallery', 0 => 'No display' )

* Menu types presented in a form of an array. Key 0 in the variable is reserved for hidden menu!
* More: https://opensolution.org/docs/?p=en-settings#pages_menus
$config['pages_menus'] = Array( 1 => 'Top menu', 0 => 'Hidden' ); // default value: Array( 1 => 'Top menu', 0 => 'Hidden' )

* Theme settings you can choose from when editing a page
* More: https://opensolution.org/docs/?p=en-settings#themes
$config['themes'] = Array(
  1 => 'page.php', // default value: 1 => 'page.php'

* The variable stores default language version. The website will be displayed in this language version until a client changes to another translation
* More: https://opensolution.org/docs/?p=en-settings#default_language
$config['default_language'] = 'en'; // default value: 'en'

* Translation of field descriptions and messages in the administration panel
$config['admin_lang'] = 'en'; // default value: 'en'

* Administration file name
* More: https://opensolution.org/docs/?p=en-settings#admin_file
$config['admin_file'] = 'admin.php'; // default value: 'admin.php'

* Option to disable a WYSIWYG editor (default editor: tinyMCE)
* More: https://opensolution.org/docs/?p=en-settings#wysiwyg
$config['wysiwyg'] = 'tinymce'; // possible values: 'tinymce' (default), null

* The variable responsible for disabling link to the currently viewed page in the navigation path
* More: https://opensolution.org/docs/?p=en-settings#page_link_in_navigation_path
$config['page_link_in_navigation_path'] = true; // possible values: true (default), null

* If set to true, main page name will be displayed in TITLE
* More: https://opensolution.org/docs/?p=en-settings#display_homepage_name_title
$config['display_homepage_name_title'] = null; // possible values: true, null (default)

* The option to remove unused files when a page is deleted
* More: https://opensolution.org/docs/?p=en-settings#delete_unused_files
$config['delete_unused_files'] = true; // possible values: true (default), null

* Possibility to display short page description in place of full description, if the page doesn't have a full description
* More: https://opensolution.org/docs/?p=en-settings#short_to_full_description
$config['short_to_full_description'] = true; // possible values: true (default), null

* "Drag and drop" zone for adding files to the page
* More: https://opensolution.org/docs/?p=en-settings#enable_files_uploader_dropzone
$config['enable_files_uploader_dropzone'] = true; // possible values: true (default), null

* Store allowed extensions of images and other files
* More: https://opensolution.org/docs/?p=en-settings#allowed_not_image_extensions
// Extensions of files - not images
$config['allowed_not_image_extensions'] = 'pdf|swf|doc|txt|xls|ppt|rtf|odt|ods|odp|rar|zip|7z|bz2|tar|gz|tgz|arj|docx'; // default value: 'pdf|swf|doc|txt|xls|ppt|rtf|odt|ods|odp|rar|zip|7z|bz2|tar|gz|tgz|arj|docx'
// Extensions of images
$config['allowed_image_extensions'] = 'jpg|jpeg|gif|png|webp'; // default value: 'jpg|jpeg|gif|png|webp'

* Size and quality of uploaded files settings
* More: https://opensolution.org/docs/?p=en-settings#max_image_size
// Maximum size of the long side of an image for which a thumbnail will be generated
$config['max_image_size'] = 4000; // default value: 4000
// Maximum size of the long side of an image. When the value below is exceeded, the image will be resized to the value defined below.
$config['max_dimension_of_image'] = 1100; // default value: 1100
// Quality of the image being saved and resized
$config['image_quality'] = 80; // default value: 80

* Changing file name to match the name of the page to which it is added
* More: https://opensolution.org/docs/?p=en-settings#change_files_names
$config['change_files_names'] = null; // possible values: true, null (default)

// Default slider setting, find more possible options in the manual: https://opensolution.org/docs/?p=en-design#libraries
$config['default_slider_config'] = 'sAnimation:"fade",iPause:4000'; // default value: 'sAnimation:"fade",iPause:4000'

* Srcset sizes informing the browser about the image which is to load for lower resolutions.
* Appropriate additional slider thumbnails will be created according to the sizes set in this variable
$config['slider_srcset'] = Array( 667, 1024 ); // default value: Array( 667, 1024 )

* Default settings to some of the options
* More: https://opensolution.org/docs/?p=en-settings#default_pages_menu
// Default page type. Option of the $config['pages_menus']
$config['default_pages_menu'] = 1; // default value: 1

// Default page status. If its value is 'true', the page will be visible
$config['default_pages_status'] = true; // possible values: true (default), null

// Default parent page. Enter the id of a parent page, or leave it empty if you don't want to set a default parent page
$config['default_page_parent'] = ''; // possible values: 'Page ID', '' (default)

// Default localization of a page image. Option of the $config['images_locations'] variable
$config['default_image_location'] = 3; // default value: 1

// Default size of a page image thumbnail. Option of the $config['images_thumbnails'] variable
$config['default_image_size'] = 300; // default value: 300

// Default theme. Option of the $config['themes'] variable
$config['default_theme'] = 1; // default value: 1

* Date format
* More: https://opensolution.org/docs/?p=en-settings#date_format_admin_default
// Date presentation in the administration panel
$config['date_format_admin_default'] = 'Y-m-d H:i'; // default value: 'Y-m-d H:i'

* Add time difference (in minutes) between local time and server time
* More: https://opensolution.org/docs/?p=en-settings#time_diff
$config['time_diff'] = 0; // default value: 0

* If you want the page name URL address to include a language abbreviation, also add a separator, for example _
* Once you modify this variable, edit any page in administration and save it (you don't have to change anything),
* the page address will be updated and will include language abbreviation and the separator.
* More: https://opensolution.org/docs/?p=en-settings#language_separator
$config['language_separator'] = null; // default value: null

* Settings of advanced select field with a search box
* More: https://opensolution.org/docs/?p=en-settings#advanced_select_default_width
// Default field width
$config['advanced_select_default_width'] = '300px'; // default value: '300px'
// Width of the larger field - with the adv-select-long class
$config['advanced_select_long_width'] = '520px'; // default value: '520px'
// Width of the largest field - with the adv-select-very-long
$config['advanced_select_very_long_width'] = '650px'; // default value: '650px'
// Number of items in the select field, above which a search box appears
$config['enable_searching_in_advanced_select_from'] = 20; // default value: 20

* Database directory. You can change its name, to do that make sure to read the manual
* More: https://opensolution.org/docs/?p=en-settings#dir_database
$config['dir_database'] = 'database/'; // default value: 'database/'
$config['database'] = $config['dir_database'].'database.db'; // default value: $config['dir_database'].'database.db'

* List of extensions and classes (CSS styles) assigned to them
* More: https://opensolution.org/docs/?p=en-settings#ext_icons
$config['ext_icons'] = Array( 'rar'=>'zip', 'zip'=>'zip', 'bz2'=>'zip', 'gz'=>'zip', 'fla'=>'fla', 'mp3'=>'media', 'mpeg'=>'media', 'mpe'=>'media', 'mov'=>'media', 'mid'=>'media', 'midi'=>'media', 'asf'=>'media', 'avi'=>'media', 'wav'=>'media', 'wma'=>'media', 'msg'=>'eml', 'eml'=>'eml', 'pdf'=>'pdf', 'jpg'=>'pic', 'jpeg'=>'pic', 'jpe'=>'pic', 'gif'=>'pic', 'bmp'=>'pic', 'tif'=>'pic', 'tiff'=>'pic', 'wmf'=>'pic', 'png'=>'png', 'chm'=>'chm', 'hlp'=>'chm', 'psd'=>'psd', 'swf'=>'swf', 'pps'=>'pps', 'ppt'=>'pps', 'sys'=>'sys', 'dll'=>'sys', 'txt'=>'txt', 'doc'=>'txt', 'rtf'=>'txt', 'vcf'=>'vcf', 'xls'=>'xls', 'xml'=>'xml', 'tpl'=>'web', 'html'=>'web', 'htm'=>'web', 'com'=>'exe', 'bat'=>'exe', 'exe'=>'exe' );

* Note!
* Variables and code below is directed to advanced users only, we do not recommend to modify it
$config['language_cookie_name'] = defined( 'CUSTOMER_PAGE' ) ? 'sLanguage' : 'sLanguageBackEnd';

if( isset( $_GET['sLanguage'] ) && strlen( $_GET['sLanguage'] ) == 2 && is_file( $config['dir_database'].'config_'.$_GET['sLanguage'].'.php' ) ){
  setCookie( $config['language_cookie_name'], $_GET['sLanguage'], time( ) + 86400 );
  $config['language'] = $_GET['sLanguage'];
  $config['current_page_id'] = true;
  if( !empty( $_COOKIE[$config['language_cookie_name']] ) && is_file( $config['dir_database'].'config_'.$_COOKIE[$config['language_cookie_name']].'.php' ) && strlen( $_COOKIE[$config['language_cookie_name']] ) == 2 )
    $config['language'] = $_COOKIE[$config['language_cookie_name']];
    $config['language'] = $config['default_language'];

if( !isset( $_GET['p'] ) && !isset( $config['current_page_id'] ) && defined( 'CUSTOMER_PAGE' ) ){
  $config['current_page_id'] = getPageId( );
  if( is_numeric( $config['current_page_id'] ) && isset( $_COOKIE[$config['language_cookie_name']] ) && $config['language'] != $_COOKIE[$config['language_cookie_name']] ){
    setCookie( $config['language_cookie_name'], $config['language'], time( ) + 86400 );

require $config['dir_database'].'config_'.$config['language'].'.php';
require defined( 'CUSTOMER_PAGE' ) ? $config['dir_database'].'lang_'.$config['language'].'.php' : ( is_file( $config['dir_database'].'lang_'.$config['admin_lang'].'.php' ) ? $config['dir_database'].'lang_'.$config['admin_lang'].'.php' : $config['dir_database'].'lang_'.$config['language'].'.php' );

if( isset( $config['current_page_id'] ) && $config['current_page_id'] === true ){
  $config['current_page_id'] = $config['start_page'];

$config['version'] = '6.7';
$config['manual_link'] = 'https://opensolution.org/docs/?v='.$config['version'].'&amp;p='.( ( $config['admin_lang'] == 'pl' ) ? 'pl' : 'en' ).'-';

* Verifies server settings and script's configuration
if( defined( 'DEVELOPER_MODE' ) ){
  $sValue = (float) phpversion( );
  if( $sValue < '7.2' )
    exit( '<h1>Required PHP version is <u>7.2.0</u>, your version is '.phpversion( ).'</h1>' );
  elseif( !extension_loaded( 'pdo_sqlite' ) )
    exit( '<h1>Required <u>PDO</u> library with <u>pdo_sqlite</u> extension is not available</h1>' );
  elseif( !is_file( $config['database'] ) )
    exit( '<h1>Required file <u>'.$config['database'].'</u> is not available</h1>' );
  elseif( defined( 'ADMIN_PAGE' ) && ini_get( 'allow_url_fopen' ) != 1 ){
    exit( '<h1>Turn ON <u>allow_url_fopen</u> in PHP configuration (php.ini)</h1>' );
elseif( isset( $_GET['error'] ) && $_GET['error'] == md5( $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'].$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] ) ){
  exit( '<h1>This page is temporary unavailable</h1>' );

* Returns page id from the $_GET
* @return array
function getPageId( ){
  global $config;
  if( !is_file( $config['dir_database'].'cache/links' ) )
    exit( '<h1>'.( defined( 'DEVELOPER_MODE' ) ? 'There is no required file: '.$config['dir_database'].'cache/links' : 'This page is temporary unavailable' ).'</h1>' );

  $config['pages_links'] = unserialize( file_get_contents( $config['dir_database'].'cache/links' ) );
  if( isset( $_GET ) && is_array( $_GET ) ){
    foreach( $_GET as $mKey => $mValue ){
      if( isset( $config['pages_links']['?'.$mKey] ) ){
        $config['language'] = $config['pages_links']['?'.$mKey][1];
        return $config['pages_links']['?'.$mKey][0];
        return ( !empty( $mValue ) ? true : false );
    return true;
} // end function getPageId


Name Type Size Permission Actions
images Folder 0755
php53 Folder 0755
php56 Folder 0755
php71 Folder 0755
php81 Folder 0755
php82 Folder 0755
clone.php File 2.3 KB 0644
config.php File 13.17 KB 0644
config_en.php File 1.63 KB 0644
edit.php File 3.59 KB 0644
edit.xml File 447 B 0644
fileindex.php File 88 B 0644
import.php File 2.52 KB 0644
info.xml File 2.05 KB 0644
install.js File 921 B 0644
install.php File 3.76 KB 0644
install.xml File 719 B 0644
md5 File 8.49 KB 0644
notes.txt File 68 B 0644