[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
1. We use __config.php to reset the theme to the previous one if the version is less than 3.0
2. PHP REQUIREMENT LINK: https://docs.silverstripe.org/en/5/getting_started/server_requirements/ and /vendor/composer/platform_check.php
3. We have disabled upgrade in 4.0.0 because it requires migration with composer. https://docs.silverstripe.org/en/4/upgrading/#manual
Try to add from next version.
4. Download package through composer because vendor sometimes give large package through their website downloads.

curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php

php composer.phar create-project silverstripe/installer {{path to stripe}} {{version}}
5. Keep SS_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE="live" before running the installation command
6. Install with following command as "soft" user from CLI because script has removed it's UI installation since 4.5.0 version.
vendor/bin/sake dev/build
7. Add SS_DEFAULT_ADMIN_USERNAME and SS_DEFAULT_ADMIN_PASSWORD while installing manually to define username and password.
8. We have disabled install on windows because symlink issue since 4.4.1
9. We have kept version 4.5.2 in info.xml, because version released was 4.5.2 but however inside admin panel it shows 4.5.1, because they have changed their versioning scheme and its mentioned in the link below. They have different module versions for framework , recipe and cms and in admin panel the version indicator used is of cms which has 4.5.1 version. 
Also we have used 'silverstripe/recipe-cms' version i.e 4.5.2 in composer.lock to import version as 4.5.2, instead of 'silverstripe/cms' which holds version 4.5.1.
(Version 4.5.2)
10. If you face error on accessing silver stripe admin panel in manual installation, try deleting server's /tmp/silver**** directory multiple times.
11. Take SQL dump after point no 6, command is fully executed. [Not required now]
12. admin files in .graphql-generated and /public/_graphql are geenerated post uploading files, hence not moved in our package.


Name Type Size Permission Actions
images Folder 0755
php53 Folder 0755
php56 Folder 0755
php71 Folder 0755
php81 Folder 0755
php82 Folder 0755
.env File 545 B 0644
_.htaccess File 1.2 KB 0644
__config.php File 622 B 0644
_edit.php File 4.96 KB 0644
_edit.xml File 447 B 0644
_upgrade.php File 3.09 KB 0644
_upgrade.xml File 383 B 0644
clone.php File 9.47 KB 0644
error-404.html File 3.68 KB 0644
error-500.html File 3.58 KB 0644
extend.php File 7.09 KB 0644
fileindex.php File 160 B 0644
import.php File 3.95 KB 0644
info.xml File 3.39 KB 0644
install.js File 921 B 0644
install.php File 10.26 KB 0644
install.xml File 3.16 KB 0644
md5 File 1.72 KB 0644
notes.txt File 1.99 KB 0644
update_pass.php File 2.23 KB 0644