[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
1. We download the upgrade package and add it to upgrade.zip as it is required to carry on upgrade.
2. Change the $allowed_ver in upgrade.php every time there is an update becuase the script can be updated only from successive versions i.e. 2.3.1 to 2.3.2
3. We have disabled Upgrade because upgrade is done automatically from admin panel.
4. PHP REQUIREMENT LINK : https://subrion.org/download/
5. Please keep triggers in the  sql file at the end (we have kept trigger 'del_hybridauth_data' at the end (since version 4.2.0)


Name Type Size Permission Actions
images Folder 0755
php53 Folder 0755
php56 Folder 0755
php71 Folder 0755
php81 Folder 0755
php82 Folder 0755
_upgrade.php File 3.09 KB 0644
_upgrade.xml File 248 B 0644
changelog.txt File 5.13 KB 0644
clone.php File 3.7 KB 0644
config.inc.php File 481 B 0644
edit.php File 5.03 KB 0644
edit.xml File 433 B 0644
extend.php File 9.64 KB 0644
fileindex.php File 196 B 0644
import.php File 3.35 KB 0644
info.xml File 3.88 KB 0644
install.js File 924 B 0644
install.php File 4.88 KB 0644
install.xml File 795 B 0644
md5 File 8.87 KB 0644
notes.txt File 524 B 0644
update_pass.php File 541 B 0644