{ "Disabled": [ false, "bool", null, "Setting to true disables the module" ], "AllowCapa": [ false, "bool", null, "If set to true, product features can be enabled\/disabled on user or tenant level" ], "AllowPostLogin": [ false, "bool", null, "If set to true, credentials can be submitted via POST request" ], "CsrfTokenProtection": [ true, "bool", null, "If set to true, CSRF protection is enabled" ], "CronTimeToRunSeconds": [ 10800, "int", null, "Defines intervals in seconds to run a routine of deleting temporary files" ], "CronTimeToKillSeconds": [ 10800, "int", null, "Defines minimal age in seconds of temporary files to be deleted" ], "CronTimeFile": [ ".clear.dat", "string", null, "Defines filename for storing last timestamp when routine of deleting temporary files was run" ], "UserSelectsDateFormat": [ false, "bool", null, "If set to true, users can select date format" ], "DateFormat": [ "DD\/MM\/YYYY", "spec", "Aurora\\System\\Enums\\DateFormat", "Defines default date format used" ], "DateFormatList": [ [ "DD\/MM\/YYYY", "MM\/DD\/YYYY", "DD Month YYYY" ], "array", null, "Defines default date format used" ], "LanguageList": [ [], "array", null, "Empty array means that every language from every module will be available. [\\\"English\\\", \\\"German\\\"] means that only English and German languages will be used in the system." ], "LanguageListComment": [ "", "string", null, "Empty array means that every language from every module will be available. [\\\"English\\\", \\\"German\\\"] means that only English and German languages will be used in the system." ], "Language": [ "[[language]]", "string", null, "Default interface language used" ], "AutodetectLanguage": [ true, "bool", null, "Setting to true enables language autodetection" ], "PostLoginErrorRedirectUrl": [ ".\/", "string", null, "If login credentials were supplied with POST method, this setting defines redirect URL used when authentication error occurs" ], "TimeFormat": [ "F24", "spec", "Aurora\\System\\Enums\\TimeFormat", "Denotes time format used by default" ], "SiteName": [ "[[site_name]]", "string", null, "Text used in browser title as a website name" ], "ProductName": [ "Afterlogic WebMail Lite PHP", "string", null, "Product name, displayed in About tab of adminpanel" ], "AuthTokenCookieExpireTime": [ 30, "int", null, "Expiration time for authentication cookie, in days" ], "EnableFailedLoginBlock": [ true, "bool", null, "Setting to true enables feature of blocking user after a number of failed login attempts" ], "LoginBlockAvailableTriesCount": [ 10, "int", null, "Number of failed login attempts which will result in blocking user" ], "LoginBlockDurationMinutes": [ 3, "int", null, "Number of minutes user will be blocked for upon multiple failed login attempts" ], "LoginBlockIpReputationThreshold ": [ 0, "int", null, "The setting determines the number of different users that need to be blocked from a specific IP address before that IP is considered to have a bad reputation and blocks any further login attempts from it." ], "AllowGroups": [ false, "bool", null, "Setting to true enables user groups which can be managed in adminpanel" ], "CookieSameSite": [ "Strict", "string", null, "Sets the SameSite value of system cookies such as AuthToken cookie. Possible values: None, Lax, or Strict" ] }
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