<?php /** * Configuration file. * This file is auto-generated. * * @package Config * * @copyright YetiForce S.A. * @license YetiForce Public License 7.0 (licenses/LicenseEN.txt or yetiforce.com) */ namespace Config; /** * Configuration file: Config\Db. */ class Db { /** Gets the database server */ public static $db_server = '[[softdbhost]]'; /** Gets the database port */ public static $db_port = '3306'; /** Gets the database user name */ public static $db_username = '[[softdbuser]]'; /** Gets the database password */ public static $db_password = '[[softdbpass]]'; /** Gets the database name */ public static $db_name = '[[softdb]]'; /** Gets the database type */ public static $db_type = 'mysql'; /** Gets the mongo database server */ public static $mongo_server = ''; /** Gets the mongo database port */ public static $mongo_port = ''; /** Gets the mongo database user name */ public static $mongo_username = ''; /** Gets the mongo database password */ public static $mongo_password = ''; /** Gets the mongo database name */ public static $mongo_name = ''; /** Gets the mongo database type */ public static $mongo_type = 'mongodb'; /** * Gets host name. */ public static function db_hostname() { return self::$db_server . ':' . self::$db_port; } /** * Basic database configuration. */ public static function base() { return [ 'dsn' => self::$db_type . ':host=' . self::$db_server . ';dbname=' . self::$db_name . ';port=' . self::$db_port, 'host' => self::$db_server, 'port' => self::$db_port, 'username' => self::$db_username, 'password' => self::$db_password, 'dbName' => self::$db_name, 'tablePrefix' => 'yf_', 'charset' => 'utf8', ]; } /** * Mongo database configuration. */ public static function mongo() { if (!self::$mongo_username) { return null; } return [ 'dsn' => sprintf('%s://%s:%s@%s:%d/%s', self::$mongo_type, urlencode(self::$mongo_username), urlencode(self::$mongo_password), self::$mongo_server, self::$mongo_port, self::$mongo_name), 'tablePrefix' => 'yf_', ]; } }
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