[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
<soft xmlns="http://www.softaculous.com">
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		<font size="5" color="#182e7a">YetiForce</font> is an open high-class CRM (Customer Relationship Management)
		system that helps to manage relations with customers, suppliers, partners and staff. It's an open, innovative and complex system that has become the key to efficient management within a company.<br /><br />
		YetiForce can be easily enriched with add-ons. You can also modify its code as needed and keep it to yourself - no need to show it to anyone. It was created so you could achieve the impossible with your business<br /><br />
		YetiForce is available under the <a href="https://github.com/YetiForceCompany/YetiForceCRM/blob/developer/LICENSE" target="_blank">YetiForce Non-commercial License v6.5</a>.
			<li>Highest code quality in compliance with global standards</li>
			<li>Operational at full performance with over 20000 users</li>
			<li>Over 70 user modules and configuration panels</li>
			<li>Intuitive navigation with responsive menu</li>
			<li>Customer, sales, lead, logistic and inventory management</li>
			<li>Calendar, Contacts, currency exchange rates</li>			
			<li>Built-in notification by email and/or SMS</li>			
			<li>Analytics with sales forecasting</li>
			<li>Cloud based hosting</li>
			<li>Time Control</li>
			<li>Integration with LDAP, DAV, PBXManager and Open Street Maps</li>
			<li>PBX and PBX Manager integration</li>
			<li>Advanced permissions</li>
			<li>Customizable dashboard</li>
			<li>Data coloring tools</li>
			<li>Advanced search engine</li>
			<li>Encrypting data</li>
			<li>Brutus force</li>
		<english-your_company>The name of your company</english-your_company>
		<english-exp_company>In case of private individuals please enter 'Private use'</english-exp_company>
		<english-vat_id>VAT ID</english-vat_id>
		<english-exp_vat_id>In case of private individuals please enter 'Private use'. Enter 'none' if your company does not have a VAT number</english-exp_vat_id>
		<english-select_dateformat>Date Format</english-select_dateformat>
		<english-post_code>Post code</english-post_code>
		<english-company_size>The number of employees of the company</english-company_size>
		<english-select_currency>Select Currency</english-select_currency>


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md5 File 1.83 KB 0644
notes.txt File 1.17 KB 0644
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